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Aaaarh! - Wife Says I Must Change Hotel Name!


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We have almost completed construction on our new bungalow resort here in Phuket. Today, my wife goes to see an important 'fortune-teller' in Krabi. He says that we will only have bad luck if we use the current hotel name! Wife says I have to change it pronto! (That means registering a new web domain etc).

Now, I am a level-headed Brit! The current hotel name is 'benign', not 'ComeHereAndDie Bungalows'. But I need to make this important change or I'll have no peace from my supersticious wife :o

So how supersticious is your Thai wife/GF? And what (apparently) crazy things has she got you to do to ensure good luck?


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Doesn't really matter if you think it makes sense or not; the option is having a wife who's at ease with her surroundings, or stressed out all the time.

So change it. If you don't then EVERY single mishap no matter if it's business or as much as something breaking will be blamed on you for the rest of your life.

(And for what it's worth, I think "Benign" is a crap name for a hotel/resort, too. :o )

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And for what it's worth, I think "Benign" is a crap name for a hotel/resort, too. :D


Yep, do it, and also have a redirect from the old domain name to the new one or simply sell it on. Bearing in mind, when the monk said we had to buy our black motorbike on a Friday and the thing fell over the first day we had it, I remain somewhat sceptical as to their skills in clairvoyance. :D

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'ComeHereAndDie Bungalows' might have been a better option hehe, benign just sounds like a tumour diagnosis!

Anyway I was living with a Thai family in Sisaket for a few months, and one day as I was sitting in the car, about to go to Ubon for the day, the grandmother came running up instructing me not to wear any pink or red, as the fortune teller said it would be bad luck. Of course this meant changing my hairties, scarf, earrings, nailpolish etc before we could leave.

Also, one of the teachers at the school told me she had been told that she had to change her full name - when I last saw her she was filling out the paperwork!

I don't understand, but I don't like to push my luck either hehe.

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And for what it's worth, I think "Benign" is a crap name for a hotel/resort, too. :D


Yep, do it, and also have a redirect from the old domain name to the new one or simply sell it on. Bearing in mind, when the monk said we had to buy our black motorbike on a Friday and the thing fell over the first day we had it, I remain somewhat sceptical as to their skills in clairvoyance. :D

Well........Thaksin's blind Burmese soothsayer seemed to get it about right for him, for what it's worth. :D

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I've seen a few cars already (most black ones) with a thaiwriting sticker on it who says:" This car is red, yellow etc."

First I thought what a stupid idea for a car-sticker but then I got the reason for it... :o

Simon43, maybe you can find a similar solution for your problem?

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You might suggest getting a second opinion from the local temple, and perhaps sendnig word forth that you like the name you have and that the fortune teller has picked up on a lost spirit that needs help getting home.

Sort of arange for the message to be given to your wife that the fortune teller had misunderstood and what was really necessary is a chanting session from the monks to help the spirit on its way.

With lots of suggestions that if you did that then the name you already have would suddenly become very auspicious.

Secondly you might get the local rat catcher to go around and rid you of the vermin fortune teller.

As for superstions, my wife is totally scathing of them. I thinks she's even more cynical in that respect than I am.

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Perhaps you should get your second and third opinion from different "fortune teller"?

Sometimes you wish not to believe but some how things happen! I guess especially places like Thailand, places filled with lots of Gods (and I heard so many miracle that those Gods had performed and judging from the gifts that they pay back at the temples) perhaps it is wiser to follow the local customs then. :o

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My wife is quite conservative, actually a cheap charlie so I was surprised that she spent 600 baht on lottery tickets after seeing the mor doo monk. She DIDN'T win so she has lost faith and things are more peaceful since we no longer have to deal with his predictions.

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my ex (thai) was told by a fortune teller that his name was unlucky so he had it legally changed. she also told him black hair was unlucky, so the next day he cut it and dyed it orange! :o he didn't get anywhere, if anything he had worse luck after that. i left him, for one thing! :D

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As someone told above: it's the best way to just follow such fortune tellers counsel - it keeps peace in the house and that's what is more important than to proove that you know better.

I had a similar experiance myself: i like flowers around the house and garden. One day I bought some plants (which name I forgot) and when I brought them home my wife told me it is impossible to plant them near the house, because they make poeple fighting each other. When I told her that what she says is definitely rubbish she just told me: "well, you see, they already start to work".

Since we got rid of them, we leave peacefully again ;-)



PS: I was already several times tempted to bribe fortune tellers to give advise that I wanted. But I guess it would not work: when the advise is something that they do not want to hear (i.e. buy no numbers at all), they just change to an other 'Moh Doo'.

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And for what it's worth, I think "Benign" is a crap name for a hotel/resort, too. :D


Yep, do it, and also have a redirect from the old domain name to the new one or simply sell it on. Bearing in mind, when the monk said we had to buy our black motorbike on a Friday and the thing fell over the first day we had it, I remain somewhat sceptical as to their skills in clairvoyance. :D

Yea but if you bought it on Saturday it might have fell over with you on it. :D

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Thanks for the comments. I agree that it is often better to agree with her and go with the flow. Pouring scorn on her 'beliefs' will certainly not help.

So ' Thaksin Shiniwata Resort' is the new name ..... :o

Actually, the new name is ทรายงาม or 'Beautiful Sand' , which sounds ok. Bought the new domain name last night, so will have it all up and running soon. Luckily, we had not committed to any printing of the previous name of the resort.


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my ex (thai) was told by a fortune teller that his name was unlucky so he had it legally changed. she also told him black hair was unlucky, so the next day he cut it and dyed it orange! :o he didn't get anywhere, if anything he had worse luck after that. i left him, for one thing! :D


If my name was 'unlucky' I would change it too.......... :D


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Thanks for the comments. I agree that it is often better to agree with her and go with the flow. Pouring scorn on her 'beliefs' will certainly not help.

So ' Thaksin Shiniwata Resort' is the new name ..... :D

Actually, the new name is ทรายงาม or 'Beautiful Sand' , which sounds ok. Bought the new domain name last night, so will have it all up and running soon. Luckily, we had not committed to any printing of the previous name of the resort.


Wow!! Beautiful Sand is a beautiful name and sounds romantic!! :o Ok, will pay "Beautiful Sand" a visit when I comeby Phuket next year! :D

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Actually, the new name is ทรายงาม or 'Beautiful Sand' , which sounds ok. Bought the new domain name last night, so will have it all up and running soon. Luckily, we had not committed to any printing of the previous name of the resort.


Wow! well done Simon43. I like it 'Beautiful Sand' !

Benign :o .........well...what can I say..it was a bit........ :D


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:D Much better name. Haven't read the whole of the thread, but, whereabouts is it? We may come to Phuket - for about the 30th time next year. Do you have facilities for children? Are you on the beach - must be with that name. A huge improvement on benign :D , that sounds like the results from a smear test. Good luck with your venture :o
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We have almost completed construction on our new bungalow resort here in Phuket. Today, my wife goes to see an important 'fortune-teller' in Krabi. He says that we will only have bad luck if we use the current hotel name! Wife says I have to change it pronto! (That means registering a new web domain etc).

Now, I am a level-headed Brit! The current hotel name is 'benign', not 'ComeHereAndDie Bungalows'. But I need to make this important change or I'll have no peace from my supersticious wife :o

So how supersticious is your Thai wife/GF? And what (apparently) crazy things has she got you to do to ensure good luck?


Beautifull sand is good. The original name was just too benign.

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We have almost completed construction on our new bungalow resort here in Phuket. Today, my wife goes to see an important 'fortune-teller' in Krabi. He says that we will only have bad luck if we use the current hotel name! Wife says I have to change it pronto! (That means registering a new web domain etc).

Now, I am a level-headed Brit! The current hotel name is 'benign', not 'ComeHereAndDie Bungalows'. But I need to make this important change or I'll have no peace from my supersticious wife :D

So how supersticious is your Thai wife/GF? And what (apparently) crazy things has she got you to do to ensure good luck?


Beautifull sand is good. The original name was just too benign.


Btw, do I need to see a soothsayer before I go to the loo? I don't want to get my arse stuck in the bowl... :o

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And for what it's worth, I think "Benign" is a crap name for a hotel/resort, too. :D


Yep, do it, and also have a redirect from the old domain name to the new one or simply sell it on. Bearing in mind, when the monk said we had to buy our black motorbike on a Friday and the thing fell over the first day we had it, I remain somewhat sceptical as to their skills in clairvoyance. :D

Yea but if you bought it on Saturday it might have fell over with you on it. :D

That crossed my mind but having never come off or dropped a motorbike before that I ruled it out, but good thinking :D

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....So how supersticious is your Thai wife/GF? And what (apparently) crazy things has she got you to do to ensure good luck?



Stall for a bit of time, you go to the pub for an hour or two and tell your wife that you will have very good lick if you put some gold-leaf on the 3rd 6th letters of the name. (3x3=9 the Thai "lucky number). Tell her this is because the "Rort-tune" teller said you only have average luck.

Then do what I did, make a log of every time she goes to the "Rort-tune" teller and get as much information, showing some sort of interest. This should also include Lottery Ticket numbers etc etc.

After a few months you will have a good collection of "Rort-Tunes" that either contradict each other or are just laughable.

The one I like to remind Mrs Khutan about was the "Rort-Tune" where she was going to be in prison by the end of 2004 for murder, and she would be bankrupt.

Another one I like to keep track of is the "Rort-Tune" teller picking the 2-number lottery.

Otherwise, good luck, its in my opinion a bad habbit "Nee Sai mai dee !!!!"

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As someone told above: it's the best way to just follow such fortune tellers counsel - it keeps peace in the house and that's what is more important than to proove that you know better.

I disagree, sometimes it's utter nonsense.

I use my wife's superstition to my advantage - things like it's very unlucky in Scotland to go shopping at Tescos at the weekend, or to jump on your husband to stick things in your husbands ears etc :o

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