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Holiday reminder to jai yen yen, or: How I got smacked in the back of the head


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To smack you without warning he is probably on roids or having a bad day (or just a bell end), you should'nt be walking around like a train though either, people have kids/elders with them or are generally enjoying a strole on a well earned day off, yes it can get annoying when people walk infront of you at 2mph but hey chill its life, happens in London and all over... and as you said yourself 'In summary, I can be a bit of a jerk when trying to walk from point A to point B.' if you knocked into my mrs with no apology and she had my son in her arms youd be getting knocked out too, not by me but her... slow down and take it easy, smile and show some respect.

The guy does sound like a nob, twatting someone in the back of the head is sucker punch style and those guys are the lowest of the low, lets hope he <deleted> the wrong person soon.

On a serious note, take it easy you dont know who your messing with here, Thai non Thai, people get shot for less and it aint worth it. Smiles and respect go along way here, even if it means biting your lip sometimes.

Happy new years and good luck.

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^As if your bird could knock out a grown man ,unless she is a fat tub of lard on meth, that is !

No she is not fat, nor does she do meth, she is very respectable lady who takes care of her perants and our son (thanks for your assesment though)

But she does not take any sh*t, especially off rude people... I have seen small Thai men who look like 7 year old boys beat the shit out of so called 'hard men' falangs, so I think you would be suprised, size here is not much to go on.

I lift weights a fair bit and consider myself quite strong, and when I get slammed in an arm wrestle by our little Thai 18 year old cousins (they all wanna arm wrestle the falang), it is rather embarasing. When your from a farming background and you have worked in the rice fields all your life, the strenght is not something to under estimate with Thai`s, luckily my wife has a long fuse but if you go past the mark, or do something bad to our son, even I would be scared of her heh.

Anyway I am trying to give the man some advise for his own protection, not stir up any sh*t. Like I said, a little respect and smiles go along way here.


Edited by ryanhull
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^As if your bird could knock out a grown man ,unless she is a fat tub of lard on meth, that is !

No she is not fat, nor does she do meth, she is very respectable lady who takes care of her perants and our son (thanks for your assesment though)

But she does not take any sh*t, especially off rude people... I have seen small Thai men who look like 7 year old boys beat the shit out of so called 'hard men' falangs, so I think you would be suprised, size here is not much to go on.

I lift weights a fair bit and consider myself quite strong, and when I get slammed in an arm wrestle by our little Thai 18 year old cousins (they all wanna arm wrestle the falang), it is rather embarasing. When your from a farming background and you have worked in the rice fields all your life, the strenght is not something to under estimate with Thai`s, luckily my wife has a long fuse but if you go past the mark, or do something bad to our son, even I would be scared of her heh.

Anyway I am trying to give the man some advise for his own protection, not stir up any sh*t. Like I said, a little respect and smiles go along way here.


I love it when someone goes to such lengths to try to justify nonsense.I would have just told me to piss off.wink.png

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A foreign woman who fell off from the back of a moving tuk tuk in Kamala early this morning following a late night on Patongs Bangla Road, was later pronounced dead at Vachira Phuket Hospital.

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Like the OP I was becoming very impatient with the slowness of Thais in a crowd but Mrs Bra took charge and explained what could happen to me if I started to push and shove. So now I accept the inconveniences and I admit that I feel better with life - just as the OP does. So something good has come out of a smack on the back of the head - better than something worse.

Peace on Earth - good will to all men in 2016.

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Six pages of this phony tough-guy bilge, mostly from zeros who couldn't find their backsides with their own two hands, much less Thailand on a map. Another example of the downside of the internet and its effect on Thailand, enabling nitwits to buy airplane tickets...

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People should give the OP a break. He has accepted his responsibility in this, acknowledged a character flaw, and said it's something he's working on. He's been clearer than glass that he needs to ease up, and he's been willing to share his experience even though it does not put him in such a good light. The guy's human, and in this day of 'affluenza kids' etc., we shouldn't smack down someone who's willing to accept their part in things. I'm not a person of faith, but that bit about "casting the first stone" would seem to apply here...

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Reminds me of that video of those farangs in Pattaya bashing through people as they walked on walking street. I guess the biggest guy thought he would act like an icebreaker.

He made the mistake of knocking one of the bar security aside and they leapt on him at once. He didn't stand a chance even though he was much bigger.

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"So I jogged after him and caught up with him..."

Getting hit on the back of the head by a random passerby: Painful.

Chasing down said random person and confronting them: PRICELESS

Would you mind if a few of us chipped in on a life insurance policy?

No cost to you, we'll take care of the payments, paperwork and everything, 555

Edited by SiSePuede419
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maybe it was ronnie pickering...?

Don't you just hate motorbike guys like that. They push in everywhere. I have no poblem if they stay at the side of me, unless I'm turning right or they are turning left. And the ones at night with no back lights .... it is no wonder that unfortunately you see so many DOTR and it's someones husband/wife/daughter or son.
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"So I jogged after him and caught up with him..."

Getting hit on the back of the head by a random passerby: Painful.

Chasing down said random person and confronting them: PRICELESS

Would you mind if a few of us chipped in on a life insurance policy?

No cost to you, we'll take care of the payments, paperwork and everything, 555

Great idea. Make sure the policy covers murder and sign me up.

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When I was a young lad (19 years old) back in the 80's I used to go to Liverpool once a week as part of my apprenticeship.

One of my buddies on my course was a real nice lad called Tom who was living at Cantril Farm. A pretty rough part of Liverpool, so he knew the rules as it where of City behavior. I'm from North Wales Wrexham, which then was also pretty rough, but on a way different level. Let's say Second division to Liverpool's Champions league in the violence stakes.

So, Tom invites me for a night out in the Pool and we go to this big bikers bar that had bands on and was full of some really big mean looking dudes. We went to the bar and got our Pints, I'd only had about one sip (gulp) and this massive hairy dude turns around at the bar and spills a bit of my pint on me. It was only a bit, no big deal, but he immediately said "Sorry lad" and bought me a new pint.

I was gob smacked and asked Tom why he did that. Tom said, "this is Liverpool, he doesn't know you, you could be anybody". Meaning that I could have been a complete pyscho for all this big guy new or had brothers or friends who were.

It surprised me, in a good way. It also gave me a lot more confidence when going out in big cities.

Bangkok is no different, the key word being "Respect" Never lay your hands on anyone, unless you feel your life is in danger or it probably will be.

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I love it when someone goes to such lengths to try to justify nonsense.I would have just told me to piss off.wink.png

No, I would never be so rude to a fellow liverpool fan

As I am not a Liverpool fan I will tell him to piss off!:(

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If you being a dick and and connected with me in a crowd i d be inclined to hit you as well, Be careful and consider others it can really bring out the worst in people, as you are no better than the people you are walking over.

Sure as long as you are not one of the many mindless morons that walk about as if NO ONE ELSE is there amongst them while they walk 3 or 4 and 5 people abreast total oblivious that other people are using the same space and need to pass by also, while leaving no room for others to pass by ......or they commonly stand there and block the path way as if they are the only ones around so people are forced to go around them ....or just abruptly stop and turn around as if no one else is around them ...or just cut across in front of you like there is no one else around.

That does not include the significant percent of people mindlessly operating their cell phones and creating all the more people you have to keep an eye on to make sure you do not collide with them or they collide with you.

I do not condone deliberately bumping into people to knock them out of the way in an aggressive manner but commonly many people need to be woken up and be aware that there are other people around.... and.... be conscious and considerate of all the other people.

I commonly observe that at least 30 percent of the people are not paying attention to what they are doing relevant to what others are doing around them when walking in public spaces.

All too many times I have been walking down a side walk or in a crowded mall or crowded public place and up ahead of me is a group of people, 3 or 4 or 5 people taking up all the space on the side walk or public walking area while mindlessly not paying attention such that if you are also not paying attention you would crash into them .....but you are forced to have to maneuver around them or they will bump into to you unaware that they are not leaving any room for others to share the walking space.

So, sometimes, I just carry on walking right up to what is developing in front of me and then stop and let them bump into me while I am bracing myself for the body contact ....and ooops ..a light bump occurs ..... and now they are awake and realize they just bumped into someone...as I did not bump into them...rather they bumped into me realizing THEY were not paying attention.

All in good fun and possibly a good way to meet girls...lol

In Thai language, with a big smile and laughing slightly, I will say : "Are you awake now" ( Koon Tdurn Rue Yahng ) ......

Every time the person(s) not paying attention says: sorry sorry ( Kor-tawt.... Kor-tawt )

The OP is right when he points out how many Thai people walk about in very crowded conditions like they are the only ones on the planet while that includes a good many foreigners also.

Just my observations watching people after 28 years here

Like my friend once said in agreement: Thai people do not drive very well so no surprise they do not walk around amongst one another very well...lol


Edited by gemguy
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I hope everyone is having a good holiday season; I certainly am.

The story I'm about to tell might put a damper on the holiday spirits but I think there's a good lesson to be learned from it.


I was walking on the ground floor of Siam Paragon this evening; some of you are probably familiar with the fact that it is almost always crowded down there and doubly so during the holidays. I was on my way to get a salad from the grocery store.

Now I should preface the story with the following: I come from a city with fast-walking pedestrians and everyone there is pretty good about either moving forward or staying out of the way. Sometimes I can get pretty frustrated here with the slow-walkers and the people who plant themselves in the middle of a busy walkway. My favorites are the "Crazy Ivans" or the people who do a sudden 180 and walk right into you. Anyway, I admit that sometimes I am fairly aggressive in working my way through a crowd; this is a known character flaw that I'm working on. In summary, I can be a bit of a jerk when trying to walk from point A to point B.

This evening was especially trying as there were many groups of travelers slowly wandering about, so I was squeezing past people in frustration. I wasn't in a huge rush so there was no reason I couldn't have been more patient. I finally made it past the worst of the crowds and was headed into the store when suddenly I felt something smack me hard in the back of the head. I turned around and it was clear who the culprit was: a tall stocky man with a backpack was jogging away from me and everyone was staring at him. I had zero recollection of this guy.

So I jogged after him and caught up with him near the down escalator, at which point he saw me. He turned around and grabbed my arms and started swearing at me, and I said, "What the hell are you doing?" He said, "You hit me first, so I hit you back!" He started pulling and shoving me towards the down escalator; I feared that he was going to try to throw me downstairs. I work out regularly but he had about 10cm and 20kg on me; still I was able to resist him and I felt like he would have a hard time overpowering me.

I then said, "No I never hit you." He seemed taken aback and said, "Really?" I said, "Really, I didn't hit you, not on purpose anyway." Then he said, "OK, then I didn't hit you, we're even!" and started walking away. I followed him again and after a few steps he turned back and came at me. At that point, a crowd had gathered around us, and a few security guards showed up and put themselves between us. He said something like, "Why did you hit me? Don't you know who I am??" So I took out my phone and pointed the camera at him. He said, "Oh, you're going to take a photo?" I took a photo and put the phone in my pocket. He then came at me, saying, "I'm going to take <deleted> your phone!" I jumped back a bit but the security guards stopped him. He then made an angry face and flipped me off; I raised my eyebrows and turned my nose up slightly, and we walked away.

As I was getting my salad a few minutes later, I was still in fight-or-flight mode; my heart was pumping and I was trying to calm myself down. I thought about his statement, "Do you know who I am?" and started getting a bit paranoid. Is he some sort of gangster? Was he going to wait outside for me with his buddies? Was he going to try to follow me home? All these are unlikely scenarios but they were all flashing through my head during my hyper-awareness.


Later, when I arrived at home (after admittedly looking over my shoulder a bit), I reflected on the events that happened. As angry as I was at the guy, I was also thankful that the incident was a reminder for me to be a bit more polite and patient when working my way through a crowd. I can certainly do with a bit more calm and a bit more Thai-style jai yen yen and mai pen rai as I go from point A to point B. It reminded me of some of the bitter foreigners that I've run into, such as one who shoved me through the BTS entry gate when I was having trouble with my card, and another who kicked me as I squeezed past him on the stairs, and I don't want to end up like these guys.

A message to the guy, if he happens to be reading: if I accidentally hard-checked you while trying to get past you, I apologize and meant no disrespect. I honestly don't recall bumping into anyone that hard. However, that is no excuse for slapping someone on the back of the head and then running off like a coward. Next time, let's calmly discuss the issue like men rather than fighting like boys.

And a message to all: I humbly suggest not letting the holiday crowds get to you like I did. There are going to be plenty of travelers and huge crowds in the city, and IMHO the best way to deal with it is to stay calm and be a bit more patient, and to share a bit of holiday spirit with the strangers around you.

so you act like an idiot by pushing everyone and got slapped once. be prepared to get loads more and possibly worse.

The OP either has the BEST recall I know of, or, dare I say, it's made up.

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I was pushing my shopping trolley down a TescoLotus isle yesterday when a Thai woman was walking very very slowly in front of me and texting ... no way past ... my trolley accidently crashed gently into her ... SORRY I said ... my wife said "you did that on purpose" and smiled. I'm a bad person ....

On the subject of texting and not looking where you are going ...we were sitting in the Reception area of the Renaissance Hotel in Bangkok waiting for a friend a couple of months back. In that area, close to the exit from the lift is a water feature with just a very low wall around it.

So some lady ... looked very much Thai ... wandered out of the lift tapping on her phone ... splash... apparently it's not that rare an occurrence. They shoud have a CCTV camera trained on that area and do a compliation... perhaps they have.

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I love it when someone goes to such lengths to try to justify nonsense.I would have just told me to piss off.wink.png

No, I would never be so rude to a fellow liverpool fan

As I am not a Liverpool fan I will tell him to piss off!sad.png

Go on then .

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I hope everyone is having a good holiday season; I certainly am.

The story I'm about to tell might put a damper on the holiday spirits but I think there's a good lesson to be learned from it.


I was walking on the ground floor of Siam Paragon this evening; some of you are probably familiar with the fact that it is almost always crowded down there and doubly so during the holidays. I was on my way to get a salad from the grocery store.

Now I should preface the story with the following: I come from a city with fast-walking pedestrians and everyone there is pretty good about either moving forward or staying out of the way. Sometimes I can get pretty frustrated here with the slow-walkers and the people who plant themselves in the middle of a busy walkway. My favorites are the "Crazy Ivans" or the people who do a sudden 180 and walk right into you. Anyway, I admit that sometimes I am fairly aggressive in working my way through a crowd; this is a known character flaw that I'm working on. In summary, I can be a bit of a jerk when trying to walk from point A to point B.

This evening was especially trying as there were many groups of travelers slowly wandering about, so I was squeezing past people in frustration. I wasn't in a huge rush so there was no reason I couldn't have been more patient. I finally made it past the worst of the crowds and was headed into the store when suddenly I felt something smack me hard in the back of the head. I turned around and it was clear who the culprit was: a tall stocky man with a backpack was jogging away from me and everyone was staring at him. I had zero recollection of this guy.

So I jogged after him and caught up with him near the down escalator, at which point he saw me. He turned around and grabbed my arms and started swearing at me, and I said, "What the hell are you doing?" He said, "You hit me first, so I hit you back!" He started pulling and shoving me towards the down escalator; I feared that he was going to try to throw me downstairs. I work out regularly but he had about 10cm and 20kg on me; still I was able to resist him and I felt like he would have a hard time overpowering me.

I then said, "No I never hit you." He seemed taken aback and said, "Really?" I said, "Really, I didn't hit you, not on purpose anyway." Then he said, "OK, then I didn't hit you, we're even!" and started walking away. I followed him again and after a few steps he turned back and came at me. At that point, a crowd had gathered around us, and a few security guards showed up and put themselves between us. He said something like, "Why did you hit me? Don't you know who I am??" So I took out my phone and pointed the camera at him. He said, "Oh, you're going to take a photo?" I took a photo and put the phone in my pocket. He then came at me, saying, "I'm going to take <deleted> your phone!" I jumped back a bit but the security guards stopped him. He then made an angry face and flipped me off; I raised my eyebrows and turned my nose up slightly, and we walked away.

As I was getting my salad a few minutes later, I was still in fight-or-flight mode; my heart was pumping and I was trying to calm myself down. I thought about his statement, "Do you know who I am?" and started getting a bit paranoid. Is he some sort of gangster? Was he going to wait outside for me with his buddies? Was he going to try to follow me home? All these are unlikely scenarios but they were all flashing through my head during my hyper-awareness.


Later, when I arrived at home (after admittedly looking over my shoulder a bit), I reflected on the events that happened. As angry as I was at the guy, I was also thankful that the incident was a reminder for me to be a bit more polite and patient when working my way through a crowd. I can certainly do with a bit more calm and a bit more Thai-style jai yen yen and mai pen rai as I go from point A to point B. It reminded me of some of the bitter foreigners that I've run into, such as one who shoved me through the BTS entry gate when I was having trouble with my card, and another who kicked me as I squeezed past him on the stairs, and I don't want to end up like these guys.

A message to the guy, if he happens to be reading: if I accidentally hard-checked you while trying to get past you, I apologize and meant no disrespect. I honestly don't recall bumping into anyone that hard. However, that is no excuse for slapping someone on the back of the head and then running off like a coward. Next time, let's calmly discuss the issue like men rather than fighting like boys.

And a message to all: I humbly suggest not letting the holiday crowds get to you like I did. There are going to be plenty of travelers and huge crowds in the city, and IMHO the best way to deal with it is to stay calm and be a bit more patient, and to share a bit of holiday spirit with the strangers around you.

so you act like an idiot by pushing everyone and got slapped once. be prepared to get loads more and possibly worse.

The OP either has the BEST recall I know of, or, dare I say, it's made up.

Why would he make up something that makes him look like such a buffoon?

Just kidding, I think he made it up as well.

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I love it when someone goes to such lengths to try to justify nonsense.I would have just told me to piss off.wink.png

No, I would never be so rude to a fellow liverpool fan

As I am not a Liverpool fan I will tell him to piss off!sad.png

Go on then .
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I take it the OP is British, from the eloquence in his post. If it had been me I would have glanced back and seen the guy running away, then quickly surmised that it was a complete retard not worthy of any consideration and gone on with my business, but I am Scandinavian.

One thing I have noticed with Brits, they are very hot tempered and easy to agitate, dunno why but in general this holds true. They Scream a lot and make insulting signs whenever they think everyone else is an idiot and I am not talking about the uneducated masses, it goes for the well educated as well. On top of that, there is a tendency of Brits to think of people with lesser proficiency of the English Language as all being somewhat stupid. When a Brit encounters someone with lesser English Language skills they start to talk louder or revert to Pidgin English.

Edited by AlQaholic
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I take it the OP is British, from the eloquence in his post. If it had been me I would have glanced back and seen the guy running away, then quickly surmised that it was a complete retard not worthy of any consideration and gone on with my business, but I am Scandinavian.

One thing I have noticed with Brits, they are very hot tempered and easy to agitate, dunno why but in general this holds true. They Scream a lot and make insulting signs whenever they think everyone else is an idiot and I am not talking about the uneducated masses, it goes for the well educated as well. On top of that, there is a tendency of Brits to think of people with lesser proficiency of the English Language as all being somewhat stupid. When a Brit encounters someone with lesser English Language skills they start to talk louder or revert to Pidgin English.

I guessing the OP is a short American.

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