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White Christmas cancelled due to warm weather


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White Christmas cancelled due to warm weather


White Christmas blossoms in Germany

Hopes of a white Christmas are melting away in Europe due to unseasonably warm weather.

There will be a white christmas of sorts in Berlin.

The high temperatures in Germany have made the cherry blossom bloom months in advance.

No snow in Switzerland

In Switzerland, only the ski resorts with artificial snow have managed to open so far this season.

This will be the third year in a row with little or no snowfall.

“It is true, the warm weather feels nice but it is still a bit worrying. Every winter there is and less snow. It is a bit of a shame for the skiing.” said one woman.

Moscow is melting

In Moscow, these are some of the warmest December temperatures since 1936.

A 100-metre ice slide in Red Square has melted.

Mosovites say this is not a Russian winter. “This is wrong. We are happy about the decorations and Christmas trees, but we miss the snow, the frost and the wonderful mood that only snow can give us, the cleanliness. We have only grey slush.” said one woman.

Many ice rinks across the Russian capital have also melted.

Forecasters say the warm temperatures are set to continue through the week.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-23

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"Moscow is melting

In Moscow, these are some of the warmest December temperatures since 1936."

How history would of been different if that warm Moscow weather had of been 5 years later.

some of the warmest December temperatures since 1936

And yet, the climate change nutters will be claiming that it is down to human activity. Somehow they always forget to mention that it's been that way before, long before human activity could influence climate.

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