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Seeking support for gun actions, Obama tears into gun lobby


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If all Americans are so free and responsible. Why don't they terminate all Sheriffs, Marshals and police forces? Then see how quickly all Americans would want to change their 2nd amendment. After all it is the growth of gun supply on a worldwide basis, largely through America and Russia/Soviet Union, that the world is such a much more dangerous place. Just as charity begins at home; so does gun control. The frontiers of the Wild West no longer exist, that the 2nd amendment is now so out of date, that it needs a rewrite to suit the needs of the 21st century. Not the needs the Wild West!!!

err, I suggest that you do not drink and post.

"terminate all Sheriffs, Marshals and police forces? Then see how quickly all Americans would want to change their 2nd amendment."

Again you are mistaken, because the opposit will happen,

(while not a chance that would happen)

"The frontiers of the Wild West no longer exist, that the 2nd amendment is now so out of date, that it needs a rewrite to suit the needs of the 21st century. Not the needs the Wild West!!!"

You watch too many "B" grade spaghetti western hollywood movies.

Every town had an elected sherrif, whom appointed deptuties.

The states appointed (several) marshals, with far reaching powers.


Every town has an ordinace, posted at the entrance...

NO FIREARMS, one must turn them unto the sheriff during their stay.

Yeah, go get a hot bath, a shave, poke the hoes, a hot meal, drink a bit,

maybe play some cards. Then leave.

Now some locals did had some firearms, usually business locals,

and were not encumbered by the sheriff...

whom had mostly double barrell 12 gauge shotgun.

Why? Cause any firearm + ammo was expensive.

A pistol, usually a 45 long colt was 2+ monthly income,

A rifle, usually a spenser or a buffalo springfield was 3+ month income

"The frontiers of the Wild West no longer exist, that the 2nd amendment is now so out of date, that it needs a rewrite to suit the needs of the 21st century. Not the needs the Wild West!!!"

The "frontiers of the Wild West" had their place, however

the 2nd amendment WAS not from that period.

It was never there to supplant any "needs of the wild west".

It does not need a re-write,

(especially considering whats been happening).

HOWEVER, we, as americans, DO have the right to arm oneself.

YOU DON'T, get over it.

Go away you Anti-American Basher, whom has no say there.

Go back to your Europa fantasy.

But do you have the right to arm yourself without some form of regulation? I would say NO! As it stated a well regulated militia.
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Lets clear up a bit of your imagination first. I very rarely drink and I have not been to a movie for over 20 years. It is probably your movie fantasy land that educates the lack of responsibility for guns.

It shows in this post your lack of understanding of your own American history. The American constitution was written and formulated in the days of the Wild West. But before you use my English language to write your post with, it would help if you learnt how to spell and gain some English comprehension. You didn't learn it at a Thai school for English. Because even their English is not this bad. American bashing??? No!!! I did mention Russia/Soviet Union as part of the wider need for world gun control.

If you believe that every American that owns a gun checks in with the local sheriff in every town they visit. Then you must believe in fairies. As far as the cost of guns go. Criminals never worry about the cost of guns if they can steal them from someone who has the Second Amendment. I have seen the inside of some American gun stores and they are not all of them all as secure as they could be. I have also seen a consignment of an M70

machine gun from the Winchester Rifle Company that was meant for delivery to a well know terror group. Delivered by mistake to an American owned UK company I use to work for. As you are unable to keep your Second Amendment within the borders of the 50 stars of "Old Glory" then the rest of the world has a right to criticize America, if you are exporting terrorism. This is besides America's own home grow terror of shootings of mass killings in schools, colleges and supermarkets. Total number of mass shootings IN AMERICA FOR 2015, 372. The number of mass shootings in the UK IN 20 YEARS, TWO (Dunblaine 1996 and Cumbria 2010). Instead of America exporting the evil of its gun trade, it and the world would be better off if it imported UK gun control laws. This does not mean there are no gun clubs in the UK, because there are. If you export terror & guns, it will eventually come back and hit you in the face like 9/11. If you create too much SH*T then you will have to learn to swim it.

American TV & newspapers report very little of what is going on outside of Hick Town America. That is why it is

so introverted with the world. An honest hard working Muslim guy wins a share of the recent Powerball jackpot many Americans are angry and assume him to be an armed terrorist. Only real terrorists are anti-American. The rest of the world is anti the naive American attitude to the rest of the world. Guantanimo bay was an act of Amercan terrorism enforced on captives by guns without trial, prosecution or evidence. So much for the concept of liberty, justice and freedom under American constitution. It just shows the Second Amendment is not worth the paper it is written.

If all Americans are so free and responsible. Why don't they terminate all Sheriffs, Marshals and police forces? Then see how quickly all Americans would want to change their 2nd amendment. After all it is the growth of gun supply on a worldwide basis, largely through America and Russia/Soviet Union, that the world is such a much more dangerous place. Just as charity begins at home; so does gun control. The frontiers of the Wild West no longer exist, that the 2nd amendment is now so out of date, that it needs a rewrite to suit the needs of the 21st century. Not the needs the Wild West!!!

err, I suggest that you do not drink and post.

"terminate all Sheriffs, Marshals and police forces? Then see how quickly all Americans would want to change their 2nd amendment."

Again you are mistaken, because the opposit will happen,
(while not a chance that would happen)

"The frontiers of the Wild West no longer exist, that the 2nd amendment is now so out of date, that it needs a rewrite to suit the needs of the 21st century. Not the needs the Wild West!!!"

You watch too many "B" grade spaghetti western hollywood movies.

Every town had an elected sherrif, whom appointed deptuties.

The states appointed (several) marshals, with far reaching powers.


Every town has an ordinace, posted at the entrance...

NO FIREARMS, one must turn them unto the sheriff during their stay.

Yeah, go get a hot bath, a shave, poke the hoes, a hot meal, drink a bit,

maybe play some cards. Then leave.

Now some locals did had some firearms, usually business locals,
and were not encumbered by the sheriff...

whom had mostly double barrell 12 gauge shotgun.

Why? Cause any firearm + ammo was expensive.

A pistol, usually a 45 long colt was 2+ monthly income,

A rifle, usually a spenser or a buffalo springfield was 3+ month income

"The frontiers of the Wild West no longer exist, that the 2nd amendment is now so out of date, that it needs a rewrite to suit the needs of the 21st century. Not the needs the Wild West!!!"

The "frontiers of the Wild West" had their place, however

the 2nd amendment WAS not from that period.

It was never there to supplant any "needs of the wild west".

It does not need a re-write,

(especially considering whats been happening).

HOWEVER, we, as americans, DO have the right to arm oneself.

YOU DON'T, get over it.

Go away you Anti-American Basher, whom has no say there.

Go back to your Europa fantasy.

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Lets clear up a bit of your imagination first. I very rarely drink and I have not been to a movie for over 20 years. It is probably your movie fantasy land that educates the lack of responsibility for guns.

It shows in this post your lack of understanding of your own American history. The American constitution was written and formulated in the days of the Wild West. But before you use my English language to write your post with, it would help if you learnt how to spell and gain some English comprehension. You didn't learn it at a Thai school for English. Because even their English is not this bad. American bashing??? No!!! I did mention Russia/Soviet Union as part of the wider need for world gun control.

If you believe that every American that owns a gun checks in with the local sheriff in every town they visit. Then you must believe in fairies. As far as the cost of guns go. Criminals never worry about the cost of guns if they can steal them from someone who has the Second Amendment. I have seen the inside of some American gun stores and they are not all of them all as secure as they could be. I have also seen a consignment of an M70

machine gun from the Winchester Rifle Company that was meant for delivery to a well know terror group. Delivered by mistake to an American owned UK company I use to work for. As you are unable to keep your Second Amendment within the borders of the 50 stars of "Old Glory" then the rest of the world has a right to criticize America, if you are exporting terrorism. This is besides America's own home grow terror of shootings of mass killings in schools, colleges and supermarkets. Total number of mass shootings IN AMERICA FOR 2015, 372. The number of mass shootings in the UK IN 20 YEARS, TWO (Dunblaine 1996 and Cumbria 2010). Instead of America exporting the evil of its gun trade, it and the world would be better off if it imported UK gun control laws. This does not mean there are no gun clubs in the UK, because there are. If you export terror & guns, it will eventually come back and hit you in the face like 9/11. If you create too much SH*T then you will have to learn to swim it.

American TV & newspapers report very little of what is going on outside of Hick Town America. That is why it is

so introverted with the world. An honest hard working Muslim guy wins a share of the recent Powerball jackpot many Americans are angry and assume him to be an armed terrorist. Only real terrorists are anti-American. The rest of the world is anti the naive American attitude to the rest of the world. Guantanimo bay was an act of Amercan terrorism enforced on captives by guns without trial, prosecution or evidence. So much for the concept of liberty, justice and freedom under American constitution. It just shows the Second Amendment is not worth the paper it is written.

If all Americans are so free and responsible. Why don't they terminate all Sheriffs, Marshals and police forces? Then see how quickly all Americans would want to change their 2nd amendment. After all it is the growth of gun supply on a worldwide basis, largely through America and Russia/Soviet Union, that the world is such a much more dangerous place. Just as charity begins at home; so does gun control. The frontiers of the Wild West no longer exist, that the 2nd amendment is now so out of date, that it needs a rewrite to suit the needs of the 21st century. Not the needs the Wild West!!!

err, I suggest that you do not drink and post.

"terminate all Sheriffs, Marshals and police forces? Then see how quickly all Americans would want to change their 2nd amendment."

Again you are mistaken, because the opposit will happen,

(while not a chance that would happen)

"The frontiers of the Wild West no longer exist, that the 2nd amendment is now so out of date, that it needs a rewrite to suit the needs of the 21st century. Not the needs the Wild West!!!"

You watch too many "B" grade spaghetti western hollywood movies.

Every town had an elected sherrif, whom appointed deptuties.

The states appointed (several) marshals, with far reaching powers.


Every town has an ordinace, posted at the entrance...

NO FIREARMS, one must turn them unto the sheriff during their stay.

Yeah, go get a hot bath, a shave, poke the hoes, a hot meal, drink a bit,

maybe play some cards. Then leave.

Now some locals did had some firearms, usually business locals,

and were not encumbered by the sheriff...

whom had mostly double barrell 12 gauge shotgun.

Why? Cause any firearm + ammo was expensive.

A pistol, usually a 45 long colt was 2+ monthly income,

A rifle, usually a spenser or a buffalo springfield was 3+ month income

"The frontiers of the Wild West no longer exist, that the 2nd amendment is now so out of date, that it needs a rewrite to suit the needs of the 21st century. Not the needs the Wild West!!!"

The "frontiers of the Wild West" had their place, however

the 2nd amendment WAS not from that period.

It was never there to supplant any "needs of the wild west".

It does not need a re-write,

(especially considering whats been happening).

HOWEVER, we, as americans, DO have the right to arm oneself.

YOU DON'T, get over it.

Go away you Anti-American Basher, whom has no say there.

Go back to your Europa fantasy.

When you criticize somebody else's English, you should be certain you have no typos or misspelled words floating around in your own post.
Spell check might be a good investment for you.
Just for the record, the "Wild West" did not exist in the 1770's. It didn't come about until the 1800's when all the European migrant settlers began moving west to take land from the American Indians.
Also just for the record, the Winchester model 70 is a bolt action rifle. The Winchester M70 is manufactured by Winchester in Australia and is also a bolt action rifle.
The M70 automatic weapon is made by both Yugo and Zastava in Europe. Perhaps you were confused as to the origin of the alleged shipment?
Good luck with your future posts.
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The gun lobby is a device, a proxy, for the Regressive Left/Obama to attack when they really mean "Constitution." The gun lobby has no intrinsic power, they only seek to magnify another power. They have power only insofar as the 2nd Amendment provides protection for all the Bill of Rights. Were it just a "lobby,' the 2nd Amendment would have been cored through by the Regressive Left long ago. Its a strawman. The advocate for the 2nd Amendment is... the Bill of Rights. Whenever you see "Gun lobby this..." or "Gun lobby that..." you substitute "2nd Amendment this... or that." It is the Constitution they aim for, not some strawman "lobby" (Watch this hand while the magician pulls a rabbit from his hat with that hand). Its more tasteful to appeal to low information voters by making it seem the problem is the "gun lobby"- the bad people, the people that want children dead, but not unborn babies. Demonize, strawman, gaslight, appeal to emotion, repeat, repeat, repeat. Fools! Gun lobbies don't protect the Bill of Rights. Obama, as president, is the zenith of the appeal to emotion. He is the single greatest evidence that humans are, finally, no different than herd animals.

In even the least educated humans the primal urge to eat, breed, and "feel" still exists; in fact "feeling" presents as their own intelligence in such people, while feeling is no more than internal sensors shaped by external events and primal needs- voters like this cannot separate their feeling from reasoning- they are one. "Avoid pain, seek pleasure" = "I feel." The appeal to emotion will always ensure the least educated have equality in outcomes- their vote. The original framers anticipated the need to allow an amendable supreme law, though not easily amendable. I do not think any would have ever imagined the first 10 would vacated by an intellectually inferior electorate changing the meaning of words rather than the substance of Law. The 1st Amendment is severely compromised, the 4th Amendment is a memory, the Suspension Clause of Habeus Corpus is dead, etc. Really? Lets core out the 2nd Amendment too. If anyone does not see a pattern they are blind.

Does anyone really thing the "Progressive" Left has a bag of goodies to hand out once they destroy the 2nd Amendment? Do you really think they stop there? Have they really demonstrated competence or stewardship on any issue... any issue at all? The Socialist Misanthropy of the Progressive "We Are The World" crowd most definitely has horrors in store after the 2nd Amendment is cored through.

Right wing word salad. I'm not sure it's actually English.

Put the words "Obama" and "gun" in the post title and the TV baggers lose their minds.

There are 90 guns for every 100 Americans. Try and get a grip.

Edited by Pinot
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