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Supreme Court rejects Yingluck's request to leave Thailand again

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A very vindictive court and government. They are already treating her as if she is guilty and convicted.

...and they are scared to death of the truths she will tell to the EU about the current government.

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Did she really expect anything else? Or is this just a game she's playing to keep herself in the news and not be forgotten?

Exactly my thoughts...

Yes she can probably escape the country at any time if she really wants and needs it...

But then, no headlines anymore...

Chess move me think and the Junta and court felt right in the trap again...


Japan would be pretty cold this time of the year and Thais don't like the cold much. What an odd request.

Don't like the cold? Apparently, you have never ridden in a Bangkok taxi.


If she were to leave and do a runner there would be one less catalyst (a major one) to incite violence, especially if she was convicted.

she can do a runner ANY time. her brother has major connections in burma (and property) and the border is porous maak maak.

Finally an intelligent post. Thank you. She knows exactly what she is doing. And she's staying because she knows her family still have enough clout here to change history if they bide their time.

And yours, sir, is truly an intelligent post.


What could have been 'lost in translation'? I read: 'take' her son but elsewhere 'accompany' her son (also, 'education field trip' or 'study trip'), what makes a bit of a difference...

It would have been helpfull too when a journo would have taken contact to know whether there was any activity of the kind planned and organised by the kid's school with the eventual number of participating pupils, ...and accompanying parents.

To me, it would seem 'a bit' out of the ordinary, even for 'DeLuxe' private schools, to have 'trips' of the kind during Christmas time (15 -> 25 of December), especially with such quite young kids...

We don't know either whether Yingluck's son in the end made the trip to Japan without mamy then, or not, or within an accompanied group of pupils, or, maybe, why not, ...with his father (or couldn't daddy get some days off for this obviously very important activity?).

I'm also wondering whether 'uncle Thaksin' also had kind of a study/field trip in Japan organised for the same period of time...

A missed opportunity for a new score of syrupy 'family reunion' pictures for the Shins' album, but more so for the hungry followers on Facebook...


What a ridiculous pantomime,

If she just got refused permission to go to the EU, she was clearly going to be refused now. Add this to the second letter from those 2 stooges at the EU and the simple attempts to get headlines and sympathy against the Junta are almost painfully childlike.

Luckily there are plenty here ready to fall for it. cheesy.gif .

She can clearly do a runner any time she wants. The reason she doesn't is that she will be as miserable as the goblin if she has to live a life in exile. The runner will only happen if she gets jail time. She's not the sharpest tool in the box and she should be very careful about letting her brother keep using her like this. Poor Poo obviously didn't learn anything when she got thrown under a bus last time.


A very vindictive court and government. They are already treating her as if she is guilty and convicted.

...and they are scared to death of the truths she will tell to the EU about the current government.

Because you think she would recognise the truth even when it would slap her right in the middle of the face... You are a true believer, aren't you?

As for telling 'the EU', it has been, longly, debated about here, while you were probably away, and, whenever it would happen, it would rather go about meeting with a certain number of MEPs, between 2 (if Messires Brok and Langen are both in good health) and a maximum of 117 (out of 751)! To set your clock right, the 'EU invite' thing having been pure 'intox' by the Shins' PTP/UDD PR and propaganda machine...


A very vindictive court and government. They are already treating her as if she is guilty and convicted.

...and they are scared to death of the truths she will tell to the EU about the current government.

Because you think she would recognise the truth even when it would slap her right in the middle of the face... You are a true believer, aren't you?

As for telling 'the EU', it has been, longly, debated about here, while you were probably away, and, whenever it would happen, it would rather go about meeting with a certain number of MEPs, between 2 (if Messires Brok and Langen are both in good health) and a maximum of 117 (out of 751)! To set your clock right, the 'EU invite' thing having been pure 'intox' by the Shins' PTP/UDD PR and propaganda machine...

I doubt she can tell EU anything without a translator,PR person, and script to read from.


wouldnt it be easier all round to grant her permission to travel overseas .............................just refuse her permission to return !!!!


A very vindictive court and government. They are already treating her as if she is guilty and convicted.

...and they are scared to death of the truths she will tell to the EU about the current government.

Because you think she would recognise the truth even when it would slap her right in the middle of the face... You are a true believer, aren't you?

As for telling 'the EU', it has been, longly, debated about here, while you were probably away, and, whenever it would happen, it would rather go about meeting with a certain number of MEPs, between 2 (if Messires Brok and Langen are both in good health) and a maximum of 117 (out of 751)! To set your clock right, the 'EU invite' thing having been pure 'intox' by the Shins' PTP/UDD PR and propaganda machine...

Just how is " the invite thing having been pure intox by the Shins PTP/UDD PR and propaganda machine..."

you have quite the imagination don't you.


She has access to a gulfstream jet anytime,i am sure if she wanted to go she would be already gone, helicopters are expensive to rent either .... Coming back might be a bit more tricky though


A very vindictive court and government. They are already treating her as if she is guilty and convicted.

...and they are scared to death of the truths she will tell to the EU about the current government.

Because you think she would recognise the truth even when it would slap her right in the middle of the face... You are a true believer, aren't you?

As for telling 'the EU', it has been, longly, debated about here, while you were probably away, and, whenever it would happen, it would rather go about meeting with a certain number of MEPs, between 2 (if Messires Brok and Langen are both in good health) and a maximum of 117 (out of 751)! To set your clock right, the 'EU invite' thing having been pure 'intox' by the Shins' PTP/UDD PR and propaganda machine...

Just how is " the invite thing having been pure intox by the Shins PTP/UDD PR and propaganda machine..."

you have quite the imagination don't you.

It's not in my imagination, maybe it's just you missing information, it's on TV though, look it up when you want, not going to waste my time explaining it to you! Or do you actually know and want to start it all over again here? To make it easy for you: there was never anything like an 'EU invite', got it?


A very vindictive court and government. They are already treating her as if she is guilty and convicted.

...and they are scared to death of the truths she will tell to the EU about the current government.

i'd like to 'like' it but these are dangerous times


A very vindictive court and government. They are already treating her as if she is guilty and convicted.

...and they are scared to death of the truths she will tell to the EU about the current government.

Because you think she would recognise the truth even when it would slap her right in the middle of the face... You are a true believer, aren't you?

As for telling 'the EU', it has been, longly, debated about here, while you were probably away, and, whenever it would happen, it would rather go about meeting with a certain number of MEPs, between 2 (if Messires Brok and Langen are both in good health) and a maximum of 117 (out of 751)! To set your clock right, the 'EU invite' thing having been pure 'intox' by the Shins' PTP/UDD PR and propaganda machine...

I doubt she can tell EU anything without a translator,PR person, and script to read from.

For sure, at least so, but still, it wouldn't be 'EU', don't fall in the propaganda trap!


What a ridiculous pantomime,

If she just got refused permission to go to the EU, she was clearly going to be refused now. Add this to the second letter from those 2 stooges at the EU and the simple attempts to get headlines and sympathy against the Junta are almost painfully childlike.

Luckily there are plenty here ready to fall for it. cheesy.gif .

She can clearly do a runner any time she wants. The reason she doesn't is that she will be as miserable as the goblin if she has to live a life in exile. The runner will only happen if she gets jail time. She's not the sharpest tool in the box and she should be very careful about letting her brother keep using her like this. Poor Poo obviously didn't learn anything when she got thrown under a bus last time.

and , you sir, are certainly not the 'sharpest tool in the box' back to goblin's again? please stop calling yourself 'English' it's embarrassing.

'John' will do because we all know what a 'John' is and you fit the bill sir


A very vindictive court and government. They are already treating her as if she is guilty and convicted.

...and they are scared to death of the truths she will tell to the EU about the current government.

i'd like to 'like' it but these are dangerous times

Oh, 'LannaGuy', you've been loudly expressing so many very negative 'opinions' against the present Government, and now 'the little girl at the piano': 'I'd like to like it but...' getting afraid, or what? Tss, tss! When there would not be much more 'freedom of opinion' than what you and your consorts pretend, the whole flock of you would have been 'off the air' and behind bars for quite some time! Get a life, sissy!


What a ridiculous pantomime,

If she just got refused permission to go to the EU, she was clearly going to be refused now. Add this to the second letter from those 2 stooges at the EU and the simple attempts to get headlines and sympathy against the Junta are almost painfully childlike.

Luckily there are plenty here ready to fall for it. cheesy.gif .

She can clearly do a runner any time she wants. The reason she doesn't is that she will be as miserable as the goblin if she has to live a life in exile. The runner will only happen if she gets jail time. She's not the sharpest tool in the box and she should be very careful about letting her brother keep using her like this. Poor Poo obviously didn't learn anything when she got thrown under a bus last time.

and , you sir, are certainly not the 'sharpest tool in the box' back to goblin's again? please stop calling yourself 'English' it's embarrassing.

'John' will do because we all know what a 'John' is and you fit the bill sir

Keep that red magnet away from your compass, 'LannaGuy', you're losing the North...

Try to a-r-g-u-m-e-n-t, in a clear and positive way, sometimes, and you might start feeling better after a while...


Did she really expect anything else? Or is this just a game she's playing to keep herself in the news and not be forgotten?

Exactly my thoughts...

Yes she can probably escape the country at any time if she really wants and needs it...

But then, no headlines anymore...

Chess move me think and the Junta and court felt right in the trap again...

Boo-hoo, crocodile tears, they want to take it all away from me, and now I'm a captive in my own country, sniff, sniff, pwaaarp in the Kleenex, (off) CUT! OK, Poo, this was the best take, you did great, can't get any better for our media, thank you, say hello to Thacky for me, and ask him who I must have this delivered to in Europe, bye, take care love, and don't play too much with the credit cards at Emporium today, ha-ha-ha... Yeah, yeah, thank you three times, I love cameras sooo much, sigh, when all my money is gone, maybe you can write a Lakorn about me, OK? Sure love, when bro's still paying for it, why not, bye for now! LOL


Looks like the Boys father is required to step up and take his son to Japan after this decision.

The wee lad may prefer some quality time with his dad. Last year's trip to Japan his mother left him with some people so she could talk with her brother.


I don't think she has any intention of doing a runner, at least not for some time yet. I'm sure she'd dearly like to go tell the EU her side of the story, but returning afterwards would be more in line with her stance since the Shutdown BKK campaign.

She's smarter than her adversaries think: she may not be the best speaker but she knows she has strong support and her overall tactic has been to remain passive as the poster child for Thai democracy. Doesn't make sense to blow that 'reputation' yet.


A very vindictive court and government. They are already treating her as if she is guilty and convicted.

...and they are scared to death of the truths she will tell to the EU about the current government.

You mean she'll do anything to avoid justice, or are you suggesting she knows something about the current government, but nothing about her own government? The last would suggest her to be truly ignorant, not just negligent.

BTW the Supreme Court treats her like they treat any Amply Rich Elite Lady. The refusal to allow her to travel has to do with flight risk and the necessity for her to be in Thailand for the court case which allows her to present her view on the RPPS. As such there's no suggestion at all for your "already treating her as if she is guilty and convicted". It would seem that your statement is just the ongoing effort to suggest Ms. Yingluck isn't treated fairly.

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