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Thai police allege radical Redshirt cell behind foiled terror, assassination plot


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You've either got a democracy or you haven't, the people voted them in, they should have been allowed to vote them out, the country wasn't exactly on the brink of civil war was it.

two things for you to consider

1 - they weren't in government at the time - elections had been called

2. it's debateable what direction the country was heading - but it certainly wasn't all lovey dovey lets all have a big love-in.

Absolutely right, elections had been called. In accordance with the constitution, with Royal assent wasn't it?

The military stood by and allowed a bunch of paid thugs, representing, if they represented anything a minority political grouping, to prevent the elections being held.

To no one's surprise that increased political tension within the country, so the military staged a coup.

As the poster said, they were voted in, the electorate were denied the right to decide whether or not they should go. Eighteen months on they are still being denied that right, and there is no real prospect of it being restored.

Certainly something to be considered.

And what did the police do to enforce law and order?

The same as they did in 2010 - nothing at all. Simply made themselves "disappear".

The police have openly supported the Thaksin / Red Shirt side whilst the military led by the army support the established "HiSo" lot.

Whether elected, through a coup or whatever means, any incumbent government simply lines their own pockets, ignores laws when it suits them and have complete disregard for the electorate.

Had the election been held, and PTP, with whatever margin, secured victory, they would have pushed through Thaksin's whitewash, pushed through the 2.2 trillion loan removing any parliamentary oversight on how it was spent, and carried on lying, breaking and ignoring laws, whenever it suited them.

That would also have increased political tensions.

Once in power, a junta, an elected party or one run and controlled by a fugitive megalomaniac and his family don't want to loose that grip and all the benefits and trappings they enjoy.

Nothing will change here until more and more of the electorate realize they can make things change and don't have to live under the corrupt exploitative rule of one hiso elite gang or another, including the billionaire Shins; and the emergence of people who want to genuinely serve not lie, cheat and exploit all for themselves.

Certainly something to be considered - because simply holding an election won't change anything other than give power to one gang rather than the other.

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Just reading on the BP that one of those who had an arrest warrant served in connection with this uncannily timed 'plot' has been jail since last year......oops

I read that too. Not sure where to start:

Hysterically Funny





A few of the words that spring into my mind. As for what it tells us; well I think it validates my earlier post that the real truth is 'out there somewhere' but this being Thailand, trust non-one

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yesterday it was 3 arrested http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/873756-three-held-for-plotting-attacks-during-bike-for-dad

today one, Pissanu Phromsorn, is already missing.

at this pace there won't be a court, too many are murdered a military prison lately

i must be watching the wrong news channels and reading the wrong newspapers so please enlighten me as to how many murdered is too many, their names and when these dastardly deeds occurred? Or are you just shooting from the hip?

Normal for this guy- all mouth and no substance....

there is not question how many is too many. one is more than enough.

Famous Astrologer 'Mor Yong' Dies in Custody http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1447050006

Policeman Charged With Lese Majeste Dies After Hanging in Cell

<<<< Link to PhuketWan removed as per forum rules >>>>

both were cremated within hours after death, no authopsy.

Thai Corrections Dept told to tighten up medical checks of detainees


Special wardens chosen to ensure lese majeste suspects' well-being


yep, .... it seems that some folks don't actually read the news ...

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You've either got a democracy or you haven't, the people voted them in, they should have been allowed to vote them out, the country wasn't exactly on the brink of civil war was it.

two things for you to consider

1 - they weren't in government at the time - elections had been called

2. it's debateable what direction the country was heading - but it certainly wasn't all lovey dovey lets all have a big love-in.

Absolutely right, elections had been called. In accordance with the constitution, with Royal assent wasn't it?

The military stood by and allowed a bunch of paid thugs, representing, if they represented anything a minority political grouping, to prevent the elections being held.

To no one's surprise that increased political tension within the country, so the military staged a coup.

As the poster said, they were voted in, the electorate were denied the right to decide whether or not they should go. Eighteen months on they are still being denied that right, and there is no real prospect of it being restored.

Certainly something to be considered.

And what did the police do to enforce law and order?

The same as they did in 2010 - nothing at all. Simply made themselves "disappear".

The police have openly supported the Thaksin / Red Shirt side whilst the military led by the army support the established "HiSo" lot.

Whether elected, through a coup or whatever means, any incumbent government simply lines their own pockets, ignores laws when it suits them and have complete disregard for the electorate.

Had the election been held, and PTP, with whatever margin, secured victory, they would have pushed through Thaksin's whitewash, pushed through the 2.2 trillion loan removing any parliamentary oversight on how it was spent, and carried on lying, breaking and ignoring laws, whenever it suited them.

That would also have increased political tensions.

Once in power, a junta, an elected party or one run and controlled by a fugitive megalomaniac and his family don't want to loose that grip and all the benefits and trappings they enjoy.

Nothing will change here until more and more of the electorate realize they can make things change and don't have to live under the corrupt exploitative rule of one hiso elite gang or another, including the billionaire Shins; and the emergence of people who want to genuinely serve not lie, cheat and exploit all for themselves.

Certainly something to be considered - because simply holding an election won't change anything other than give power to one gang rather than the other.

The police have openly supported the Thaksin / Red Shirt side whilst the military led by the army support the established "HiSo" lot.

That is an interesting, if not completely inaccurate and uninformed statement. There were factions of the military quite ready to support Thaksin at the time of the 2006 coup.

Whether elected, through a coup or whatever means, any incumbent government simply lines their own pockets, ignores laws when it suits them and have complete disregard for the electorate.

While Thailand is completely soaked in corruption, to claim that politicians have complete disregard for the people/electorate is likewise a completely inaccurate (but not uncommon around here) statement. It is yet another line of anti-democratic propaganda which is designed to support juntas and undermine electoral politics. It is, on the other hand, a rather accurate way to describe the attitude of military juntas - certainly this one...

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yesterday it was 3 arrested http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/873756-three-held-for-plotting-attacks-during-bike-for-dad

today one, Pissanu Phromsorn, is already missing.

at this pace there won't be a court, too many are murdered a military prison lately

i must be watching the wrong news channels and reading the wrong newspapers so please enlighten me as to how many murdered is too many, their names and when these dastardly deeds occurred? Or are you just shooting from the hip?

Normal for this guy- all mouth and no substance....

there is not question how many is too many. one is more than enough.

Famous Astrologer 'Mor Yong' Dies in Custody http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1447050006

Policeman Charged With Lese Majeste Dies After Hanging in Cell
<<<< Link to PhuketWan removed as per forum rules >>>>

both were cremated within hours after death, no authopsy.

Thai Corrections Dept told to tighten up medical checks of detainees

Special wardens chosen to ensure lese majeste suspects' well-being

yep, .... it seems that some folks don't actually read the news ...

Many take notice of current events and reading the news certainly doesn't keep you informed of what is what and, taking a couple of instances and extrapolating it out at all proportions and claiming it is fact is nonsense.
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Whether elected, through a coup or whatever means, any incumbent government simply lines their own pockets, ignores laws when it suits them and have complete disregard for the electorate.

While Thailand is completely soaked in corruption, to claim that politicians have complete disregard for the people/electorate is likewise a completely inaccurate (but not uncommon around here) statement. It is yet another line of anti-democratic propaganda which is designed to support juntas and undermine electoral politics. It is, on the other hand, a rather accurate way to describe the attitude of military juntas - certainly this one...

LMAO. You mean like the amnesty bill which was to benefit all the red-shirt foot soldiers who were just naive, gullible pawns in Thaksins Game of Thrones ?.

That's right : I mean the ones he threw under a bus when he changed the amnesty bill at the eleventh hour purely for his own benefit.

And you must mean when deputy PM Chalerm said "We don't have to worry about minorities. If they don't like it, they can vote us out next time".

And you must mean the ubiquitous rice scheme where money meant for poor farmers who really needed it got shamelessly stolen by politicians and their rich cohort businessmen ?. How many suicides because the money ran out ?.

Or that Pheu-Thai politician who used his permission to take a share of the cake and put substandard football pitches in all those schools. He took the money and they have some useless rubber mess ?.

I suppose your definition of 'caring for the electorate' means taking taxpayers money and giving it to their own supporters. That is your red-shirt definition of democracy. It worked great until the money ran out and then they tried to saddle those same taxpayers with huge off-budget loans for decades to come. Loans with no specific spending plan or proper control which would certainly have been gradually siphoned away into more schemes like the rice disgrace.

Don't worry about it though. If you had the stuff between your ears to see the world for what it is, you wouldn't be here posting vague and baseless anti-Junta red-shirt rhetoric. The future belongs to those Thais with more about them.

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Whether elected, through a coup or whatever means, any incumbent government simply lines their own pockets, ignores laws when it suits them and have complete disregard for the electorate.

While Thailand is completely soaked in corruption, to claim that politicians have complete disregard for the people/electorate is likewise a completely inaccurate (but not uncommon around here) statement. It is yet another line of anti-democratic propaganda which is designed to support juntas and undermine electoral politics. It is, on the other hand, a rather accurate way to describe the attitude of military juntas - certainly this one...

LMAO. You mean like the amnesty bill which was to benefit all the red-shirt foot soldiers who were just naive, gullible pawns in Thaksins Game of Thrones ?.

That's right : I mean the ones he threw under a bus when he changed the amnesty bill at the eleventh hour purely for his own benefit.

And you must mean when deputy PM Chalerm said "We don't have to worry about minorities. If they don't like it, they can vote us out next time".

And you must mean the ubiquitous rice scheme where money meant for poor farmers who really needed it got shamelessly stolen by politicians and their rich cohort businessmen ?. How many suicides because the money ran out ?.

Or that Pheu-Thai politician who used his permission to take a share of the cake and put substandard football pitches in all those schools. He took the money and they have some useless rubber mess ?.

I suppose your definition of 'caring for the electorate' means taking taxpayers money and giving it to their own supporters. That is your red-shirt definition of democracy. It worked great until the money ran out and then they tried to saddle those same taxpayers with huge off-budget loans for decades to come. Loans with no specific spending plan or proper control which would certainly have been gradually siphoned away into more schemes like the rice disgrace.

Don't worry about it though. If you had the stuff between your ears to see the world for what it is, you wouldn't be here posting vague and baseless anti-Junta red-shirt rhetoric. The future belongs to those Thais with more about them.

You are quite the curiosity to me,

I'm yet to decide if you are just stupid or a shill.

Few people here, there are some, agree that the Shin's were's whiter than white, but you seem to think that anyone who in any way disagrees with your vision is associated with 'Red Terrorists'

I'm not sure if you even live in Thailand or if you do, for how long. If you do you should 'if you had stuff between your ears' to quote you, would have realized many years ago that the Shin's are but a scion of the elite that you seem to somehow seem to revere. Corrupt, of course they are, but they learnt their playbook from decades of elites before them.

You talk a lot about your good education, maybe you should read some more (yes I know you suggest I only read the books with pictures), but if you did expand your view maybe you could escape this 'one trick pony show' which you pursue so relentlessly.

My advice, chill a little, maybe actually participate in some of the other forums here, you might find that whatever anger is eating you up might be a little less toxic

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there is not question how many is too many. one is more than enough.

Famous Astrologer 'Mor Yong' Dies in Custody http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1447050006

Policeman Charged With Lese Majeste Dies After Hanging in Cell

<<<< Link to PhuketWan removed as per forum rules >>>>

both were cremated within hours after death, no authopsy.

Thai Corrections Dept told to tighten up medical checks of detainees


Special wardens chosen to ensure lese majeste suspects' well-being


yep, .... it seems that some folks don't actually read the news ...

Many take notice of current events and reading the news certainly doesn't keep you informed of what is what and, taking a couple of instances and extrapolating it out at all proportions and claiming it is fact is nonsense.

yeah, not really.

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Whether elected, through a coup or whatever means, any incumbent government simply lines their own pockets, ignores laws when it suits them and have complete disregard for the electorate.

While Thailand is completely soaked in corruption, to claim that politicians have complete disregard for the people/electorate is likewise a completely inaccurate (but not uncommon around here) statement. It is yet another line of anti-democratic propaganda which is designed to support juntas and undermine electoral politics. It is, on the other hand, a rather accurate way to describe the attitude of military juntas - certainly this one...

LMAO. You mean like the amnesty bill which was to benefit all the red-shirt foot soldiers who were just naive, gullible pawns in Thaksins Game of Thrones ?.

That's right : I mean the ones he threw under a bus when he changed the amnesty bill at the eleventh hour purely for his own benefit.

And you must mean when deputy PM Chalerm said "We don't have to worry about minorities. If they don't like it, they can vote us out next time".

And you must mean the ubiquitous rice scheme where money meant for poor farmers who really needed it got shamelessly stolen by politicians and their rich cohort businessmen ?. How many suicides because the money ran out ?.

Or that Pheu-Thai politician who used his permission to take a share of the cake and put substandard football pitches in all those schools. He took the money and they have some useless rubber mess ?.

I suppose your definition of 'caring for the electorate' means taking taxpayers money and giving it to their own supporters. That is your red-shirt definition of democracy. It worked great until the money ran out and then they tried to saddle those same taxpayers with huge off-budget loans for decades to come. Loans with no specific spending plan or proper control which would certainly have been gradually siphoned away into more schemes like the rice disgrace.

Don't worry about it though. If you had the stuff between your ears to see the world for what it is, you wouldn't be here posting vague and baseless anti-Junta red-shirt rhetoric. The future belongs to those Thais with more about them.

You are quite the curiosity to me,

I'm yet to decide if you are just stupid or a shill.

Few people here, there are some, agree that the Shin's were's whiter than white, but you seem to think that anyone who in any way disagrees with your vision is associated with 'Red Terrorists'

I'm not sure if you even live in Thailand or if you do, for how long. If you do you should 'if you had stuff between your ears' to quote you, would have realized many years ago that the Shin's are but a scion of the elite that you seem to somehow seem to revere. Corrupt, of course they are, but they learnt their playbook from decades of elites before them.

You talk a lot about your good education, maybe you should read some more (yes I know you suggest I only read the books with pictures), but if you did expand your view maybe you could escape this 'one trick pony show' which you pursue so relentlessly.

My advice, chill a little, maybe actually participate in some of the other forums here, you might find that whatever anger is eating you up might be a little less toxic

I'm yet to decide if you are just stupid or a shill.

good question... laugh.png

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So far no one even the great Prawit has provide the motive for the plot. What's there to gain from the assassination but more heavy hand military reaction and possibly a continuing military government. There are lots of things happening at this current times and all are not privy nor allow to be discussed. Forget Thaksin; he got less to gain.

I have forgotten Takky,but his frustration must be high and his money is not working,so anything is possible.He will crack one day.

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