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Thailand hoping to attract wealthier travellers

Jonathan Fairfield

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Bringing in plane loads of cheap Chinese tourists doesn't impress wealthier tourists. You can't have both. Pick one or the other.

What drivel

Do "wealthier" people only go to destinations where there are other "wealthier" people?

Thailand has attractions that cater to a broad range of budgets. Restricting budget travellers won't result in an increase in more moneyed ones.

This incessant bitching about the Chinese is as tiresome as the bores who spout it. m

What makes farang better than the Chinese? The fact that they've a greater propensity for blowing a small fortune on marrying and breeding a prostitute? The fact that they drink to excess and disrespect the country? LOL!

The fact of the matter is this: though the Chinese come here with Chinese-owned tour operators, stay in Chinese-owned hotels and shop at Chinese-owned outlets, all those businesses employ Thais and pay taxes in Thailand.

They bring in fresh, hard currency that they exchange for THB and spend in Thailand

Oh okay. 'Money where mouth is' time. Book yourself into a brimming to the gunnels Chinese and report back on your experience, as others have smile.png

Oh OK "avoid going off at tangent" time.

Why would I book myself into a Chinese hotel?

How would doing so disprove my point about their contribution to the Thai economy?

Would doing so prove that farangs are somehow better than Chinese?

No, but you stating that foreigners marrying prostitutes, drinking to excess and thus disrespecting the country, shows that its seriously time to put your blinkers off. The thais are very well capable themselves of disrespecting their own country.

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No, but you stating that foreigners marrying prostitutes, drinking to excess and thus disrespecting the country, shows that its seriously time to put your blinkers off. The thais are very well capable themselves of disrespecting their own country.

OK well, knowing your history, I'll simply assume that your own experiences are clouding and influencing your reasoning.

It's the only reason why someone would come up with such an idiotic justification for bad behaviour.

"The Thais disrespect their country so why shouldn't we?"

Wake up, mate

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No, but you stating that foreigners marrying prostitutes, drinking to excess and thus disrespecting the country, shows that its seriously time to put your blinkers off. The thais are very well capable themselves of disrespecting their own country.

OK well, knowing your history, I'll simply assume that your own experiences are clouding and influencing your reasoning.

It's the only reason why someone would come up with such an idiotic justification for bad behaviour.

"The Thais disrespect their country so why shouldn't we?"

Wake up, mate

Quite a statement CH. Foreigners marrying prostitutes and drinking to excess with the sole intention to adapt to the thais, disrespecting their own country.

Ohh btw you know as good as nothing about my own personal experiences. It must admit though that there are some links between my own, ongoing, experiences and many articles posted on the Thai News Forum.

Merry Christmas.

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Tourists in Thailand should be treated as CIP's (Commercially Important Person's) as they bring a fortune into the country. However, in reality they are treated very poorly. As a number of people posting here have said they are treated poorly. Now it means jumping through hoops to get a visa. Yes we all know some people have abused the system and that has to stop but dont penalize the tourists and think they will come and spend loads of cash they wont.

Ripped off at attractions, filthy beaches, scam / violent scam artists at every beach location, Poorly maintained vehicles, untrained drivers in cars, Thai's who feel they can kill you if you beep your horn at them.

Thailand is a country with tremendous potential but the way it is handled it will never show that potential.

TAT needs to stop talking drivel and actually find out what tourists want then provide it in a safe environment.

This is the most sensible post yet and I agree 100%.

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Absolutely, Chinese don't spend money.... They don't take taxis. They don't drink. They don't shop. They sleep and eat.

It's getting so bad here for the police here in Patong, they are turning off the signals at major intersections in hopes to get more money from handling accidents. They just can't stop everyone everyday depending on 500 baht for no license.

Smart MF

Scale ....it's all about scale mate although I think failing Maths is what did you in mate

Chinese don't drink because wearing a Singha tee shirt and a pot belly is not an Instagram moment and in Chinese culture its not right to get drunk in front of your family on a vacation

They don't shop ??? Really ???? You need to Google mate what is Chinese shopping ...u seen any farang buying bags of mangoes at the airports , Thai snacks and duty free cosmetics shops ?

They don't take taxis as most are group tours ...imagine 16 million Chinese visiting in 2015 divided by 40 in a bus ; think about the jobs this is providing to guides , bus Drivers and parking attendants etc vs the 20 baht paid by most drunken louts in Pattaya on the red songtaews

Chinese eat a lot again think 16 million Chinese visitors eating vs the 40 baht stall

Hotel rooms at 1000 baht average cheap hotel a night * 3 nights average stay * 16,000,000 Chinese = :) yes it's that many zeros !!!

Most Chinese guests here have overrun the four season Meriden shangrila and dhara Dhevi in Chiangmai they are not cheap Charlies as the average room rate is about 3500-9000 a night

The reality is by scale no one can ignore the Chinese market by manners yes they have room for improvement

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Thailands is heading into 2559 wearing 1559 glasses.

If people what to know what to expect from a holiday now they don't go to the local travel agents to be met by someone that is going to tell them the people are lovely, the beaches are clean, the police will help you out if you have trouble.

They now look on the internet and read forums such as this. They know what goes on behind the false smiles at the airport. They know their taxi driver may well stab them to death if they question why the meter has not been turned on.

Slave labour. Murderers who are untouchable. Police scams. The list is endless.

If anyone has any doubt as to why Thailand will never have quality (repeat) tourist have a read back thru the threads of 2558. Read how dark this place has become.

Read how many people would leave if they could.

This country if it carry on as it is will soon equal North Korea. It is slowly killing itself

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"Thais being as insular as they are have no conception of what a clean modern city/country/beach/national park/river/canal looks like. " -Lonewolf999

Hmmm I'm a Thai and I do have a concept of a clean environment is, thank you for the generalization. You must also be another miserable expat who bashes the country in every opportunity you get yet still live here? I had a choice of living Europe or Thailand, I chose Thailand because I didn't like Europe, wow if only people like you did the same.

Edited by MatteoBassini
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No, but you stating that foreigners marrying prostitutes, drinking to excess and thus disrespecting the country, shows that its seriously time to put your blinkers off. The thais are very well capable themselves of disrespecting their own country.

OK well, knowing your history, I'll simply assume that your own experiences are clouding and influencing your reasoning.

It's the only reason why someone would come up with such an idiotic justification for bad behaviour.

"The Thais disrespect their country so why shouldn't we?"

Wake up, mate

Quite a statement CH. Foreigners marrying prostitutes and drinking to excess with the sole intention to adapt to the thais, disrespecting their own country.

Ohh btw you know as good as nothing about my own personal experiences. It must admit though that there are some links between my own, ongoing, experiences and many articles posted on the Thai News Forum.

Merry Christmas.

So you're actually saying that farangs marry/breed with prostitutes and drink to excess so they can be more like Thais?

Obviously, you've had too much Christmas spirit so I'll ignore your drivel

Oh and BTW, my knowledge of your personal experiences isn't as good as nothing, is it?

When you air your dirty laundry on this forum, the aroma tends to linger, mate

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No, but you stating that foreigners marrying prostitutes, drinking to excess and thus disrespecting the country, shows that its seriously time to put your blinkers off. The thais are very well capable themselves of disrespecting their own country.

OK well, knowing your history, I'll simply assume that your own experiences are clouding and influencing your reasoning.

It's the only reason why someone would come up with such an idiotic justification for bad behaviour.

"The Thais disrespect their country so why shouldn't we?"

Wake up, mate

Quite a statement CH. Foreigners marrying prostitutes and drinking to excess with the sole intention to adapt to the thais, disrespecting their own country.

Ohh btw you know as good as nothing about my own personal experiences. It must admit though that there are some links between my own, ongoing, experiences and many articles posted on the Thai News Forum.

Merry Christmas.

So you're actually saying that farangs marry/breed with prostitutes and drink to excess so they can be more like Thais?

Obviously, you've had too much Christmas spirit so I'll ignore your drivel

Oh and BTW, my knowledge of your personal experiences isn't as good as nothing, is it?

When you air your dirty laundry on this forum, the aroma tends to linger, mate

Comprehensive reading is not one of your strong points HS.

Yes, it is as good as nothing.

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Well, this somewhat explains the constant rise in prices at my hotel which says that it is not interested in long-stay residents very much any more. If the hotel can achieve a high occupancy rate with high-paying short-term guests, they will indeed make more money. I wonder if they can do it. I expect that stores will also be raising their prices. The acid test will be sales numbers. Let's see how they do. I'm already considering California, Spain and Portugal as alternate wintering spots. At the moment, I'm not interested in South or Central America.

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Thailand would have to offer something sweet....for the luxury of snapping up rich, educated tourists. Nobody likes dual pricing...even the rich...as it is a slap in the face. I went to a National Park near Nam Nao and was told to pay 400, while thais only paid 40. Just a small example...but a good start.

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The Swedes have been run off--usually a fairly "wealthy" traveler. In their place, remain Russians (another group that frequents 7-11 for cheap alcohol) and the ever present Chinese. And I keep hearing more Thais complain about Chinese. But the Thai government is driving these tourism ties, with their new best friends in Moscow and Beijing. I guess the North Koreans would be coming here, too, if they weren't starving to death.

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The Swedes have been run off--usually a fairly "wealthy" traveler. In their place, remain Russians (another group that frequents 7-11 for cheap alcohol) and the ever present Chinese. And I keep hearing more Thais complain about Chinese. But the Thai government is driving these tourism ties, with their new best friends in Moscow and Beijing. I guess the North Koreans would be coming here, too, if they weren't starving to death.

It makes logical sense ....I don't see any governments that would be this receptive to tourism overtures from a government that is not elected

The Chinese is at this time the only group that will is sustain jobs , the factories and those in the hospitality groups

While most are coming for their first trip , many return to Thailand on their own as FITs later with their guidebooks and GPS on a bike.

There isn't at this time any replacement group at this scale...while the Thais complain and in general don't like some of the mannerism , they only need to look towards Hong Kong to understand what a backlash of Chinese sentiment means

Most working in the HK tourism business this year is not expecting any bonuses or meeting their targets and the Malls largely now empty by normal standards as the Chinese has started to pull out with local sentiment hostile and unwelcoming

Edited by LawrenceChee
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At upwards of $US 1000 per night, Mr. Heinecke in Chiang Mai isn't complaining:Standard_FS_Logo.png


Nope and the energy group that just bough Dhara Dhevi Chiangmai is reinvesting to attract more. The Fujian on most days now is filled with Chinese too

I ate there last week and the bill was almost 2500 for dim sum ; almost like hosting 60 * 40 baht meals in Khao San road ....and their tables are filled with food like typical Chinese groups. I bet the average spent was 3000-5000 per table group

Certainly helping to meet the monthly F&B Budget targets

Edited by LawrenceChee
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Bringing in plane loads of cheap Chinese tourists doesn't impress wealthier tourists. You can't have both. Pick one or the other.

What drivel

Do "wealthier" people only go to destinations where there are other "wealthier" people?

Thailand has attractions that cater to a broad range of budgets. Restricting budget travellers won't result in an increase in more moneyed ones.

This incessant bitching about the Chinese is as tiresome as the bores who spout it. m

What makes farang better than the Chinese? The fact that they've a greater propensity for blowing a small fortune on marrying and breeding a prostitute? The fact that they drink to excess and disrespect the country? LOL!

The fact of the matter is this: though the Chinese come here with Chinese-owned tour operators, stay in Chinese-owned hotels and shop at Chinese-owned outlets, all those businesses employ Thais and pay taxes in Thailand.

They bring in fresh, hard currency that they exchange for THB and spend in Thailand

Be nice. Mentioned this because I've got some friends in town. Went to a major local attraction and turned back as there were 8-10 bus loads of tourists packing the place. Not just Chinese, but where I live, they are now the main type of tourist going around in big tour buses. It could be any nationality causing these problems, but right now, here in Thailand, it's mainly Chinese.

I've got no problems with Chinese, spent 6 months there and loved it, but have problems with big tour buses packing the major attractions. Most are here on no cost/low cost packages. They are not spending much money except at places they're taken to by their tour guides who make money on what's been purchased. And typically only go to establishments with Chinese owners, with money going into their pockets, not the Thais. But yes, they do have low salary Thai employees working for them. This is all well documented.

No, "wealthier" tourists don't just go where other wealthy tourists go. But they do go to nicer locations than the low cost ones do. As for attractions, I've been to a lot here. They pale in comparison to what many other countries offer. No English signs, dual pricing, poor infrastructure, etc. We were in one last year. One of the biggest attractions here in Thailand. Many of the signs directing you around the park were broken and on the ground. A "nature" trail was used by scooters buzzing up and down, zipping in and out of the security fence "protecting" the park. Bridges had apparently been washed out for many years. Steps were broken as were hand rails. Major trails were a mess. Terrible state. We didn't stay long.

As for taxes. You really think they pay much in taxes? I highly doubt it. The money they spend goes to a select few. Thailand needs independent travelers, not low cost packaged tourists.

Have a nice holiday season.

Interesting read:



There are many hidden costs to tourism, which can have unfavorable economic effects on the host community. Often rich countries are better able to profit from tourism than poor ones. Whereas the least developed countries have the most urgent need for income, employment and general rise of the standard of living by means of tourism, they are least able to realize these benefits. Among the reasons for this are large-scale transfer of tourism revenues out of the host country and exclusion of local businesses and products.


A study of tourism 'leakage' in Thailand estimated that 70% of all money spent by tourists ended up leaving Thailand (via foreign-owned tour operators, airlines, hotels, imported drinks and food, etc.). Estimates for other Third World countries range from 80% in the Caribbean to 40% in India.

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Thailand has had its day , , They have trashed their beaches and built everywhere , while raising prices and dropping service standards, not to mention the scams and violence directed at tourist they are lucky to get the Chinese and Indians , while not big spenders they help maintain the illusion of a successful tourism industry.

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The Swedes have been run off--usually a fairly "wealthy" traveler. In their place, remain Russians (another group that frequents 7-11 for cheap alcohol) and the ever present Chinese. And I keep hearing more Thais complain about Chinese. But the Thai government is driving these tourism ties, with their new best friends in Moscow and Beijing. I guess the North Koreans would be coming here, too, if they weren't starving to death.

It makes logical sense ....I don't see any governments that would be this receptive to tourism overtures from a government that is not elected

The Chinese is at this time the only group that will is sustain jobs , the factories and those in the hospitality groups

While most are coming for their first trip , many return to Thailand on their own as FITs later with their guidebooks and GPS on a bike.

There isn't at this time any replacement group at this scale...while the Thais complain and in general don't like some of the mannerism , they only need to look towards Hong Kong to understand what a backlash of Chinese sentiment means

Most working in the HK tourism business this year is not expecting any bonuses or meeting their targets and the Malls largely now empty by normal standards as the Chinese has started to pull out with local sentiment hostile and unwelcoming

I travel quite extensively around Thailand, and the world. I rarely seen independent Chinese travelers here. Yes, there are some, but a very small percentage compared to the total. And as you mention in HK, the lower cost Chinese tourist is not always a welcomed on. Apparently for good reason.



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Thailand has had its day , , They have trashed their beaches and built everywhere , while raising prices and dropping service standards, not to mention the scams and violence directed at tourist they are lucky to get the Chinese and Indians , while not big spenders they help maintain the illusion of a successful tourism industry.

A few years ago, a group of guys came here from Europe for a friends wedding. They stayed at a very nice resort south of Pattaya, right on the beach. As they swam, they would run into trash. Both above and below the water. They couldn't believe it and left as soon as they could. Hard to attract wealthy tourists when the environment is in such bad shape. There are many other alternatives.

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Thailand is not a posh place. Period. Most westerners I know link Thailand to whores and too-spicy food. Thailand is ideal for nouveau middle class thinking they are rich during their 10-day splurge here. They pay 3x the price Thai middle class travelers pay and get half the service. I like my low-budget life here though. 5000 for the house all-in. Nice company free of charge. Free nature. Free hammock at the sea. Bliss.

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I just spent the last few days in Singapore and had a great time at Universal Studios on Christmas Day. Seeing the Marina Sands, walking the river area, china town, Garden on the Bay, etc was great ! The difference is night and day compared to Thailand. Everything in Singapore is clean, Taxis will take you everywhere and are nice, there is so much to see that you would need weeks , the place is very safe, traffic accidents are few, etc etc .... Thailand on the other hand offers low standards, it's dangerous, dirty resort areas, ripoff taxis, other than temples nothing really special to see, etc etc.... The only thing Thailand really offers is cheap hotels, cheap boozes, and cheap women. Why would a family with money want to come here and take the chance of getting raped, ripped off or perhaps killed ??? Chinese, Indian, , southeast Asian countries, and backpackers make up the numbers now and I understand why....

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Coincidentally, there is a letter in today's BP describing an incident at the airport in which a well-heeled Indian visitor was abused at a currency exchange booth ( related by an observer to the event).

It seems that the Indian man suggested to the worker that she might be more polite in her treatment of him whereupon she told him F You. SCB.

"A Rude Awakening" , p8

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So...after selling out to busloads of Chinese, now we need wealthier travelers? Too late. No wealthier traveler goes to a destination where, like in Chiang Mai at 23.45 you get thrown out in the street because bars and restaurants are forcibly closed. Last chance: de-valuate the Thai Baht.

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