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Glad to hear from you. Lack of sleep in ICU is common and in many patients will even provoke psychosis, relieved once out of ICU and able to sleep. So you did quite well in hanging onto your sanity, moving mountains of mud and all!

Now get plenty of rest. You need to catch up on your sleep. Of course, work on the breathing exercises and coughing and walking about (they'll ask you to do that soon if not yet), but in between - sleep, sleep, sleep.

I got so fed up in CCU I got the physio to allow me do a few rounds of CCU holding on to the nebulisar - that broke the boredom for a bit!

Twice a day in the room I get physio and do a walk around the ward for about 1/2 hour - just waiting to go to the gym as I did prior to this operation.

Sheryl, is it best to rename the Post "Lung cancer/AAA? - Up to you.


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Ditto, also waiting with bated breath........ funny how one can root for someone one's never even met.

Sounds terrible, but at least you are posting and keeping us informed.

Seems like a massive nightmare, but you are getting through...surely things can only get better from here on in.

We have been waiting with baited breath for this post

We are all rooting for you, whenever I click on Thai Visa you are the first person I think about and go directly to the health forum ...used to be the Chiang Mai forum.

Keep getting better, and keep posting.

With best wishes


These brought tears to the eyes- or was it a bit of dust!?



Happy to read you are recovering.

I just kept quite here waiting for news from this nightmare.

May I ask you just one question?

How big was you AAA?

Mine is 3.5cm diameter and 5cm long, doctors say no action unless 4.5cm diameter.

I wish you can get out soon.


Happy to read you are recovering.

I just kept quite here waiting for news from this nightmare.

May I ask you just one question?

How big was you AAA?

Mine is 3.5cm diameter and 5cm long, doctors say no action unless 4.5cm diameter.

I wish you can get out soon.

Thanks for the encouragement.

It had expanded to 6.8 cm and was 14 cm long.

The criteria here - anything over 5 cm needs attention, but don't know what the criteria for length is.

I have a tortuous heart (where the the aorta is on a bit of a bend) - ask yourself, will it improve?

If you are in the UK, not surprised at the advice - however, not being a doctor I would't know the proper answer to this,but I think I know a Lady that does!!

Thinking back now, for some time prior to everything that's happened, I recall when lying on my back in bed I could feel a pulse on my abdomen and a bulge in the gut which I put down to a hernia as I was told by a UK doctor 15 or so years ago. It was only small then with no pulse.

So presume the 6.8 cm thing was pressing on the gut.

The surgery was ok nice neat stitch job (done from the inside). With all the coughing nothing has split - the stent thingy comprises plastic and cloth and is grafted to two good anchor ends. Been told that it lasts a lifetime.

By the way, the surgeon is Thai who studied in America and worked there for 40 years, came back here to retire but I suppose the money too good to do that.

Best of luck with yours anything else from my experience - feel free to ask.



I feel truly blessed to have followed this thread. We all pray for the OP and follow his journey intently. I am really touched by the decency and compassion of these posters. I am enriched by following this thread; its a stunning contrast to many others on these forums. Reading these posts has been like peeking into the mind of family members, biting their nails while a loved one wrestles with a medical issue. Thank you for the courage to share your journey with us. I wish you peace.


I feel truly blessed to have followed this thread. We all pray for the OP and follow his journey intently. I am really touched by the decency and compassion of these posters. I am enriched by following this thread; its a stunning contrast to many others on these forums. Reading these posts has been like peeking into the mind of family members, biting their nails while a loved one wrestles with a medical issue. Thank you for the courage to share your journey with us. I wish you peace.

I'm glad that people on the whole feel the way that you have expressed yourself, I'm at a loss on how to thank everyone, it's in my heart anyway.

If in any way this can give comfort to even one person - then it has achieved something.

God bless



Well, it seems that the time to de-institutionalise has arrived - tomorrow they are letting me go!

I will be staying in BKK for a week, I think they want to check up on me sometimes. Also if I have a problem it won't be far to travel.

I gather I need to go back in a month for assessment etc.

If I'd have stayed any longer I'm sure that I would have been like prisoners who don't want to leave jail out of fear of the outside world!!

I will keep you up to date regarding costs and the renewal cost, (Cigna did send me an e-mail yesterday saying it was in my customer inbox - they didn't).

Once again people, thanks foe everything.




getting of the topic slightly, private health care is something i Will be looking at in the not to distant and have to say SO FAR I've been impressed with your company . lets hope they don't f-- it up with stupidity on Your renewal let us know and you take care.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Great news!!!

Once out you will be able to really sleep.

Let's hope this is the last jospitaluzation for you for a long, long time


Great news!!!

Once out you will be able to really sleep.

Let's hope this is the last jospitaluzation for you for a long, long time

Good news!

ps: He had his jospitaluzes taken out as well?


Great news!!!

Once out you will be able to really sleep.

Let's hope this is the last jospitaluzation for you for a long, long time

Good news!

ps: He had his jospitaluzes taken out as well?

That would be a jospitalectomy.


I don't know how old you are but I took this policy out just shy of two years ago - that would have made me a bit shy of 66.. -

For the Gold Plan inpatient only (except for cancer where all bases are covered) - 2567 gpb (can't remember the tens figure exactly),

On renewal last year the figure was 2900 or so GBP..

I hit it real lucky , I never claimed the first year but had to in October 2015 and then again December,3 months before renewal time which is 23 March 2016 - we will see.


I'm trying to quote rijit posted today 11.41.

but unable to quote



Well , the Bill is now in.

For the period of stay 7th Jan - 9 Feb. Includes everything operations medicine accommodation etc.

Before discount Baht 2,638,311.10, after discount Baht 2,578,327.99

On top of that add Baht 63,000 for PET-CT scan.

The EBUS procedure Baht 307,748

Grand total = Baht 2,949075 + my share of excess of Baht 21,000

All up Baht 2,970075

Cheaper than I thought it would be.



Thankfully your insurance company will pay the lion's share, you must be really pleased you took out that policy.

Now you can just concentrate on getting well.

My hat's off to you, you have been to hell and back and survived.


Bank as a self insurer your 3 million baht bill kinda gives me the horrors.

Would you mind answering:

1. Which hospital was it and would those able to say comment on whether a good job could have been done at a better price elsewhere.

2. Your premium is about 15,000 baht per month age about 68.

Do you have a table or chart of how the premium increases with age?



I can answer the first part - it was Bangkok Hospital (Bangkok).

As to whether a "good job" could have been done elsewhere for less - not so sure. To have done it for less would have required a government hospital. Public channel = you can't choose your doctor and most of the care is by residents in training. Government hospital with a private channel would be a possibility but would have entailed waits for appointment, for treatment etc.

And would still likely have come to at least 1 million.

I find that people who self-insure tend to under-insure. You need to plan on up to 2 million baht per episode if you will use only government hospitals, 5 million if you want the option of private. Unless you have some sort of fall back plan for returning to your country of origin if necessary, you have to consider what will happen once you have used up the amount you have put aside. With insurance the limits are either per event or per year, and then the count starts afresh thereafter, but with self-insuring, once the money is spent it is gone.

If you want to know about premium rates at later ages best to work with a broker. But they do, of course, rise. So does the likelihood that you will use the insurance.


Thanks Sheryl sounds like bad news to me.

When I made the self insure decision one of the factors was that (except in extreme emergency) I could bolt back to the UK for treatment if it was likely particularly expensive or I wanted to assure myself of quality.

I have after all paid into the system there in my younger years and now is payback time.

It seems this is not so easy now and will no doubt get harder in future.

As I have a panic disorder just getting abroad is a daunting issue and after twelve years England does not seem to me like home more like a strange land.

Balance that against a life changing insurance premium a likely refusal of pre-existing and maybe refusal on age, and looks like the main thing is to maintain ease of mind and consider how lucky I am to have some sort of funds (no pension) and compare myself happily to those who lived in previous centuries.....


ps am I right in thinking BKK hospital is known for its high prices?

You may remember I had surgery for thyroidectomy (semi) at Bumrungrad as it may have been nasty and that was 200k real cost i.e. All in. I only went there because the lymph nodes looked iffy and was told elsewhere the same operation would have been less than half. I may have got a reduced rate as I befriended the surgeon but was told that generally ?Bumrungrad was about 3x the price if I shopped around. Isn't BKK hospital in the same price league (or worse?)

ps hope you're sleeping like a baby Bank sorry the thread got sidetracked by your costs. I remember u derailing a sort of elation on getting the all clear lasted a while wonder if you feel that or just need to recover first.


Bank as a self insurer your 3 million baht bill kinda gives me the horrors.

Would you mind answering:

1. Which hospital was it and would those able to say comment on whether a good job could have been done at a better price elsewhere.

2. Your premium is about 15,000 baht per month age about 68.

Do you have a table or chart of how the premium increases with age?


Thanks Sheryl sounds like bad news to me.

When I made the self insure decision one of the factors was that (except in extreme emergency) I could bolt back to the UK for treatment if it was likely particularly expensive or I wanted to assure myself of quality.

I have after all paid into the system there in my younger years and now is payback time.

It seems this is not so easy now and will no doubt get harder in future.

As I have a panic disorder just getting abroad is a daunting issue and after twelve years England does not seem to me like home more like a strange land.

Balance that against a life changing insurance premium a likely refusal of pre-existing and maybe refusal on age, and looks like the main thing is to maintain ease of mind and consider how lucky I am to have some sort of funds (no pension) and compare myself happily to those who lived in previous centuries.....

Sheryl correct in Bangkok Bangkok hospital.

The surgeon who operated on my lung was a seasoned ex army colonel.

The AAA surgeon had studied and worked 40 years in USA.

Very professionally run hospital.

I was lucky in that I took out the insurance only 2 years ago.

I don't have yearly premium renewals info - a suprise every year. The first renewal went from about 2500 gbp to about 2900 gbp. (15% increase).

I would like to think that they will play fair," you pays your money and take chance", in my book that should go for either party.

Anyway renewal time next month , they usually inform 1 month in advance.

I was asked various questions on the phone when I applied - did not lie and had no exclusions.

I e-mailed questions ad nausium so I had a written record of their answers..

So far i'm in front!



Bangkok Hospital these days costs a bit less than Bumrungrad, whose prices have gone through the roof.

You can hardly compare a thyroidectomy to what the OP had -- 2 very major operations both with long ICU stays and a total of a month in hospital.

You would not be refused insurance based on age if you shopped around. Nor would you be refused because of pre-existing conditions, but those specific conditions would be excluded either altogether or for the first few years (varies with the company). Some policies will provide limited cover for acute exacerbations of pre-existing chronic conditions. Again, the services of a broker are important.

Yes, the premiums are a significant expense. The Ctach-22 is that the people who do not get insurance because they can't afford it are also going to be completely unable to afford catastrophic medical costs...i.e. the people who most need to be insured.


Once viewed the all telling x ray it would be goodbye Thailand and hello UK and eventually Spain Seems an overly expensive exercise as its free in the UK ,only 12 hours away,is pre-planned, and efficiency is guaranteed other options prevail and far cheaper.

Life after the op is not good , breathlessness pain ,immunity system shattered,'flu heavy cold all far more life threatening,plus the crop burning season about to start up north,heavy smog descends for months Clean air costa in Spain will do nicely ,plus further medical care/medication is free

Likened to throwing a half inflated life vest to a drowning man wearing lead lined boots Three score and ten,just how long is life expectancy?,age alone should be a factor of staying in Thailand,especially with major surgery or threatening major illness, used to see friends and neighbours trotting off to regional cancer centre,never to be seen after 12 months or so Not particularly bothered about death,seems better than struggling on into old age anyway


Hi Again,

Have been out since Tuesday, at the moment not feeling too brilliant

I have been taking various meds to help with toilet visits (no straining).

Also, have been prescribed what I would call active meds Baby aspirin and a beast called Concor 2.5mg .Half tablet morning and the other half in evening.

Not sure why taking it but my BP is normally in the range 118/77. This tablet lowers my BP drastically to between 100/64 - 108/65, then it climbs steadily to my normal range, then we start all over again. I get so light headed its unpleasant and dizzying. and makes me feel tired and lethargic. Unfortunately its now the weekend.so no good trying to get hold of the proscriber. .

Looked it up on the net and it would seem I'm taking the minimum possible.

There could be 2 reasons for this prescription 1. Irregular heartbeat (I entered the hospital taking Inderal for this. only on one a day at that time) 2. due to narrowing of artery in the heart 60 - 70% narrowing at origin of of first diagonal branch as found in the angiogram.( this probably more likely, as the doc said meds will stabilise this). I think that I'll only take 1/2 a day until I find out the score on this. I know that one cannot stop this med abruptly so not sure whether to miss the night or morning one.

Does anyone know if there is an equivalent that might suit better. BP is fine normally and the irregular heartbeat easily controlled by one inderal tablet.

Apart from that am healing quite well - but I do feel like S..t with this med.



How are you feeling now banK?

Any improvements?

As stated, can walk much easier now, but meds making me a bit off at moment - it would be nice to get back normal.

Thanks for asking



Hi Again,

.... have been prescribed what I would call active meds Baby aspirin and a beast called Concor 2.5mg .Half tablet morning and the other half in evening.

Not sure why taking it but my BP is normally in the range 118/77. This tablet lowers my BP drastically to between 100/64 - 108/65, then it climbs steadily to my normal range, then we start all over again. I get so light headed its unpleasant and dizzying. and makes me feel tired and lethargic. Unfortunately its now the weekend.so no good trying to get hold of the proscriber. .

Looked it up on the net and it would seem I'm taking the minimum possible.

There could be 2 reasons for this prescription 1. Irregular heartbeat (I entered the hospital taking Inderal for this. only on one a day at that time) 2. due to narrowing of artery in the heart 60 - 70% narrowing at origin of of first diagonal branch as found in the angiogram.( this probably more likely, as the doc said meds will stabilise this). I think that I'll only take 1/2 a day until I find out the score on this. I know that one cannot stop this med abruptly so not sure whether to miss the night or morning one.

Does anyone know if there is an equivalent that might suit better. BP is fine normally and the irregular heartbeat easily controlled by one inderal tablet.

Apart from that am healing quite well - but I do feel like S..t with this med.


Concor is the same drug family and same action/indications as inderal.

If you are feeling unwell on it and did better on the inderal, discuss with your doctor a change back to inderal which is also less expensive.


Hi Again,

.... have been prescribed what I would call active meds Baby aspirin and a beast called Concor 2.5mg .Half tablet morning and the other half in evening.

Not sure why taking it but my BP is normally in the range 118/77. This tablet lowers my BP drastically to between 100/64 - 108/65, then it climbs steadily to my normal range, then we start all over again. I get so light headed its unpleasant and dizzying. and makes me feel tired and lethargic. Unfortunately its now the weekend.so no good trying to get hold of the proscriber. .

Looked it up on the net and it would seem I'm taking the minimum possible.

There could be 2 reasons for this prescription 1. Irregular heartbeat (I entered the hospital taking Inderal for this. only on one a day at that time) 2. due to narrowing of artery in the heart 60 - 70% narrowing at origin of of first diagonal branch as found in the angiogram.( this probably more likely, as the doc said meds will stabilise this). I think that I'll only take 1/2 a day until I find out the score on this. I know that one cannot stop this med abruptly so not sure whether to miss the night or morning one.

Does anyone know if there is an equivalent that might suit better. BP is fine normally and the irregular heartbeat easily controlled by one inderal tablet.

Apart from that am healing quite well - but I do feel like S..t with this med.


Concor is the same drug family and same action/indications as inderal.

If you are feeling unwell on it and did better on the inderal, discuss with your doctor a change back to inderal which is also less expensive.

Thanks for info Sheryl, seen a load of doctors today, including the AAA surgeon , who agreed for me to go back to Inderal (1/2 tab morning / night).

Have follow ups in May.

Back home tomorrow - still not heard renewal cost yet.

Thanks everyone




Hi there

Have been invited by Cigna to renew the policy for a further year.

There are no exclusions.

The cost is 3139.74 GBP up from 2926.14 GBP an increase of 7.2%. So of course have done so!!

Incidentally, the hike on renewal after the 1st year of cover was 15%.

I count this company as a genuine expat health insurance company



Yearly increases based on age (and in some cases, inflation which would be across the board) are normal in any policy - some companies do it every five years rather than every year, in which case the 5 year "bump" is quite large, 30-40%.

7.2% is about right for annual increase based on age.

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