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13 people showed up last night, 6 of those being non-English-speaking people (of various abilities).

I had a great time and I think most people did.

I was especially please with the fact that we got 3 tables outside, enabling us to hear each other better than last time. I think the grouping of 4 people worked well too.

I am suggesting the next topic: crime and punishment. Should Saddam Hussein be killed? Should anyone? And, what about governments --and their corporate lobbyists-- should their leaders or CEOs be killed too? What about the murderer of a close relative? Has capital punishment any use? What about false accusations and verdicts, as assessed by DNA tests? Why do crime occur and how can society control the perpetrators? Should we lock ourselves behind bars, making us prisoners? What role does drug abuse has to play in crime? Poverty? Greed? Jealousy? Isn't crime a sign of some dysfunction?

If anyone is interested in joining us, please message me (if you are not yet registered, of course). More details will be given to you, then.

Next meeting is WED. NOV. 15th. at 6:45 pm.

I expect an even better turn-out as more signs have been posted around universities and in the complex I live in.

Have a nice day.

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Fun as it was .. i think those with english as a second learner .

the topic is too heavy for them .. and may not be as up to date to the current news as you think ..

- me forming 5 on a table .. - whahha - i saw you tale with 5 people also ..

YOU , ELI , THat green shirt guys and that 2 Girl .. = 5

don't worry so much ..

- there a saying .. DO no evil fear no evil ..


i should be droping by next week if i am free.

the time to meet up is 8 pm rght ?

or did i come at the wrong time .

- i don't take this too seriously .. cos is really a program to meet more people .

too much rule and make it boring ..

i did enjoy the long chat ..

for me it take me time and i got my commitment ..

i don't stay next to the cafe .

will try to be on time ..

if i may suggest ,,


DATE - 11.11.2006

TIME - ????


While i was chatting on the other table ..

English is not easy for the native to understand .. and is hard to enage in more serious topic ..

as much as the topic of culture is interesting . but it lack the fact that - unless there understand the context .. is hard to relay any message to them .. as most would only pick up unrelated context from our chat ..

thanks -

I enjoyed it very much, but if there's a complaint that it was a bit too structured, maybe that's true. But I'll try to make it next Wednesday, as well.

Thanks for the input.

Yes! I agree with you. I think I went overboard with the subtopics. Too much time on my hands! : Next week, I will limit the discussion aid/subtopics to the questions found on TV.

I hope this answers your concern.


Fun as it was .. i think those with english as a second learner .

the topic is too heavy for them .. and may not be as up to date to the current news as you think ..

- me forming 5 on a table .. - whahha - i saw you tale with 5 people also ..

YOU , ELI , THat green shirt guys and that 2 Girl .. = 5

don't worry so much ..

- there a saying .. DO no evil fear no evil ..


i should be droping by next week if i am free.

the time to meet up is 8 pm rght ?

or did i come at the wrong time .

- i don't take this too seriously .. cos is really a program to meet more people .

too much rule and make it boring ..

i did enjoy the long chat ..

for me it take me time and i got my commitment ..

i don't stay next to the cafe .

will try to be on time ..

if i may suggest ,,


DATE - 11.11.2006

TIME - ????


While i was chatting on the other table ..

English is not easy for the native to understand .. and is hard to enage in more serious topic ..

as much as the topic of culture is interesting . but it lack the fact that - unless there understand the context .. is hard to relay any message to them .. as most would only pick up unrelated context from our chat ..

thanks -


I enjoyed our little after-meeting chat. I think everyone learned something that night.

BTW, I did send you a private message and you responded by an open message on TV. I would have prefered to keep it private as I asked to clarify what your email address was. The email address allows me to send you a reminder in a mass-emailing manner and let you know of any changes. Could you please let me know if you are willing to do give it as I could not make it out when you gave it to me last time. Thanks.

About the non-native speakers: they do have the choice of coming or not and once they are registered they can research and get prepared for the topics. This might be better for beginners like they were. Sorry about the "interpretation work" that you did. That's certainly not what I want people to have to do. This is just a conversation meeting.

I thought that communication and cultures was a perfect topic, but the two people that showed up are not at the stage where they can come to a discussion in English. I doubt that they will show up again, but if they do, that would be ok, although I would not expect anyone to "teach" them. I will make that clear to them should they wish to attend next meeting. Perhaps they are able to understand more than they can speak and might be ok wigth that. I don't think we can please everyone involved and catter to all people's needs.

I don't see why I should post time and date in a different way. Most people can read it the other way.

Time is 6:45 pm BTW, not 8 pm.

The number of people per table was a joke.

Have a good day!

My Pen Rrrrrr/lllllye


as usuall - i post a reply on forum ..

first of all . don't be too serious ..

is just a meeting to meet people .

i am more then happy to help translate to those who can't speak english .

well i don't stay at the condo next to the cafe .

so is not as easy as to be there sooner .

plus i got my task to do .

why not let have a topic on . being late . and how everyone see it .

and maybe on the value of others, this would be fun ..

like i told you .. i am not so serious . as to if i had a chance to speak in the group i join ..

i think i am not the person to ask ..

the people best to see if the group i am in had a good chat ..is those that is in the group i chated with ..

i will alway be like this .

if i must i will TRY to be early . but when is not as importance i will not take it seriously .

as far as i see . is a chit chat .. meeting ..

is ok that i don't have a advance notice of the topic ..

even if i had known the topic i would not had gaven extra time to pre-work on it ..

i am sure the best is to say what you feel as and when you think is best .

most topic is simple . and i am sure like you said is mostly related to everyone ..

pardon me my english is typing is that not that good .

but overall .. i had a nice chat on the group i join , alot of exchange , alot of laughter , alot of personal histtory and emotional exchange .

not sure about how others felt about me in my group .. ( anyone wanna say anything about me ? )

i do enage in serious topic .. but only when people are serious enough to enage the topic with me .

i don't really care much for what others think about me .. all i know is i try to be as who i am as possible .

with all due respect . i did answer your question . on if i will be coming to the meeting .

twice i did . just not in e-mail .

anyway i prefer anwer openly cos i felt that this way is better for you and me .

not trying to make it harder for you ..

cheer up dude .

oh yeh pardon me once again for not getting your joke .


OH yeh .. in case you are not sure ,I WILL BE GOING to the Meeting 90 %

in case i am too busy , too lazy , too tired , too tie up with girls , too drunk , still sleeping or death .

i might not go .

if i am , free, finsh my stuff , felt like meeting more people , ( i do enjoy the chit chat )

have the extra time , no visiting friends from other country . miss everyone that i chatted with ,

feel like meeting even more friends .. lonely , bored , notthing better to do , have time to kill .

no cars group meeting , no girls asking me to go out ,

so more or less i am 90 % confirm .

i will be late but will TRY to be early .

i don't mind joining any group .. or just sit in to listen without making any comment .

i don't mind . waiting .

i don't mind speaking if no body saying anything ,

i don't mind .translating ,

i don't mind what ever topic ,

i don't mind if it good or bad ,

i don't mind not having the topic in advance to pre-work on

i don't mind if you don't e-mail me .

i don't mind if the group i am in is old , young , native speaker or what ever

i don't mind almost anything as Long as nobody trying to be Rude .

I don;t mind how others felt about me -

i don't mind if anyone is trying to judge me

i don't mind if you can't speak english i might speak yours


speak out . if i feel like - but respect the group if i am not spoken to .

come and go as i wish , we are not kids . but with respect to the places and the people .

agree and disagree to my wishes , i don't believe in lie to make thing better

Respect everyone . if i am gaven the same respect . if you don't respect me i will not hit you

listen and learn ,and share what i know when it right

alway be who i am


hope this clear up some air about who i am .

why guess let meet up .



Thanks very much for --again-- responding publicly to a private message (even though I explicitely asked you to respond privately). Could you please --at least-- phone me at 6:45 pm or before to let me know what your intentions are? I don't think all people enjoy someone coming late and/or someone who might be repeating stuff that was already talked about. Supposing that all people have the same attitude than you have, groups could be made larger than they need to be as people come as they wish. I think other people are coming on time or making an effort to do so. Had I known that you (and 2 other people who showed up late too), groups would have been made up of 4 people VS 7 people. When there are 7 people in a group it is sometimes hard for people to talk and/or be heard and for some people to understand or hear (if one does not have good hearing or if one does not have a good understanding of English.) Your behaviour is affecting other people's experiences. It is making my life more difficult too. Thanks for your cooperation.

OH yeh .. in case you are not sure ,I WILL BE GOING to the Meeting 90 %

in case i am too busy , too lazy , too tired , too tie up with girls , too drunk , still sleeping or death .

i might not go .

if i am , free, finsh my stuff , felt like meeting more people , ( i do enjoy the chit chat )

have the extra time , no visiting friends from other country . miss everyone that i chatted with ,

feel like meeting even more friends .. lonely , bored , notthing better to do , have time to kill .

no cars group meeting , no girls asking me to go out ,

so more or less i am 90 % confirm .

i will be late but will TRY to be early .

i don't mind joining any group .. or just sit in to listen without making any comment .

i don't mind . waiting .

i don't mind speaking if no body saying anything ,

i don't mind .translating ,

i don't mind what ever topic ,

i don't mind if it good or bad ,

i don't mind not having the topic in advance to pre-work on

i don't mind if you don't e-mail me .

i don't mind if the group i am in is old , young , native speaker or what ever

i don't mind almost anything as Long as nobody trying to be Rude .

I don;t mind how others felt about me -

i don't mind if anyone is trying to judge me

i don't mind if you can't speak english i might speak yours


speak out . if i feel like - but respect the group if i am not spoken to .

come and go as i wish , we are not kids . but with respect to the places and the people .

agree and disagree to my wishes , i don't believe in lie to make thing better

Respect everyone . if i am gaven the same respect . if you don't respect me i will not hit you

listen and learn ,and share what i know when it right

alway be who i am


hope this clear up some air about who i am .

why guess let meet up .



like what i had told you .. i will be at the meeting . but will be late .. the same answer which i had for you the last 2 meeting .. notthing had change .

we did not go over a older topic during the chat .. and i did not request any backdating . of the topic ..

for me is just chit chat any topic would do ..

too much rule here . making it boring ..

the chit chat is alot of fun . is all this rule needed ?

can't it be a free and easy thing .

especially when is like a causal meeting . unless this is some kinda lab test .

i am sure most people had their perosnal commitment too .

and most people is here to relax . and find more friends i believe .


The group i was in , seem to be doing well cos we are sitting very close .. and giving alot of attention to every speaker.

so far i don't see any problem..

how about your group . seem to be sitting kinda part . and also have 3 non english speaker .

your group might be harder .

we chit chat abit on the the iraq topic and we freestyle onto other topic ..

i think the key factor is people get to meet up and enjoy a good evening .

don't be so rigid . so what if some come late or early

everyone have their choice plus .. like i said . i don't mind joining a group and just listen ..

unless someone ask my view of cos .

let reply on forum .. so your view can be shared also ..

notthig to hide of cos as usual .

relax is just a meeting ..

you don't even get paid for it . is not a job . is not a service .

is just meeting people . have some heart and relax ok :o

this would make everything mroe wonderful

oh yeh i will be at the meeting LATE again . how late i don't know .

as and when i finsh my Task . and have time for relaxing evening chatting i will be there .


It is clear that you prefer this to be a chat group, but I prefer something a bit more structured, where people delve into the chosen topic on a deeper level. Please see the annotation below. If this does not suit you, feel free to start a group that fits what you want.

like what i had told you .. i will be at the meeting . but will be late .. the same answer which i had for you the last 2 meeting .. notthing had change .

>> This is news to me. If you told me, I did not understand that. This was not clear to me at all.

we did not go over a older topic during the chat .. and i did not request any backdating . of the topic ..

>> BUT, how would you know what you talked about was not already talked about?

for me is just chit chat any topic would do ..

>> FOR YOU, but we are not YOU. We know what YOU want. I don't want what YOU want. I created this group and I know what I want. There is a time for superficial discussions wandering from one topic to another and there is a time when some people might be interesting in delving in a topic on a deeper level.

too much rule here . making it boring ..

>> FOR YOU, but some people like rules, especially when others break them. Rules are useful to make sure that things are fair and safe for all involved. Some people don't like to be interrupted. Some people don't like to sit there just listening to one person speak. That's why we have rules. Rules are sometimes good.

the chit chat is alot of fun . is all this rule needed ?

>> YOU like chit chatting, I find it really boring. Repeating banalities and unrelated facts on unrelated topics is boring for me.

can't it be a free and easy thing .

>> You are more than free to start your own group where you set that rule that there should not be any rules ! :o In the meantime, I tend to prefer something a bit more structured. This does not mean that I do allow groups to wonder off, but at some point of time, it is useful to bring things back to explore the chosen topic fully. There is nothing boring about that.

especially when is like a causal meeting . unless this is some kinda lab test .

>> I don't envisage anything of that sort. YOU are making a caricature of what I want. I am not as rigid as you would like me to be or the structure of the discussions to be. I like a bit of a structure. I recognized that on one occasion I got carried away with too much structure. To be fair, there were 2 non-native speakers that might have made this happen.

i am sure most people had their perosnal commitment too .

>> Yours might be different than others.

and most people is here to relax . and find more friends i believe .

>> True, but not entirely true. But, also some people would like to be challenged intellectually. NOt all of us want superficial analyses of things.


The group i was in , seem to be doing well cos we are sitting very close .. and giving alot of attention to every speaker.

>> Not all people were pleased. Some people felt that some people spoke too much. And, In my group I felt that some people had a tough time hearing some people's comments. This is why I prefer smaller groups. This is a way to meet people and to get to know what they really think on a deeper level.

so far i don't see any problem..

>> I do and I am not the only one.

how about your group . seem to be sitting kinda part . and also have 3 non english speaker .

your group might be harder .

>> Yes! more difficult.

we chit chat abit on the the iraq topic and we freestyle onto other topic ..

>> Other topics? YOu mean sub-topics?

i think the key factor is people get to meet up and enjoy a good evening .

don't be so rigid . so what if some come late or early

>> YOU are trying to shape this group into what YOU want. As I said, I want something a bit more structured. I want to learn something from others beside making potential friendships with others.

everyone have their choice plus .. like i said . i don't mind joining a group and just listen ..

unless someone ask my view of cos .

let reply on forum .. so your view can be shared also ..

notthig to hide of cos as usual .

relax is just a meeting ..

>> YOU keep repeating things. It feels like brainwashing. I am not that rigid. I resent you trying to make me look like I am. I think you are too lax.

you don't even get paid for it . is not a job . is not a service .

>> That's right! I do this for free and I would like all people to have the best experience. I don't see a group made up of 8 people condusive to a good experience. As I said, some people cannot hear well. SOme people might not be able or want to shout also.

is just meeting people . have some heart and relax ok :D

>> I don't enjoy seeing some people's mouths noving and not being able to hear them.

this would make everything mroe wonderful

>> I disagree.

oh yeh i will be at the meeting LATE again . how late i don't know .

>> Thanks for the warning. Now I can plan the groups accordingly.

as and when i finsh my Task . and have time for relaxing evening chatting i will be there .

>> I am not sure what this is about.

It is clear that you prefer this to be a chat group, but I prefer something a bit more structured, where people delve into the chosen topic on a deeper level. Please see the annotation below. If this does not suit you, feel free to start a group that fits what you want.

like what i had told you .. i will be at the meeting . but will be late .. the same answer which i had for you the last 2 meeting .. notthing had change .

>> This is news to me. If you told me, I did not understand that. This was not clear to me at all.

we did not go over a older topic during the chat .. and i did not request any backdating . of the topic ..

>> BUT, how would you know what you talked about was not already talked about?

for me is just chit chat any topic would do ..

>> FOR YOU, but we are not YOU. We know what YOU want. I don't want what YOU want. I created this group and I know what I want. There is a time for superficial discussions wandering from one topic to another and there is a time when some people might be interesting in delving in a topic on a deeper level.

too much rule here . making it boring ..

>> FOR YOU, but some people like rules, especially when others break them. Rules are useful to make sure that things are fair and safe for all involved. Some people don't like to be interrupted. Some people don't like to sit there just listening to one person speak. That's why we have rules. Rules are sometimes good.

the chit chat is alot of fun . is all this rule needed ?

>> YOU like chit chatting, I find it really boring. Repeating banalities and unrelated facts on unrelated topics is boring for me.

can't it be a free and easy thing .

>> You are more than free to start your own group where you set that rule that there should not be any rules ! :o In the meantime, I tend to prefer something a bit more structured. This does not mean that I do allow groups to wonder off, but at some point of time, it is useful to bring things back to explore the chosen topic fully. There is nothing boring about that.

especially when is like a causal meeting . unless this is some kinda lab test .

>> I don't envisage anything of that sort. YOU are making a caricature of what I want. I am not as rigid as you would like me to be or the structure of the discussions to be. I like a bit of a structure. I recognized that on one occasion I got carried away with too much structure. To be fair, there were 2 non-native speakers that might have made this happen.

i am sure most people had their perosnal commitment too .

>> Yours might be different than others.

and most people is here to relax . and find more friends i believe .

>> True, but not entirely true. But, also some people would like to be challenged intellectually. NOt all of us want superficial analyses of things.


The group i was in , seem to be doing well cos we are sitting very close .. and giving alot of attention to every speaker.

>> Not all people were pleased. Some people felt that some people spoke too much. And, In my group I felt that some people had a tough time hearing some people's comments. This is why I prefer smaller groups. This is a way to meet people and to get to know what they really think on a deeper level.

so far i don't see any problem..

>> I do and I am not the only one.

how about your group . seem to be sitting kinda part . and also have 3 non english speaker .

your group might be harder .

>> Yes! more difficult.

we chit chat abit on the the iraq topic and we freestyle onto other topic ..

>> Other topics? YOu mean sub-topics?

i think the key factor is people get to meet up and enjoy a good evening .

don't be so rigid . so what if some come late or early

>> YOU are trying to shape this group into what YOU want. As I said, I want something a bit more structured. I want to learn something from others beside making potential friendships with others.

everyone have their choice plus .. like i said . i don't mind joining a group and just listen ..

unless someone ask my view of cos .

let reply on forum .. so your view can be shared also ..

notthig to hide of cos as usual .

relax is just a meeting ..

>> YOU keep repeating things. It feels like brainwashing. I am not that rigid. I resent you trying to make me look like I am. I think you are too lax.

you don't even get paid for it . is not a job . is not a service .

>> That's right! I do this for free and I would like all people to have the best experience. I don't see a group made up of 8 people condusive to a good experience. As I said, some people cannot hear well. SOme people might not be able or want to shout also.

is just meeting people . have some heart and relax ok :D

>> I don't enjoy seeing some people's mouths noving and not being able to hear them.

this would make everything mroe wonderful

>> I disagree.

oh yeh i will be at the meeting LATE again . how late i don't know .

>> Thanks for the warning. Now I can plan the groups accordingly.

as and when i finsh my Task . and have time for relaxing evening chatting i will be there .

>> I am not sure what this is about.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but reading this is so so funny :D Great stuff!!!


no worry i care less about what others think .

notthing will change me much ..

. good to know that you enjoy it .

if i need a lawyer or i would hire him for sure ..

but i just need a relaxing evening ..

why not join us .. to find out how is it like and what is it all about ..

let not be judge by mere words .. join the chat and find out .. who is right or wrong .. deep . intectealll arggg how you spell that .. pardon my poor english .. can't even spell right .. and half the words he said i am too lazy to check dictionary ..

anyway he is a nice guys .. if he lose up ..

so no worry come join us .

chinese have a saying " fear not the barking dog .. is the one that bark now you should fear .

since i am barking so loud i am sure you need not fear me ..


my 2 satangs' worth.....

some people tend to dominate the discussion rather than being courteous enough to give everyone else an equal time to speak.

This is very embarassing for other people to deal with, since they do not wish to be rude to the person dominating the discussion, but they also want to see everyone getting a fair and equal chance to speak.

Ta 22, please think carefully about respecting the rights of others in groups and the reason the discussion group exists: to talk about set topics. You have great energy and some very intelligent things to say. Others are shy, but may also have some great things to say. I would like to hear everyone's point of view. People who do not have an opportunity to speak will be offended and leave. That would be a great loss IMHO.



Here My view on what happen that day with my group ..

If anyone in my group is not happy with my way or reply .. feel free to talk to me and maybe let me know .

i am really easy going .

well as usual i am late . no need to explain why i am late cos i think is not really related .

i join the group ..

and in our group .. we take turn to speak ..

i sit next to fruitbatt . and i am sure most people have their chance to speak .

so i kinda ponder why . when there say some speaker did not get to speak .

in fact .. two of the speaker even share with us their more perosnal emotional feeling ..

as well as we get to hear alot of joke from one of the guys .. and his thai wife even speak a little too .

the korean guy beside me . speak less . maybe cos he did not know english well or prefer to listen ..

but in the end he did came and tell me he enjoy the chat and agree aprtly with what i said .

so i guess he is ok with our chat .

- i am sure during the chat . the level ( deep idealogy ) which the Thread started said . is reach in some sence .

SUPERFICAL is really a cruel words to use on anyone . but i care less .. but what i see the chat that day had been really meaningful in many way .

not trying to narrow down . say that i speak too much .. but i do get carry away . i must agree .

so at any point if anyone . Think i speak too much .. please feel free to stop me or excuse me so you can make your view ..

If you are not in the group i am in .. or just cos i speak louder then others and you made this judgement .. i am just sorry for you .. cos that is the real Superfical view .

to judge base on half fact .

beside . i am the one who try to join the group up at 9 pm .. like you said .. instead .. notthing happen .

i did not backdate any topic .. i just join in . when i was there is still taking turn to make their view if sadam should be killed .

so i don't see myself as breaking the topic or need to be backdated on the topic .. i call this skill of joining in topic -common sence .

or me is just chit chat any topic would do ..

>> FOR YOU, but we are not YOU. We know what YOU want. I don't want what YOU want. I created this group and I know what I want. There is a time for superficial discussions wandering from one topic to another and there is a time when some people might be interesting in delving in a topic on a deeper level.

replying to the above comment .

Who is the WE ? mind if you make known .

YOu know what i want ? ( assuming you know ? or you ask me before - i sure did not tell you what i want before - are you a fortune telling . or process some kinda supernatural power ?

Deeper level - hmmm what you meant by deeper level . why not let talk about it when we meet up - and share it with everyone about your deeper level needs .

I notice . there is alot of " FOR YOU " here .

seem like FOR ME . you know little of .

so why not ask me and stop guessing in person . :o won;t that be better .

is ok to fear the unknown or un-controllable ( my spellling suck )

...............take a break i need to go to the toilet .. making me wanna shit . trying to reply such stressful question and topic ...

back ..

part 2 ..

YOU like chit chatting, I find it really boring. Repeating banalities and unrelated facts on unrelated topics is boring for me.

hmm.. this is not what i see when you try so hard repeating the same topic to this two little girl who speak poor english ..that look like chit chat to me .

the art of talking ..

i understand well that the act or talking is good listening . so i respect this when i am out and alway pay attention to what others say . when spoken too . but i ponder ..

anyway ..

let move on

the topic is not that boring ..

is usually the people that is .boring . so by far

the group i am in don't seem to be boring at all .. we did move on a few topic .. and

like all speaker some choose to relate topic to related topic .

if only thing is as simple as you think . we would have a perfect world ..

well don't you love this imprefect world is so beautiful .

is this imperfection that you and me is here .debating on a not that deep level .

and is kinda funny also to many .

when i sdee problem .. i choose to confront it .

i don't ruin away from problem .

so if you wanna tell me the problem .. i would be happy to see what can be done .

instead of you hitning so hard here .

i hate guesing .

there is a saying " from die hard " assumption ( hope i spell right ) is the mother of all ###### up )


I don't enjoy seeing some people's mouths noving and not being able to hear them.

you meant your group of mine ? my group seem . ok .. if you need me to speak louded i would try .if you trying tio eardrop me from the other group .. i am sorry ..for you ..

sound travel the direction i speak too . plus my body mass is blocking the direction you in .. i am sure you would have hard time .. i don't mind repeating what i said to you .. if you find it deep enough for you ..

we chit chat abit on the the iraq topic and we freestyle onto other topic ..

>> Other topics? YOu mean sub-topics?

YES YES YES and YES adding one more YES for you .

we change topic afte rthe Iraq topic .. and everyone agree is kinda enough .. so we chat about .. FOOD .. and then about toilet .

alot of fun .. and everyone is laughing .. and alot of joke .. don't ask me ask everyone did there enjoy the topic ..


>> Thanks for the warning. Now I can plan the groups accordingly.

as and when i finsh my Task . and have time for relaxing evening chatting i will be there .

I did respect you .. from the first meeting .. and alway requested your view on which group i should join ..

you reply so far had be .. any group i like .

.. so far the two group i had choose to join .. i had also ask if there mind if i join them..

i am sure if anyone objected .. i would be mor ethen happy to find out why .. and also if it reasnoable i would not enage and just sit in and just listen instead of chatting ..

.......i think my brain cell just die a little trying hard to reply this in a funny way and also swerious and deep enough ..

i believe in simple reply ..


I do enjoy deep deep topic .. if you up to it ..

if you had not join any of the group .. please do not judge me or the thread starter ..

come and find out yourself ..

and last but not least ..

DOn't even judge anyone you had not met in person .

no one is what there seem online and real life..


hope you enjoy my reply ..

if you have any question .. feel free to ask me here or in PM ..

but i will usually reply in forum .. and i may Quote your PM >


one personal note ..

do what you want . just don't expect everyone to agree with you .this way you will be happier .


Thanks fruitbatt .. i would take note of this .. and with greater effort to conduct myself .. and give other more chance .

thanks for the feedback ..


...............take a break i need to go to the toilet .. making me wanna shit . trying to reply such stressful question and topic ...


ta22. hope you didn't stress the toilet too much. :D


whahah ahahaha ..

i was worrying that the reply is too serious .. so i added it to give it a lighter touch whahah..

.. gald you enjoy the joke :o


i love what wrote also

1) My wife and I divorced over religious differences. She thought she was God and I didn't! 2) Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them. 3) Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

can't agree more ..

  • 3 weeks later...


I have stated my position. You have stated yours. We do not agree with each other. We are at an impasse.

Since you seem to have lots of time on your hands,...

Here is my advice:

1) Reduce the amount of time you spent on TV and channel all that energy in a different way,

2) Start a new group in the location you want (since you complained about travelling that far), using the terms and conditions you want, instead of trying to change an event to suit your needs and desires.

3) Don't show up to my event, if you don't like it.




I have a suggestion for one topic someday when you are at a lull....

What in the H-ll is "Trans Fat"

To me this word suddenly appeared out of nowhere..... and has all of a sudden become the word of the year.....

Replacing last years word 'embedded"

If you do mull it around, please post back a simple answer....

It would be greatly appreciated..



Ta22 and MyPenRye sabre rattling...

Its the age-old classic...

No army / organisation can have two kings / leaders unless your closer than brothers.

On the one hand the silver-tongued dashing cavalier like Ta22 and on the other the wisdom seeking somber and structured MyPenRye.

I've not gone to your knowledge debating forums but it sounds like if you both stop and listen to each others styles and mould them as needed the discussion group would benefit doubly from both of you. :o

Ta22 and MyPenRye sabre rattling...

Its the age-old classic...

No army / organisation can have two kings / leaders unless your closer than brothers.

On the one hand the silver-tongued dashing cavalier like Ta22 and on the other the wisdom seeking somber and structured MyPenRye.

I've not gone to your knowledge debating forums but it sounds like if you both stop and listen to each others styles and mould them as needed the discussion group would benefit doubly from both of you. :o

NNNaaaaaa ..... lets pick sides and have a good knock down drag em out......

I pick MPR side........

simply because I don't know what the H*ell the other guy is talking about......


Lets set up a discussion group totalk about it...

What in the H-ll is "Trans Fat"


The FDA writes:

"Basically, trans fat is made when manufacturers add hydrogen to vegetable oil--a process called hydrogenation. Hydrogenation increases the shelf life and flavor stability of foods containing these fats."

So it is probably the same nasty stuff that has been called hydrogenated vegetable oil. very heavy weight


What in the H-ll is "Trans Fat"


The FDA writes:

"Basically, trans fat is made when manufacturers add hydrogen to vegetable oil--a process called hydrogenation. Hydrogenation increases the shelf life and flavor stability of foods containing these fats."

So it is probably the same nasty stuff that has been called hydrogenated vegetable oil. very heavy weight

So I guess it in all probablility has very little chance to be in most local foods, or food stock.....

Then if I cook a hunk of buffalo meat tonight that was grazing and eating her lunch at noon today, I probably wouldn't run across "Trans Fat",,,,, unnnnlessssss she was hydrogenated this morning... right.... got it....

Thanks Mongoose.... :o


first of all .

i don' get what going on ..

1) Reduce the amount of time you spent on TV and channel all that energy in a different way,

you can't be that childish to start assuming thing right ? i'm sure you are smarter then that .

Second of all .. - during the group someone ask me where i came from ..

so i reply . that the group meet up is far from my place .. you meant i got to act happy and not allow my free speech ..

And am i wrong to say that you are staying at the CONDO . i am just stating FACT !.

I AM LATE COS i got my other more importance thing to do ..

PLUS seriously i am there cos i enoy meeting more people .. and had a few friends , MAYBE you are just not one of them ..

WELL i had Alot of groupy of my own ..


by far i acted with respect . so if you choose to lose my respect for you . is up to you .


Oh the reason i was not at the last meeting ( yesterday ) . i was too busy with others stuff .. hope i do not need to explain why to you . .

i am not against the way you run your topic ..

i care less at what you do seriously ..

i am not even keen at who is right or wrong ..

but i am alway more then happy to meet up .

if you wanna meet up i am alway free after 8-9 pm .


everyone is entitle to their own view .. hope i hope you respect mine as much as i respect yours .


WHy debate online .. when chaingmai is so small .. why not let meet up and debate all you like ..

i am open to any kinda debate or " friendly chat of understanding "

OH yeh .. try not to assume you know me .. cos you don't

if you not sure or want to know anything .. ask me .. i am alway happy to asnwer you ..

kinda pity people who love guessing cos their alway in a pool of mud .. assuming there know it all .

don't be shy just ask .. and will be more then happy to reply ..

i really busy and in fact i am leaving chiangmai tonight .. hopefully will be back next week .. and if i can make it ..

i would try to come for chit chat .. ...like i had said .. i not really keen in the topic just keenat meeting more friends .

i am just bored .. and wanna kill time ..

pardon me if i repat myself been 30 hour since i last sleep .

i seldom watch TV if you wanna know . .. channel my attention ?

whahahhhhahahhahaa thanks for the weird advice you gave me ..

impass ?

the wolrd is not alway that complex or hard .. cheer up .. dude . don't be too hard on yourself .

if you are stress i be happy to listen to you .

this is not a war .. for god sake .. is a Chit chat - freidnly kinda thing .

people relax and enjoy talking .. and exchnaging idea ..

hope you don't kill someone at this rate .

chill out .. this is chiangmai , people come here to relax and retire and enjoy life ..

not get stress out , or over serious on something so meaningless ..

. i welcome the meet up .. and happy to join your group .


and if you have a hard time trying to talk to the chinese girl i would be more then happy to help you translate ..

cos i see alot of hand action from you . trying to explain this and that ..

look funny from my view .

i miss the korean friends i met and i think there are so sweet .

Gozo . let meet up if you want .. over beer . would be nice . i know a few place with nice beer amd food . when i am back from my trip i don't mind picking anyoen up if there don't have transport ..

ELi.. you bitch .. we mus go play poker .. when i am back ok .. i want my 10 baht back !!!!!!!!!!!

french guy . ( i don;t know how to spell your name ) and i had so far refer you as the french guy ) seriously relax a little ,maybe we can go have a beer some days if you do drink beer ?

or maybe some thai food . i know afew nice place ..

I was happy to know the last topic was movie .. and really wanted to go .. cos i watch so MUCH movie and would like to know more movie and other interesting movie ..

and i happen to watch alot of korean . chinese , japanese , english , thai , movie .. whahahaha

what a miss out .


I am running this free, using my own time, and I have to put up with this nonsense.

For a guy who states time and time again that everyone should be more relax, I wonder why youy cannot be more relax about the few rules that are intended to make the discussions fair and pleasant for all involved.

Just show up, follow a few rules (to make things fair for everyone), talk and listen, and then continue your stated course of action for the night.

Much ado about nothing ... as far as I am concerned.


And BTW, if you are so easygoing, why do you insist that things be done your way? I think you failed logic 101.

1) The discussion starts at a certain time (+/-15 min.).

2) They deal with one major topic.

3) Participants can speak or listen, but when they speak, they should not speak for hours.

4) Participants should order something from the restaurant.

If one judges how long your replies, one wonders if you are really that easygoing, as you claim, or it is all part of a show? Knowing you, I'll take the latter.

BTW, if you have not figure out yet,... my name is not French guy, but MyPenRye. Were you a bully in an earlier life?

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