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Vv Length Of Stay

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hi guys i'm back :o here we go again

simple question to start with

the last time my gf applied for a VV she got knocked back because they said she was inconsistent with how long she intended to stay in the uk, at first she said 6 months then 3 - 6 months and finally 2 months at the final interview.

this time we are going to say just 1 month and stick to it but what if she wants to stay an extra month or so? is a VV really valid for 6 months regardless of what we tell the british embassy?

another one related to the above

could staying longer than you originally said (without overstaying the visa) jeopardise a future settlement visa?

thanks alot.

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A visit visa is generally valid for 6 months regardless of the stated duration, and you can stay for the 6 months without being in breach of any law (unless entry was gained by deception). However, should your girlfriend say that she intends a one month visit and then stay 6 months, she might find it difficult to obtain a subsequent visit visa.


Edit// I just noticed you asked whether a subsequent settlement visa would be jeopardised: the answer is that this is less likely than a visit visa being jeopardised, but will ultimately depend upon the circumstances of the application.

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Please note this is just my opinion

The visit visa is designed for people going on holiday. Whenever I go on holiday I have a set period of time and its usually 2 weeks. I would think that saying any more than about 4 weeks would make the ECO think its more than just a holiday. After that, proving reason to return might become even harder.

When my g/f applied it was for 3.5 weeks, I stated exact dates and added a copy of flight quotations in the application. I think this helped with the application and, to be honest, I think 3.5 weeks during November in sunny Scotland will be as much as she will be able to take on her first visit!

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