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"depends where your staying and your visa situation.

10000 baht...3000 baht...1000b combined...100 - 200 bahts...150 a day...4500b...250 baht...4000 bahts...11500...600 bahts...12100...3000 bahts...15 000 bahts...i love the tropics."

If I had to budget every plate of rice, every cola, and every bottle of water as some of you do, I'd hate the tropics and I'd hate my life. Evidently many of you are on the very edge of survival, and is not the retirement that I or anyone else would look forward to. Fortunately, my financial situation does not require me to budget, so life is fantastic.

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Main Entry: 1bud·get

Pronunciation: 'b&-j&t

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English bowgette, from Middle French bougette, diminutive of bouge leather bag, from Latin bulga, of Celtic origin; akin to Middle Irish bolg bag; akin to Old English belg bag -- more at BELLY

1 chiefly dialect : a usually leather pouch, wallet, or pack; also : its contents


3 : a quantity (as of energy or water) involved in, available for, or assignable to a particular situation; also : an account of gains and losses of such a quantity <the global carbon budget>

4 a : a statement of the financial position of an administration for a definite period of time based on estimates of expenditures during the period and proposals for financing them b : a plan for the coordination of resources and expenditures c : the amount of money that is available for, required for, or assigned to a particular purpose

So, being on a budget doesn't necessarily mean having no money, just a thought to all the people who assume anyone who "budgets their money" is poor. People who are good with their money do usually budget out their expenses and incomes.

Just a thought for the next judgemental person who feels the need to post about their own financial superiority :o

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im planing on moving to thailand for 5 months..next year may or so. i have a budget also of 30,000 baht...

my question is how would a person live on that amount,food,accomadation,and a socail life.

Depends on where you live.. I live in Chiang Mai (and I love it) and I have a nice 3 bedroom house in a gated village where the village has a swimming pool and club house... and I pay 5k a month. I am addicted to AC so my electric bill is upwards of 3k, Internet access and water together about 1k, UBC 1.5 k and I go to lotus and spend about 2k every two weeks on food.. another 1k for cell phone upping and land line charges...plus runs to the market of another 1k (IE fruits and Veggies at the local market).. going out to dinner and movies 10k ..... I have my own car and spend about 2k a month on gas.....so I must be one of the boring ones .. I am at about 29k a month... I am NOT budgeting it ..just works out this way naturally.... but I dont consider my life at a subsistence level.. but there is always the unknown… such as medical emergencies…

I am married and settled.. if you are wild and crazy and love the night life… add another 30k to that 30k estimate and you will be fine…

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:o I don't understand why people still respond whilsts the OP is banned ? :D

Ever heard of a TROLL ?



Member Group: Banned

Joined: 2006-10-19


Edited by LaoPo
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