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Obama sets out gun control measures in emotional address


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You know what, you pro gun Americans are right.

What the hell was I thinking, ban guns? That was a cockamamie idea. I must have been tripping.

Yeah, more guns. That's the answer, That's the only way to stop the slaughter of kids in schools.

Thanks for the edjucashun. I didn't know the beauty of guns, what with being British and all. We are not allowed to carry em there, cos the Police and Politicians are all commies.

Man, we are getting our asses picked of every day by gun toting drug dealers and there's nothing we can do about it. Not.

God Bless America? I'm not religious, but assault rifles and God, really?

I truly fear for the lives of all the children born in your country. I really wish I didn't have to.

If you are a British citizen, why is gun ownership in America such an emotional issue with you? If you are happy with not having the ability to own a firearm, why worry about people who do have that right?

Why worry about anybody right?

I should explain myself more, sorry.

I'm Welsh and come from near the English border. It's still legal to shoot me to death with a Bow and Arrow if I am within the city walls of Chester after midnight.

It's an old law and of course nobody shoots any Welsh people with bows and arrows really even though technically they could.

Yes you have the 2nd amendment and that's cool, but its outdated I think, and needs changing.

It does upset me a lot when I see kids in schools and Universities get shot up for no reason even though I'm not American. I'm sure you must feel the same way. I like to debate it because I think it's worth debating, and honestly I believe it's just as much my business as anyone's.

The worlds a big village these days and we should all have an opinion on it, to shape it into a better place. Less guns in my opinion would be a good start.

I grew up with guns by the way, 12 bores for rabbits. There is a big difference in them and assault rifles as I'm sure you understand.

I saw a news piece on the BBC yesterday where the journalist was in Gun Fair. It was shocking to me and probably most Brits to see people in there with their kids buying machine guns and sniper rifles.

They seemed to have one thing in common, they felt threatened. Threatened buy terrorists or robbers or whatever, they seemed really scared and thought the guns would help.

I don't know because I've never been to the states, but is it really that scary? Are people justified to be that scared?

And is this irreversible now that everyone and his dog owns powerful weapons?

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Gun controls works in most parts of the world and I don't see any infringement to human rights ....

You make me laugh. Like here in Thailand.

I live in Thailand and at least when my kid is in school I'm not worried some crazed guy will walk in and start shooting

Offend someone powerful and get shot ...yes anywhere pretty much in ASEAN ...but the kids are safe and that counts for peace of mind

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Gun controls works in most parts of the world and I don't see any infringement to human rights ....

You make me laugh. Like here in Thailand.
I live in Thailand and at least when my kid is in school I'm not worried some crazed guy will walk in and start shooting

Offend someone powerful and get shot ...yes anywhere pretty much in ASEAN ...but the kids are safe and that counts for peace of mind

Thailand has a higher gun related homicide rate per capita than the USA. And that only takes in the reported numbers in Thailand. Funny part is that Thailand has very strict gun laws. Edited by MadDog2020
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Gun controls works in most parts of the world and I don't see any infringement to human rights ....

You make me laugh. Like here in Thailand.
I live in Thailand and at least when my kid is in school I'm not worried some crazed guy will walk in and start shooting

Offend someone powerful and get shot ...yes anywhere pretty much in ASEAN ...but the kids are safe and that counts for peace of mind

Thailand has a higher gun related homicide rate per capita than the USA. And that only takes in the reported numbers in Thailand. Funny part is that Thailand has very strict gun laws.

"...Thailand has very strict gun laws..." which are strictly enforced?

Most people seem to agree that laws are not strictly enforced in Thailand... correct? Laws which are not enforced are basically useless.

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Gun controls works in most parts of the world and I don't see any infringement to human rights ....
You make me laugh. Like here in Thailand.
I live in Thailand and at least when my kid is in school I'm not worried some crazed guy will walk in and start shooting

Offend someone powerful and get shot ...yes anywhere pretty much in ASEAN ...but the kids are safe and that counts for peace of mind
Thailand has a higher gun related homicide rate per capita than the USA. And that only takes in the reported numbers in Thailand. Funny part is that Thailand has very strict gun laws.

"...Thailand has very strict gun laws..." which are strictly enforced?

Most people seem to agree that laws are not strictly enforced in Thailand... correct? Laws which are not enforced are basically useless.

How are they not enforced?

Can you go and buy a gun from a dealer? If you get a gun from an individual can you buy ammunition?

Can you go to a range and shoot without showing you registration?

Criminals, gangs and crazies will always find a way to get guns and the executive orders that Obama cry baby is putting in place doesn't affect them at all. It only affects the law abiding citizens that are guaranteed by the constitution the right to arms.

If Obama would put the same effort into enforcing the existing laws in the USA that he puts into trying to single handedly undermine the US Constitution then maybe the Islamic Radicals and Abortion clinc shooters would be apprehended before killing all these people.

Enforce the laws we have.
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You know what, you pro gun Americans are right.

What the hell was I thinking, ban guns? That was a cockamamie idea. I must have been tripping.

Yeah, more guns. That's the answer, That's the only way to stop the slaughter of kids in schools.

Thanks for the edjucashun. I didn't know the beauty of guns, what with being British and all. We are not allowed to carry em there, cos the Police and Politicians are all commies.

Man, we are getting our asses picked of every day by gun toting drug dealers and there's nothing we can do about it. Not.

God Bless America? I'm not religious, but assault rifles and God, really?

I truly fear for the lives of all the children born in your country. I really wish I didn't have to.

If you are a British citizen, why is gun ownership in America such an emotional issue with you? If you are happy with not having the ability to own a firearm, why worry about people who do have that right?

Why worry about anybody right?

I should explain myself more, sorry.

I'm Welsh and come from near the English border. It's still legal to shoot me to death with a Bow and Arrow if I am within the city walls of Chester after midnight.

It's an old law and of course nobody shoots any Welsh people with bows and arrows really even though technically they could.

Yes you have the 2nd amendment and that's cool, but its outdated I think, and needs changing.

It does upset me a lot when I see kids in schools and Universities get shot up for no reason even though I'm not American. I'm sure you must feel the same way. I like to debate it because I think it's worth debating, and honestly I believe it's just as much my business as anyone's.

The worlds a big village these days and we should all have an opinion on it, to shape it into a better place. Less guns in my opinion would be a good start.

I grew up with guns by the way, 12 bores for rabbits. There is a big difference in them and assault rifles as I'm sure you understand.

I saw a news piece on the BBC yesterday where the journalist was in Gun Fair. It was shocking to me and probably most Brits to see people in there with their kids buying machine guns and sniper rifles.

They seemed to have one thing in common, they felt threatened. Threatened buy terrorists or robbers or whatever, they seemed really scared and thought the guns would help.

I don't know because I've never been to the states, but is it really that scary? Are people justified to be that scared?

And is this irreversible now that everyone and his dog owns powerful weapons?

Your ignorance is showing. Kids weren't buying machine guns, and would you recognize the difference between a hunting rifle with a scope, and a sniper rifle? I doubt it.

As to 12 bores, as you call them, they Navy Shipyard Shooter had about 8 people on the ground dead, or dying in about 8 minutes. Again, ignorance and faulty logic on the effectiveness of firearms.

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Gun controls works in most parts of the world and I don't see any infringement to human rights ....

You make me laugh. Like here in Thailand.
I live in Thailand and at least when my kid is in school I'm not worried some crazed guy will walk in and start shooting

Offend someone powerful and get shot ...yes anywhere pretty much in ASEAN ...but the kids are safe and that counts for peace of mind

Thailand has a higher gun related homicide rate per capita than the USA. And that only takes in the reported numbers in Thailand. Funny part is that Thailand has very strict gun laws.

Yes if you include all the shooting in the south ....however that's not the real issue here Obama or whoever that has some sense will try to stop

We are talking about shooting of kids in schools ....and in Thailand when you compare that to USA is lot lot safer which is a disgrace comparing a junta led government vs a supposed "free first world country"

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Gun controls works in most parts of the world and I don't see any infringement to human rights ....
You make me laugh. Like here in Thailand.
I live in Thailand and at least when my kid is in school I'm not worried some crazed guy will walk in and start shooting

Offend someone powerful and get shot ...yes anywhere pretty much in ASEAN ...but the kids are safe and that counts for peace of mind
Thailand has a higher gun related homicide rate per capita than the USA. And that only takes in the reported numbers in Thailand. Funny part is that Thailand has very strict gun laws.

Yes if you include all the shooting in the south ....however that's not the real issue here Obama or whoever that has some sense will try to stop

We are talking about shooting of kids in schools ....and in Thailand when you compare that to USA is lot lot safer which is a disgrace comparing a junta led government vs a supposed "free first world country"

We are not talking about any laws that would have prevented the deaths of those children. None of his orders would have prevented those crazies from getting the guns that the had.

Obama is circumventing the "free" and becoming a dictator. It is time for the free militia to remind the Democrats in the government that the are there to serve the people and not their own pet projects.
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Gun controls works in most parts of the world and I don't see any infringement to human rights ....

You make me laugh. Like here in Thailand.
I live in Thailand and at least when my kid is in school I'm not worried some crazed guy will walk in and start shooting

Offend someone powerful and get shot ...yes anywhere pretty much in ASEAN ...but the kids are safe and that counts for peace of mind

Thailand has a higher gun related homicide rate per capita than the USA. And that only takes in the reported numbers in Thailand. Funny part is that Thailand has very strict gun laws.

Yes if you include all the shooting in the south ....however that's not the real issue here Obama or whoever that has some sense will try to stop

We are talking about shooting of kids in schools ....and in Thailand when you compare that to USA is lot lot safer which is a disgrace comparing a junta led government vs a supposed "free first world country"

We are not talking about any laws that would have prevented the deaths of those children. None of his orders would have prevented those crazies from getting the guns that the had.

Obama is circumventing the "free" and becoming a dictator. It is time for the free militia to remind the Democrats in the government that the are there to serve the people and not their own pet projects.

47% of Fox viewer get all their news...from Fox News. They are horribly misinformed.

Wingnuts don't care about reality or truth.

Just agree with them. They're probably armed. Yeah, Obama is a dictator, time for a free militia, Democrats and their pet projects...whatever. coffee1.gif

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Your ignorance is showing. Kids weren't buying machine guns, and would you recognize the difference between a hunting rifle with a scope, and a sniper rifle? I doubt it.

As to 12 bores, as you call them, they Navy Shipyard Shooter had about 8 people on the ground dead, or dying in about 8 minutes. Again, ignorance and faulty logic on the effectiveness of firearms.

Well if you'd seen the small film they made you would have seen plenty of families with small kids buying guns at the gun fair.

(Imagined, probable pre Gun fair visit conversation)

Son: Mom, where are we going?

Mom: We are going to buy guns son.

Yes, actually I do know the difference between a sniper rifle and a hunting rifle thanks. Ones for killing animals and the other for killing people.

(Actual interview)

Interviewer to the lady with kids: So why are you here today madam?

Lady with kids: I'm here to buy a laser sight for my gun.

She went on to verify she wasn't buying it for hunting purposes she claimed it was to protect her family from terrorists.

I am well aware of a twelve gauge's (as you would call them) killing ability, but you see I am not ignorant or stupid enough to purchase a fire arm with the intention of killing a person with it.

I was given this poem as a young lad by my uncle who used to take me hunting, and was told to memorize it. I did, and have never forgotten it.

A Fathers Advice

If a sportsman true you’d be

Listen carefully to me. . .

Never, never let your gun
Pointed be at anyone.
That it may unloaded be
Matters not the least to me.

When a hedge or fence you cross
Though of time it cause a loss
From your gun the cartridge take
For the greater safety’s sake.

If twixt you and neighboring gun
Bird shall fly or beast may run
Let this maxim ere be thine
"Follow not across the line."

Stops and beaters oft unseen
Lurk behind some leafy screen.
Calm and steady always be
"Never shoot where you can’t see."

You may kill or you may miss
But at all times think this:
"All the pheasants ever bred
Won’t repay for one man dead."

By Carl Kauba
c. 1902

No mention of laser sights or terrorists in there. I think I'll leave all that to the army thanks all the same.

And if I am ignorant as you suggest Id say it's a lot better than being bat shit crazy and taking my kids out to buy an assault rifle with a laser scope because I think the terrorists are coming to get me.

I'd rather die myself than live my life with that kind of paranoia. It's little wonder they are all killing each other. Must confuse the sh*t out of the real terrorists.

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You know what, you pro gun Americans are right.

What the hell was I thinking, ban guns? That was a cockamamie idea. I must have been tripping.

Yeah, more guns. That's the answer, That's the only way to stop the slaughter of kids in schools.

Thanks for the edjucashun. I didn't know the beauty of guns, what with being British and all. We are not allowed to carry em there, cos the Police and Politicians are all commies.

Man, we are getting our asses picked of every day by gun toting drug dealers and there's nothing we can do about it. Not.

God Bless America? I'm not religious, but assault rifles and God, really?

I truly fear for the lives of all the children born in your country. I really wish I didn't have to.

Yea, well think of all of this, when your country is knee deep in crap, and they have to ask the U.S. for help.

No, I'll think about this the next time someone walks into a US school and opens fire with an assault rifle, again. Unfortunately, I'm sure I wont have to wait long. There will be some nutcase who feels like he doesn't fit in who'll just order up some heavy duty weaponry on the internet with some false ID and it'll happen all over again.

The NRA will be praying he's a Muslim so they can justify it all and if he's not then they'll just say that the teachers and students should have been armed.

And nobody will ever learn, they'll just want to buy more guns and make it easier for anyone to buy them.

You need to worry a lot more about that happening in your own country...sadly, the day is fast approaching and it is only a matter of time. You had a soldier run down in the street then the men who did it hacked him to death with machetes all while people stood around watching helplessly. You will never see that happen in a conceal & carry state. Nor will you see guys with true fully automatic weapons (AK-47's) killing 100+ people in public with no one to stop them.

I grew up in gun country and they don't bother me a bit. It's a culture thing. Just like in some cultures it is normal for massive riots/street brawls outside pubs and stadiums. You see it as "lads 'avin' a laugh", Americans see it as "somebody needs to get shot".

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Gun controls works in most parts of the world and I don't see any infringement to human rights ....
You make me laugh. Like here in Thailand.
I live in Thailand and at least when my kid is in school I'm not worried some crazed guy will walk in and start shooting

Offend someone powerful and get shot ...yes anywhere pretty much in ASEAN ...but the kids are safe and that counts for peace of mind
Thailand has a higher gun related homicide rate per capita than the USA. And that only takes in the reported numbers in Thailand. Funny part is that Thailand has very strict gun laws.

Yes if you include all the shooting in the south ....however that's not the real issue here Obama or whoever that has some sense will try to stop

We are talking about shooting of kids in schools ....and in Thailand when you compare that to USA is lot lot safer which is a disgrace comparing a junta led government vs a supposed "free first world country"

We are not talking about any laws that would have prevented the deaths of those children. None of his orders would have prevented those crazies from getting the guns that the had.

Obama is circumventing the "free" and becoming a dictator. It is time for the free militia to remind the Democrats in the government that the are there to serve the people and not their own pet projects.

47% of Fox viewer get all their news...from Fox News. They are horribly misinformed.

Wingnuts don't care about reality or truth.

Just agree with them. They're probably armed. Yeah, Obama is a dictator, time for a free militia, Democrats and their pet projects...whatever. coffee1.gif

Dismissive thoughts because you can't provide a salient one. That is the way the liberals work.
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Europeans...while I love 'em, they are clueless when it comes to guns and growing up in a dangerous environment. They have way more violence in their countries, way more rapes and attacks yet because they aren't done with guns they think they are safer. I bet there are 100 women in Cologne who wish they had a gun in their purse on New Year Eve.

Edited by mopar71
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Gun controls works in most parts of the world and I don't see any infringement to human rights ....

You make me laugh. Like here in Thailand.

No...like here..


So in countries where they refer to soccer as 'football' , they have the fewest gun deaths?

Edited by LarryBird
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Obama needs to wake up and stop acting so stupid. He needs to focus on criminals not on law abiding gun owners. His emotional speech with intermittent fake tears is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Some of the silly posts on this thread supporting this guy makes me want to vomit.

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Gun controls works in most parts of the world and I don't see any infringement to human rights ....

You make me laugh. Like here in Thailand.

I live in Thailand and at least when my kid is in school I'm not worried some crazed guy will walk in and start shooting

Offend someone powerful and get shot ...yes anywhere pretty much in ASEAN ...but the kids are safe and that counts for peace of mind

But how safe are they crossing the street?

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Obama needs to wake up and stop acting so stupid. He needs to focus on criminals not on law abiding gun owners. His emotional speech with intermittent fake tears is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Some of the silly posts on this thread supporting this guy makes me want to vomit.

He can't help it...he's an emo-guy laugh.png

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Your ignorance is showing. Kids weren't buying machine guns, and would you recognize the difference between a hunting rifle with a scope, and a sniper rifle? I doubt it.

As to 12 bores, as you call them, they Navy Shipyard Shooter had about 8 people on the ground dead, or dying in about 8 minutes. Again, ignorance and faulty logic on the effectiveness of firearms.

Well if you'd seen the small film they made you would have seen plenty of families with small kids buying guns at the gun fair.

(Imagined, probable pre Gun fair visit conversation)

Son: Mom, where are we going?

Mom: We are going to buy guns son.

Yes, actually I do know the difference between a sniper rifle and a hunting rifle thanks. Ones for killing animals and the other for killing people.

(Actual interview)

Interviewer to the lady with kids: So why are you here today madam?

Lady with kids: I'm here to buy a laser sight for my gun.

She went on to verify she wasn't buying it for hunting purposes she claimed it was to protect her family from terrorists.

I am well aware of a twelve gauge's (as you would call them) killing ability, but you see I am not ignorant or stupid enough to purchase a fire arm with the intention of killing a person with it.

I was given this poem as a young lad by my uncle who used to take me hunting, and was told to memorize it. I did, and have never forgotten it.

A Fathers Advice

If a sportsman true you’d be

Listen carefully to me. . .

Never, never let your gun

Pointed be at anyone.

That it may unloaded be

Matters not the least to me.

When a hedge or fence you cross

Though of time it cause a loss

From your gun the cartridge take

For the greater safety’s sake.

If twixt you and neighboring gun

Bird shall fly or beast may run

Let this maxim ere be thine

"Follow not across the line."

Stops and beaters oft unseen

Lurk behind some leafy screen.

Calm and steady always be

"Never shoot where you can’t see."

You may kill or you may miss

But at all times think this:

"All the pheasants ever bred

Won’t repay for one man dead."

By Carl Kauba

c. 1902

No mention of laser sights or terrorists in there. I think I'll leave all that to the army thanks all the same.

And if I am ignorant as you suggest Id say it's a lot better than being bat shit crazy and taking my kids out to buy an assault rifle with a laser scope because I think the terrorists are coming to get me.

I'd rather die myself than live my life with that kind of paranoia. It's little wonder they are all killing each other. Must confuse the sh*t out of the real terrorists.

I would say you already have a problem. Obviously you have a phobia toward laser sighting equipment, and paranoid enough, to comment on a woman, thousands of miles away, purchasing one. I've never seen a disclaimer for scopes and sighting equipment, that they should only be used for terrorist, but please point me to something if you see it. Apparently that lady was well informed and knowledgeable enough, to know what she wanted, and what she wanted it for. Very much unlike many posters in this forum. If you, and others in the nanny states disagree, that's your problem.

Do I think she is likely to encounter a terrorist? I doubt it, but, very likely could encounter a criminal. But, if those people in San Bernardino, or Ft. Hood had expressed concern, would you call them paranoid? And in many places in the U.S. you will be dead or dying, if you wait for the police or military to show up and save you.

If it will make you rest better, apparently Obama doesn't think it serious enough to add this to his Executive Actions.

Edited by beechguy
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