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Just wondering if anyone has any advice for enjoying a long flight in an economy class seat? 15 hours is quite a long time, but that's how long I'll be up there. I'm not the healthiest guy around and I expect that my legs and back may give me problems while in flight. I plan on walking around quite and stretching in my seat while airborn. I have some muscle relaxants that I could take but I am not sure if they will help me relax. They are leftovers form a bad back last Spring. Any thoughts on this? What about aspirin? Or should I just drink a few beers or wines? Any personal experience with this?


Check out this website.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Thanks for the suggestions. The site has good info. Seems to be the natural approach to things. I'm sure I will be doing things like they suggest. They do suggest that you don't drink alcohol when flying. It does dehydrate but it also relieves some mental stress at the same time which is good. It will be hard to say know to a free sip. Aspirin doesn't seem so hazardous unless you drink while taking it. I know it also has an effect on the liver. I'll have to check to see if I have any. I want to enjoy the flight. It seems like there are three options which 'may' work: the 'healthy' substance free way, the 'medical' way with aspirin or some other drugs , and the alcohol way. Of course the later two would still require the stretching and walking.


do gentle exercises and stretches for a sometimes before your long flight, don't stress yourself with preparations and don't overload your suitcases with unnecessary clutter.

when you book your flight do request a seat near the exit or in the first raw, just behind bathroom/kitchen - there is always more leg room. If your airline can't book you into those seats you can request it on checking in in the airport (come early to be sure you will have those seats - they might be allocated to who comes first).

drink water before the flight and plenty during the flight - it will keep you hydrated (airplane air is very dry) and move you around to grab some water from the plane kitchen and than to the toilet. Take with you a large bottle of water for the airport.

don't eat heavy meals, don't drink alcohol - you can order vegetarian or vegan option. You will be served before everybody else, soon after take off, which will give you more time to sleep. Take the free sip with you, unopened beer cans or bottles of wine, and drink with your friends after you have landed at your destination and after your jet lag wore off.

board an airplane as the last person - just walk in the boarding area until all take their seats. If you don't have a large legroom chose the empty seats on the airplane - the more of them the better, you can sleep on them after rising armrests. Worth to fasten safety belts in case there will be turbulence while in sleep - if the flight attendants will see them fastened they won't wake you up.

take with you ear plugs and blinds for your eyes (some airliness, like Air France) do give them on a long haul flights, but majority airlines don't. Sleep as much as you can, straight after taking your seat.

do exercise your feet when seating.

don't take any medication without talking to your doctor - however take with you those muscle relaxants, just in an emergency, if you have your muscle spasms coming back. If you suffer just from a back pain pain - take rather mild painkillers.

Try, if you can, take a few stopovers in your journey - that way you would avoid heavy symptoms of a jet lag as well as avoiding sitting for too long.

Definitely have some massage treatments before your flight, some airports even offer them (thou might be pricey) and on arrival to your destination.


:D I really hate those airlines that give free alcohol away. I am always so tempted but then I want to smoke and really they do frown upon that :o If I were you, I would avoid the muscle relaxants. I can see no benefit in taking them.

At the height of the DVT scare (2001) the airlines used to hand out a little laminated sheet suggesting excercises. some were doable the others were ludicrous, they proposed strolling around the plane. Everyone seemed to want to do that at the same time - the meal wasn't served until we were about 3 hours out of Heathrow........not that that really mattered. Have you considered a pair of those rather gorgeous graduated pressure sock things that increase blood flow in the deep veins?

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