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Social Media Surveillance System Planned in Thailand

Jonathan Fairfield

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The good news is that a budget of 12 million baht should be just enough to get something for the always-important demo for VIPs, without getting something that works over the long run.

This government doesn't even do fascism competently.

Even better news is, with a 12 mil baht budget, 30% graft right off the top will

only leave 8 for the system which following your train of thought, should just

squeak through with the shells much the same as the Bangkok cctv systems wink.png

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Always starts as being well meaning but its where it may lead and if add ons appear in the future that are the cause for concern. Its crime here and terrorism in other places that justify the action.

Every one was spooked when they started putting up cameras around Melbourne town for a coming international meeting of dignitaries 20 odd years ago, all doom and gloom merchants preaching 1984.

These cameras were never taken down of course and since have caught wanna be rapists, a few killers quite a few beatings and the list goes on...nearly all were caught and prosecuted.

What about footage that was captured in the Boston Bombings?

Its obvious in the wrong hands stuff like this is dangerous but over all monitoring is likely to do more good than bad, if your doing nothing wrong you got nothing to worry about now have you?

The crux of the matter lies within your last sentence :-

" if your doing nothing wrong you got nothing to worry about now have you?" It all depends on the interpretation of "nothing wrong"!

If you post that you disagree with the single internet gateway - that is something that in a modern country would be accepted as fair criticism, ("nothing wrong") and you would have a healthy debate on the matter (before it was introduced by the powers that be/government anyway!) You would also not run the risk of being taken away for attitude adjustment!

However, a "Social Media Surveillance System" is exactly what it says. "They" will use this system to check for any anti government/junta posts on social media websites such as Facebook, and remove the offending comment before it gets posted in Thailand, as it will be monitored as it goes through the Single Internet Gateway. (As a previous poster said - a huge task, and "they" will probably be looking out for certain "keywords" which will trigger off a stop an a particular article until it is checked. (As on Thai Visa if someone is found to be in violation of the rules e.g. personal attacks rather than sticking to the thread, a Moderator removes the offending post, and explains which rule has been infringed upon)

So the "Single Internet Gateway" which was only being discussed as a possibility has now suddenly been given the go ahead despite a multitude of objections and warnings of financial disaster from the business world, and "Joe Public" fearing a slow down in their Internet speed. So the "Social Media Surveillance System" working hand in hand with the "Single Internet Gateway" will be there to "to suppress increasing online crime." And what crime would that be? Disagreeing with the Single Internet Gateway, and the Social Media Surveillance System possibly? (probably?)

Doubling the prices of visas, having to pay up to 10 times what locals pay for entry to their "tourist" attractions, now a proposed "Maintenance Charge" for tourists - these 3 recent items alone have brought much criticism, but the "Social Media Surveillance System" will put paid to that!

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millions of posts a day, the only way they can do it is to look for certain words. They are scared shit less of social media as they have no power over it, people thinking for themselves just will not do in the new Thailand

look for certain words.

I have no proof but a stinking suspicion that is what they are doing already.

Remember Chalerm and his TV boys watching group in the Police Dept. some years ago???

It has never been shown publicly that after he left that that Unit was deactivated.

Police Dept. worldwide some worse than others are well known for never giving up anything once they get their grubby claws around it.

Some time, not every day, when sending an email the sending is very slow and not infrequently discontinued.

After going over the email in question why it did not send I notice one- or a few certain-word(s) in the Subject which word(s) I change and resend the email, which then gets to recipient's inbox.

It maybe coincidental but in present day's world one can never be certain what Big brother is doing.


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The funny thing about it is that the Thai government is making it known that they intend to monitor social media.

Unlike almost every country in the western world.

Or are we living in denial that this is happening right now?...........................wink.png

The difference is that the in the western world it is a process subject to review by the respective parliaments and court systems. There are basic entrenched freedoms that monitoring cannot impinge. Also, there are no laws in those countries that are as powerful as the lesse majeste or martial law of Thailand. In case you missed it, there's is something called due process in the west.

There is also something in the West called lying governments.

Example - ANPR cameras in the UK. For 15 years successive governments denied there was full monitoring of all vehicles. Snowdon proved otherwise and the government now admit it.

Several governments have also been exposed as mail and message monitors despite vehement denials.

Where was all that 'due process' then?

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I suspect that social media is scanned in most advanced countries these days, more since the rise of ISIS and the like and I think that most of the public would rather be safe than sorry if thats what it takes. I doubt the security services in those countries are to bothered about what most people say about the government, it comes with the job ( being a politician) that if you are in charge people dont praise you when things go right but they do complain and make fun when they go wrong, need a thick skin. It should be no different everywhere but it is, different rules for different places. There is an old saying that if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen!

The UK is festooned with cameras, you can barely go anywhere and not be watched wherever you go, your tickets plot your travels, most people dont even think about it, if they did might be worried but there is nothing they can about it, shops, banks, stations, on buses and trains, motorways its everywhere. Most people understand that its there for their own safety and hope the tapes are there if ever they re needed, that someone is monitoring them, that they are all working. They also mainly trust the security services not to use the information they collect for no more than security issues, I would hope that it would be the same here.

I dont do social media.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif You just have!

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I suspect that social media is scanned in most advanced countries these days, more since the rise of ISIS and the like and I think that most of the public would rather be safe than sorry if thats what it takes. I doubt the security services in those countries are to bothered about what most people say about the government, it comes with the job ( being a politician) that if you are in charge people dont praise you when things go right but they do complain and make fun when they go wrong, need a thick skin. It should be no different everywhere but it is, different rules for different places. There is an old saying that if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen!

The UK is festooned with cameras, you can barely go anywhere and not be watched wherever you go, your tickets plot your travels, most people dont even think about it, if they did might be worried but there is nothing they can about it, shops, banks, stations, on buses and trains, motorways its everywhere. Most people understand that its there for their own safety and hope the tapes are there if ever they re needed, that someone is monitoring them, that they are all working. They also mainly trust the security services not to use the information they collect for no more than security issues, I would hope that it would be the same here.

I dont do social media.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif You just have!


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It's called Blanket Lease Majesty which now seems to include this military government and military governments in the future. Monitor opposing voices, detaining and imprisoning them and anyone who gives a "Like" to their posts. Freedom of speech has never been a right in Thailand. Now your opinion will also be a crime. These are the crimes they really want to track. Be governed by Fear or maybe disappear. Close your eyes and be silent. Same dead.

"Junta representatives have said they are acting to protect the monarchy, children and national security. Recently a growing number of people have been arrested to face trial in military tribunals on charges of sedition for criticizing the junta."

We all know this is NOT about protecting children or national security as there is no threat. It is to keep the pyramid scheme in tact. I think they are trying to set things in place and and make the people wary of criticism when the inevitable happens thus insuring that the structure stays in place which keeps the ship of state afloat. Let's face facts that these generals are part of a very profitable enterprise.

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police state.

let's hope they're as effective at this as they are with cctv.... whistling.gif

So is my country, but I just prefer this police state over the one I came from. Sorta like voting in the farcical Presidential elections: i.e., voting for the lesser of two evils. dry.png

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police state.

let's hope they're as effective at this as they are with cctv.... whistling.gif

You mean the CCTV ones that they allocate 2 billion baht for, and it, JUST so happens, a family member of someone on the board over seeing it, has JUST happened to started a biz doing EXACTLY that, CCTV,,,, 1000 "hi-tech" cams ordered,,, INSTALLED,,,, 50, that, ACTUALLY have, "guts" in them/work, or are actually wired into the system.... the rest?.... shells, for SHOW ONLY,,,,, "CHA-CHING",,,, pocket the, "extra" $$$$,,,, I can only, IMAGINE the arguments between the, board members,, as to WHO'S family member gets the contract,,,,,, I'll bet,,,, EPIC!!!!!!!!

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Always starts as being well meaning but its where it may lead and if add ons appear in the future that are the cause for concern. Its crime here and terrorism in other places that justify the action.

I dont think it starts out as well meaning..........................its imposed by authorities who cannot stand any form of criticism,and social media has made criticism possible,happening all over the world and the authorities hate it.

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"Good thing the bib are crap at reading English..."

They may be crap at READING English, but they are masters at MISUNDERSTANDING it. Look for a sharp uptick of farang arrested for posts on social media. Cambodia has a golden opportunity as Thailand implodes.

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Is this the further suppression of free speech or sowing the seeds of increased civil disobedience and the end of the Government.

Time for a change Thailand or do you like your feudal overlords and their corrupt and greedy ways.

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i'm considering leaving ... had a great time here for the last 18 years ... i don't wanna get bitter or paranoid so ... thumbsup.gif


investments: zero

gf's / kids: zero

condo's: zero

isuzu's: zero

STD's: zero

Left 5 months ago after a decade of shuttling back and forth between USA and Thailand.

Here in USA food is cheaper and way higher quality. Not fearful of getting rolled by cops and/or locals. My Thai wife can wear jewelry and carry a purse without fear of being robbed. Best of all I don't see bus after bus of Chinese humanity everywhere. Ever since the gestapo took over, girl quality went down and the hordes of Chinese blocking traffic in their polluting busses it's not the same as it was before these events.

Miss 2003...[emoji25]

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"Good thing the bib are crap at reading English..."

They may be crap at READING English, but they are masters at MISUNDERSTANDING it. Look for a sharp uptick of farang arrested for posts on social media. Cambodia has a golden opportunity as Thailand implodes.

Although I have lived in the Kingdom now for 34 years, when home and anyone asks me about Thailand as a holiday destination, I just say don't bother, go to Cambodia or Vietnam. Go to Thailand if you want to be robbed, assaulted, cheated, lied to, racially vilified, run the risk of food poisoning, swim with rubbish and come into contact with every conceivable pollutant. Oh and don't forget the risk of fatal road injury. This may also happen anywhere else in SAE, but the degree of risk in so much higher in Thailand.

Why do I stay? I have a beautiful family, and a good memory. The 80's and 90's were wonderful years in what was then truly the "Land of Smiles".

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Cambodia's only drawback is healthcare. You cannot get the standard of healthcare in Cambo that is available in Thailand. Fix this issue and Cambodia can sink Thailand's boat. Not much danger of "overstay imprisonment" in Cambo, either. In Thailand, you could theoretically be detained in horrendous conditions indefinitely, because your government hasn't the stones to say "no more...treat our citizens fairly or forfeit our trade and tea money."

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Cambodia's only drawback is healthcare. You cannot get the standard of healthcare in Cambo that is available in Thailand. Fix this issue and Cambodia can sink Thailand's boat. Not much danger of "overstay imprisonment" in Cambo, either. In Thailand, you could theoretically be detained in horrendous conditions indefinitely, because your government hasn't the stones to say "no more...treat our citizens fairly or forfeit our trade and tea money."

I like that phrase "our government does not have the stones" so true. Thailand knows other government do not have the "stones" they are all like an international mafia. The embassies here are a joke. All they can do is issue passports.

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Since the takeover, I have not been able to connect to my email server back in USA-Cox.net. It is totally ridiculous. The typical stupid mentality I can only figure is that Cox.net sounds like a bad word. How about doing some research before they block websites/webmail. I am sure there are many USA personnel who use this site for their email.

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Since the takeover, I have not been able to connect to my email server back in USA-Cox.net. It is totally ridiculous. The typical stupid mentality I can only figure is that Cox.net sounds like a bad word. How about doing some research before they block websites/webmail. I am sure there are many USA personnel who use this site for their email.

Something wrong with your DNS

I don't even have Cox net but it isn't blocked by TOT for me


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Perversively enough, maybe a good thing... People will learn to evade being traced soon enough - that's a cat & mouse game the "monitors" will never have the resources to even compete in - but powers that be might finally begin to grasp from what they collect the stark reality of world opinion that's turned derisive, its "borderlessness" and their inability to control it, and the simple necessity of having to clean up their act. It's going to be a hard, but long overdue (and I don't mean by just a couple of years), lesson.

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Cambodia's only drawback is healthcare. You cannot get the standard of healthcare in Cambo that is available in Thailand. Fix this issue and Cambodia can sink Thailand's boat. Not much danger of "overstay imprisonment" in Cambo, either. In Thailand, you could theoretically be detained in horrendous conditions indefinitely, because your government hasn't the stones to say "no more...treat our citizens fairly or forfeit our trade and tea money."

Siem Reap 400 km away from Bangkok. That's almost half the distance Phuket to Bangkok.

Laotians commonly come to Thailand for healthcare, and they're not exactly wealthy.

The rest of your post is spot on and becoming increasingly worrisome, given what comes next. Which is quite possibly why the junta is in a panic over social media and Google flipping them the bird over the junta's request for extra judicial censorship ..

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Cambodia's only drawback is healthcare. You cannot get the standard of healthcare in Cambo that is available in Thailand. Fix this issue and Cambodia can sink Thailand's boat. Not much danger of "overstay imprisonment" in Cambo, either. In Thailand, you could theoretically be detained in horrendous conditions indefinitely, because your government hasn't the stones to say "no more...treat our citizens fairly or forfeit our trade and tea money."

I like that phrase "our government does not have the stones" so true. Thailand knows other government do not have the "stones" they are all like an international mafia. The embassies here are a joke. All they can do is issue passports.

I thought the UK embassy had stopped dealing in passports. The highly sensitive issue of UK passports is now being handled by a (I believe) Swiss subcontractor.

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Cambodia's only drawback is healthcare. You cannot get the standard of healthcare in Cambo that is available in Thailand. Fix this issue and Cambodia can sink Thailand's boat. Not much danger of "overstay imprisonment" in Cambo, either. In Thailand, you could theoretically be detained in horrendous conditions indefinitely, because your government hasn't the stones to say "no more...treat our citizens fairly or forfeit our trade and tea money."

I like that phrase "our government does not have the stones" so true. Thailand knows other government do not have the "stones" they are all like an international mafia. The embassies here are a joke. All they can do is issue passports.

I thought the UK embassy had stopped dealing in passports. The highly sensitive issue of UK passports is now being handled by a (I believe) Swiss subcontractor.

For all the good they are contract the whole operation out. Bunch of useless you know what!!

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More thsn Orwellian.

Big Brother is not only watching you but is also building Room 101s in your private lives.

The future really is scarey as THailand becomes the new China when regarding anti-state sentiment.

Free speach will soon be a thing of the past as we slowly head to total mind control my thru states, as they use their power to stop the truth being known.

Yes but let's not make Thailand out to be unique in this regard and convenientally forget about what's happening in the west regarding free speech.

Let me make it quite clear - free speech is dead in the west too. For example in Sweden, anyone that dares express an opinion against the ongoing islamization of that country, or in more general terms, anyone who opposes the insane immigration of so-called "refugees" risks being slandered with ridiculous terms like "xenophobe", "racist" (this is especially popular towards critics of Islam, which is bizarre given that Islam isn't a race), "Nazi" or other ridiculous terms to shut up any reasonable debate. Certain types of criticism can not only cause you to lose your job, but you could even go to jail.

In Germany Merkel has successfully asked Facebook to monitor any so-called "hate speech" written by Germany based users of the network, in other words, anyone who doesn't express complete solidarity with fake refugees and doesn't agree that foreign refugees deserve to be treated better than German citizens will at the very least have their comments removed, or could even be prosecuted.

The only difference then between Thailand and Europe in this regard (and China for that matter) is the TYPES of topics that are censored. In Europe, refugees, immigration, Islam etc. are considered sensitive topics. In Thailand it's the Royal Family and the present government.

Neither Thailand nor Europe have free speech [anymore]. Just that the degree of severity of punishment, and as mentioned, the types of issues that are taboo are different.

the difference being that in Sweden or Germany you get the chance to vote out politicians you disagree with, here not at all

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Expats know the surveillance is already in play.

However, tourists who come from countries with freedom of expression should be warned about making derogatory statements about King, country, politicians or police in Thailand while here or their stay may be extended indefinitely plus massive fines for overstay.

There is no overstay fines for time spent in prison...

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So are the social media platforms giving the Thai government open-access to their databases and real-time data?

I have a solution for that: Boycott them all, or, post nothing but 'fluff' and misinformation.

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