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I Have The Solution For The Shin Corporation Problems


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A Singapore investment banker said he had overheard that Madame Ho Ching, the CEO of Temasek, had been following political developments in Thailand very closely and had expressed her willingness to seek a compromise.
"Temasek, from what I have heard, is willing to pay a fine or make other concessions in order to end the controversy rather than allow the issue to drag on," he said.
If Temasek reduced its holding in Shin Corp from 96 per cent to 49 per cent by selling some 1.5 billion shares, it would suffer a huge loss. It paid Bt49.25 a share, for a total of Bt140 billion-Bt150 billion, but now Shin Corp is trading on the stock market at Bt28.25 a share.
Besides, Singapore faces public outrage here over its perceived attempt to dominate Thailand's businesses involving national security.

"The Thai government is expected to tell the Singapore government and Temasek that current anti-Singapore sentiment needs to be dealt with quickly," the source said.

"There is a lot at stake for Singapore and Thailand relations, depending on a compromise on the Shin deal."

Of particular concern are Shin Satellite and iTV, both listed subsidiaries of Shin Corp. They are considered politically sensitive state concessions while the cellular service business of Advanced Info Service, Shin Corp's flagship unit, is in a more liberalised industry.

It is widely believed that under close scrutiny many foreign-invested Thai companies would fall afoul of the foreign ownership law, which has been criticised as vague and subject to abuse.


and use the profits of that portfolio to benefit the poor of this nation in an honest effort to eliminate poverty in Thailand.

This would serve twofold in that it would allow to eradicate any potential opposition to this newly installed govermnet and give the people that suffer a way of escaping their financial dilema without having to support radical policiticans.

This is just a sampling of the things that the profits could go to:

1.) Support to numerous Orphanages of Thailand

2.) FREE Internet for all Thai Schools

3.) Continued funding for the 1,000,000 Baht per Village Loan program

4.) A free Cow for every farmer program

5.) Maintain the 30 baht Hospital scheme

6.) A lunch program for the schools allowing one free meal per student per day

7.) Start a Small Business Administation that helps the small Thai guy that want to change his life, through low interest Business loans, once the business is up and running and shows a profit in addition to having XX of employees.

8.) Dredge the rivers and canals of Thailand allowing for better nationwide flood control, in addition to making the numerous waterways a viable transport route.

I am sure that many others will find enough other ideas of what can be done with the money, FOR THAILAND, rather than just fine the violators and be done with it. No! I say allow the businesses in questiopn to flourish and even expand for then Thailand could truly benefit from the mistake of others.

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Looks like you've given this a bit of thought, and have a flair for spending.

What message does this suggested Nationalisation send to investors world-wide?

Will there be enough investment/money coming in afterwards to fund your sample of projects in the long term?

I'd be interested to learn more about the subject.

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Actually the money is there if there was no corruption. I did the numbers some time back.

It works out to be between 5000 and 10000 ThB per person per year lost to corruption.

Edited by John K
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They will BUY Temasek's shares, not simply take them. Maybe right after they seize Thaksin's assets.

The company has been built on Thailand's money, why should they pay second time, to buy back what they built themselves, while Thaksin is having the best time of his life with the loot?

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A Singapore investment banker said he had overheard that Madame Ho Ching, the CEO of Temasek, had been following political developments in Thailand very closely and had expressed her willingness to seek a compromise.
"Temasek, from what I have heard, is willing to pay a fine or make other concessions in order to end the controversy rather than allow the issue to drag on," he said.
If Temasek reduced its holding in Shin Corp from 96 per cent to 49 per cent by selling some 1.5 billion shares, it would suffer a huge loss. It paid Bt49.25 a share, for a total of Bt140 billion-Bt150 billion, but now Shin Corp is trading on the stock market at Bt28.25 a share.
Besides, Singapore faces public outrage here over its perceived attempt to dominate Thailand's businesses involving national security.

"The Thai government is expected to tell the Singapore government and Temasek that current anti-Singapore sentiment needs to be dealt with quickly," the source said.

"There is a lot at stake for Singapore and Thailand relations, depending on a compromise on the Shin deal."

Of particular concern are Shin Satellite and iTV, both listed subsidiaries of Shin Corp. They are considered politically sensitive state concessions while the cellular service business of Advanced Info Service, Shin Corp's flagship unit, is in a more liberalised industry.

It is widely believed that under close scrutiny many foreign-invested Thai companies would fall afoul of the foreign ownership law, which has been criticised as vague and subject to abuse.


and use the profits of that portfolio to benefit the poor of this nation in an honest effort to eliminate poverty in Thailand.

This would serve twofold in that it would allow to eradicate any potential opposition to this newly installed govermnet and give the people that suffer a way of escaping their financial dilema without having to support radical policiticans.

This is just a sampling of the things that the profits could go to:

1.) Support to numerous Orphanages of Thailand

2.) FREE Internet for all Thai Schools

3.) Continued funding for the 1,000,000 Baht per Village Loan program

4.) A free Cow for every farmer program :o

5.) Maintain the 30 baht Hospital scheme

6.) A lunch program for the schools allowing one free meal per student per day

7.) Start a Small Business Administation that helps the small Thai guy that want to change his life, through low interest Business loans, once the business is up and running and shows a profit in addition to having XX of employees.

8.) Dredge the rivers and canals of Thailand allowing for better nationwide flood control, in addition to making the numerous waterways a viable transport route.

I am sure that many others will find enough other ideas of what can be done with the money, FOR THAILAND, rather than just fine the violators and be done with it. No! I say allow the businesses in questiopn to flourish and even expand for then Thailand could truly benefit from the mistake of others.

I don't think you have a grasp on reality.when you talk of nationalizing a public company your talking comunism, government can sell off crown(state) corporations,but in a free democratic country you cannnot take what is not yours,that's stealing.........the stockholders own shin

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I don't think you have a grasp on reality.when you talk of nationalizing a public company your talking comunism, government can sell off crown(state) corporations,but in a free democratic country you cannnot take what is not yours, that's stealing.........the stockholders own shin

OH I have a good grasp of reality. I am a small business owner in Thailand and follow the law, why should the big guys not do the same. The stockholders have allowed Shin Deal to take place either directly or indirectly making them a party to the illegal act, therefore they have helped violate / circumvent the law and should pay accordingly. I am not talking about the little stockholder I am talking about the majority stockholder (Temasek) who was surely aware of these laws through their lawyers. Mr. Thaksin, surely knew. A defense of “Ignorance of the Law” is not an option anyway.

Communism! Not the right word to describe what I propose. But, to prevent that label being used in this case, the option should be to give the shares to the people of Thailand or risk being closed down for good and loosing all in accordance with the laws of Thailand. Therefore let us rename it to

“ShinGift” or ชินให้

Any way we are only talking about the dealing with the violator of the laws which it seems may be Temasek and their shares, for it is suspected that they acted improperly by accepting the deal and then trying to flaunt the laws of Thailand.

And to avoid a lot of controversy let us give the shares to the King and his family, for he is one of the few people, in this nation, that can be trusted to put the interest of the people before himself. Tell Madame Ho Ching, the CEO of Temasek that she has to split the shares and that those new shares cannot be sold creating further potential profit or other tricks, but, must be presented to the Royal family as a gift. The Royal family would surely find a way to invest those newly issued shares and use the benefits of such a gift for benefit of the poor people of Thailand

What message does this suggested Nationalization send to investors world-wide?

It would send the clear message: If you plan to do business as a Thai or as a foreigner, great! We welcome you with open arms, please do so honestly and according to the laws of Thailand, or risk facing the wrath of the law.

while Thaksin is having the best time of his life with the loot?

Of course that will be a subject of a completely separate post at a later time, but, here also, Thailand should take all illegally gained spoils, leaving the man and his family with only honestly earned monies and property. In my opinion it will be many years before that is figured out.

Another point: If I go to America and I get involved in money laundering activities and other types activities covered under the "Rico" statutes then my assets can be seized. If I transport certain contraband or conduct other illegal activity while using a car. That vehicle can then be impounded and auctioned off. Last time I looked no one failed to invest in the USA, due to these laws being enforced on an almost daily basis.

This is a onetime opportunity for Thailand's people to benefit from the wrongdoing of others. With such a system the guilty could be punished and the Innocent be rewarded.

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I don't think you have a grasp on reality.when you talk of nationalizing a public company your talking comunism, government can sell off crown(state) corporations,but in a free democratic country you cannnot take what is not yours, that's stealing.........the stockholders own shin

OH I have a good grasp of reality. I am a small business owner in Thailand and follow the law, why should the big guys not do the same. The stockholders have allowed Shin Deal to take place either directly or indirectly making them a party to the illegal act, therefore they have helped violate / circumvent the law and should pay accordingly. I am not talking about the little stockholder I am talking about the majority stockholder (Temasek) who was surely aware of these laws through their lawyers. Mr. Thaksin, surely knew. A defense of “Ignorance of the Law” is not an option anyway.

Communism! Not the right word to describe what I propose. But, to prevent that label being used in this case, the option should be to give the shares to the people of Thailand or risk being closed down for good and loosing all in accordance with the laws of Thailand. Therefore let us rename it to

“ShinGift” or ชินให้

Any way we are only talking about the dealing with the violator of the laws which it seems may be Temasek and their shares, for it is suspected that they acted improperly by accepting the deal and then trying to flaunt the laws of Thailand.

And to avoid a lot of controversy let us give the shares to the King and his family, for he is one of the few people, in this nation, that can be trusted to put the interest of the people before himself. Tell Madame Ho Ching, the CEO of Temasek that she has to split the shares and that those new shares cannot be sold creating further potential profit or other tricks, but, must be presented to the Royal family as a gift. The Royal family would surely find a way to invest those newly issued shares and use the benefits of such a gift for benefit of the poor people of Thailand

What message does this suggested Nationalization send to investors world-wide?

It would send the clear message: If you plan to do business as a Thai or as a foreigner, great! We welcome you with open arms, please do so honestly and according to the laws of Thailand, or risk facing the wrath of the law.

while Thaksin is having the best time of his life with the loot?

Of course that will be a subject of a completely separate post at a later time, but, here also, Thailand should take all illegally gained spoils, leavinour point g the man and his family with only honestly earned monies and property. In my opinion it will be many years before that is figured out.

Another point: If I go to America and I get involved in money laundering activities and other types activities covered under the "Rico" statutes then my assets can be seized. If I transport certain contraband or conduct other illegal activity while using a car. That vehicle can then be impounded and auctioned off. Last time I looked no one failed to invest in the USA, due to these laws being enforced on an almost daily basis.

This is a onetime opportunity for Thailand's people to benefit from the wrongdoing of others. With such a system the guilty could be punished and the Innocent be rewarded.

I agree with your point of making Taxin responsible.......sieze all his assets, but leave shin alone, you would undermine the integrety of the market and set of a cascade of uncontrollable evens,,, how short your memory is don't :D:o you remember the curency crisis

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The stockholders have allowed Shin Deal to take place either directly or indirectly making them a party to the illegal act, therefore they have helped violate / circumvent the law and should pay accordingly.

There is something called due process.

And simply nationalising a public company, or given to a country's constitutional monarch and his family, after declaring the sale without any legal case tried by an independent court sythem fits a dictatorship, and not what is promoted as an aspiring democracy.

Such a trial will take years as it is highly complex, and will naturally have to go through the proper channels.

What you are suggesting is pure illinfomed fantasy that may feed some emotions of vengeance, but would destroy business in Thailand. Well, other than small business ownership, maybe, such as selling second hand clothes such as in African or Cambodian markets for the then absolutely impoverished population.

Keep on dreaming. :o

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