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Israel: Palestinian girl killed after attempted stabbing


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She got what she deserved, but too bad a whole life was wasted. Blame the Palestinian terrorists for teaching children to hate from birth.

Let's keep the discussion civil.

I don't think a 13 year old deserves to die for a foolish, impulsive act after having a fight with her family.

One person is dead and a lot of people will suffer for a long time because of the grief, hurt, anger and hard feelings.

She was going to kill a man.... what did she think was going to happen? Security guard had every right in the world to defend himself. If these stabbings are to cease, then they must be met with extreme force.

Edited by slipperylobster
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The trouble is that those who do the stabbing know that they are going to die,it means nothing to them because they believe that they will go on to live in their idea of heaven,while they have this medieval mindset,nothing but death will stop their lunacy

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The trouble is that those who do the stabbing know that they are going to die,it means nothing to them because they believe that they will go on to live in their idea of heaven,while they have this medieval mindset,nothing but death will stop their lunacy

So does she get 72 boy-virgins too?

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"We must not allow a Palestinian to survive after he was arrested. If you leave him alive, he will be released and kill other people,” Eliyahu said, “we must eradicate this evil from within our midst.” - See more at: http://www.daysofpalestine.com/news/chief-israeli-rabbi-calls-executing-palestinians/#sthash.SBTq9cKe.dpuf

I hope this security guard was not responding to the words of the top Israeli religious leader.

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The OP does say that she tried to stab the guard. What's he supposed to do?

Exactly what he did. The police are trained to shoot to kill.

He was a rent a cop...and not very well trained if he couldn't disarm a 13 year old girl with a "knife."

Tell you what tough guy, the next time some person comes running at you, you take the time to determine the person's age and gender and then initiate defensive moves so as to disarm the attacker. A delay in responding is the usually the difference between living another day and dying. You have no idea how big this person is or how she was dressed or the fact that the guard had actually approached her in an attempt to ask her what she wanted. It was the assailant who took the run at the guard. Unfortunate, and no one wants to see kids die this way, but her actions determined her fate. She can thank her community for glorifying death.

Agreed, I have 18 years of Hapkido training. The one thing I can tell you with absolute certainty is that if an attacker has a knife and is intent on stabbing you, you are going to get stabbed. They have the advantage of surprise and anyone that survives a knife attack is very lucky indeed.

Should have trained in Aikido...would have learned how to disarm a 13 year old child without shooting and killing them.

Oh, yeah, tough guy? I'll tell you what. I have a 4th Dan (Black belt) in Shotokan, and a 2nd Dan in Aikido, and I've got 17 stitches in my left arm and side from where a 16 year old boy pulled a sneak attack on me with a straight razor before I could put him down. I don't give a shit what martial art you know, if someone has a knife, or straight razor, and they pull a sneak attack on you, you're damn lucky to escape without any damage. And screw that shit of trying to disarm them. Save that shit for the movies. You STOP them anyway you can, even if it means killing them.

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Should have trained in Aikido...would have learned how to disarm a 13 year old child without shooting and killing them.

Oh, yeah, tough guy? I'll tell you want. I have a 4 Degree Black Belt in Shotokan, and a 1st Degree Black in Aikido. I also spent 20 years as a combat U.S. Marine. And you know what? I've still got 17 stitches in my left arm and hip from where a 16 year old boy attacked me without waning with a straight razor before I could put his ass down. And when I did put him down, I put him down HARD!

I don't give a damn what martial art you may know, and be proficient in, if you are suddenly attacked by someone with a knife, or a straight razor, such as in my case, you're damn LUCKY if you survive unharmed.

Save that crap about "disarming" them because while it looks good on the movie screen, in real life it's a whole different story.

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The trouble is that those who do the stabbing know that they are going to die,it means nothing to them because they believe that they will go on to live in their idea of heaven,while they have this medieval mindset,nothing but death will stop their lunacy

So does she get 72 boy-virgins too?

I guess it will be 72 narrow-hipped, broad-shouldered 9/11 firemen. Doubt that the firemen will like to go out with a child, though.

Is that regulated in the Sharia somehow (I mean, the female martyr thing, not the child molesting)?

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The trouble is that those who do the stabbing know that they are going to die,it means nothing to them because they believe that they will go on to live in their idea of heaven,while they have this medieval mindset,nothing but death will stop their lunacy

So does she get 72 boy-virgins too?

No as she was only 13 she will more than likely get a load of old men , its their reward .

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Look, even a superficial look at the background of the "Knife Intifada" terrorist movement will tell you that the people going out with knives are fully aware that it is very likely they will killed doing this. They are not innocent victims. The people they manage to stab are.

Not going to speculate on posthumous sex ... it's sick that anyone of any gender or age believes that is real.

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She was going to kill a man.... what did she think was going to happen?

Without more background information, we can only assume that this was a brave girl who knew exactly what was going to happen to her when she took up arms against the occupiers. It truly is a shame that she was forced by the occupiers to make the ultimate sacrifice.


The region currently referred to as Israel will not know peace because of its immoral and illegal actions. Get used to it.

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"Palestinian girl killed after attempted stabbing" or maybe " Another terrorist was neutralized after a stabbing attempt"

Was the age of the terrorists ever mentioned in 9/11 terror attack?

You're right, there is an Israel demonization spin in much of the news coverage.

The same kind of terror movement in any other country and people wouldn't be going all bleeding heart about the terrrorists.

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The trouble is that those who do the stabbing know that they are going to die,it means nothing to them because they believe that they will go on to live in their idea of heaven,while they have this medieval mindset,nothing but death will stop their lunacy

So does she get 72 boy-virgins too?

I guess it will be 72 narrow-hipped, broad-shouldered 9/11 firemen. Doubt that the firemen will like to go out with a child, though.

Is that regulated in the Sharia somehow (I mean, the female martyr thing, not the child molesting)?

No. Thats the virgins supply path.

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She got what she deserved, but too bad a whole life was wasted. Blame the Palestinian terrorists for teaching children to hate from birth.

Ye gods, what in in humane comment

You deserve to be barred from this forum for an extended period

A 13 year old girl! I guess you have not made to parenthood

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She got what she deserved, but too bad a whole life was wasted. Blame the Palestinian terrorists for teaching children to hate from birth.

Ye gods, what in in humane comment

You deserve to be barred from this forum for an extended period

A 13 year old girl! I guess you have not made to parenthood

Younger people than her are active terrorists. Gender is irrelevant as well. UG is totally correct -- the Palestinian leaders, political and religious do teach hatred of Jews from an early age. She got what she expected. She expected to die that day.

You might feel differently about such terrorists if there was movement of people being goaded into going after whatever ethnicity you are with knives. The Palestinian Arabs do indeed have legit political grievances. This isn't the way.

Edited by Jingthing
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She got what she deserved, but too bad a whole life was wasted. Blame the Palestinian terrorists for teaching children to hate from birth.

Let's keep the discussion civil.

I don't think a 13 year old deserves to die for a foolish, impulsive act after having a fight with her family.

One person is dead and a lot of people will suffer for a long time because of the grief, hurt, anger and hard feelings.

Sorry to say this ,but they are being taught from a young age to hate and kill Jews and Christians . , better to shoot her now before she gets older and kills others .

Who is being taught to hate and shoot to kill?

You and your brethren?

Protect us from the lot of you

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The alternative is to lock terrorists up for life. Given they expect to be "martyred" it seems to me that the quicker end is actually more humane.

In the U.S. it's called suicide by COP.

It's interesting that this event is featured.

Where's the coverage of this event?

The army said in a statement that the terrorist broke into the woman’s home and stabbed her to death.


The true face of these Palestinian terrorists. Stabbing Jewish mothers to death in front of her children.

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She got what she deserved, but too bad a whole life was wasted. Blame the Palestinian terrorists for teaching children to hate from birth.

Ye gods, what in in humane comment

You deserve to be barred from this forum for an extended period

A 13 year old girl! I guess you have not made to parenthood

Younger people than her are active terrorists. Gender is irrelevant as well. UG is totally correct -- the Palestinian leaders, political and religious do teach hatred of Jews from an early age. She got what she expected. She expected to die that day.

You might feel differently about such terrorists if there was movement of people being goaded into going after whatever ethnicity you are with knives. The Palestinian Arabs do indeed have legit political grievances. This isn't the way.

Agreed... This isn't the way.

Nonviolent resistance to the relentless aggression and illegal settlements of Israelis is the way. International support will also be part of the solution; as it was in the very similar situation in apartheid South Africa. The State of Palestine is recognized by 136 member countries of the UN, and the European Union supports a Palestinian state within the pre-1967 borders. Getting the radical Zionists to abandon their dream of Eretz Israel and live within their borders is what the International community must do before there is any hope of peace in the region.

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The OP does say that she tried to stab the guard. What's he supposed to do?

Exactly what he did. The police are trained to shoot to kill.

He was a rent a cop...and not very well trained if he couldn't disarm a 13 year old girl with a "knife."

When I read this I had to think about it a bit and try to determine what I may have done in the same situation. Since I was a soldier in hostile territory while still a teenager, I had some feeling of the situation.

First I would have to know more about how the attacker appeared. Was she wearing thick clothing while approaching that could possibly conceal a suicide vest? What other equipment/protective devices were available? Were other persons nearby who could possible join her if I became engaged to disarm her? These and so many other things to think about and make a decision quickly. Then I though of my children and grandchildren and what would I hope they would do in a situation such as this. The only conclusion to this was that I would hope they would do the same as this individual and not endanger themselves. It is scary to think that you could bury one of your own because he/she was taught to be the good guy. Also, I do not think I would disparage an Israeli security guard to be the same as a rent a cop at Wal Mart.

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The OP happened in the West Bank, occupied illegally by the invading Zionist colonists, and the IDF and their trigger happy colony guards there to protect them.

She was resisting the illegal occupation. The security guard was the terrorist not the 13 year old brave girl.

Cowardly Israeli security who doesn't know how to use a taser to disarm a 13 year old girl.

Get out ,Israel, end the 50 year old occuption, get back to the 67 lines and leave your neighbors in peace.

Edited by dexterm
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The OP happened in the West Bank, occupied illegally by the invading Zionist colonists, and the IDF and their trigger happy colony guards there to protect them.
She was resisting the illegal occupation. The security guard was the terrorist not the 13 year old brave girl.
Cowardly Israeli security who doesn't know how to use a taser to disarm a 13 year old girl.
Get out ,Israel, end the 50 year old occuption, get back to the 67 lines and leave your neighbors in peace.

Excellent response to posts that can only be regarded as canned Zionist propaganda served up ad-nauseam.

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Excellent response to posts that can only be regarded as canned Zionist propaganda served up ad-nauseam.

As opposed to terrorist cheerleading? The Israel demonization agenda serves up the same support of Arab terrorists whether it happens in Hebron, Tel Aviv, or in Paris when the targets are Jews including Jewish children. Not fooling anyone. This racist movement opposes the right of Israel to exist in any borders.

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There is not a racist bone in my body. Nor is there in the US Ambassador to Israel Daniel Shapiro who says the same thing.

“We are concerned and perplexed by Israel’s strategy on settlements. This government and previous Israeli governments have repeatedly expressed their support for a negotiated two-state solution — a solution that would involve both mutual recognition and separation. Yet separation will become more and more difficult if Israel plans to continue to expand the footprint of settlements.”

Don't conflate legitimate criticism of Israel's illicit activities with anti semitism.

I do not oppose Israel's right to exist within its 67 borders. I object to the racist supremacist Zionist ideology that promotes the stealing and colonisation of Palestinian land on the West Bank, resulting in incidents of resistance as in the OP. 70% of the world's countries feel the same.

It is high time the world and US in particular stood up to Israel to end its occupation and almost daily extra judicial killings of Palestinians in their own land.

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I doubt that the world will ever see and end to the conflict

with Israel and Palestine. There is too much hatred, and it has lasted

so long that even the children are hating at an earlier and earlier age.

It is sad to heard that someone as young as 13 has been

killed. It would be nice if the people of this region could work out a

solution, but I certainly can only wish for a miracle, as that is likely what it

will take for the Israel and Palestine people to be at peace with each other.

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To the victors go the spoils of war...its been happening since the dawn of time.....It's time for the Arabs of the region (no such thing as Palestine people or country) to finally make peace with Israel and get on with the job of building a nation instead of breeding hatred with its people. Hatred sure works well in keeping the Arab warlords in power and all their luxurious amenities while keeping the regular folks down in poverty. Hatred does not build roads, hospitals or industry to keep people employed and thus self fulfilled.

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Children are used by many countries inside places such as Africa and Palestine...to do the job of men. Using girls just makes it even fouler. By the way, some 13 year old girls I know (albeit back in the USA) are large enough to take a cop/school teacher down bare handed.They are not the "babies" you would think.

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She got what she deserved...

44000 messages to write such crap, this is proof that too much attendance chatting on social media eventually destroys your last neurons.
What is more disquieting is like collection around.
No need to look further for the causes of the growing antisemitism becomes a universal feeling guys. Just read you.
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No need to look further for the causes of the growing antisemitism becomes a universal feeling guys. Just read you.

Sorry, but I was born and raised a Roman Catholic. In fact, I was an altar boy. However anti-Semites will always contrive some phony reason to blame the Jews.

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She got what she deserved...

44000 messages to write such crap, this is proof that too much attendance chatting on social media eventually destroys your last neurons.
What is more disquieting is like collection around.
No need to look further for the causes of the growing antisemitism becomes a universal feeling guys. Just read you.

Jew haters don't need excuses or reasons. Nice try though at deflection.

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There is not a racist bone in my body.

I wonder if anyone who reads this forum regularly believes anything you have to say. I know that I don't. When I read your posts, the term "Taqiyya" springs to mind. I think you regurgitate, whatever rhetoric you think will promote your cause.

A Jewish man shot an Arab who was trying to stab him with a knife. There is nothing "illegal" about self-defense.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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