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Personal Gps Transmitter / Receiver


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Hi techies.

Is anyone aware of small two way GPS system available on the market? My girlfriends mother has Alzheimers and is forever wandering off . So far, between a maid, a personal minder, neighbors and moo ban guards we've been able to keep pretty good tabs on her, but she's quite independant minded and I fear she's going to give us all the slip one day and come to harm. I'd love it if I could slip a GPS wristwatch transmitter on her (if such exists) sending to a handheld receiver. Anybody seen anything like that? TIA

Edited by lannarebirth
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The first thing I though of was the ankle braclets used by the police for individuals under house arrest. And no, I wasn't thinking of that for your girlfriend's mother, but the technology. :o

There are small transmitter (wrist) and receiver just for this type of purpose but so far the ones I've found are way too expensive. "Care Trak" is one company so you might look for more details about this kind of technology, perhaps contact the Alzheimer Association to see if they have information. http://www.alz.org/

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Hey, thanks you guys. I think I'm on the right track. If only I can convince grandma to wear this new necklace:


I think I'm narrowing in on something. Not cheap, but not terribly expensive either. I hope I can find something with no monthly fees associated with it.

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The problem with using GPS for such applications is that the GPS Receiver must be in line of sight with at least 3 Satellite Transmitters – at the moment these are 29 (I think) of these satellites in Geo-synchronous Orbit around the Earth and a minimum of 3 reference signals is required for triangulation (to put it simply).

If your girlfriends’ mother goes into a friends house, a Supermarket or even walks under a bridge these signals will be lost.


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  • 5 months later...

The GPS is only a receiver. If you want to track somebody you will also need a transmitter. It means that you most probably need to use GSM network (mobile network) and this is related with some fees.

Thanks to this if the person goes inside a building and the GPS cannot receive signal from satellites, the unit should still be able to send you the last position (before loosing the satellite signal). There are few in the market. You may want to have a look on these: http://www.globalsat.com.tw/eng/product_detail_00000031.htm, or http://www.sanav.com/gps_tracking/g-19B3.htm. Hope it helps :o

Edited by moris
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Isn't there some offering by the mobile phone companies ?

I don't know if it exists in thailand but there was a promotion in europe for mobile phones you could find the position of it on the webpage....

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Isn't there some offering by the mobile phone companies ?

I don't know if it exists in thailand but there was a promotion in europe for mobile phones you could find the position of it on the webpage....

Quite right, I think that one of the operators is ORANGE. Saw it in France. try the website www.orange.fr

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