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First Australia Syrian refugees arrive


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It's not about good refugee's or racism. It's about the risk involved with that 1, 10 or 70 bad ones getting in and murdering innocents. If I was told I could have all the free eggs or beef I could eat but that some of them are deadly poisonous......I wouldnt bother.........

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It's not about good refugee's or racism. It's about the risk involved with that 1, 10 or 70 bad ones getting in and murdering innocents. If I was told I could have all the free eggs or beef I could eat but that some of them are deadly poisonous......I wouldnt bother.........

Yes, it's easy as that. But our countries are in control of left extremists.

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Bet your tune would change if you lost a family member or had one maimed by a bomb...........

Here we go, the Thai Visa's rocket scientists give it their best shot.

I mean, is that all you have? Can't think of anything smarter to say? Queue retard voice 'I bet your tune would change.....'

My family took in and employed Vietnamese and Khmer refugees, at a time when they were being villified in the same way these guys are. Can't trust those Vietnamese - they were shooting at us 3 years ago. Look - Asians! Coming to take over our way of life.

So I'll type this for you slowly Einstein, so you understand.

I've got a greater chance at dying falling off a ladder in Australia than I do from a bomb from one of these poor sods.

I mean, how did you get this far through life without repeatedly poking your eye out with a fork...?

Samran, why don,t you do the world a favour and jump off a ladder. If all you can do to get your jollies off is insult people who do not agree with you I seriously doubt your ability to lord it over other posters.

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Normally, I would agree that Western oriented countries should assist with refugees. However, in this case there is a chance that several may be plants for ISIS and there is no way to adequately screen them out. ISIS represents a philosophy as vile and dangerous as the Nazi regime. I would rather see the Syrians settled in neighboring Arab countries who adhere to the same religion and customs. Western countries can assist with the repatriation and the Arab countries surely can open their doors to their affected brethren. Why does the burden always have to fall on Australia, Europe or America? Take a look at the United States, the Uk and Europe in general. They have allowed many thousands of people from the Middle east into their countries. Time for the other Middle Eastern countries and Iran to open their doors.

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The refugee crisis is a perfect storm for the IS militants...infiltrate western societies and set up coordinated attacks in all these countries which have opened their homes to what they see as poor mistreated people...

This could end badly...it would be smarter to find a way to keep the would-be immigrants safe and protected in their own countries until the fighting is subdued...then they could help rebuild their own countries...

We...the West...have just opened our doors to let an unknown number of sick psychos into our towns...their mission is to destroy our way of life...

We should be so proud to be..,"politically correct"...led by limp wrist liberals bent on doing whatever it takes to make their point...

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Bet your tune would change if you lost a family member or had one maimed by a bomb...........

Here we go, the Thai Visa's rocket scientists give it their best shot.

I mean, is that all you have? Can't think of anything smarter to say? Queue retard voice 'I bet your tune would change.....'

My family took in and employed Vietnamese and Khmer refugees, at a time when they were being villified in the same way these guys are. Can't trust those Vietnamese - they were shooting at us 3 years ago. Look - Asians! Coming to take over our way of life.

So I'll type this for you slowly Einstein, so you understand.

I've got a greater chance at dying falling off a ladder in Australia than I do from a bomb from one of these poor sods.

I mean, how did you get this far through life without repeatedly poking your eye out with a fork...?

Samran, why don,t you do the world a favour and jump off a ladder. If all you can do to get your jollies off is insult people who do not agree with you I seriously doubt your ability to lord it over other posters.

Yeah, sorry about that. Forgot that I'm only allowed to spew venomous bile here when it's only directed at the rednecks pet peeve of the day.

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Bet your tune would change if you lost a family member or had one maimed by a bomb...........

Here we go, the Thai Visa's rocket scientists give it their best shot.

I mean, is that all you have? Can't think of anything smarter to say? Queue retard voice 'I bet your tune would change.....'

My family took in and employed Vietnamese and Khmer refugees, at a time when they were being villified in the same way these guys are. Can't trust those Vietnamese - they were shooting at us 3 years ago. Look - Asians! Coming to take over our way of life.

So I'll type this for you slowly Einstein, so you understand.

I've got a greater chance at dying falling off a ladder in Australia than I do from a bomb from one of these poor sods.

I mean, how did you get this far through life without repeatedly poking your eye out with a fork...?

Samran, why don,t you do the world a favour and jump off a ladder. If all you can do to get your jollies off is insult people who do not agree with you I seriously doubt your ability to lord it over other posters.

I think you have a fair amount of cheek yourself. You seem to think that a person advocating discrimination based on race is part of a fair and frank discussion and exchange of opinions. It is not. It is offensive and if you spew such BS, you deserve to get pulled up. Australia no longer belongs to the whites. It belongs to all of us and more Aussies believe in a 'fair go' for everyone, no matter what the colour of their skin or country of birth than the grumpy old racists and anti-PC nobodies. You may hold your discriminatory and hateful opinion, that is your right. Just don't be surprised when someone reacts when you have the poor taste to express it. Bet you wouldn't do it in real life.

Australian now belongs to those 12,000 Syrians along with the rest of us. I look forward to the contribution of their culture and the beneficial economic impact their future generations will have - including them paying taxes that go to pay the pensions of grumpy old sots in Thai beer bars. Proud to be Australian and stand with others to welcome these new Australians.

Edited by lostboy
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Bleeding heart liberals and political correctness is going to be the downfall of the prosperous nations of the world. The masses will not be raised up but instead the prosperous will be brought down. Look at the muslim slums outside Paris where the rioting took place years ago. Look at the Belgian muslim situation where raids are taking place and weapons being found. Only a fool believes that bringing these refugees to other countries is going to work. Sorry but if I brought everyone that is down trodden in this world to the USA, Canada, Australia, etc. how long could the nations survive? Everyone complains about the separation of the rich and poor. So the liberals can bring in more mouths to feed, more people to find jobs for, etc., all at the expense of the poor in their own countries. These liberals don't help the poor in their own countries but by God, let's be politically correct and let the poor refugees in. What a joke!

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Currently, according to the Australian government information, there approx.. 110 " Aussies " fighting

with ISIS in Syria and another 190 men known as active ISIS supporters and activists in Australia

championing the terrorist cause... so bring more 'refugees' in why don't you Australia?

what the worst that can happened? more ISIS sympathizers and supporters, more discontent

and resentment for the Australian society and all in the name of being liberal, bleeding hearts PC


You do realise that not all syrians are members of isis dont you? Thats why they are refugees, because of isis. They are not isis supporters.

Care to provide a link to show the regugees that australia have taken are not really refugees? Thought not.

Well maybe some of them are not refugees. For sure some are future trouble.

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It's not about good refugee's or racism. It's about the risk involved with that 1, 10 or 70 bad ones getting in and murdering innocents. If I was told I could have all the free eggs or beef I could eat but that some of them are deadly poisonous......I wouldnt bother.........

Apply the same logic to non Muslim migrants from whom rape, murder & so on occur on a regular basis. Using your reasoning all migration should immediately be banned, which would eventually turn Oz into an economic disaster zone.

Edited by simple1
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Bleeding heart liberals and political correctness is going to be the downfall of the prosperous nations of the world. The masses will not be raised up but instead the prosperous will be brought down. Look at the muslim slums outside Paris where the rioting took place years ago. Look at the Belgian muslim situation where raids are taking place and weapons being found. Only a fool believes that bringing these refugees to other countries is going to work. Sorry but if I brought everyone that is down trodden in this world to the USA, Canada, Australia, etc. how long could the nations survive? Everyone complains about the separation of the rich and poor. So the liberals can bring in more mouths to feed, more people to find jobs for, etc., all at the expense of the poor in their own countries. These liberals don't help the poor in their own countries but by God, let's be politically correct and let the poor refugees in. What a joke!

Sorry, but the inherent strength of places like australia, Canada and the U.S. is derived from people like this and other migrants. We aren't the old world.

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Bet your tune would change if you lost a family member or had one maimed by a bomb...........

Here we go, the Thai Visa's rocket scientists give it their best shot.

I mean, is that all you have? Can't think of anything smarter to say? Queue retard voice 'I bet your tune would change.....'

My family took in and employed Vietnamese and Khmer refugees, at a time when they were being villified in the same way these guys are. Can't trust those Vietnamese - they were shooting at us 3 years ago. Look - Asians! Coming to take over our way of life.

So I'll type this for you slowly Einstein, so you understand.

I've got a greater chance at dying falling off a ladder in Australia than I do from a bomb from one of these poor sods.

I mean, how did you get this far through life without repeatedly poking your eye out with a fork...?

Samran, why don,t you do the world a favour and jump off a ladder. If all you can do to get your jollies off is insult people who do not agree with you I seriously doubt your ability to lord it over other posters.

I think you have a fair amount of cheek yourself. You seem to think that a person advocating discrimination based on race is part of a fair and frank discussion and exchange of opinions. It is not. It is offensive and if you spew such BS, you deserve to get pulled up. Australia no longer belongs to the whites. It belongs to all of us and more Aussies believe in a 'fair go' for everyone, no matter what the colour of their skin or country of birth than the grumpy old racists and anti-PC nobodies. You may hold your discriminatory and hateful opinion, that is your right. Just don't be surprised when someone reacts when you have the poor taste to express it. Bet you wouldn't do it in real life.

Australian now belongs to those 12,000 Syrians along with the rest of us. I look forward to the contribution of their culture and the beneficial economic impact their future generations will have - including them paying taxes that go to pay the pensions of grumpy old sots in Thai beer bars. Proud to be Australian and stand with others to welcome these new Australians.

Well said.

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I think you have a fair amount of cheek yourself. You seem to think that a person advocating discrimination based on race is part of a fair and frank discussion and exchange of opinions. It is not. It is offensive and if you spew such BS, you deserve to get pulled up. Australia no longer belongs to the whites. It belongs to all of us and more Aussies believe in a 'fair go' for everyone, no matter what the colour of their skin or country of birth than the grumpy old racists and anti-PC nobodies. You may hold your discriminatory and hateful opinion, that is your right. Just don't be surprised when someone reacts when you have the poor taste to express it. Bet you wouldn't do it in real life.

Australian now belongs to those 12,000 Syrians along with the rest of us. I look forward to the contribution of their culture and the beneficial economic impact their future generations will have - including them paying taxes that go to pay the pensions of grumpy old sots in Thai beer bars. Proud to be Australian and stand with others to welcome these new Australians.

Well said.

Reductio ad absurdum. If you are unable to look it up, then ask a friend.

Leaving aside your putrid attempt to be humorous by denigrating Australian Aboriginal people, the way you demonise the Syrian refugees as a kind of uneducated, rural peasantry on the same level as many people of a similar mind as yours regard Gypsies in Europe and the UK, is reprehensible. Aleppo in Syria is one of the oldest, continuously inhabited cities in the world, being established more then 6,300 years ago. They had achieved civilised heights way before your ancestors stopped painting themselves blue.

Your statement that Aboriginal people are primitive, with no sense of parental responsibility is pretty disgusting. You assume no Aboriginal people Iive in urban areas in Australia? Whatever you think you know about Australian Aboriginal people, your crassness makes any observation you make redundant. There is a lot more to Aboriginal Australia than Arnhem Land. You may educate yourself on Aboriginal land Rights by visiting the Whitlam Institute https://www.whitlam.org/gough_whitlam/achievements/indigenous and become aware of some of the issues that reduce your trite, puerile comments to nothing.

Edited by seedy
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In other news an RT poll found 31% of Syrian ' refugees' support ISIS, 41% think the U.S or Jews carried out Paris attacks.

Do you have a link. I am on RT Website but ant find the article.


I believe Simple1 cited the poll I mentioned, but stripped out the conservative commentary. Here it is in full.


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In other news an RT poll found 31% of Syrian ' refugees' support ISIS, 41% think the U.S or Jews carried out Paris attacks.

Do you have a link. I am on RT Website but ant find the article.


I believe Simple1 cited the poll I mentioned, but stripped out the conservative commentary. Here it is in full.


Nope posted a link to the poll document. I did look up Ezra Levant who as you say is a 'conservative' and a hypocrite.

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I only wonder what the Australian taxpayers have to do as we keep taking in all these refugees and its years before they put anything back into the community as well.

Been through the process to bring family from overseas and the government gives you jack, but these refugees get everything under the sun and then they treat the Australian ppl as dirt under there feet. Try living in the suburbs where they want to put the refugees in Sydney!!!!

Im not sure but i think the 12000 to come are part of the agreed number of refugees oz takes per year. Not an extra 12000. Though as said, not certain.

Would you prefer to try and dodge isis and live in a refugee camp for a couple of years instead of the way you are trying to do it.

Empathy for those that are not so lucky in life can be a wonderful human trait.

Many of the 12,000 will be Arab Christian and other minorities suffering persecution.

Just take them then and NO Muslims, better safe than sorry

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It's not about good refugee's or racism. It's about the risk involved with that 1, 10 or 70 bad ones getting in and murdering innocents. If I was told I could have all the free eggs or beef I could eat but that some of them are deadly poisonous......I wouldnt bother.........

Yes, it's easy as that. But our countries are in control of left extremists.

Oz in control of left extremists1zgarz5.gif

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Many of the 12,000 will be Arab Christian and other minorities suffering persecution.

Just take them then and NO Muslims, better safe than sorry

You can equally apply the same logic to Westerners entering Thailand.

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