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Help please-doing my first visa run to Penang for Tourist Visa-been in LOS for 2 years and think that using a visa service expedites the process-found a service in Penang called NJBookcentre(seen before on Thai Visa) talked to the guy and he said I just give him my passport and he handles everything-not real comfortable giving up passport-does anybody know anything about this guy or about visa services in Penang? Is this SOP? Dont want to use cattle run service from Thai cuz I want to stay a few days and check the area out-sorry if this has been covered before but I've never seen anything about it-thanks for any advice-



I used them about a year ago, after friends had recommended them. They really know their stuff. Much cheaper to let them do it than to pay for a taxi back and forth to the consulate to drop off and pick up everything yourself. No worries, I think. Lots of folks use them every day.


I have been using their services for almost five years now, and have NEVER had a worry or complaint......and he is a really nice chap...which is a bonus!


Have to agree on the 2 replies earlier... I've used their services for processing Tourist Visa and Non-Imm B --didn't have any problems and they were very nice too.. gave me discounts for transpo (airport-city-airport)


Thanks for your replies-feel better about things now-guy seemed nice enough on the phone but anyone with half a wit would be when they're hooking new business-thanks again all


Actually I was talking with them the other day and they said they can pick your passport up direct from the airport and get it back to you on the same day. They did say it should be possible without a problem but I don't think he would like to guarantee anything and let people down.

I assume you might have to pay a couple of hundred extra baht for this, but it'd mean that you could go there on the 7.25am airasia flight, have your passport picked up by them and processed, pick it up up from them at 2.30pm and make the 5.05pm airasia flight back in the evening so no overnight stay in Penang which is surely a relief for a lot of people. Worth enquiring more about this service I think.


Is anyone aware of similar visa facilitators in Phnom Penh?

Lucky Bikes on Monivon in PP

Do you know if they arrange Non Imm "O" visas for under-50 yr oldswith money in the bank?


Please post their phone number and other contact details... email address

Can they get a Non - Imm "O" visa ?


I am going to Kuala Lumpor sunday to get a Tourist visa during freaking Ramadan. Should be interesting to say the least. I will be happy to post my experiences to TV members.

Had a question. Does anyone know of Visa agents in KL there to grease the process????????

Please post their phone number and other contact details... email address

Can they get a Non - Imm "O" visa ?

I have used manaff (first class service)and I believe that his friend/relation Haji is also excellent. :o


Please post their phone number and other contact details... email address

Can they get a Non - Imm "O" visa ?

njbookscentre.hotmail.com-001-604-261-6113-dont know about non-o-or anything else as far as that goes-



Is anyone aware of similar visa facilitators in Phnom Penh?

Lucky Bikes on Monivon in PP

Love PP-more info please??? email-phone???

Go back a page.I posted their card. :o


Please post their phone number and other contact details... email address

Can they get a Non - Imm "O" visa ?

njbookscentre.hotmail.com-001-604-261-6113-dont know about non-o-or anything else as far as that goes-


I just got an email back from them yesterday and this is the number to call:

00760164538867 Mr. Ali (I'm assuming this is the number you call from Thailand).


Please post their phone number and other contact details... email address

Can they get a Non - Imm "O" visa ?

I have used manaff (first class service)and I believe that his friend/relation Haji is also excellent. :o


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