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Thais protest over move to let foreigners practice law


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Thais protest over move to let foreigners practice law


BANGKOK: -- THAI LAWYERS were getting ready yesterday to launch a rally in Bangkok today to voice their objection to an amendment to the Thailand Lawyers Act 1985, which would reportedly allow foreigners to practice law in the Kingdom.

Sarancha Sricholwattana, former secretary-general of the Lawyers Council of Thailand, said yesterday that the amendment would allow foreigners to take over this profession, which should be reserved for Thais. Hence, he said, the proposal should be held back pending a public hearing among lawyers across the country first.

In a statement on its website, the Lawyers Council explained that the amendment was actually meant to cover the position of legal adviser, which is currently held by 10 foreigners who are also members of the Thai Bar. It was also to ensure that foreigners who work in Thailand as legal advisers come under the supervision of the Lawyers Council, read the statement signed on November 25 by the council's legal research and development institute.

The statement added that the council would not support the liberalisation of the sector and also said that it has created dozens of legal adviser study programmes to back its proposal for the position to also be put under the Thailand Lawyers Act.

The council said all Thai lawyers would be given a chance to scrutinise the full draft of the legislation before it is proposed to the Cabinet.

Sarancha, who is based in Chon Buri province, said the council had submitted the amendment proposal to the Justice Ministry on March 5 without informing lawyers practising in the country, which is why many were protesting against it.

Sarancha said he too was against the proposal as it might affect Thai lawyers' profession, especially if foreigners are allowed to practice law in the country. "Over 70,000 lawyers in Thailand barely have enough work to do. This profession should be reserved for Thais - just like other occupations like hairdressing that is reserved for locals," he said.

He also said that as a courtesy, the council should seek local lawyers' opinions first, adding that the proposal should be withdrawn and a public hearing held to see if local lawyers are willing to accept it.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Thais-protest-over-move-to-let-foreigners-practice-30274133.html

-- The Nation 2015-12-02

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Over 70,000 lawyers in the country and they barely have enough work for them all, maybe some of them should retrain as hairdressers perhaps.

The problem is of course that so many of them are simply greedy and incompetent, a bad combination for a lawyer which is why so few people use them and why there's not enough work.

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"Sarancha Sricholwattana, former secretary-general of the Lawyers Council of Thailand, said yesterday that the amendment would allow foreigners to take over this profession, which should be reserved for Thais. "

If he's that worried and hysterical about his ability to cope with competition, then I think I'd prefer a foreign lawyer.

Hardly a confidence inspiring reaction.

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Frankly, I have lost count of the number of Thai corrupt, incompetent and deceitful lawyers I know, who have sold out to the opposing party and totally gone against their client.

There are a few foreigners who have passed a law degree in Thai in a Thai university. I consider them a breath of fresh air.

Xenophobia is everywhere, especially in the Thai legal system

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Thai lawyers are up in arm over the proposal to let foreign lawyers practice law in Thailand and therefore

muscle in on their caper of lucrative practices of fleecing foreigners of exuberant fees for not much

in return,

Lawyers in Thailand are in general a dishonest and distrusting lot, whereby once you have their fees

up front, you're at their mercy and whims to handle your case, and in most cases, they mange to fluck

it up while not caring for the out come except for what's in it for them.....

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Frankly, I have lost count of the number of Thai corrupt, incompetent and deceitful lawyers I know, who have sold out to the opposing party and totally gone against their client.

There are a few foreigners who have passed a law degree in Thai in a Thai university. I consider them a breath of fresh air.

Xenophobia is everywhere, especially in the Thai legal system

Xenophobia is everywhere, especially in the Thai legal system

Yes its everywhere, along with The Face thing.

Thai's dont need enemy's they shoot themselves in the foot ever day.coffee1.gif

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A "public hearing" among lawyers? Maybe they should just go to the appeals court for a favourable verdict (just like most other legal disputes in this country).

These guys want to be careful, now that the army call the shots (metaphorically), there may be no need for lawyers - just courts martial!

Maybe they should consider a job change - hairdressing seems pretty safe (from foreign interference).

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Over 70,000 lawyers in the country and they barely have enough work for them all, maybe some of them should retrain as hairdressers perhaps.

The problem is of course that so many of them are simply greedy and incompetent, a bad combination for a lawyer which is why so few people use them and why there's not enough work.


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my ex gf is a lawyer working for a law firm owned and run by foreigners. she is happy to work there simply because it is an ethical place to work; no corruption, straight forward, honest, professional things she says are sadly lacking in many thai run law firms.

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A "public hearing" among lawyers? Maybe they should just go to the appeals court for a favourable verdict (just like most other legal disputes in this country).

These guys want to be careful, now that the army call the shots (metaphorically), there may be no need for lawyers - just courts martial!

Maybe they should consider a job change - hairdressing seems pretty safe (from foreign interference).

No worries. It will all be settled in no less than 21 years, and 3 or 4 more coup's later.

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Can any one show me an honest trustworthy Thai lawyer????

Just a bunch of corrupt cheating b..terds, who will betray clients if more money is offered elsewhere.

It's not a Thai thing. Lawyers are overpaid s--m everywhere. Just hope you will never need them.

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Can any one show me an honest trustworthy Thai lawyer????

Just a bunch of corrupt cheating b..terds, who will betray clients if more money is offered elsewhere.

That can be said about lawyers all over the world. Money, power, influence, and advancements are all lawyers see. In Thailand it is just a little more obvious.
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Can any one show me an honest trustworthy Thai lawyer????

Just a bunch of corrupt cheating b..terds, who will betray clients if more money is offered elsewhere.

That can be said about lawyers all over the world. Money, power, influence, and advancements are all lawyers see. In Thailand it is just a little more obvious.

"A little more obviou"That must be the understatement of the year.

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