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Three shot dead: Gunman surrenders to Thai police


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Note to self:

1. Don't throw bottles at any Thai, or make attempt thereto.

2. Don't complain to any Thai about parking his/her vehicle in front of/next to your...<insert your property/place/etc here>.

3. In addition to #2; don't complain to any Thai about crossing your path on the sidewalk with his/her motorcycle/car/etc.

4. In addition to #2 and #3; don't complain to any Thai about making a dead stop in front of you while you are on general public walk path.

5. Strike #2, #3 and #4 and replace and expand with: just don't complain to any Thai about anything whatsoever.

Make you right as I;m sure the first clause in the Thai Constition is that is illegal for a Thai to be wrong about anything.

Clause 2 says, Especially when a farang is involved.

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Do I smell the undercurrent of an excuse to NOT charge this moron with murder?

"Police are trying to locate the place where he threw his gun away as it is a key at evidence to the shooting."

Amazing Thailand, indeed.

The gun is key evidence? What do you call a confession?

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whistling.gif In the "civilized" U.S. things like this happen every day.....you can be shot by some guy who thinks you were driving to slow on the highway and didn't let him pass you quickly enough when he overtook you.

Road rage?

We see it on the television, but does it really happen that often?

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whistling.gif In the "civilized" U.S. things like this happen every day.....you can be shot by some guy who thinks you were driving to slow on the highway and didn't let him pass you quickly enough when he overtook you.

Are you aware there are many forums about the U.S. where you can talk about shootings and mass murders ? Or do you go onto those sites to tell them about killings in Thailand ?

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Death penalty is the best option.

Given the travesty of the B2 murder trial, this should be a slam dunk!

A near perfect example as to when the death penalty can actually be applied, vs appeal after appeal with the smallest of pretense.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not an ardent supporter of the death penalty, by any means, because we have seen the wrong person on death row often enough, but when it's so clear cut, I'm all for it.

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Sometimes seems to be a real disconnect between what I do and what the consequences of my actions will be. Nature or nurture?

About standard Thai way of thinking,do first ,think later

Same attitude that Thai drivers take. Anger first, sorry too much afterwards.

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whistling.gif In the "civilized" U.S. things like this happen every day.....you can be shot by some guy who thinks you were driving to slow on the highway and didn't let him pass you quickly enough when he overtook you.

Words to the wise: stay out of Arizona and you'll be just fine. Perhaps you're from the 'civilized' city of Chicago where they have some of the most Machiavellian gun restrictions in the US, and yet they have close to the highest inner city homicide rates in the US. Case in point: Make it illegal to have guns and only criminals will have guns. The black on black inner city homicide stats are truly horrific. Nobody in the US with half a brain says that any of the inner cities areas are 'civilized'. But come to my neck of the woods where citizen do Legally carry firearms, and you'll find that the crime stats are significantly lower. Unfortunately, red diaper babies, progressive liberals, and Nancy Polisi (who carries a firearm for self-protection) wants to disarm all law-abiding citizens. Ain't gonna happen. And by the way, the Swiss and Israelis are better armed than we are. Nobody talks about them.

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whistling.gif In the "civilized" U.S. things like this happen every day.....you can be shot by some guy who thinks you were driving to slow on the highway and didn't let him pass you quickly enough when he overtook you.

Words to the wise: stay out of Arizona and you'll be just fine. Perhaps you're from the 'civilized' city of Chicago where they have some of the most Machiavellian gun restrictions in the US, and yet they have close to the highest inner city homicide rates in the US. Case in point: Make it illegal to have guns and only criminals will have guns. The black on black inner city homicide stats are truly horrific. Nobody in the US with half a brain says that any of the inner cities areas are 'civilized'. But come to my neck of the woods where citizen do Legally carry firearms, and you'll find that the crime stats are significantly lower. Unfortunately, red diaper babies, progressive liberals, and Nancy Polisi (who carries a firearm for self-protection) wants to disarm all law-abiding citizens. Ain't gonna happen. And by the way, the Swiss and Israelis are better armed than we are. Nobody talks about them.

Maybe if you go onto Swiss or Israeli forums you will find people talking about it. Not so much chance of it happening on a Thai forum.

Deary me its hard trying to educate people.

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whistling.gif In the "civilized" U.S. things like this happen every day.....you can be shot by some guy who thinks you were driving to slow on the highway and didn't let him pass you quickly enough when he overtook you.

Words to the wise: stay out of Arizona and you'll be just fine. Perhaps you're from the 'civilized' city of Chicago where they have some of the most Machiavellian gun restrictions in the US, and yet they have close to the highest inner city homicide rates in the US. Case in point: Make it illegal to have guns and only criminals will have guns. The black on black inner city homicide stats are truly horrific. Nobody in the US with half a brain says that any of the inner cities areas are 'civilized'. But come to my neck of the woods where citizen do Legally carry firearms, and you'll find that the crime stats are significantly lower. Unfortunately, red diaper babies, progressive liberals, and Nancy Polisi (who carries a firearm for self-protection) wants to disarm all law-abiding citizens. Ain't gonna happen. And by the way, the Swiss and Israelis are better armed than we are. Nobody talks about them.

Maybe if you go onto Swiss or Israeli forums you will find people talking about it. Not so much chance of it happening on a Thai forum.

Deary me its hard trying to educate people.

Sure there has been a push, at least in Switzerland, to disarm citizens ("The magnanimous state will take care of you." When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.) However, the head of the Swiss Army, Lieutenant-General André Blattmann, earlier this month recommended that Swiss citizens 'arm-up'. The combination of unregulated immigration and economic uncertainty could easily lead to social unrest. In Argentina during it's economic collapse, a gun in your household made the difference between surviving or becoming a sad statistic.

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Sorry but I don't care about the USA or Switzerland and even less about the Argentines. To get back on topic man shoots 3 dead over parking row !!! I really don't care about innocent or guilt, if he goes to jail so be it, if he walks free having been found not guilty so be it, if he pays and walks so be it. I as you may guess have no opinion either way not my problem not my fight and certainly not my right to judge.

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