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Saudi Arabia’s biggest mass execution in 35 years

Jonathan Fairfield

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Do many of you people even read the OP?

This is what it says:


"However four, including Nimr al-Nimr, were Shi’ite Muslims accused of shooting police officers during more recent anti-government protests.
43 are described as Sunni jihadists. They include prominent al-Qaeda figures convicted of attacks on Western compounds, government buildings and diplomatic missions between 2003 and 2006."
Seems to me the Saudis were simply cleaning house by getting rid of some of the trash.

Was the execution of these individuals some kind of loss to humanity? No! They were just thugs wanting power for themselves in order to have their particular kind of despotic regime. No loss to anyone. Hope Saudis get rid of some more. Not like Obama letting the the thugs out of Guantanamo. Of course Bush should have never brought them there. Should have let the Afghans do away with them in an Afghani prison quietly.

First you seem to be completly ignorant of who was Nimr, so before giving a round of applause to the Saudis, you should learn a bit more.

And of course we can trust this country, right? it is not like they support(ed) terrorism and extrem islam.

Just grab some information about wahhabism.

And for Bush : the current situation is greatly due to his stupid foreign politics and the warmongers around him

If your little tutorial is addressed to me and just for your information, i lived and worked in Saudi for over 30 years.

I had one employee shot and killed by an Al-Qaeda operative and lost some friends and acquaintances in the compound bombings in Riyadh.

I lived within 20 miles of Qatif for much of the 30 years so became somewhat familiar with the Shiite minority. Even had quite a few on my payroll.

Bush was nowhere to be seen in 1979 when the Embassy in Tehran was overrun. Islamic radicals hate everybody, including Barack Hussein Obama.
Where were you when all this was happening?

My little tutorial was an answer about Nimr,

You didn t spend a lot of time learning to read properly while in Middle east obviously.

You also don t seem to read the informations coming from more than 20 countries which blame this execution of Nimr.

Naming Obama "hussein" also help us understand on which side of the political spectrum you are...

Please enlighten me about your knowledge of Wahhabism also...

Let me also know how you praised the Saudi while you were there....

Did you enjoy wine, lurked some girls,...help me understand how this beautiful family help the world with their religion and mass executions... while some of them may be justified, Nimr was not member of Al Qaeda, neither Daesh...

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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World war 3 is coming... a long and modern war quite unlike any other yet prophesied by many... unfortunately these nutters are the type to have their finger on the button and press it...nuclear style..

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