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What to Do When Meeting Cobra

Sawan Chan 7

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Just leave it alone and it will go away - they are not aggressive snakes if not cornered.

I see many cobra snakes on my land; as long as I make a noise whilst walking in the grass, they slither away quickly and I won't accidentally disturb one.

Snakes are deaf. Making noise has no effect on them.

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Ignore it and it will ignore you.

Have you ever had a snake that can kill in your garden? Easier said than done.

My "garden" is 16 rai and we often get Malay Pit Vipers, they just get picked up with a stick and moved over the road, other than that we had a 6 foot rat snake, just chased it round the pond till we got bored and it did too and slithered off, then theres frequent Kukri snakes and the super fast golden tree snake, lovely thing, likes to climb my trees, yes theyre all good fun and good to learn how to deal with them which usually means ignore them.

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Just leave it alone and it will go away - they are not aggressive snakes if not cornered.

I see many cobra snakes on my land; as long as I make a noise whilst walking in the grass, they slither away quickly and I won't accidentally disturb one.

Snakes are deaf to noise,...it's the vibration of your foot steps on the ground that they feel....You better step hard and not to fast if you go into the bush...! always have a good flash light when walking in the dark...most snakes are nocturnal hunters...

Most snakes will avoid you when you approach. .. some rare snakes like Malayan Pit Vipers would not move and are very dangerous...

Best regards,

better call someone to remove the snake alive and bring it to a forest.


the malay pit vipers here are very docile which aint what the books say

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As for all the advice of 'leave them alone and they will leave you alone............... That is the best advice, if you encounter one and you are outside his strike range, (the distance a standing cobra can fall in an arc to the deck) they can't strike up, only down..... Back away.

If inside that strike arc, stand still, (he will want to bail out of there just as much as you do) he will just want to make sure you are not a threat to him.......... Try not to stare at him.... I know, easier said than done, keep him in your peripheral vision, Cobras are not stupid and staring will be seen by the snake as a form of aggression..... Don't moves he'll see no danger from you and move on.....

I did read somewhere that more people get bitten not on encountering snakes, but going on and messing with said snake.....

One word of warning; snakes in Thailand are now between mating and the eggs hatching..... Some snakes at this time do some strange things, normally placid snakes can strike without warning. One other thing if you are heading out hiking or MTB be careful to stick to the tracks as best you can, if you go off, avoid 'clumps' of dead dry leaves...... This is how a lot of snake’s lay-up with their eggs and Mummy will protect her eggs.

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Unbelievable ! Wow !

What kind of sick sexual games do you get up to sir? First of all, how do you get close enough to the cobra to come on it without it biting you? If you insist on doing this, at least pick a less venomous snake. It was probably looking at you in disbelie,f at what you had just done. It's perverts like you that give farang's a bad name. biggrin.png

But seriously, if possible leave it alone or try to encourage it to leave the garden. A dog is always good to have around the place. If there is a snake, it will bark at it and you will know. Be careful out there. wai.gif


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I can't understand why so many choose to be 'householders' in Thailand, a nation well known for it's herpetological fauna then freak out about snakes citing the same old tired 'I don't want it to harm my kids/dog/gerbil' etc.

Surely if you're scared of, or can't handle snakes a nice 12th floor apartment would have been a better life choice?

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I met this poisonous snake at walking street once. I tried to ignore it, but it kept coming after me. When I finally started running, it spat at me!

What do I do if I have such an encounter again? It was harrowing unsure.png

Keep 50 Baht note in your pocket. If the snake continues to pursue you, throw it up and behind you, and keep running.

It works on Walking St. snakes, children, Indian tailors, and Mothers-in-Law. laugh.png

Edited by 55Jay
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I can't understand why so many choose to be 'householders' in Thailand, a nation well known for it's herpetological fauna then freak out about snakes citing the same old tired 'I don't want it to harm my kids/dog/gerbil' etc.

Surely if you're scared of, or can't handle snakes a nice 12th floor apartment would have been a better life choice?

why I don't want a house
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I can't understand why so many choose to be 'householders' in Thailand, a nation well known for it's herpetological fauna then freak out about snakes citing the same old tired 'I don't want it to harm my kids/dog/gerbil' etc.

Surely if you're scared of, or can't handle snakes a nice 12th floor apartment would have been a better life choice?

why I don't want a house

Them big Cobras can reach the lift buttons you know........ Don't know about the 12th floor though....

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I can't understand why so many choose to be 'householders' in Thailand, a nation well known for it's herpetological fauna then freak out about snakes citing the same old tired 'I don't want it to harm my kids/dog/gerbil' etc.

Surely if you're scared of, or can't handle snakes a nice 12th floor apartment would have been a better life choice?

why I don't want a house

Them big Cobras can reach the lift buttons you know........ Don't know about the 12th floor though....

I saw a Youtube video of a cobra in the common hallway on a high floor in an apartment block, think it was in Texas, USA. I presume someone was keeping it as a pet in their flat and it got out but yes, possible a snake could wind up in a condo tower here. My mate lives in a typical mooban in E. Pattaya, lots of people, cars, dogs about, no vacant land/bush nearby. He discovered a clutch of baby cobras living in a sidewalk level drain pipe on the side of his small garden. Next obvious question...... where's their mother? huh.png

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