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From where in Pattaya can buy Insecticide Chalk for cockroach and ant problem.

What is possible good poison for small long legs spiders?


The chalk works very well on Ants,Cockroaches might be harder to kill,

but you should not be killing spiders,that's bad luck,and they could eat

the Cockroaches.

regards Worgeordie


If you are referring to Daddy Long Legs spiders they are number one enemy of cockroaches. Kill them and you will be inundated with even more cockies . Your choice. I prefer the spiders .



Don't know of poision for long legs spiders

Remove the spider webs. Mix menthol oil in water and spray it where the Daddy Long Legs were. They won't come back.


I have to disagree with Worgeordie....I try to use the chalk a few years back for Ants. I bought it from Friendship in South Pattaya road.

The ants just marched through it.

For Ants you need ARS without the E on the end. it comes in a plastic container with little yellow balls about 2mm long. You can buy it at Homeworks or Thaiwatsadu. The ants love it and take it home and it wipes out the colony......I know I know...I am a tree hugger but having a plague of ants is sometimes a step too far even for a nature man......

For roaches they sell small boxes that they go into but cant get out of as it is sticky inside... Never ever smash roaches up or stamp on them. The females are full of eggs and you just spread them all over the place getting more roaches.


Agreed, chalk, practically useless, agreed, ARS is the best. What I do is use the cheaper thai powder that comes in a white plastic sachet (smells great) and save the ARS for the little fast black smelly ants that won't eat the other stuff anymore. Even with ARS they are difficult to control. There are apparently home made concoctions (safe and natural) like boric acid, etc but honestly been to lazy to explore that route. Those little black ones are a bane, they can bite, and are as persistent as f***. Fortunately they are picky 'sweet' eaters (easier to keep clean for their food source) and don't go for the fats and oils like many red ants.


Ars powder/pellet in the green box is best, but the ants seem to give them a miss after a few months, Sometime the green/yellow container don't seem to do anything in encouraging the ants to eat them up so I just pour the pellets directly on the floor behind cupboards and under the sofas sometime. For fun I mix the pellets with a little bit of sugar and watch the ants carry them off extra quick.

There are also other brand's similar pellets to Ars, these come in big bottles, but the don't seem to be as effective as Ars's

Another, more expensive options is from Bayer, called quantum or somethin it's a poison that's probably in syrup of some sort, it is clear liquid in white tube like a small tube of toothpaste, you squeeze some in droplets along the ants' path and they gather around to suck it all up and go back and distribute among their colony and a couple of days later they're gone, the liquid is sticky so you can squeeze them onto walls and into wall cracks as well, there are two kinds, one for ants and another one for cockroaches.

All these solutions aren't probably pets or infant safe.

The chalk only keeps the ant's path away, they work in some case like tables if you draw a circle across all the legs then you have an ant proof table, trying to contain ants that crawls on the wall and you ended up with a wall like kindergarten

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