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Teens Buying Chemicals To Throw At Songkran


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Teens may be buying chemicals to throw at Songkran revellers

Police launch probe into mass purchases

Police are looking into reports that large quantities of chemicals have been bought by teenagers, amid concerns they will attempt to harm revellers during the Songkran holiday, a source said.

According to the reports, passed on to police by the 4th Army, groups of teenagers were believed to be stockpiling chemicals used in the rubber industry.

Police feared the substances would be thrown at revellers during the water festival, the source said.

Acting provincial police chief Pol Col Parinya Kwanyuen ordered stations throughout Yala to launch investigations.

Elsewhere in the South, the State Railways of Thailand's labour union warned the government had five days to come up with measures guaranteeing the safety of staff and passengers.

The union said it would suspend the Hat Yai-Sungai Kolok route if the government failed to meet its demand, following the shooting of a station master on Friday in Narathiwat province.

Somnuek Wongkham was in a critical condition after being shot three times at Pa Phai railway station, Rangae district.

Yala acting station master Panom Chote-akhanit said the 4th Army had supplied troops to patrol his grounds.

He said the army unit included eight bomb disposal experts.

In Pattani, acting police chief Pol Gen Suthorn Saikwan said police reinforcements that had been sent from outside the region would not create further tensions in the South.

--Bangkok Post 2004-04-11

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:o Well I must say I have had this fear of something nasty been thrown

in place of water durring this festival, its so easy to do and with all the people milling around they will most probably get away with the deed.

I for one have planned to stay home, beers stocked up, a pile of DVD to see, keeping well away from any crowds durring this Crazy time. For sure my first, and Last Songkran, wont be in Thailand this time any more :D

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Before panicing too much about getting more than a hairful of klong water this Songkhran, note that the report does refer specifically to Yala province, so as long as you're not planning on celebrating NEW Year down in those troubled parts, you should be okay.

Nevertheless, IMHO Songkhran has gotten to the point where it is no longer "sanuk" any more (reached that about 10 years ago in fact, but I've been grinning and bearing it ever since), and this year I've decided to vote with my feet and wallet by moving out of LOS for the duration. Actually tried it a few years ago and went to Burma, but found that was almost as soggy an experience as Thailand, for 2 days at least. However, the way the festival drags out these days is ridculous, unless one happens to be a water pistol seller, or now it seems, even a seller of H2SO4! :o

Chok Dee Bee Mai tuk khon! :D

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Wow, it is not going to be safe in Thailand in Songkran. Water festival is not going to be fun, with all these sick heads around. Best warn all friends and tourist to keep away from the crowds or better still to keep potential tourist out of Thailand.

Sulfuric acid is pretty corrosive, I use to deal in maintenanceof communications in remote areas in my youth and we use to carry car batteries topower these units, it had caused us many pairs of jeans as it slowly eats into the fabric.

Advisable to carry Bi-carbonate of soda just incase you get shot at bu a water cannon loaded with dilute sulfuric acid.

"Sabai Pee My"

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Its sad to say but where there are Muslims you find trouble....glad I did not buy a business down south, and I hope big Thak sends the tanks down there and has a good sort out before they really start having some 'fun'. :o

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From the Chicago Tribune, April 4, 2004:

Trouble in paradise: Thailand's Muslim insurgents

By Frida Ghitis. Frida Ghitis, who lives in Atlanta, writes frequently about world affairs

Published April 4, 2004

On a quiet Saturday morning recently in southern Thailand, an elderly Buddhist monk slowly made his rounds, clad in traditional saffron robes. His feet bare and his shaved head bowed, he collected alms from the faithful. A motorcycle approached.

A man on the bike raised his machete and struck, leaving the holy man dead only moments after a 13-year-old novice standing near a Buddhist temple also was hacked to death.

Another Buddhist monk narrowly survived a machete attack that day in the same Thai province of Yala, one of three Muslim majority provinces in overwhelmingly Buddhist Thailand.

Who would have it in for Buddhist monks?

The three fell victim to a renewed wave of Islamic extremism now boiling in this traditionally peaceful Buddhist land.


Read more (original article) here:



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With Muslims taking the blame for every stray abnormal activity now days what really puzzles me is why there is not more Muslim reaction to deal with those few trouble makers that permeate any culture.

The good guys in the Muslim community have to take charge and rid their culture of those few that are causing such extreme hostility. The bad guys can't number but a small percentage of the whole and it has already been demonstrated that outside forces cannot get inside the organization enough to make it stop.

So it is time for the guys in the Muslim community that wear the white hats to take charge and get this untidy element out of their midst and rid the world of such deeds.

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Police are looking into reports that large quantities of chemicals have been bought by teenagers, amid concerns they will attempt to harm revellers during the Songkran holiday, a source said.

I am far away from dramatizing the above article. But it makes me sure once again to stay - like quite a number of us farangs - at home as from 13th of April with a good load of DVD`s and Chang. After 15 of April I shall surface again.

But even surfaced I shall avoid the South of this so much liked country. A sad development.

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This is my first SONKRAN in Thailand, and after all the reports I am dreading it.

I have a 10 year old son who is looking do forward to it.

Guess who will be the "Bad Guys" me and his dad for being cautious.

Such a shame.


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The good guys in the Muslim community have to take charge and rid their culture of those few that are causing such extreme hostility.

If there are any! :o

Could it be that the exteme fractions are the ones in charge??? Could it be that if you are not Moslim than you don't deserve to live??? :D

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Look what these animals did to Indonesia, 400,000 Christian / Buddhist Infidels

murdered, only a pocket of them left on Timor, for now

They already established a foothold in the Phillipines.

Thailand looks like their next target.

The good news I see liberals waking up to the threat

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heh,,, you know what? The Koran is based upon the Bible and the Torah. One only has to read it to see that its some BS written by an Arab (MAYBE, I have my doubts about that, but,,,), written by Romans and Jews (translated by an Englishman), which was based upon some OTHER crap written by Jews who killed other Jews who tried to usurp their power (also translated by the English), ETC....

Its a bunch of CRAP based on a BUNCH OF CRAP, that was translated from a BUNCH of CRAP, and so on, and so forth.

The problem here is simple. $h!t bags will continue making the world a horrible and painful place, using whatever excuse they can to continue to exist and make the world a horrible place.

The Muslims are obviously $h!t bags, but,,,,, then again, it wasn't too long ago that Christians were $h!t bags as well, and before that,,, the Jews were the $h!t bags,,,, My only concern is,, who are the next $h!t bags?

Fuggit. The world is a pile of $h!t and that will never change. $h!t bags will always try to hurt and main people, and until all the $h!t bags are dead, it will never stop. But, since we all think another person is a $h!t bag, we'll just keep on killing until a few of us are left, then maybe it will end.


Open your eyes.

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Its a bunch of CRAP based on a BUNCH OF CRAP, that was translated from a BUNCH of CRAP, and so on, and so forth.

But, since we all think another person is a $h!t bag, we'll just keep on killing until a few of us are left, then maybe it will end.

Open your eyes.

Your post was a bunch of crap.

And yes, after reading your post, one could come to the conclusion that you're a bag of manure.

Furthermore, why don't you take your advice and open your eyes (while you close your mouth?)

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The good guys in the Muslim community have to take charge and rid their culture of those few that are causing such extreme hostility.

If there are any! :o

That was a pretty cheap shot. I happen to know many muslims, since I live in one of the three southern provinces, and they are all normal, everyday people just like you and me. It is truly only a handful that are ruining this country, and ignorant, unfound comments like yours will only provoke more hatred and hostility.

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Its sad to say but where there are Muslims you find trouble....glad I did not buy a business down south, and I hope big Thak sends the tanks down there and has a good sort out before they really start having some 'fun'.

This is one of the more ridiculous things I've seen said here... and if you think force and "tanks" are the answer, you fail to understand the problems in the South. :o

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Its sad to say but where there are Muslims you find trouble....glad I did not buy a business down south, and I hope big Thak sends the tanks down there and has a good sort out before they really start having some 'fun'. :o

Doesn't get any more racist than that!

When so many Musilms are pissed the world needs to ask why.

It seems Israel abusing and terrorizing the Palestines to be a big part of what is inflaming Muslims worldwide. Sad such a small group can cause so many problems for so many.

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Stopping the israeli would go a long way to solving half the worlds problems no doubt. they are living scared wherever they are...wonder why. Anyone been down to Khao San road lately........walk around to Soi Rambutri......parrallel to Khao San and have a look at the israeli restaurant with all the police barriers out front to prevent car bombs !!! Its like an embassy.

The poor Thai staff there are not allowed to speak Thai !!!!

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