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Calls for calm as tensions rise over Turkish downing of Russian jet


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Calls for calm as tensions rise over Turkish downing of Russian jet


BRUSSELS: -- NATO, the UN and Washington expressed their support for Turkey after its military shot down a Russian jet claiming it had violated its airspace.

But there’s also been a chorus of warnings to both Ankara and Moscow to keep calm.

Russia says the jet was nearly a kilometre inside Syria. President Putin called the incident ‘a stab in the back’ and has talked of serious consequences.

There are conflicting reports about the fate of the two pilots, one is believed to have been killed. What is certain is that a Russian marine sent to rescue the crew died when his helicopter came under fire from rebels in northern Syria.

NATO sticks together

It’s the the first time a NATO member state has shot down a Russian warplane since the Korean war in the 1950s.

“We stand in solidarity with Turkey and support the territorial integrity of our NATO Ally, Turkey. I look forward to further contacts between Ankara and Moscow and I call for calm and de-escalation,” said NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg.

In Ankara, the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, summoned his top generals to an emergency national security meeting to decide Turkey’s next step. The Turkish government said the Russian plane had been warned 10 times to turn back as it approached the border, but had still flown into Turkish airspace for a few seconds. Ankara stressed the incident had followed a string of Russian incursions in recent weeks.


On Tuesday evening dozens of demonstrators gathered outside the Russian Consulate in Istanbul to protest against Moscow’s operations in Turkmen regions of Syria where the jet came down. They claimed solidarity with the ethnic group who have been fighting against the Assad regime.

“Turkmen militiamen“http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/turkmen-the-ethnic-group-who-killed-two-russian-pilots-in-syria-a6747251.html in Syria claimed to have shot the pilots as they descended on parachutes from the stricken Su-24 bomber. The Turkmen rebels, who are supported by Ankara, claim to have been the target of Russian bombing on previous occasions.

In Moscow there were equally vocal protests outside the Turkish embassy in Moscow, with people carrying signs saying “Turkey are you in favour of or against ISIL? and “‘we will not forgive’.

The UN has called for an inquiry into the downing of the jet.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-25

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As facts begin to filter through Turkey looks more and more culpable. Putin has already hinted at Turkish complicity in aiding Isis, a fact supported by Edogan's own son being involved in oil sales from Isis. To embroil NATO would deflect from the need for a united front to destroy Isis. At the same time as asking Turkey to quit abetting Islamists it would only be right and proper for Russia to drop support for Shiite terrorists too.


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Violating sovereign air space is a big mistake as usual Russia thinks it's above the law and can do as it pleases this time they got a shock a wake up call so to speak I'll bet it doesn't happen again anytime soon. Retaliation from Russia no chance they know they were wrong a few heated words and will be forgoton. Now stop scoring points both countries and get back to killing ISIS scum.

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Violating sovereign air space is a big mistake as usual Russia thinks it's above the law and can do as it pleases this time they got a shock a wake up call so to speak I'll bet it doesn't happen again anytime soon. Retaliation from Russia no chance they know they were wrong a few heated words and will be forgoton. Now stop scoring points both countries and get back to killing ISIS scum.

You do realise don;t you that all those American and coalition planes over Syria are flouting international law don't you? Some people think application of the law only applies to the side they are against and not to the side they support....you wouldn't be one of those would you?

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Violating sovereign air space is a big mistake as usual Russia thinks it's above the law and can do as it pleases this time they got a shock a wake up call so to speak I'll bet it doesn't happen again anytime soon. Retaliation from Russia no chance they know they were wrong a few heated words and will be forgoton. Now stop scoring points both countries and get back to killing ISIS scum.

You do realise don;t you that all those American and coalition planes over Syria are flouting international law don't you? Some people think application of the law only applies to the side they are against and not to the side they support....you wouldn't be one of those would you?

No they are not there is in place a UN mandate/resalution in force for use of force on ISIS in Syria which allows coalition forces/air land or sea to use Syrian land or air space Edited by Sutty
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Violating sovereign air space is a big mistake as usual Russia thinks it's above the law and can do as it pleases this time they got a shock a wake up call so to speak I'll bet it doesn't happen again anytime soon. Retaliation from Russia no chance they know they were wrong a few heated words and will be forgoton. Now stop scoring points both countries and get back to killing ISIS scum.

You do realise don;t you that all those American and coalition planes over Syria are flouting international law don't you? Some people think application of the law only applies to the side they are against and not to the side they support....you wouldn't be one of those would you?

No they are not there is in place a UN mandate/resalution in force for use of force on ISIS in Syria which allows coalition forces/air land or sea to use Syrian land or air space

The US has been bombing in Syria for over one year in violation of international law. If the recent UNSC vote to act against IS covers the use of force then it is not retroactive. It is inescapable that some folk bring in the law when it suits them and ignore it when it doesn't.

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Let's face it - the turks are supporting any kind of islamic terrorism, because they aren't any better than the Saudis or any other financier of islam extremists. Turkey should not be in or have any say in Nato and/or Europe, full stop. Hope they will get what they deserve. Putin rulez!

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Violating sovereign air space is a big mistake as usual Russia thinks it's above the law and can do as it pleases this time they got a shock a wake up call so to speak I'll bet it doesn't happen again anytime soon. Retaliation from Russia no chance they know they were wrong a few heated words and will be forgoton. Now stop scoring points both countries and get back to killing ISIS scum.

You do realise don;t you that all those American and coalition planes over Syria are flouting international law don't you? Some people think application of the law only applies to the side they are against and not to the side they support....you wouldn't be one of those would you?

It's a war zone. Getting shot down goes with the territory. Do you think the Syrians wouldn't shoot a coalition plane down in a New York minute?

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The US has been bombing in Syria for over one year in violation of international law. If the recent UNSC vote to act against IS covers the use of force then it is not retroactive. It is inescapable that some folk bring in the law when it suits them and ignore it when it doesn't.


I love it when you guys bring up "international law" as if sovereign countries could be subject to it. Only people in Europe give up their sovereignty to multi-nation groups and it doesn't work out well for them at all.

The US has never signed any of the Geneva Conventions and it never will. It doesn't give up its sovereignty to groups.

Now, who do you appoint (other than yourself, I assume) to enforce this "international law" against The United States of America?

You must really be brainwashed if you think that international law + The United States of America has any kind of meaning.


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Violating sovereign air space is a big mistake as usual Russia thinks it's above the law and can do as it pleases this time they got a shock a wake up call so to speak I'll bet it doesn't happen again anytime soon. Retaliation from Russia no chance they know they were wrong a few heated words and will be forgoton. Now stop scoring points both countries and get back to killing ISIS scum.

You do realise don;t you that all those American and coalition planes over Syria are flouting international law don't you? Some people think application of the law only applies to the side they are against and not to the side they support....you wouldn't be one of those would you?

No, they absolutely are not. Total rubbish. But no telling how Crazy Vlad is going to react to getting spanked like this. Have been saying how dangerous this maniac is for years, and it's at times like this when the psychotic comes out.

Putin & Assad. What a pair.

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