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Why The War? When Did It Start?


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This war isn't happening in Asia.

IMO the Feminism movement got out of control and convinced women in the west not only to go for equal rights but also to "take the bastards for everything".

This mentality has spilled over to subsequent generations. Now, you have a generation of women who don't really like men but don't really know why.

It's more fun when your loving, not fighting.

This is only my opinion. I'd be interested in why western women think the war is raging.

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dgoz, I don't see a war amongst the young people we get in our place.

I think you see alot of older guys who haven't made the shift yet that they are no longer the dominant and domineering force. Most of the younger people I have met (men and women) don't see a war, and don't seem to have as many difficulties adapting to the 21st century. The western world has changed and I think that it takes a mature mind and ego to come to grips with the fact that the change is irrevocable.

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I agree with SBK.

There is not a war between the younger generation. Now with older people (and if I might add Men in particular) they have issues with everything.

The war that you speak of rages within men who feel they are no longer in control. It is all about control.

"take the bastards for everything"?? I assume you are referring to divorce?

Lets think about this.. by no means do I think a woman should "take the bastards for everything" but "hel_l hath no fury like a woman scorned" and when a woman does that, there must have been some serious mind blowing crap that went on in the relationship. But that is another topic.

What do you mean by "take the bastards for everything"?

Are you talking about the child support for the children?

The alimony for the wife because he thought a woman's place after marriage was "in the home" and as a result, after umpteen years of marriage she can not support herself in the lifestyle that she is now acustomed to?

Are you talking about the house that she is awarded because the courts do not feel the children should be dis-placed from the only home they know? AND most likely as the man has found someone new to continue his life with, is not interested in having the fruits of his loin living with him?

Are you talking about a share in the buisness that he started but she helped run, and since he never paid her as an employee, she is now entitled to a certain percentage of the company?

Besides, if you marry into a lower socio-economic class/ have more money than the person in question, you sign a pre-nup and then you will not have to worry about having your balls broken umpteen years down the road.

Please clarify.

Edited by LaReina
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This war isn't happening in Asia.

IMO the Feminism movement got out of control and convinced women in the west not only to go for equal rights but also to "take the bastards for everything".

This mentality has spilled over to subsequent generations. Now, you have a generation of women who don't really like men but don't really know why.

It's more fun when your loving, not fighting.

This is only my opinion. I'd be interested in why western women think the war is raging.

Well it`s like this "Once up on a time there was a man called Adam and a woman called Eve ......."

then came the dollar snake and....

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Here we go again :D:D:o

You took the words right out of my mouth.

Some guys just can't get enough. :D

I liked what guesthouse said in another thread about Thai women,

Put simply, more than enough guys coming to Thailand don’t know what they want themselves, let alone care to really understand what the woman they take on really wants.

And when it goes wrong, they blame the woman, like they blamed the last woman before that.

and dgoz, you won't make any friends in this forum if you attempt to post something similar to what you posted in that thread :D

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Here we go again :D:D:o

You took the words right out of my mouth.

Some guys just can't get enough. :D

I liked what guesthouse said in another thread about Thai women,

Put simply, more than enough guys coming to Thailand don’t know what they want themselves, let alone care to really understand what the woman they take on really wants.

And when it goes wrong, they blame the woman, like they blamed the last woman before that.

and dgoz, you won't make any friends in this forum if you attempt to post something similar to what you posted in that thread :D


Just asking a question on something that I've observed and wondered about over the years that obviously wont be or can't answered here. Not really trying to make friends. Call me old fashioned or whatever, but I still prefer face to face meetings and actually talking to people and making friends that way rather than having "friends" in a chat room or website.

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That's right, "money" wasn't the answer I wanted. Surely there's more to it.

It seems to be impossible to talk about without women taking it very personally.

I was talking about it with my sister who is an intelligent and open minded woman and even she took it personally.

So, I'll give up. It's similar to the Israel/Palestine situation.

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It probably has somethiing to do with the very hostile tone you took in your opening post.

Also, I felt I answered your question quite clearly. But, obviously, my answer didn't suit what you were looking for so you ignored it, as well as La Reina's post asking for clarification on your hostile opening.

Sometimes, good manners gets you further and helps you to encounter less hostility. To be honest, if this is the attitude with which you approach western women, no wonder you see a war that isn't there.

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This war isn't happening in Asia.

IMO the Feminism movement got out of control and convinced women in the west not only to go for equal rights but also to "take the bastards for everything".

This mentality has spilled over to subsequent generations. Now, you have a generation of women who don't really like men but don't really know why.

It's more fun when your loving, not fighting.

This is only my opinion. I'd be interested in why western women think the war is raging.

FIRSTLY: I have no personal war with any farang man in Thailand. I am happily married to a farang man and have plenty of male farang friends whom I respect and like.

If there is a "WAR", perhaps it is one created by attitudes such as you expressed in "What does a Thai girl expect of a farang male?"

Let me quote you:

"With regards to the O/P, Thai women expect a great deal less than their western counterparts. And in return give a great deal more."

What you are saying here is that you value Thai women for what they can GIVE YOU, not what you may have in common, nor for any special qualities a woman may have which attract you to her. IMHO both Western men and women would find this attitude immature, narcissistic, and very selfish. (NOTHING to do with feminism, but much to do with treating a person as a human being and as you would like to be treated in return).

You go on in the same vein:

"I dated women in farangland for 15 years before my first Asian gf and I was immediately hooked. I then spent 5 years going back and forth from Asian girls to farang women until I just didn't bother with farangettes anymore,there's no comparison."

Again, you are failing to see either Thai or farang women as individual beings with particular characteristics. Cultural stereotyping is divisive, and bound to cause resentment because it fails to acknowledge either group as comprised of all kinds of individuals. your attitude also suggests that you see all women as prey for your selfish gratification. Is that inflammatory, or WHAT?

Your next paragraph shows that you see the Thai women you claim to like as objects to be manipulated, bribed with a few cheap baubles and trinkets, and kidded along. .......

"So don't worry too much about what a Thai girl expects from you.She doesnt expect that much. I find a good sense of humour and a lot of affection does the trick. You can also take them shopping and spoil them occassionally. (the good thing about going shopping in Thailand is that it's much cheaper than in farangland)."

If you show such a level of disrespect can you expect anything but "WAR"?

Finally, you confuse femininity with door-mat behaviour:

"But be warned, after you've experienced the pleasures of being with a women who is comfortable with and is proud of her feminity, it's nearly impossible to go back to western women."

I am sure most women on this forum value their femininity very highly: IN FACT, so highly that they would feel very annoyed that you could confuse your attitude about Thai women as "playthings" with what it means to be a woman.

If there is a "WAR" here, you can take single-handed credit for having fired the first shot and set up the battle plan.

Edited by fruittbatt
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The presense of casualties is not evidence of a war.

A bunch of guys got left behind, the jobs they used to do went east, the privalidge positions they thought were their birthright were shared out more fairly and women decided they wanted their cut of the cake.

Life's a stuggle, some keep up, some get left behind.

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This war isn't happening in Asia.

IMO the Feminism movement got out of control and convinced women in the west not only to go for equal rights but also to "take the bastards for everything".

This mentality has spilled over to subsequent generations. Now, you have a generation of women who don't really like men but don't really know why.

It's more fun when your loving, not fighting.

This is only my opinion. I'd be interested in why western women think the war is raging.

FIRSTLY: I have no personal war with any farang man in Thailand. I am happily married to a farang man and have plenty of male farang friends whom I respect and like.

If there is a "WAR", perhaps it is one created by attitudes such as you expressed in "What does a Thai girl expect of a farang male?"

Let me quote you:

"With regards to the O/P, Thai women expect a great deal less than their western counterparts. And in return give a great deal more."

What you are saying here is that you value Thai women for what they can GIVE YOU, not what you may have in common, nor for any special qualities a woman may have which attract you to her. IMHO both Western men and women would find this attitude immature, narcissistic, and very selfish. (NOTHING to do with feminism, but much to do with treating a person as a human being and as you would like to be treated in return).

You go on in the same vein:

"I dated women in farangland for 15 years before my first Asian gf and I was immediately hooked. I then spent 5 years going back and forth from Asian girls to farang women until I just didn't bother with farangettes anymore,there's no comparison."

Again, you are failing to see either Thai or farang women as individual beings with particular characteristics. Cultural stereotyping is divisive, and bound to cause resentment because it fails to acknowledge either group as comprised of all kinds of individuals. your attitude also suggests that you see all women as prey for your selfish gratification. Is that inflammatory, or WHAT?

Your next paragraph shows that you see the Thai women you claim to like as objects to be manipulated, bribed with a few cheap baubles and trinkets, and kidded along. .......

"So don't worry too much about what a Thai girl expects from you.She doesnt expect that much. I find a good sense of humour and a lot of affection does the trick. You can also take them shopping and spoil them occassionally. (the good thing about going shopping in Thailand is that it's much cheaper than in farangland)."

If you show such a level of disrespect can you expect anything but "WAR"?

Finally, you confuse femininity with door-mat behaviour:

"But be warned, after you've experienced the pleasures of being with a women who is comfortable with and is proud of her feminity, it's nearly impossible to go back to western women."

I am sure most women on this forum value their femininity very highly: IN FACT, so highly that they would feel very annoyed that you could confuse your attitude about Thai women as "playthings" with what it means to be a woman.

If there is a "WAR" here, you can take single-handed credit for having fired the first shot and set up the battle plan.


If you think I'm bad, check out this guy

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What has recently intrigued me is the way the farang husbands who live nearby try to prevent their wives from spending any time with me. The farang men seem to be afraid that their Thai ladies will be contaminated by seeing how I am treated by my husband, and will compare it to how they are treated and expect better. Like my husband carries out the garbage; a simple little thing routinely done by most American men, but no farang husband with a Thai wife around here does that. In fact, the other men were horrified to learn about it, and urged my husband to not let their wives know.

So I agree with the previous posters who have said that any war is all in the minds of the Western men who want a doormat and can't deal with an actual woman. There are a good many farangs married to Thai women who do treat their wives well, as I can tell by the posters here. I just haven't met them where I live.

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That's right, "money" wasn't the answer I wanted. Surely there's more to it.

It seems to be impossible to talk about without women taking it very personally.

I was talking about it with my sister who is an intelligent and open minded woman and even she took it personally. :oI wonder why?

So, I'll give up. It's similar to the Israel/Palestine situation. :Dmaybe cos men are in control?

Dgoz - do you ever stop to think that men and women are the same all over the world - same levels of expectations, disappointments, successes - same genders, different places!! ?

Many of us believe the 'grass is greener on the other side' but when it all boils down to it - "home is where the heart is" and "the mirror tells no lies".

It's up to each and every one of us to learn to know ourselves, our neighbours, our brothers, our sisters... and MAKE LOVE NOT WAR!!! :D

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Whenever this subject comes up I like to make the point that all differences in the human race are cultural and not physical. There's more genetic diversity within a group of chimps on a single hillside in Gomba than in the entire human species.

Also according to the psychologists we are born with only two inbuilt fears the fear of falling and the fear of loud noise up close. Everything else is learned and therefore can be unlearned.

So we are all the same genetically and given the human wish to conform to the group it is likely that any asian living in the west would take on western cultural norms over time and the reverse must be true.

Interesting, well is to me anyhow.

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So we are all the same genetically and given the human wish to conform to the group it is likely that any asian living in the west would take on western cultural norms over time and the reverse must be true.

My best (Thai) mate in the UK loves egg and bacon for his breakfast. Does that count? :o

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Whenever this subject comes up I like to make the point that all differences in the human race are cultural and not physical. There's more genetic diversity within a group of chimps on a single hillside in Gomba than in the entire human species.

Also according to the psychologists we are born with only two inbuilt fears the fear of falling and the fear of loud noise up close. Everything else is learned and therefore can be unlearned.

So we are all the same genetically and given the human wish to conform to the group it is likely that any asian living in the west would take on western cultural norms over time and the reverse must be true.

Interesting, well is to me anyhow.

That's exactly what we discussed above so ... we're alright then! Right? Done!!!! :D:o:D:D

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What has recently intrigued me is the way the farang husbands who live nearby try to prevent their wives from spending any time with me. The farang men seem to be afraid that their Thai ladies will be contaminated by seeing how I am treated by my husband, and will compare it to how they are treated and expect better. Like my husband carries out the garbage; a simple little thing routinely done by most American men, but no farang husband with a Thai wife around here does that. In fact, the other men were horrified to learn about it, and urged my husband to not let their wives know.

So I agree with the previous posters who have said that any war is all in the minds of the Western men who want a doormat and can't deal with an actual woman. There are a good many farangs married to Thai women who do treat their wives well, as I can tell by the posters here. I just haven't met them where I live.

I really dunno why I am replying to this thread!

War? I dunno about that. My experiances ( :o ) with da ladeez has told me that OVERALL their is little difference between Thai wimin and Farang wimin. It's all swings and roundabouts, just that I guess some folks prefer the swings instead of the roundabouts.

Me? I am not bothered one way or the other, as they say........they all look the same standing on their heads :D I am with the Thai "Missus" cos of who she is (and being Thai is a part of (but by no means all) of what makes her, her), but NOT because she is Thai or Asian. Just as well cos she has an a#se as big as a Nigerian :D and is the most unstereotypical Thai person I have ever met in characther - she can't even fookin cook :D

IME the BIG difference is between a young Thai woman and a Farang woman of the same age - where the latter is more likely to be more "worldly"............but IME the Thai woman WILL catch up with her Farang comparitive in due course, a process rather accelarated when dealing with a Mr Farang.............If anyone looking at a Thai Woman thinks that because she seems to be subservient / a slave to her Husband thinks that their is not a lot of balancing quid pro quo going on out of sight has never lived with any!

Thai wimin may be Asian and Thai, but the most important thing about them is that.....................they are 100% women. (ok, apart from anybody whose wife has / had a d#ck :D )

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