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please explain memory capabilities on my apple mac book pro


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Im currently adding music from an external hard drive to my itunes 'my music' folder on my MBPro. The size of the file that Im currently copying is 119gb.

I just checked on the 'About this mac' icon and the information under the 'overview' section below the El captain heading is:

Memory 16bg

Processor 2.5gh

I then clicked on the storage tab and it says:

Flash storage 500gb and theres a bar chart with Audio 86gb

It says Ive got 362gb free of 499gb

If I have another 30gb of music to copy to itunes after the current one is finished then Im still going to have heaps of space left. Is this correct?

What does the 16gb refer to above? I cant remember the difference between the above ie what they mean


Edited by bbabythai
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16GB is your RAM. Nothing to do with data storage.

You have a 500GB storage drive of which you have used 138GB and there is 362GB free. Simple


The RAM (random access memory) is a kind of temporary location that applications get loaded into for fast access for the CPU. You could think of RAM as a desk in an office, the bigger the desk, the more files/apps you can have open for your instant viewing. Think of the drawers in your desk as hard drive space where files/apps are stored. When you wish to view a file you can get it from the drawer(hard drive) and place it on your desk space(RAM) for fast viewing. Obviously too many files/apps open at one time will will clutter up your desk space and slow down how quickly you can view them.

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If you think of RAM as your brain, it remembers exactly what and where the music is, but in order to play it, it has to go to the storage cupboard and open your record collection. The storage cupboard, only has a certain amount of space to keep the collection. The bigger the storage, the more you store.

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If you think of RAM as your brain, it remembers exactly what and where the music is, but in order to play it, it has to go to the storage cupboard and open your record collection. The storage cupboard, only has a certain amount of space to keep the collection. The bigger the storage, the more you store.

yea kinda sitting all day on the bar stool seat belt equipped , your brain is the ram asking for more beer from the bartender . your fat arse and rounded beer belly is the 500 gig storage and wee willie is the delete ........ ehhh..... now do you understand ?

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If you dont know these simple specifications for a Macbook you shouldn't really be owning one.

What did you think they were when you bought the Macbook?

Why did you buy such a high spec Mac when you have no clue what the specs mean?

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If you dont know these simple specifications for a Macbook you shouldn't really be owning one.

What did you think they were when you bought the Macbook?

Why did you buy such a high spec Mac when you have no clue what the specs mean?

Really? Is that the best advice you can give? Give the guy a break...

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If you dont know these simple specifications for a Macbook you shouldn't really be owning one.

What did you think they were when you bought the Macbook?

Why did you buy such a high spec Mac when you have no clue what the specs mean?

shouldn't do this, shouldnt do that.. blah blah.... old guy from the nanny state. go back to your bar stool and have another JD and coke old boy

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If you dont know these simple specifications for a Macbook you shouldn't really be owning one.

What did you think they were when you bought the Macbook?

Why did you buy such a high spec Mac when you have no clue what the specs mean?

What an unpleasant post. Anyone can own a computer, you don't need to pass an exam first.

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