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CDC President: Election could be moved to the end of 2017


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The soldier boys not ready to give up power yet now that they have discovered how easy it is to loot a country and keep it sort of legitimate and even have a toy prime minister spokesman and new constitution have to cover clause when military junta mob run out of money we can come back to rule again like a sort of pension fund government, and of course the special clause about not making the military do any military work soldiering fighting or staying out of politics clause, and no future civilian elected government can have any say regarding telling military what to do or to stay in barracks when instructed.

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Don't want to have an election too soon as it could result in Democracy.

How do you figure? None of the other elections led to democracy, why do you think the next one will?

Um, none of the other elections led to a democracy because the Military kept jumping in (21 times in 80 years) to stop one developing. Democracy cannot be imposed, it's organic. And in this country generally (no pun intended) strangled at birth.

Uh Nom none of the other elections led to democracy because the votes were bought and paid for.

Tell me what is democratic about having the opposition party removed from parliament by the riot squad so you can pass bills in the middle of the night unopposed?

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weak civilian government under the sway of the military.

This is exactly what the Military want.

It's what Thailand needs.

These elected politicians cannot be trusted, I hope they have altered the constitution so that it is more difficult for them to commit corruption and for them to look after the interests of the people for a change and not see it as a means to enrich themselves and their families!!

If they can do this, then the wait will have been worthwhile and the coup justified (in having fixed) the electoral system so that cheats cannot prosper and a genuine government (not of the Shin type) flourishes, that benefits the people and nation. Surely this is what Thailand should strive for.

So, in other words you would support and or happily sustain the Military Establishment lording over everyone and in effect everything while the military presence remains in quasi legal political partnership with the same Status Quo that has always lorded over the nation.

All other political parties and political entities would be crushed or subdued by the military on behalf of the same old Status Quo so the Status Quo can ( continue ) to enrich themselves while the Military entities can also continue to enrich themselves while no others political parties are allowed to ( share ) in the riches as that would be considered enriching themselves and illegal because only the long established Status Quo and the military entities are allowed to grossly enrich themselves....as they believe they are entitled to do so.

You do realize that is exactly what they are attempting to do ...but it is proving to be difficult to accomplish in a timely manner as first believed ...so they will simply grant themselves more time to orchestrate their master plan and their agenda that re-establishes their presence and power at the top of the pyramid...once again.....and if it does not work out to their satisfaction...they will simply orchestrate another "Political Intervention" ...to re-assert their status quo...once again.

Of course this is all said in a hypothetical manner ...for the record.


Hypothetical nonsense springs to mind!!

Gem Guy your describing almost all the governments and politicians in the world. Show me one country where politicians can be trusted? The new constitution if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it will be militarily orientated. Off to the gaol with offenders. Hmm nobody wants to run for office I guess the military win by default. You got to quit eating those Mama's Noodles.

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The man loves his job and watching recordings of himself on tv and is not ready to give up is post. Country would probably be worse off without him so i say let it slide....elections a waste of time. Better the devil you know than the devil you dont know ;0)

is that what the Russians thought when Stalin came to power

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NRSA member believes new charter will remove corruption from Thai society

BANGKOK, 30 January 2016 (NNT) - A member of the National Steering Assembly (NRSA) strongly believes that the new charter will eradicate corruption practices from Thai society.

Wanchai Sornsiri, spokesperson for the political reform committee under the NRSA, said he had seen the first draft of the new constitution and believed that it would meet the needs of the people as well as resolve the countrys problems especially concerning corruption.

He pointed out that corrupt politicians or those seeking to take advantage of the people will be nervous when they actually see the draft while adding that the new charter opens doors for honest people to serve this country.

Mr Wanchai said the new constitution is truly people-centered and that it was not written for politicians seeking personal gains.

Oh Smedders! What's Santa bringing you for Xmas, and are those fairies still living at the bottom of your garden?

Your niaivity is astounding.

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Don't want to have an election too soon as it could result in Democracy.

How do you figure? None of the other elections led to democracy, why do you think the next one will?

Um, none of the other elections led to a democracy because the Military kept jumping in (21 times in 80 years) to stop one developing. Democracy cannot be imposed, it's organic. And in this country generally (no pun intended) strangled at birth.

Uh Nom none of the other elections led to democracy because the votes were bought and paid for.

Tell me what is democratic about having the opposition party removed from parliament by the riot squad so you can pass bills in the middle of the night unopposed?

You're making it up as you go along. Do you fanboys believe everything the wife tells you?

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There is no case that I am aware of where farang have gotten banged up for registering the opinion that the country would be just as well off without "democracy". No one here really believes in it. Comments about the other institution are just suicidal. I never mention THAT subject in any context. It doesn't take any "bravery" to repeat what the junta have already implied by their actions. Rule by the people is not really wanted here by the military or by the general population. Save money on politician salaries and put the funds into a universal healthcare system.

The content of some of these replies posted makes me wonder if some of these posters who are apparently actually living in LOS actually ever seriously consider the absolute security of their anonymity in on-line forums. If someone was to dig or hack deep enough??? Hmmmm. Brave people.

well DH I for 1 am very aware of possible consequences when replying to any post that has anything to do with Monarchy or Politics.I am hap[py these days to read and shudder sometimes with thoughts of wisdom as to some peoples replies. However I would think that most posters have been around for a while and they would know the score,but it would seem that the old adage of----- it won't happen to me---- is stronger than the possibility of getting into hot water over a few words on paper. It will only take one case of retribution to surface and all hell will be let loose.I do not want to be at the front or even anywhere in the q when shall we say " the balloon goes up"so you will see very few posts from me on here for some time.However I am on a constant daily look through,so I am kept up to date--that's it---good fortune to you all--- Dougal

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Any advance on late 2017 ?

Do I hear ... ?

Going once, going twice, gone - for AA.

Have a look at the movement of certain assets in 2013 by a certain member of the Junta; as if this power mongering wasn't totally premeditated - Rice scheme?? Doubtful coup, more like scape goat. Some well cashed up, very unsavoury individuals involved. Dirty from the ..............

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You do know that there is a "like" button you can use, right?

Or maybe you're afraid to use it due to the present regime?

Smedly does know that there is a like button as he gave me a like well before you posted this rubbish!!

Why would he be afraid to use it as it supports what the junta is doing - it is you lot that needs to worry about using it, NOT US, as you are the ones criticising them!!

And the fact that "our lot" needs to be worried, doesn't raise your alarms ?

No-one should be worried about liking a post that criticises the current governement, as there is ample reason for criticism.

What Thailand needs is an army that does what it is paid to do, and that does NOT include trying to run the country. They have shown time again, that they couldn't even run a local karaoke, let alone a whole country.

As to posting rubbish, the army is one of the most corrupt government agencies in this country. They are certainly not an inch better than politicians. The advantage of politicians is that they can be voted out and are accountable. This lot is neither.

And one thing is damm sure, the coup was not staged for the good of Thailand, it was staged to ensure the "good" people would have a chance to run this country. A large majority of Thai citizens are utterly ignored.

Edited by sjaak327
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Why don't they just stop this game of alluding to a certain date then changing it ?

It's easy to issue a definitive statement and for once truthful that there will only be elections when the PM decides and not a minute before, end of story.

int democracy brilliant?

(let me know if you ever witness some anywhere in the world).

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You do know that there is a "like" button you can use, right?

Or maybe you're afraid to use it due to the present regime?

Smedly does know that there is a like button as he gave me a like well before you posted this rubbish!!

Why would he be afraid to use it as it supports what the junta is doing - it is you lot that needs to worry about using it, NOT US, as you are the ones criticising them!!

And the fact that "our lot" needs to be worried, doesn't raise your alarms ?

No-one should be worried about liking a post that criticises the current governement, as there is ample reason for criticism.

What Thailand needs is an army that does what it is paid to do, and that does NOT include trying to run the country. They have shown time again, that they couldn't even run a local karaoke, let alone a whole country.

As to posting rubbish, the army is one of the most corrupt government agencies in this country. They are certainly not an inch better than politicians. The advantage of politicians is that they can be voted out and are accountable. This lot is neither.

And one thing is damm sure, the coup was not staged for the good of Thailand, it was staged to ensure the "good" people would have a chance to run this country. A large majority of Thai citizens are utterly ignored.

It doesn't raise any alarms for me.

OK, you say that Prayut is basically doing nothing and is only there to enrich himself and the other 'good' people.

I want you to answer this: tell me what good Yingluck did for the country and it's people. All she was there for was to attempt to obtain an amnesty (by very devious means) for her brother and she was successful in getting 10's of billions of Baht returned to him, plus, illegally returning his Thai passports via a personal courier. What did she do for the people? other than increase the suicide rates of the farmers astronomically and send thousands of them into debt that they have little hope of recovering from. What other policies/laws did she pass/carry out that benefited the people? (not her party and friends by the way) as I acknowledge that she was good at that particular aspect.

Right, so tell me of her successes, I'll be interested to see them. I can give you a whole list of her failures (pretty much everything she did) or attempted to do.

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You do know that there is a "like" button you can use, right?

Or maybe you're afraid to use it due to the present regime?

Smedly does know that there is a like button as he gave me a like well before you posted this rubbish!!

Why would he be afraid to use it as it supports what the junta is doing - it is you lot that needs to worry about using it, NOT US, as you are the ones criticising them!!

And the fact that "our lot" needs to be worried, doesn't raise your alarms ?

No-one should be worried about liking a post that criticises the current governement, as there is ample reason for criticism.

What Thailand needs is an army that does what it is paid to do, and that does NOT include trying to run the country. They have shown time again, that they couldn't even run a local karaoke, let alone a whole country.

As to posting rubbish, the army is one of the most corrupt government agencies in this country. They are certainly not an inch better than politicians. The advantage of politicians is that they can be voted out and are accountable. This lot is neither.

And one thing is damm sure, the coup was not staged for the good of Thailand, it was staged to ensure the "good" people would have a chance to run this country. A large majority of Thai citizens are utterly ignored.

It doesn't raise any alarms for me.

OK, you say that Prayut is basically doing nothing and is only there to enrich himself and the other 'good' people.

I want you to answer this: tell me what good Yingluck did for the country and it's people. All she was there for was to attempt to obtain an amnesty (by very devious means) for her brother and she was successful in getting 10's of billions of Baht returned to him, plus, illegally returning his Thai passports via a personal courier. What did she do for the people? other than increase the suicide rates of the farmers astronomically and send thousands of them into debt that they have little hope of recovering from. What other policies/laws did she pass/carry out that benefited the people? (not her party and friends by the way) as I acknowledge that she was good at that particular aspect.

Right, so tell me of her successes, I'll be interested to see them. I can give you a whole list of her failures (pretty much everything she did) or attempted to do.

Little piece of information for you: she was elected by the people and she had no martial law or article 44 going on!

So your comparisson fails!

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A truly democratic government - fact or fiction?

What type of government does your own country have? Think carefully before answering unless you are Norwegian wink.png

In the latest 'Democracy Ranking' Thailand was not ranked [for obvious reasons] and neither was much of ASEAN; for similar reasons. In the previous listing [compiled before the military coup] Thailand ranked 74th on the list. Northern Europe appears to corner the market in understanding and applying true democracy in government. Thailand has a long way to go, and I suggest the reality may well be that this long and winding road may have no end. Not in our lifetimes anyway, as even with the desire and motivation it would take generations to sway mindsets. My intention is to make the most of what there is here and what I have - as long as they [whoever 'they' may be at the time] allow me to remain and continue to enjoy my life.



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She bought the vote with populist policies and then proceeded to turn any semblance of Democracy on it's head by basically throwing the rule book out of the window and doing what SHE, or Thaksin, more like it, wanted.

Article 44 was brought in to expedite urgent changes and needs that would have been bogged down in parliament - it worked very successfully indeed!!

I'm still waiting on the benefits to the people that Yingluck brought. Are you having a little problem with that as you have completely side stepped the question, just as I knew you would.

Now come on, what good did she bring to the peoplecoffee1.gif. If you can't name one, then the answer seems to be (as I and a few other sensible posters know) NOTHING!!

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She bought the vote with populist policies and then proceeded to turn any semblance of Democracy on it's head by basically throwing the rule book out of the window and doing what SHE, or Thaksin, more like it, wanted.

Article 44 was brought in to expedite urgent changes and needs that would have been bogged down in parliament - it worked very successfully indeed!!

I'm still waiting on the benefits to the people that Yingluck brought. Are you having a little problem with that as you have completely side stepped the question, just as I knew you would.

Now come on, what good did she bring to the peoplecoffee1.gif. If you can't name one, then the answer seems to be (as I and a few other sensible posters know) NOTHING!!

You have raised valid points and I suspect you are perfectly correct, however, like all politicians around the world, it's not what you actually do for the people who voted for you, it's rather what the voters think you've done for them. Thailand is just one example.

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She bought the vote with populist policies and then proceeded to turn any semblance of Democracy on it's head by basically throwing the rule book out of the window and doing what SHE, or Thaksin, more like it, wanted.

Article 44 was brought in to expedite urgent changes and needs that would have been bogged down in parliament - it worked very successfully indeed!!

I'm still waiting on the benefits to the people that Yingluck brought. Are you having a little problem with that as you have completely side stepped the question, just as I knew you would.

Now come on, what good did she bring to the peoplecoffee1.gif. If you can't name one, then the answer seems to be (as I and a few other sensible posters know) NOTHING!!

You have raised valid points and I suspect you are perfectly correct, however, like all politicians around the world, it's not what you actually do for the people who voted for you, it's rather what the voters think you've done for them. Thailand is just one example.

......and what do you suppose they think she achieved and did for them?

I can't think of a single 'good' thing she did for them (and neither can the pro-Shinawatra camp) by the looks of it!!

All of her populist policies (that she used to buy the vote) were either useless, disastrous or in the case of the 'rice scam' catastrophic!! Her actions during the flood turmoil were abysmal. Why? you may ask, because she was put there for the sole intention of getting the 'fugitive's amnesty and as the Cranberries song goes "nothing else matters"!!

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She bought the vote with populist policies and then proceeded to turn any semblance of Democracy on it's head by basically throwing the rule book out of the window and doing what SHE, or Thaksin, more like it, wanted.

Article 44 was brought in to expedite urgent changes and needs that would have been bogged down in parliament - it worked very successfully indeed!!

I'm still waiting on the benefits to the people that Yingluck brought. Are you having a little problem with that as you have completely side stepped the question, just as I knew you would.

Now come on, what good did she bring to the peoplecoffee1.gif. If you can't name one, then the answer seems to be (as I and a few other sensible posters know) NOTHING!!

You have raised valid points and I suspect you are perfectly correct, however, like all politicians around the world, it's not what you actually do for the people who voted for you, it's rather what the voters think you've done for them. Thailand is just one example.

......and what do you suppose they think she achieved and did for them?

I can't think of a single 'good' thing she did for them (and neither can the pro-Shinawatra camp) by the looks of it!!

All of her populist policies (that she used to buy the vote) were either useless, disastrous or in the case of the 'rice scam' catastrophic!! Her actions during the flood turmoil were abysmal. Why? you may ask, because she was put there for the sole intention of getting the 'fugitive's amnesty and as the Cranberries song goes "nothing else matters"!!

You've really got a bee in the bonnet. Hey I'm not Thai, I'm just a farang. Heck, I can't figure out what Thais are thinking at the best of times and that includes my long suffering wife. All I know is that the majority of my local rural Thais think that she and her brother were better for the poor rural folk than either the other parties or the junta. Why ??? who knows ! but when you're very poorly educated, living on the breadline, fed daily bullshit by whoever's in power then what do you really expect ?

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She bought the vote with populist policies and then proceeded to turn any semblance of Democracy on it's head by basically throwing the rule book out of the window and doing what SHE, or Thaksin, more like it, wanted.

Article 44 was brought in to expedite urgent changes and needs that would have been bogged down in parliament - it worked very successfully indeed!!

I'm still waiting on the benefits to the people that Yingluck brought. Are you having a little problem with that as you have completely side stepped the question, just as I knew you would.

Now come on, what good did she bring to the peoplecoffee1.gif. If you can't name one, then the answer seems to be (as I and a few other sensible posters know) NOTHING!!

"Now come on, what good did she bring to the people"

Immaterial. If the people didn't like what she did then she should have been removed in an election. Get it?

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She bought the vote with populist policies and then proceeded to turn any semblance of Democracy on it's head by basically throwing the rule book out of the window and doing what SHE, or Thaksin, more like it, wanted.

Article 44 was brought in to expedite urgent changes and needs that would have been bogged down in parliament - it worked very successfully indeed!!

I'm still waiting on the benefits to the people that Yingluck brought. Are you having a little problem with that as you have completely side stepped the question, just as I knew you would.

Now come on, what good did she bring to the peoplecoffee1.gif. If you can't name one, then the answer seems to be (as I and a few other sensible posters know) NOTHING!!

You have raised valid points and I suspect you are perfectly correct, however, like all politicians around the world, it's not what you actually do for the people who voted for you, it's rather what the voters think you've done for them. Thailand is just one example.

......and what do you suppose they think she achieved and did for them?

I can't think of a single 'good' thing she did for them (and neither can the pro-Shinawatra camp) by the looks of it!!

All of her populist policies (that she used to buy the vote) were either useless, disastrous or in the case of the 'rice scam' catastrophic!! Her actions during the flood turmoil were abysmal. Why? you may ask, because she was put there for the sole intention of getting the 'fugitive's amnesty and as the Cranberries song goes "nothing else matters"!!

You've really got a bee in the bonnet. Hey I'm not Thai, I'm just a farang. Heck, I can't figure out what Thais are thinking at the best of times and that includes my long suffering wife. All I know is that the majority of my local rural Thais think that she and her brother were better for the poor rural folk than either the other parties or the junta. Why ??? who knows ! but when you're very poorly educated, living on the breadline, fed daily bullshit by whoever's in power then what do you really expect ?

I think that you have answered your own question rather admirably.

This is why democracy fails in Thailand and also why Prayut, despite the unfortunate but necessary Draconian measures is doing just fine in sorting things out.

I take it that you are not averse to the elections being late - to make sure they get things right in the charter rather than rush it and allow 'fake' Democracy to stuff the country again!!

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election or no election, how is this going to affect a farang ?.....it wont,you will get on with your lives as usual. As onlookers it's like watching a car accident in slow motion thinking, ''I'm glad i'm not in that car''.

It will, if you have Thai kids in a Thai school. The brainwashing will intensify.

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She bought the vote with populist policies and then proceeded to turn any semblance of Democracy on it's head by basically throwing the rule book out of the window and doing what SHE, or Thaksin, more like it, wanted.

Article 44 was brought in to expedite urgent changes and needs that would have been bogged down in parliament - it worked very successfully indeed!!

I'm still waiting on the benefits to the people that Yingluck brought. Are you having a little problem with that as you have completely side stepped the question, just as I knew you would.

Now come on, what good did she bring to the peoplecoffee1.gif. If you can't name one, then the answer seems to be (as I and a few other sensible posters know) NOTHING!!

Just out of interest, show details that Prayut is involved in corruption.

Thaksin's 2 year sentence (given in abstentia as the coward ran away) and 15 more fraud and related cases waiting for him rather sums up his illegal and corrupt activities.

What, with his son Oak's oncoming trial for fraud and Yingluck's issues it points to the Shinawatra's being experts in the subject of corruption, doesn't it!!

What's more, as such a few terms were Democratic party led - it does point to Pheu Thai related governments being the main instigators of corrupt practices over the years. So, I think they can justly be blamed for a majority of the corruption that has bedeviled Thailand in years past.

Edited by seedy
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She bought the vote with populist policies and then proceeded to turn any semblance of Democracy on it's head by basically throwing the rule book out of the window and doing what SHE, or Thaksin, more like it, wanted.

Article 44 was brought in to expedite urgent changes and needs that would have been bogged down in parliament - it worked very successfully indeed!!

I'm still waiting on the benefits to the people that Yingluck brought. Are you having a little problem with that as you have completely side stepped the question, just as I knew you would.

Now come on, what good did she bring to the peoplecoffee1.gif. If you can't name one, then the answer seems to be (as I and a few other sensible posters know) NOTHING!!

You have raised valid points and I suspect you are perfectly correct, however, like all politicians around the world, it's not what you actually do for the people who voted for you, it's rather what the voters think you've done for them. Thailand is just one example.

......and what do you suppose they think she achieved and did for them?

I can't think of a single 'good' thing she did for them (and neither can the pro-Shinawatra camp) by the looks of it!!

All of her populist policies (that she used to buy the vote) were either useless, disastrous or in the case of the 'rice scam' catastrophic!! Her actions during the flood turmoil were abysmal. Why? you may ask, because she was put there for the sole intention of getting the 'fugitive's amnesty and as the Cranberries song goes "nothing else matters"!!

You've really got a bee in the bonnet. Hey I'm not Thai, I'm just a farang. Heck, I can't figure out what Thais are thinking at the best of times and that includes my long suffering wife. All I know is that the majority of my local rural Thais think that she and her brother were better for the poor rural folk than either the other parties or the junta. Why ??? who knows ! but when you're very poorly educated, living on the breadline, fed daily bullshit by whoever's in power then what do you really expect ?

I think that you have answered your own question rather admirably.

This is why democracy fails in Thailand and also why Prayut, despite the unfortunate but necessary Draconian measures is doing just fine in sorting things out.

I take it that you are not averse to the elections being late - to make sure they get things right in the charter rather than rush it and allow 'fake' Democracy to stuff the country again!!

There are really very few countries in the world where true democracy exists. I do not include the UK in that list by the way, just look at the last election for just one of the reasons why. Democracy was a European invention and as such isn't totally suitable for all the cultures around the world. I remember when the blacks in South Africa got the right to vote, they all thought it would bring a much better life, WRONG !

I don't care about the Thai elections, late or not, but what I am concerned about is those in power telling the people lies. As for the Charter getting things right for everyone, dream on buddy, that's not the intention, it's to keep the status quo, surely even you must see that.

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She bought the vote with populist policies and then proceeded to turn any semblance of Democracy on it's head by basically throwing the rule book out of the window and doing what SHE, or Thaksin, more like it, wanted.

Article 44 was brought in to expedite urgent changes and needs that would have been bogged down in parliament - it worked very successfully indeed!!

I'm still waiting on the benefits to the people that Yingluck brought. Are you having a little problem with that as you have completely side stepped the question, just as I knew you would.

Now come on, what good did she bring to the peoplecoffee1.gif. If you can't name one, then the answer seems to be (as I and a few other sensible posters know) NOTHING!!

I am not interested in how it started or how it perpetuates, I am however interested in steps that will make it difficult for an elected government and its extended local authorities and agencies to abuse thieve lie and steal, it begins with a charter that deals with the issues at the highest level and paves the way for it to mature and work its way down, and your constant insults have no place here all it displays is weakness

Edited by seedy
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She bought the vote with populist policies and then proceeded to turn any semblance of Democracy on it's head by basically throwing the rule book out of the window and doing what SHE, or Thaksin, more like it, wanted.

Article 44 was brought in to expedite urgent changes and needs that would have been bogged down in parliament - it worked very successfully indeed!!

I'm still waiting on the benefits to the people that Yingluck brought. Are you having a little problem with that as you have completely side stepped the question, just as I knew you would.

Now come on, what good did she bring to the peoplecoffee1.gif. If you can't name one, then the answer seems to be (as I and a few other sensible posters know) NOTHING!!

You have raised valid points and I suspect you are perfectly correct, however, like all politicians around the world, it's not what you actually do for the people who voted for you, it's rather what the voters think you've done for them. Thailand is just one example.

......and what do you suppose they think she achieved and did for them?

I can't think of a single 'good' thing she did for them (and neither can the pro-Shinawatra camp) by the looks of it!!

All of her populist policies (that she used to buy the vote) were either useless, disastrous or in the case of the 'rice scam' catastrophic!! Her actions during the flood turmoil were abysmal. Why? you may ask, because she was put there for the sole intention of getting the 'fugitive's amnesty and as the Cranberries song goes "nothing else matters"!!

You've really got a bee in the bonnet. Hey I'm not Thai, I'm just a farang. Heck, I can't figure out what Thais are thinking at the best of times and that includes my long suffering wife. All I know is that the majority of my local rural Thais think that she and her brother were better for the poor rural folk than either the other parties or the junta. Why ??? who knows ! but when you're very poorly educated, living on the breadline, fed daily bullshit by whoever's in power then what do you really expect ?

I think that you have answered your own question rather admirably.

This is why democracy fails in Thailand and also why Prayut, despite the unfortunate but necessary Draconian measures is doing just fine in sorting things out.

I take it that you are not averse to the elections being late - to make sure they get things right in the charter rather than rush it and allow 'fake' Democracy to stuff the country again!!

There are really very few countries in the world where true democracy exists. I do not include the UK in that list by the way, just look at the last election for just one of the reasons why. Democracy was a European invention and as such isn't totally suitable for all the cultures around the world. I remember when the blacks in South Africa got the right to vote, they all thought it would bring a much better life, WRONG !

I don't care about the Thai elections, late or not, but what I am concerned about is those in power telling the people lies. As for the Charter getting things right for everyone, dream on buddy, that's not the intention, it's to keep the status quo, surely even you must see that.

Totally agree with everything in your first paragraph.

If 'keeping the status quo' is in supporting the election of able and qualified MP's who's duty is to serve the people and not themselves following free and fair elections, whereby cheats are barred from standing, then I agree with all of your post!!

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" Just out of interest, show details that Prayut is involved in corruption."

How is that possible as he has warned off any investigation into his, his family and fellow junta members? Now why is that do you think?

"What's more, as such a few terms were Democratic party led - it does point to Pheu Thai related governments being the main instigators of corrupt practices over the years. So, I think they can justly be blamed for a majority of the corruption that has bedeviled Thailand in years past."

So pre 2006 there was no corruption in Thailand??

Edited by seedy
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