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Thai soap opera star dies from Dengue caused complicatons


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Now that this famous 38 yr old famous Thai soap opera star has died resulting from complications caused by the hemmoraghic strain of Dengue fever, how concerned are you about coming down with dengue fever. Personally, I find it almost impossible to avoid being bit by mosquitoes, although this year, with the lack of rain the mosquito situation is much less problematic then prior years. I know you have to use lots of mosquito repellent and wear long pants but I am a magnet for mosquitoes. I also know there are many things that can do you in, especially here in Thailand, but it seems that it is almost a crapshoot concerning being bit by an infected mosquito. Anyway it will be interesting to see what other folks say. As a sidenote, I contacted dengue fever 2 years ago but fortunately it was not the dreaded hemmoraghic strain.

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IMHO, his leg wasn't cut and he didn't die because of dengue fever. It was probably a nosocomial illness.

More likely a complication from Dengue Shock Syndrome.

It would seem to be the case that his was a case of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever, which is usually a second case of Dengue which is of a different type than what was contracted the first time.

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IMHO, his leg wasn't cut and he didn't die because of dengue fever. It was probably a nosocomial illness.

I do not think his "leg cut off" (amputated) is a matter of opinion...either it was amputated or it was not.

The headlines, if accurate, would seem to indicate that he died from something else besides dengue...although the dengue was a factor.

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