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Thai court rules British activist Andy Hall to face criminal defamation charges


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Are Thai authorities legally able to confiscate a British passport? Surely if someone breaks a law the document can be taken. Difference here is a private company are leveling charges but is there a real basis for it even in Thai law? This seems key and I think little can be done now by the UK government other than plead for mercy.

Another poster suggested Andy Hall may be going through this with a specific strategy in mind, and that does seem like another possibility.

As to doing a runner, if they took his passport and he doesn't want to stay he could just sneak across the border to Cambodia, there are many places to do it apparently. Then he could go to the British embassy and get an emergency travel document back to the UK.

a free media no longer exists by direction of the good General.

What good general?

If you support him, fair enough, but otherwise you are taking the wrong approach by casting him as a good guy on the surface, because surface is all that's important to them, thus to them you have said he is a good guy and all your extra layers of meaning will be lost on anyone but your own choir.

Edited by Squeegee
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It would be interesting to know brand names fruit from this company is marketed as world wide. If people in for example Australia were aware that brand X is produced using such fruit then it may make them think twice before buying. Supermarkets are now much more concerned with how their customers react to the way imported items are produced, farmed and fished, especially if there are ethical issues.

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Face and the ever convenient defamation laws meaning no one is safe from foreigners to fifteen year olds.

This will probably make the international media, again, but since when did LoS worry what people from that ' other place ' think ?

By other place I mean the rest of the so called, non-enlightened world.

Whilst I agree entirely with your sentiments, I really wish you wouldn't use sarcasm. In my opinion it cheapens your message. Not you personally, but over all, across these forums the posts saying such things as "...but what would I know, I'm just a lowly falang..." come across as whining and most of the time such ironic or sarcastic comments would fly over the heads of the sort of simpletons the comments are aimed at.

I don't mean to teach you to suck eggs, as we all choose to express ourselves in our own ways, but I am just using that quote as a basis to observe that indirect criticism is water off a duck's back to the thick-skinned purveyors of face within Thailand's borders.

They don't deserve such glowing 'praise', to my mind, to have us foreigners put ourselves down. In my opinion they deserve nothing less than the truth straight between the eyes to leave them and everyone else in no uncertain terms: we are enlightened not they who are backward, uncivilized fools. The state of their economy and tourist industry is their own stupid fault after America handed them a silver spoon on a golden platter and now they must rightfully suffer to regain their place at the table of humanity.

Their Cambodian, Laotian, Burmese and Vietnamese cousins never had it so good as the arrogant, lazy, greedy Thai establishment and those ugly traits have filtered - nay, been handed down - to the populace. Those cousins know how it is to suffer, whilst the Thais had the luck to be in the right place at the right time, so their extent of earning anything they ever had was based on not much more than guile.

Forgive my little rant, but I really do think us foreigners should stop with putting ourselves down with regards to Thailand, no matter how many levels of meaning there are in our words when face and money are all that's understood. They would no doubt smile and agree with you the rest of the world isn't enlightened and for as long as foreigners are parroting mai bpen lai and jai yen yen, or "But what do I know, I'm just a..." Thailand has no reason to change its attitude towards a world they seem to consider is beneath them.

For those of us safe beyond the clutches of these immoral people, there should be no quarter given with regards to Thailand's treatment of Andy or Laura.

To misquote - they can't handle the truth! Therein lies the problem. Ignore it (truth) and time will see it go away. Sad really sad.png

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Perhaps if Mr Hall had of concerned himself with the slavery on his own door step then he would be in safer hands. For eg.the 20 thousand or more slaves imported by the Saudis in to the UK as household servants. They are trapped and if they dare to escape they will be sent back to Saudi and most likely die in prison or face execution. Thing is Mr Hall, from the Thais point of view (and my own) what you did stinks of hypocrisy and ignorance. People who dare to criticize government whilst having a false sense of reality are dangerous when they go it alone. Of course you are appreciated by those in high places that benefit from the actions of such 'useful idiots'

Edited by jonesthebaker
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Ban the exports into the EU. Forget right and wrong as 'Money' flow is the only thing Thais listen to and if thats impacted then and only then will they change there shonky business practices.

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Anybody have a list of that fruit company brands? Anybody know how to do one of those online petitions?


contact [email protected] for info how to do an online petition. I myself signed the petition against Thai goverment's attempt of introducing a single internet gate. CHANGE.ORG initiated, published, collecting and submitting the signatures to whom it concerened. Obviously successful, Thai government dropped the project.

Check out http://www.walkfree.org/drop-the-charges-against-andy-hall-now/

or maybe more effective to start an official UK Parliament petition rather than change-org


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Are Thai authorities legally able to confiscate a British passport? Surely if someone breaks a law the document can be taken. Difference here is a private company are leveling charges but is there a real basis for it even in Thai law? This seems key and I think little can be done now by the UK government other than plead for mercy.

Another poster suggested Andy Hall may be going through this with a specific strategy in mind, and that does seem like another possibility.

As to doing a runner, if they took his passport and he doesn't want to stay he could just sneak across the border to Cambodia, there are many places to do it apparently. Then he could go to the British embassy and get an emergency travel document back to the UK.

a free media no longer exists by direction of the good General.

What good general?

If you support him, fair enough, but otherwise you are taking the wrong approach by casting him as a good guy on the surface, because surface is all that's important to them, thus to them you have said he is a good guy and all your extra layers of meaning will be lost on anyone but your own choir.

Your reading to much into the use of the word 'good'. It was used in a truly sarcastic way. Try reading posts a second time before you try to put the booth in, my good man!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Daryle
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Perhaps if Mr Hall had of concerned himself with the slavery on his own door step then he would be in safer hands. For eg.the 20 thousand or more slaves imported by the Saudis in to the UK as household servants. They are trapped and if they dare to escape they will be sent back to Saudi and most likely die in prison or face execution. Thing is Mr Hall, from the Thais point of view (and my own) what you did stinks of hypocrisy and ignorance. People who dare to criticize government whilst having a false sense of reality are dangerous when they go it alone. Of course you are appreciated by those in high places that benefit from the actions of such 'useful idiots'

Well said. ANDY! You must apologize to the kind and gentle Thai fruit company executives, get your passport back and return home immediately. England is where you are needed - you are not needed here.

Mr Jones will be happy to take you to Saudi Arabia to protest about these exploited servants?

(Sarcasm alert)

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Ban the exports into the EU. Forget right and wrong as 'Money' flow is the only thing Thais listen to and if thats impacted then and only then will they change there shonky business practices.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Anyone got a link to a list of products to boycott...

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The NatFruit company is a private label supplier and exports juice in large drums and containers for re-packaging at local processors and as such that product might include product supply from other Thai-based, Philippine pineapple, or other country sources. It exports canned pineapple in retail packaging.

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Immoral. End of. Andy Hall is a true gentleman & I vrry much suspect this particular justice system will hang him out to dry sooner rather than later.

This despicable company clearly knows that if you throw enough 5hi7, some sticks.

'This despicable company clearly knows that if you throw enough 5hi7, some sticks.' Until some idiot turns on the fan.

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The management of Natural Fruit Company, Ltd. (NFC) is not smart.
Good crisis management looks different.
To suppress critical voices might have worked 20 years ago.
Today in the age of Internet, social networks and international organizations this strategy: to make journalists muzzled, working no longer.

The whole thing looks more like a personal vendetta from the management, and not according to a rational, damage-minimizing management decision.
The management of NFC seems to have bad counselors who obviously have no idea how effective public relations works.

In each management seminar you learn that operational problems are to be solved immediately, and all measures must be geared that the problem is not growing.

The strategy of the public sympathy create lie works better!
NFC should have immediately clarify the accusation at a press conference, for example,
Yes, we (the management) have found that some workers bring their children to work. We have now stopped this immediately. We are thinking about setting up an in-house kindergarten for our employees.
Yes, we (the management) have found in an internal audit, that a corrupt employee of the personnel department has falsified some payrolls.
We dismiss this employee without notice today. The outstanding salaries we have today paid to the affected employees. (Then the media should be shown the bank transfer documents).
We thank Andy Hall for his report that has enabled us (the management) to immediately abolish this grievances.

Problem solved!

Instead, the NFC has now managed it, that
- They are back in the headlines with bad news.
- more than 100 international NGOs pursue this case, many with direct links to governments.
- The EU reflects on an import ban.
- Many other Thai producers and companies are occupied with this negative image.
- There will be petitions and many consumers think of a boycott of the products.
- The image damage for Thai Products is increasing worldwide.
- As a consequence, this image damage will cost the company and also other thai companies a lot of money.

Not smart.

Edited by tomacht8
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What is the deal with the UK ? They simply seem to never stand behind

their citizens . If this was an American being railroaded like this, the tune

would be played out differently....

Still think this story will be picked up on world wide media and backfire

big time on Thailand. The old days of using defamation charges to screw

people over worked great on Thai people, causing great fear. But this is

NOT going to play out so well on the world stage. These government loonies

better pray that Anonymous does not sink its teeth into this story....

Do you have any examples of the American government defending their citizens in a similar situation to this? It's not the first time I've read a comment about what the USA would do in such a situation but I've not seen any news of it ever actually happening. (Genuinely interested not trolling)
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It is impossible for me not to connect the behavior of the Thai government with that of China, who it is cozying up to more and more. With the extradition of numerous 'wanted persons' back to China-- who often are fleeing for reasons related to human rights-- Thailand seems to be adopting the same tactics as its big northern cousin.

It would seem that external pressure is needed, since domestic pressure has been effectively neutered in both countries. Neither country is immune to the court of public opinion, and its effects on trade, the all-consuming mandate of today's world. Let's hope we will respond to the call of conscience, and raise our own voices when and where we can.


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Perhaps if Mr Hall had of concerned himself with the slavery on his own door step then he would be in safer hands. For eg.the 20 thousand or more slaves imported by the Saudis in to the UK as household servants. They are trapped and if they dare to escape they will be sent back to Saudi and most likely die in prison or face execution. Thing is Mr Hall, from the Thais point of view (and my own) what you did stinks of hypocrisy and ignorance. People who dare to criticize government whilst having a false sense of reality are dangerous when they go it alone. Of course you are appreciated by those in high places that benefit from the actions of such 'useful idiots'

Well said. ANDY! You must apologize to the kind and gentle Thai fruit company executives, get your passport back and return home immediately. England is where you are needed - you are not needed here.

Mr Jones will be happy to take you to Saudi Arabia to protest about these exploited servants?

(Sarcasm alert)

you miss the point. the criticism is with the British government in Andys home land. the Thais are not bombing and slaughtering foreigners in far off lands. what I mean is Andy would have many noble causes to fight at home. so he is seen as simply as a hypocrite - ignorant of the atrocities being carried out in his name

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Perhaps if Mr Hall had of concerned himself with the slavery on his own door step then he would be in safer hands. For eg.the 20 thousand or more slaves imported by the Saudis in to the UK as household servants. They are trapped and if they dare to escape they will be sent back to Saudi and most likely die in prison or face execution. Thing is Mr Hall, from the Thais point of view (and my own) what you did stinks of hypocrisy and ignorance. People who dare to criticize government whilst having a false sense of reality are dangerous when they go it alone. Of course you are appreciated by those in high places that benefit from the actions of such 'useful idiots'

Well said. ANDY! You must apologize to the kind and gentle Thai fruit company executives, get your passport back and return home immediately. England is where you are needed - you are not needed here.

Mr Jones will be happy to take you to Saudi Arabia to protest about these exploited servants?

(Sarcasm alert)

you miss the point. the criticism is with the British government in Andys home land. the Thais are not bombing and slaughtering foreigners in far off lands. what I mean is Andy would have many noble causes to fight at home. so he is seen as simply as a hypocrite - ignorant of the atrocities being carried out in his name

Of course, why should any British person be bothered about anyone suffering in a foreign country. Leave the powerful to exploit and mistreat the vulnerable, leave Isis to rape and murder anyone they want. Close the borders to everyone. Then we can be like the rest of the spineless people of the world who just moan how bad some people/countries are but can never be criticized as they have never tried to stop them so have never done anything wrong (or right).

If only there were many more Andy Halls taking risks to help others where ever that may be, the world would be a better place for the vast majority. Those who think Andy is a hypocrite are seriously in need of some education.

Now Mr Jones how would you help someone who is being mistreated by a company like natural fruit? I think I know the answer - why bother, it's not my problem.

But one day it could be your problem and all the Andy Halls may have taken your advice and gone home, put their feet up and said screw you I'm not interested.

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The management of Natural Fruit Company, Ltd. (NFC) is not smart.

Good crisis management looks different.

To suppress critical voices might have worked 20 years ago.

Today in the age of Internet, social networks and international organizations this strategy: to make journalists muzzled, working no longer.

The whole thing looks more like a personal vendetta from the management, and not according to a rational, damage-minimizing management decision.

The management of NFC seems to have bad counselors who obviously have no idea how effective public relations works.

In each management seminar you learn that operational problems are to be solved immediately, and all measures must be geared that the problem is not growing.

The strategy of the public sympathy create lie works better!

NFC should have immediately clarify the accusation at a press conference, for example,

Yes, we (the management) have found that some workers bring their children to work. We have now stopped this immediately. We are thinking about setting up an in-house kindergarten for our employees.

Yes, we (the management) have found in an internal audit, that a corrupt employee of the personnel department has falsified some payrolls.

We dismiss this employee without notice today. The outstanding salaries we have today paid to the affected employees. (Then the media should be shown the bank transfer documents).

We thank Andy Hall for his report that has enabled us (the management) to immediately abolish this grievances.

Problem solved!

Instead, the NFC has now managed it, that

- They are back in the headlines with bad news.

- more than 100 international NGOs pursue this case, many with direct links to governments.

- The EU reflects on an import ban.

- Many other Thai producers and companies are occupied with this negative image.

- There will be petitions and many consumers think of a boycott of the products.

- The image damage for Thai Products is increasing worldwide.

- As a consequence, this image damage will cost the company and also other thai companies a lot of money.

Not smart.

All of what you say and or imply is true.

However, the mentality and attitude of all too many Thai people ( not all, but all too many ) in positions of power and influence do not think like that in cases such as this rather they think along the lines of : I / we will show this or that person who is boss while they will suffer the ramifications from causing a loss of face for we / us / the company while this will be a warning for others not do anything the same or similar.

In their privileged world they actually believe they have done nothing wrong or just importantly, to their way of thinking, nothing other than what all the other companies are doing to maximize their profits at the expense of other people....as this is business ..so stay out of our business and the most common reasoning and or excuse they will use to defend their business practices.

The world is full of little Hitler's once they are successful and wealthy while Thailand has a high percent of Hitler like mentality when Thai people are making loads of money.

All too many of them do not tolerate people of lower social status criticizing them or doing anything at all to alter the Status Quo while they adamantly believe that they are entitled operate their company any which way they please...no matter what the ramifications and consequences.

They will turn stubborn and belligerent to no end and extremely vindictive.

Andy hall should have known this while he should have come up with a plan of some sort to expose them anonymously rather than openly and in their opinion, confrontational.


Edited by gemguy
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The management of Natural Fruit Company, Ltd. (NFC) is not smart.

Good crisis management looks different.

To suppress critical voices might have worked 20 years ago.

Today in the age of Internet, social networks and international organizations this strategy: to make journalists muzzled, working no longer.

The whole thing looks more like a personal vendetta from the management, and not according to a rational, damage-minimizing management decision.

The management of NFC seems to have bad counselors who obviously have no idea how effective public relations works.

In each management seminar you learn that operational problems are to be solved immediately, and all measures must be geared that the problem is not growing.

The strategy of the public sympathy create lie works better!

NFC should have immediately clarify the accusation at a press conference, for example,

Yes, we (the management) have found that some workers bring their children to work. We have now stopped this immediately. We are thinking about setting up an in-house kindergarten for our employees.

Yes, we (the management) have found in an internal audit, that a corrupt employee of the personnel department has falsified some payrolls.

We dismiss this employee without notice today. The outstanding salaries we have today paid to the affected employees. (Then the media should be shown the bank transfer documents).

We thank Andy Hall for his report that has enabled us (the management) to immediately abolish this grievances.

Problem solved!

Instead, the NFC has now managed it, that

- They are back in the headlines with bad news.

- more than 100 international NGOs pursue this case, many with direct links to governments.

- The EU reflects on an import ban.

- Many other Thai producers and companies are occupied with this negative image.

- There will be petitions and many consumers think of a boycott of the products.

- The image damage for Thai Products is increasing worldwide.

- As a consequence, this image damage will cost the company and also other thai companies a lot of money.

Not smart.

All of what you say and or imply is true.

However, the mentality and attitude of all too many Thai people ( not all, but all too many ) in positions of power and influence do not think like that in cases such as this rather they think along the lines of : I / we will show this or that person who is boss while they will suffer the ramifications from causing a loss of face for we / us / the company while this will be a warning for others not do anything the same or similar.

In their privileged world they actually believe they have done nothing wrong or just importantly, to their way of thinking, nothing other than what all the other companies are doing to maximize their profits at the expense of other people....as this is business ..so stay out of our business and the most common reasoning and or excuse they will use to defend their business practices.

The world is full of little Hitler's once they are successful and wealthy while Thailand has a high percent of Hitler like mentality when Thai people are making loads of money.

All too many of them do not tolerate people of lower social status criticizing them or doing anything at all to alter the Status Quo while they adamantly believe that they are entitled operate their company any which way they please...no matter what the ramifications and consequences.

They will turn stubborn and belligerent to no end and extremely vindictive.

Andy hall should have known this while he should have come up with a plan of some sort to expose them anonymously rather than openly and in their opinion, confrontational.


No one is above the law.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Culture and crime don't mix.

Andy Hall did his job, wrote his report. The NFC could have owned up and paid the consequences but instead stubbornly and childishly decided to sue Andy. Why? Cause the NFC is well connected and thought they could win easily. Andy Hall ain't easy. If for some reason the court rules against Andy the newspapers worldwide would jump on the story. As would many human rights agencies, world leaders and advocates of human rights voicing their disapproval. Beware of Andy Hall, he is not a man to be threaten, for he is a true man with the courage of a lion and a heart of gold.

Edited by tukkytuktuk
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The management of Natural Fruit Company, Ltd. (NFC) is not smart.

Good crisis management looks different.

To suppress critical voices might have worked 20 years ago.

Today in the age of Internet, social networks and international organizations this strategy: to make journalists muzzled, working no longer.

The whole thing looks more like a personal vendetta from the management, and not according to a rational, damage-minimizing management decision.

The management of NFC seems to have bad counselors who obviously have no idea how effective public relations works.

In each management seminar you learn that operational problems are to be solved immediately, and all measures must be geared that the problem is not growing.

The strategy of the public sympathy create lie works better!

NFC should have immediately clarify the accusation at a press conference, for example,

Yes, we (the management) have found that some workers bring their children to work. We have now stopped this immediately. We are thinking about setting up an in-house kindergarten for our employees.

Yes, we (the management) have found in an internal audit, that a corrupt employee of the personnel department has falsified some payrolls.

We dismiss this employee without notice today. The outstanding salaries we have today paid to the affected employees. (Then the media should be shown the bank transfer documents).

We thank Andy Hall for his report that has enabled us (the management) to immediately abolish this grievances.

Problem solved!

Instead, the NFC has now managed it, that

- They are back in the headlines with bad news.

- more than 100 international NGOs pursue this case, many with direct links to governments.

- The EU reflects on an import ban.

- Many other Thai producers and companies are occupied with this negative image.

- There will be petitions and many consumers think of a boycott of the products.

- The image damage for Thai Products is increasing worldwide.

- As a consequence, this image damage will cost the company and also other thai companies a lot of money.

Not smart.

All of what you say and or imply is true.

However, the mentality and attitude of all too many Thai people ( not all, but all too many ) in positions of power and influence do not think like that in cases such as this rather they think along the lines of : I / we will show this or that person who is boss while they will suffer the ramifications from causing a loss of face for we / us / the company while this will be a warning for others not do anything the same or similar.

In their privileged world they actually believe they have done nothing wrong or just importantly, to their way of thinking, nothing other than what all the other companies are doing to maximize their profits at the expense of other people....as this is business ..so stay out of our business and the most common reasoning and or excuse they will use to defend their business practices.

The world is full of little Hitler's once they are successful and wealthy while Thailand has a high percent of Hitler like mentality when Thai people are making loads of money.

All too many of them do not tolerate people of lower social status criticizing them or doing anything at all to alter the Status Quo while they adamantly believe that they are entitled operate their company any which way they please...no matter what the ramifications and consequences.

They will turn stubborn and belligerent to no end and extremely vindictive.

Andy hall should have known this while he should have come up with a plan of some sort to expose them anonymously rather than openly and in their opinion, confrontational.


Yes, you describe exactly the situation.

Much behavior in Thai Business can be derived from the history.

The time of the area from rulers and regional princes with large land holdings, the Thai nobility, and on the other hand, the poor peasants.

This (for us), medieval structures characterize the society even today.

In many other countries we find similar structures, I am thinking here of India with its caste system, or even to some African countries with his often prevailing despots.

The absolute rulers, totalitarians or autocrats give sometimes audiences to the poor peasants.

They must slip, behavior conform, on there knees to the ruler, first to kiss his feet and then his signet ring.

The Society of Thailand is located in an upheaval.

There are many clever, young thai managers, most of them with study and training overseas.

They know significantly more about the international business processes and linkages, than the old feudal rulers.

Many large companies in Thailand are owned by old ruler families and influenced by this entitlement and domination thinking.

Their whole effort is valid only for money, prestige and status within their national society.

And here comes an investigative journalist and uncovers slavery or inhumane conditions in their companies.

It is clear that, then the old rulers fire back with all available ammunition.

How do you describe it, it endangers not only the status quo but also scrapes tidy on the feudal face of the infallible ruler.

The internationalization and increasing information networking can stop no country.

It is hoped that Image hazardous behavior be stopped collectively within the leading Thai business community here.

The image damaged single-handedly from NFC has also a devastating effect for the other thai businessmen and other thai industries.

Especially the pineapple production is fully dependent on exports. If I remember correctly, Thailand is at 2 or third rank in the world.

I hope the Thai business associations whistle off this nonsense.

This old feudal structures and mindsets hinder the economic development of Thailand enormously.

Many internationally oriented thai business leaders know that.

Edited by tomacht8
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The management of Natural Fruit Company, Ltd. (NFC) is not smart.

Good crisis management looks different.

To suppress critical voices might have worked 20 years ago.

Today in the age of Internet, social networks and international organizations this strategy: to make journalists muzzled, working no longer.

The whole thing looks more like a personal vendetta from the management, and not according to a rational, damage-minimizing management decision.

The management of NFC seems to have bad counselors who obviously have no idea how effective public relations works.

In each management seminar you learn that operational problems are to be solved immediately, and all measures must be geared that the problem is not growing.

The strategy of the public sympathy create lie works better!

NFC should have immediately clarify the accusation at a press conference, for example,

Yes, we (the management) have found that some workers bring their children to work. We have now stopped this immediately. We are thinking about setting up an in-house kindergarten for our employees.

Yes, we (the management) have found in an internal audit, that a corrupt employee of the personnel department has falsified some payrolls.

We dismiss this employee without notice today. The outstanding salaries we have today paid to the affected employees. (Then the media should be shown the bank transfer documents).

We thank Andy Hall for his report that has enabled us (the management) to immediately abolish this grievances.

Problem solved!

Instead, the NFC has now managed it, that

- They are back in the headlines with bad news.

- more than 100 international NGOs pursue this case, many with direct links to governments.

- The EU reflects on an import ban.

- Many other Thai producers and companies are occupied with this negative image.

- There will be petitions and many consumers think of a boycott of the products.

- The image damage for Thai Products is increasing worldwide.

- As a consequence, this image damage will cost the company and also other thai companies a lot of money.

Not smart.

All of what you say and or imply is true.

However, the mentality and attitude of all too many Thai people ( not all, but all too many ) in positions of power and influence do not think like that in cases such as this rather they think along the lines of : I / we will show this or that person who is boss while they will suffer the ramifications from causing a loss of face for we / us / the company while this will be a warning for others not do anything the same or similar.

In their privileged world they actually believe they have done nothing wrong or just importantly, to their way of thinking, nothing other than what all the other companies are doing to maximize their profits at the expense of other people....as this is business ..so stay out of our business and the most common reasoning and or excuse they will use to defend their business practices.

The world is full of little Hitler's once they are successful and wealthy while Thailand has a high percent of Hitler like mentality when Thai people are making loads of money.

All too many of them do not tolerate people of lower social status criticizing them or doing anything at all to alter the Status Quo while they adamantly believe that they are entitled operate their company any which way they please...no matter what the ramifications and consequences.

They will turn stubborn and belligerent to no end and extremely vindictive.

Andy hall should have known this while he should have come up with a plan of some sort to expose them anonymously rather than openly and in their opinion, confrontational.


No one is above the law.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Culture and crime don't mix.

Andy Hall did his job, wrote his report. The NFC could have owned up and paid the consequences but instead stubbornly and childishly decided to sue Andy. Why? Cause the NFC is well connected and thought they could win easily. Andy Hall ain't easy. If for some reason the court rules against Andy the newspapers worldwide would jump on the story. As would many human rights agencies, world leaders and advocates of human rights voicing their disapproval. Beware of Andy Hall, he is not a man to be threaten, for he is a true man with the courage of a lion and a heart of gold.

It is a lesson to be learned that when you do take on wealthy Thais and expose their greed while those Thai people are amongst the ones that have political connections etc. then you should have a better plan than Andy had which more or less left himself vulnerable and exposed to people who do not fight back fairly rather they are underhanded and devious.

What did you actually expect them to do ...here in Thailand ...when a foreign journalist exposes them and out right criticizes them and makes them look bad...as in loss of face.

For sure Andy would have claimed that he knows Thailand and knows the Thai people well, as do most foreigners that live here for long periods while also knowing full well what happens to Thai people and other Journalists in the past , both Thai and Foreigners, that knowingly expose a number of issues through public media journalism.......and the end results.

They know what has happened and or will happen so I would think the journalist has to be more cunning than their opposition, so to speak, while preparing themselves for what could happen and very well does happen.

If he was thinking : I am only doing the right thing here and I am willing to suffer the consequences then so be it but himself and no one else should be surprised that they are now hitting back..to their way of thinking..... and Andy will be in their cross hairs and it is going to be very uncomfortable for him.

I applaud his efforts but once again journalist have to be more cunning and come up with the means and ways to thwart the ability of companies such as the Natural Fruit Company to suppress people that publically expose such issues as exposed by Andy Hall.

They have to come up with a better plan and also have a plan B and a plan C if necessary....while they can not rely on the Thais to sincerely help them as in the end they will take the side of the other Thais whether forced to do so or simply feign indifference to the whole affair and leave you, the foreigner ( or Journalist ) on your own...as commonly that is what happens while all the weasels run for cover and leave you holding the bag of shit on your own while blaming you for everything and dumping all accountability on to you.

They fight back Thai style where they gang up on you and rally themselves to protect their dignity and their face while they all agree that this person of lesser lower social status has to be put in their place.

While this is going on you will never see any Government authority putting an end to this or intervening rather they let it ride its course in the guise of the looking like it is following legal protocol while they actually want the bad guys to win , so to speak , as it sends a message to the people that the Status Quo will remain the Status Quo while we will decide if such matters should be addressed or not.


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