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12 bombs found at house of San Bernardino suspects, motive still unclear


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Motive is very clear,no question about it!It is like the Sun on noon on clear sky. Who is kidding who? I did not know she was native Pakistani,but US authorities knew very well,they gave her fiance' visa?May be Americans should ask Colombo for help?or bring Sherlock Holmes for consulting?

So here we are 12 pipe bombs supposedly found and ammo and the media allowed in to the house!! Crammed shoulder to shoulder in every room, with documents, shredded documents, passports etc lying everywhere. Rooms where any other amounts of explosives could still have been hidden and we get 40-50 media in there totally allowed to destroy a crucial and vital terrorist crime scene. Complete BS! Video 2 is interesting!! Do these rooms look like they have been taken apart by forensic experts/FBI/Bomb Disposal??

They let media crews in the house to take pictures of ID's of the "killers" that were conveniently left behind along with a hand written list of what they seized from the scene!! What's wrong with that then facepalm.gif

Wake up America!! Wake up World!! Thank you CNN ! If any of the usual crew can explain why what is shown above in the video's is OK and normal I am intrigued to hear it.

The FBI turned the property over to the land owner after they were done. Then the land owner let the media in. Whats the issue ?

Well every law enforcement expert on CNN thinks there is a big issue. Passports and ID's lay on the bed. Inventories of equipment and items found in the investigation lay on a table. There were bombs on the property. No finger prints appear to have been taken. For a tenth of the crime houses are locked up for months. Any co-conspirators who may have visited the property delivering supplies for the pipe bombs can now never face trial as 50 blood hound media invaded the crime scene leaving DNA everywhere and destroying evidence.

Documents/shredded documents that may have held vital evidence, all left lying around? Any mention in a press conference from the FBI/Police that the investigation was now over? Give us a break and don't insult intelligence. You are showing how people believe anything they read or see on the media without any form of questioning. Don't you find it all a bit odd that a terror 'cells' entire effects are given over to the media after a few days, when pipe bombs were found in the property 48 hours ago? Even the journo's themselves said they cannot believe what happened, they have never seen the likes of this in all their careers.

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They all come from the same "book".

Are they not all equally grotesque ??

That is simpleminded. Christianity and Judaism have evolved to the point that almost no one takes "the book" literally. They have become civilized. Only radical Islam still does and its numbers are huge. The USA and Israel are not responsible for belief in the hateful words in the Koran. The followers of Mohammad are.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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This slays yet another myth about Jihad, namely that is comes from poverty, discrimination and lack of prospects. There is a blind spot in some liberal thinking that assumes given the same environment people from different cultures and religions will behave in similar manners.

Radical Islam is like the ultimate sleeper cell, years of behaving according to the mores and customs of a society, then one day bang, carnage ensues.

Oh, so simple...

Radical Islam, Radical Judaism, Radical Christianity ( you know, them who don't believe in evolution )

They all come from the same "book".

Are they not all equally grotesque ??

How about if we stop bombing the xxxx out of countries solely because we don't like their leaders and how about some sort of justice for Palestine ?

The policies of Israel and the USA have a lot to answer for.

Western policies for the last 50 years have created the poverty and hatred.

Don't any of you right wingers on here see any sort of cause and effect ??

We made the mess, now we suffer the consequences.

WMD anyone ??

Around 50% of muslim extremists are middle class. Including the guy in this very thread who made 70k a year and lived in California.

If your theory held any water then why hasn't the native populations of the Americas launched terror attacks against the occupiers ? We stole all of their land yet they don't terrorize us. Britain occupied untold numbers of societies all over the planet yet they don't terrorize Britain. So your theory is completely and totally false.

and as far as other "radical" groups you mentioned..

More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined. (source)

Islamic terrorists murder more people everyday than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 70 years. (source, source)

More civilians were killed by Muslim hijackers in two hours on September 11th than in the 26 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland. (source)

Muslim fundamentalists kill more people everyday than were killed during the entire Salem Witch Trials. (source)

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I'm also puzzled about this young man's motive as he was so religious and a devout Muslim. Surely traveling to the Middle East and to Pakistan multiple times plus viewing ISIS propaganda online had nothing to do with it.

... and it wasn't reported that he or his wife shouted Allahu Akbar.

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I'm also puzzled about this young man's motive as he was so religious and a devout Muslim. Surely traveling to the Middle East and to Pakistan multiple times plus viewing ISIS propaganda online had nothing to do with it.

... and it wasn't reported that he or his wife shouted Allahu Akbar.

It wasn't reported? Or it was?

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