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German Vice Chancellor warns Saudi Arabia over Islamist funding


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Stop buying their oil. Nobody realised that the only thing they have is oil and oil is in ample supply.

They (the Saudis and their friends) have ONLY oil and lots of sand.

Believe me, not buying Saudi oil for two months and the madmen financing problem is solved.

Lets go solar, and drive hybide cars!!

Come one ! We can do it !

The Arab Nations are already too mega rich beyond belief to be likely to go Bankrupt in our lifetime. do some research and see the wealth they own around the world,and guess what ? it's not connected with Oil !

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Stop buying their oil. Nobody realised that the only thing they have is oil and oil is in ample supply.

They (the Saudis and their friends) have ONLY oil and lots of sand.

Believe me, not buying Saudi oil for two months and the madmen financing problem is solved.

Lets go solar, and drive hybide cars!!

Come one ! We can do it !

I would like to believe you are right !

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I think Saudi is really hurting. Their people are used to being supported by oil. Saudi is running big deficits due to low oil prices, and one can't eat hard assets scattered around the world.

A simple Google search, Saudi Deficits.

Can't see them going Bust, they 3 major advantages going for them

1,They got the seed corn for nothing.

2.The price of Seed corn can be manipulated at any time

3. OPEC the Oil Cartel exists for that very purpose!

4. Saudi Arabian Oil has been around since 1933.(83 years)

And all that happened is the Arabs got richer !

We will have to wait and see ?

Edited by MAJIC
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Stop buying their oil. Nobody realised that the only thing they have is oil and oil is in ample supply.

They (the Saudis and their friends) have ONLY oil and lots of sand.

Believe me, not buying Saudi oil for two months and the madmen financing problem is solved.

Nail on the head!!

Now not one to start rumours but it is kinda timely that the USA are about to open nay exploit Irans huge oil and gas fields! Maybe they also realise that cutting funding off is the only way to kill Daesh. Watch out for huge fun and games in the ME this year. I can just imagine the 'discussions' going on behind the closed doors of power in KSA since it was announced sanctions are being lifted. The only way to stop the Frankenstein the west created is to bring KSA to its financial knees, and that is a simple thing to do.

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NATO should go and bomb and invade Saudi Arabia, and bring about regime change.

Why ??
Because Saudi Arabia is NOT a democracy, it does not have lots of freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and they do carry out human rights abuse.

But we'ill never see Saudi Arabia being bombed and invaded by NATO. Why ? Because the Saudi government is a puppet that is controlled by Washington.
Go on, Washington, show the world that you actually want to spread freedom and democracy, go and bomb and invade Saudi Arabia, go and remove the regime. You not doing it just goes to show what your real intent actually is.

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I don't quite understand the reasoning behind Saudi Arabia funding Daesh. Wahhabism is dominant in Sadi Arabia it's the official form of Sunni Islam, correct? Daesh are also Wahhabi...the west is fighting against Daesh yet cozier than hell with the Saudis. I understand that this is due to US interests, the turning of the tap, on or off, the massive amount of arms imported from the US etc. However, not that this will happen, what if Daesh takes over Saudi Arabia? In the Islamic religion there are no Monarchies so the Saudi Royal family is not legitimate. Are they not cutting off their own heads by funding Daesh? Absolute madness!

Wahhabism pretty much evolved coincidental and also motivated by the Ottoman Empire's retreat from Jihad following the failure of the second Siege of Vienna, Sept 11th, 1683. It is indisputable that jihad that began under the islamic prophet continued non-stop... non-stop since his era until 1683. The rise of Wahhabism in the ensuing silence was actually the very same worldview previously islamic leaders had, minus the adventures wars; there was theologically nothing new. A corresponding rise in colonial power and the stasis of islamic rule fueled a reformation of sorts. Contrary to what many think a reformation does not always result in moderation. Indeed, a return to core tenets is usually one of two sides of such a process. In this case purity of islam was distilled based on pure islamic jurisprudence. It would be incorrect to say that Whabbism is an interpretation of islam. It is fundamentally a pure form of islam as evidenced by the prophet, companions, and certainly first 4 caliphs.

Following the dissolution of the empire and the aftermath of WWI the Saud tribe was, for various reasons, elected to rule what would be Saudi Arabia. Though muslims will not appreciate the analogy this tribe had with the clerical class a relationship very similar to the tribe of Judah and the Levites; ruling and priestly class respectively. Thus the popular authority of the House of Saud was always less to do with legitimacy than the authority on loan from the clerical class, the Wahhabis. The treacherous and often decadent extended Saudi family continues to enjoy its unearned rape of the earth's resources by giving the clerics the only thing they want, control over the faith. Toward this end the Sauds compromise and provide grand funding for foreign islamic proesteltizing. Saudi Arabia spends vast... vast sums of money setting up mosques around the entire globe conditionally upon teaching their very own Wahhabi islam. Were the Saudi ruling class to overtly stop this, they would cease to exist. Wahhabi islam controls SA, not the House of Saud. Should they oppose the clerics, they will lose the blessing of heaven.

These networks throughout the world and certainly throughout the United States comprise an in fact, shadow government able to leverage terror on any given population. This is apparent in Pakistan as well as it is in America with the Saudi control over most mosques. Iran, shia, an arch enemy of sunni islam because shia basically contest the very authority of any caliph to have ever ruled, believes instead that an hereditary ruling class governing islam should have passed through Ali. Shia and sunni are enemies. Iran has been increasingly flexing its muscles nearly or effectively controlling a swath of land from Herat to Beirut. As Iraq has now turned shia controlled SA basically funded sunnis to act as a non state actor to leverage against shia expansion. Other GCC states also funded this. SA has always existed with radical islam in an uneasy unholy alliance of aid and refute. Thus SA has used its vast sums of money to act out its foreign policy through sunni proxies in the form of DAESH. SA is well aware that they will finally turn on SA. For now, IS has value as a proxy. The US has been in bed with SA on this from the very beginning.

Thank you for that erudite explanation!

Quite an eye opener!

Interesting that Germany is going directly at the Saudis- I'll buy tickets for that!

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Seems to me that Churchill has a lot to answer for.

I may be wrong but I think it was his pencil that drew the crucial ME borders.

Lumping Sunni, Shia and Kurd together in one country ( Iraq ) now looks unwise.

There will be no solution without a clear Sunni sphere, Shia sphere and Kurdish sphere.

May have to be done by force

I'll get my pencil and draw a fantasy solution!

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Seems to me that Churchill has a lot to answer for.

I may be wrong but I think it was his pencil that drew the crucial ME borders.

Lumping Sunni, Shia and Kurd together in one country ( Iraq ) now looks unwise.

There will be no solution without a clear Sunni sphere, Shia sphere and Kurdish sphere.

May have to be done by force

I'll get my pencil and draw a fantasy solution!

An interesting POV...

Stop Blaming Colonial Borders for the Middle East's Problems


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Seems to me that Churchill has a lot to answer for.

I may be wrong but I think it was his pencil that drew the crucial ME borders.

Lumping Sunni, Shia and Kurd together in one country ( Iraq ) now looks unwise.

There will be no solution without a clear Sunni sphere, Shia sphere and Kurdish sphere.

May have to be done by force

I'll get my pencil and draw a fantasy solution!

An interesting POV...

Stop Blaming Colonial Borders for the Middle East's Problems


And there's more.... (And don't forget the Cheese eating surrender monkeys played their part):



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