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For your info, mine is a gorgeous 25 year old who has never been married, has no kids has never worked in a Bar. I live here so I am in a position to pick the best.

Goosethai AKA Duckthai??? Obviously has a severe myopia problem, and I think that sums it up... :o

Can we assume the original poster is not from Oz way, where men are men and sheep are nervous? :D

the sheep are nervous in the shaky isles snalk, here men are men and women eat their kids. :o


She's a bit of a looker that one. But I have to ask you when was the last time she had a shave ?? Does she have a monkey grip ? Is she a swinger ? Does she eat nuts ? :o


I agree, and it is abusive, possibly sexually abusive, pending further investigation.

Reports from witnesses will be processed with guaranteed anonymity and absolute discretion, sheff

The use of animal life

for the purpose of

homosapien humour

is clearly a form of


I protest.

ps Your wife needs a shave.

thats funny we heard you liked private encounters with farm yard animals. :o

The use of animal life

for the purpose of

homosapien humour

is clearly a form of


I protest.

ps Your wife needs a shave.

thats funny we heard you liked private encounters with farm yard animals. :o

Are you suggesting bestiality is

an approved subject matter on

this forum?



How many times has this been done??? Same sad <deleted>, jeeze get a life.

Mind you at least the hairy thing in the photo can say she has never been a prostitute, I see why you are all interested, what could have been.



You're bloody genius, Ducky. You can link everything with prostitutes. I wonder what has happened to you? Accidentally shagged a katoey and she paid you or what?

PS. Keep posting, boy. This nick is not gonna last too long too. :o

Hey People

Seems like I have hit a nerve.

Chonabot, sticks and stones, so you are one of the saddo's who married one of these dirty stinking Prostitutes, if it works for you then thats good.  Personnaly the further they are from me the better, pay them the few hundred baht they are worth and then kick them out so they can go and get some food, if the performance is upto scratch then tell them to come back about 9pm after you have had a good time with your mates, they are a peice of meat after all.

For your info, mine is a gorgeous 25 year old who has never been married, has no kids has never worked in a Bar.  I live here so I am in a position to pick the best.

Unfortunately the majority come here for 2 weeks and grab the first scum bag they see therefore 2 instant liars are born, the guy will tell all his mates he met her on holiday or at best she was a cashier, the girl the same, the saddo bloke or the slagdog will not admitt to his friends that she was/is a prostitiute, case rests.

Hi there, just remember one thing about Thai women; whether they are bar girls

or vestal virgins, they are all experts with razor blades and feeding livestock. Unstable women come in all shapes, sizes, educational backgrounds and ethnicities.

We are all aware of the many men in Thailand who have had their widgets wacked off by "Good" Thai women. You should be careful with your misogynous attitude;

it could backfire on you someday. Just a word to the wise.

I bet your misses although she may be beutiful is <deleted> in bed.

ever had head, probably not as you are a first class ###### :o


"I bet your misses although she may be beutiful is <deleted> in bed.

ever had head, probably not as you are a first class ###### "

Quite a charmer, ThaiPauly is, degree in public relations, examen taken in a skull bar on slagdog lane.

You're bloody genius, Ducky. You can link everything with prostitutes. I wonder what has happened to you? Accidentally shagged a katoey and she paid you or what?

PS. Keep posting, boy. This nick is not gonna last too long too. :D

the katoey thing sounds about right.

(i heard he was a reciever, not a giver) :o ever seen the john wayne walking. :D

Featured below a picture of my wife enjoying a slap a dinner courtesy of yours truly. Marks out of 10 for beauty, and table manners...

I just want to know how you got a picture in your post. Seriously. (Sorry to be boring). :o



Still the same old crap from the same old sad gits with no life. Every night, jeeze you must have boring lives, those BG's cannot be that good in the sack or you would not be here every bloody night with your one liners.

What benefit does a BG bring to your lives, apart from driving you here every bloody night, tell me???????????????????????????


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