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Israeli academics face growing boycott pressures


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There are students exchange partnerships and programs between most EU universities. This is possible through sponsorship or financial contributions from EU educational institutions.

Israel isn't to my knowledge a member of the EU. Aside from the extra-political motivations, I don't see any reason why Israeli students would have the same academical privileges as the average EU student in Europe. And tax rates in Europe are very high due to EU membership who contribute also to these European international students exchange programs.

OP refers to boycott Israeli universities, and not individuals.

I didn't met any Palestinian in my European academical past and neither did I saw any Palestinian participant teams on television for UEFA and Eurosong.

As I've paid considerable amounts in taxes in Europe, I fully support this 'free' academic boycott and denounce any negative perspective on Israeli individuals...

What the BDS supports fail to mention is the systematic intimidation of Jewish students in universities. Cambridge students set up a mock check point in one of their buildings. Activists in Oxford stopped a speech by a former member of Mossad on university premises. There are motions to adopt BDS on several campuses throughout the US and UK. The same spoilt ignorant activists whine about safe space rather than have to listen to views they disagree with, whilst simultaneously claiming safe space to lie to bully to intimidate Jewish students. The link below shows how BDS is now becoming known for what it really is leading to the speaker mentioned above being re-invited to speak at Oxford and a BDS motion being soundly defeated at Warwick.

The tactics used against BDS motions is to argue they are discriminatory if the same stance taken against Israel is not applied to every other territorial dispute. As there are hundreds there is not the time or resources to make an informed judgement on them all. This approach appears to be working - It has been a very bad month indeed for BDS, not just with respect to academia.


Cambridge students set up a mock checkpoint in one of their buildings.

What a effective way to get their point across.

This isn't a protest against a "...territorial dispute." It's a worldwide reaction opposed to aggression and illegal occupation.

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There are students exchange partnerships and programs between most EU universities. This is possible through sponsorship or financial contributions from EU educational institutions.

Israel isn't to my knowledge a member of the EU. Aside from the extra-political motivations, I don't see any reason why Israeli students would have the same academical privileges as the average EU student in Europe. And tax rates in Europe are very high due to EU membership who contribute also to these European international students exchange programs.

OP refers to boycott Israeli universities, and not individuals.

I didn't met any Palestinian in my European academical past and neither did I saw any Palestinian participant teams on television for UEFA and Eurosong.

As I've paid considerable amounts in taxes in Europe, I fully support this 'free' academic boycott and denounce any negative perspective on Israeli individuals...

What the BDS supports fail to mention is the systematic intimidation of Jewish students in universities. Cambridge students set up a mock check point in one of their buildings. Activists in Oxford stopped a speech by a former member of Mossad on university premises. There are motions to adopt BDS on several campuses throughout the US and UK. The same spoilt ignorant activists whine about safe space rather than have to listen to views they disagree with, whilst simultaneously claiming safe space to lie to bully to intimidate Jewish students. The link below shows how BDS is now becoming known for what it really is leading to the speaker mentioned above being re-invited to speak at Oxford and a BDS motion being soundly defeated at Warwick.

The tactics used against BDS motions is to argue they are discriminatory if the same stance taken against Israel is not applied to every other territorial dispute. As there are hundreds there is not the time or resources to make an informed judgement on them all. This approach appears to be working - It has been a very bad month indeed for BDS, not just with respect to academia.


It's too transparent that you try in vain to relate the topic to the BDS movement.

Even so, your links originate from extreme right pro-Israeli political media outlets. I won't reply on that because it's off topic.

Israeli students with dual citizenship can still benefit from student exchange programs.

Moreover, EU countries with economic problems can decide to cut in their education budgets for foreign students programs. There's nothing discriminatory in this decision. European students will have more chance to go to let's say stable Germany than for instance economically weak Greece.

With the latest major influx of the actual refugee/migrant crisis in Europe it's not discriminatory to refuse collaboration with non-European academical institutions for budgetary reasons.

Free movement of students within Palestinian and Syrian occupied territories is very limited and in some cases even prohibited by the Israeli government.

And again, OP refers to stop academic collaboration. Nothing was mentioned that it's a permanent decision and discriminatory to individuals.

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I can't believe there are people applauding a decision by an academic group to ban the speech and participation of other academics because of their government's policies. And this in a forum of international vagabonds of one sort or another. I spent decades traveling and living outside of my native country (US) and one of my major rules was to always advocate the position that I will not blame you for your government's policies and so please do not blame me for my government's policies. It is one thing to advocate a ban or boycott of material goods, but to extend that to ideas and discourse amongst otherwise educated individuals is pathetic and actually downright scary. By all means go ahead and advocate a boycott of goods, advocate divestment of capital, and advocate economic sanctions. But when you start to ban speech and ideas then you cross the line, the line to totalitarianism that is raising its ugly head from the political left as well as the political right. Shame on all who support and applaud these ideas. And then there is the ultimate sanctimoniousness, the ultimate hypocrisy, if not the ultimate irony, that this is all taking place in a Thai ex-pat forum where I am not allowed to speak my mind about the current Thai government due to forum rules.

I can't believe you're attempting to pass off this blatantly fallacious analogy thinking that no one is going to call you on it.

Unlike your post there was no analogy in my post. Simply stating my opinion that curbing free speech and the free exchange of ideas of peoples is the direct path to totalitarianism and that making such statements while living within a country that currently has a rather questionable government is the height of sanctimoniousness and hypocrisy. You want academics to have no speech because they are associated with Israeli Universities

Interesting turn of phrase, "they are associated with Israeli universities". rolleyes.gif

First of all, not counting teaching colleges, there are 9 universities in Israel, and (correct me if I'm wrong) they are all public universities. Their salaries come directly from the Israeli regime. Not only that, but it is only logical that these institutions are working with the government to set barbarous, Apartheid like policies. Furthermore, does anyone doubt that there is a revolving door from these institutions and other government positions? And finally, (and most nauseatingly) these academic are also ubiquitous in the media when they attempt to mislead the world about the naked Israeli aggression. As you can see, Israeli academics are complicit in a multitude of ways. But yeah, go ahead and try to make yet another fallacious analogy about hypocrisy because I live with my family in Thailand.

Equally interesting, "no speech". I don't want Israeli academics to have "no speech" . They can speak all they like. But it is the right of others to determine whether or not they want to speak with individuals of dubious moral character. Thus the boycott. Maybe the the Israeli academics can invent a time machine and commiserate with South African academics from the 1980s. Or German academics in the 1930 and 40s.

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More evidence of the direct link between rabid Jew hating and the academic BDS cult. I post about this because I'm sure many people with good intentions are attracted to BDS. But the truth is the movement stinks big time of Jew hating and has the outrageous goal of ending the very existence of Israel. Of course if that attracts, GO FOR IT.

The revelations about Prof. Karega’s Facebook posts come amid growing concern that Jewish students at Oberlin are facing a rising wave of anti-Semitism. This January, the frequency of anti-Semitic events on campus spurred 225 alumni and students to form Oberlin Alumni and Students Against Anti-Semitism. In an open letter, the group charged that several student organizations “have assumed the role as the mouthpiece of the BDS movement,” which delegitimizes Israel and has frequently been criticized for giving cover to anti-Semitism. The message that these groups promulgated is “Either forfeit your allegiance to Israel and join us, or we will brand you as an enemy of justice and complicit in the oppression of the Palestinian people.” The group condemned the tactics employed by pro-BDS student groups, whose tactics “intimidate, threaten, and coerce Jewish students.”


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Edited by Jingthing
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More about BDS.

Yes, again, I'm sure many people with good intentions have been attracted to the BDS cult of hate.

That's why it's important to learn more about what BDS is really about:

Concerning Palestinian Arab identity:

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More evidence of the direct link between rabid Jew hating and the academic BDS cult. I post about this because I'm sure many people with good intentions are attracted to BDS. But the truth is the movement stinks big time of Jew hating and has the outrageous goal of ending the very existence of Israel. Of course if that attracts, GO FOR IT.

The revelations about Prof. Karega’s Facebook posts come amid growing concern that Jewish students at Oberlin are facing a rising wave of anti-Semitism. This January, the frequency of anti-Semitic events on campus spurred 225 alumni and students to form Oberlin Alumni and Students Against Anti-Semitism. In an open letter, the group charged that several student organizations “have assumed the role as the mouthpiece of the BDS movement,” which delegitimizes Israel and has frequently been criticized for giving cover to anti-Semitism. The message that these groups promulgated is “Either forfeit your allegiance to Israel and join us, or we will brand you as an enemy of justice and complicit in the oppression of the Palestinian people.” The group condemned the tactics employed by pro-BDS student groups, whose tactics “intimidate, threaten, and coerce Jewish students.”


See also:


The BDS movement is a non-violent worldwide reaction to the illegal settlements, land grabs, and displacement of so many Palestinian people.

It's recent successes can be judged by the hysterical tone of the propaganda directed against it.

Zionism is Israel's worst enemy - not BDS.

If the violations of international law by radical Zionists were to end, so would the backlash against it.

Many American Jews are beginning to ask the question "What has Zionism done for us?" Jews are [yet again] afraid to appear with symbols of their faith on the streets of Western European cities.

They can thank the misguided policies of Zionism for that.

The forceful expansion of Israeli territory has become a disaster for Jews all over the world.

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More evidence of the direct link between rabid Jew hating and the academic BDS cult. I post about this because I'm sure many people with good intentions are attracted to BDS. But the truth is the movement stinks big time of Jew hating and has the outrageous goal of ending the very existence of Israel. Of course if that attracts, GO FOR IT.

The revelations about Prof. Karega’s Facebook posts come amid growing concern that Jewish students at Oberlin are facing a rising wave of anti-Semitism. This January, the frequency of anti-Semitic events on campus spurred 225 alumni and students to form Oberlin Alumni and Students Against Anti-Semitism. In an open letter, the group charged that several student organizations “have assumed the role as the mouthpiece of the BDS movement,” which delegitimizes Israel and has frequently been criticized for giving cover to anti-Semitism. The message that these groups promulgated is “Either forfeit your allegiance to Israel and join us, or we will brand you as an enemy of justice and complicit in the oppression of the Palestinian people.” The group condemned the tactics employed by pro-BDS student groups, whose tactics “intimidate, threaten, and coerce Jewish students.”


See also:


The BDS movement is a non-violent worldwide reaction to the illegal settlements, land grabs, and displacement of so many Palestinian people.

It's recent successes can be judged by the hysterical tone of the propaganda directed against it.

Zionism is Israel's worst enemy - not BDS.

If the violations of international law by radical Zionists were to end, so would the backlash against it.

Many American Jews are beginning to ask the question "What has Zionism done for us?" Jews are [yet again] afraid to appear with symbols of their faith on the streets of Western European cities.

They can thank the misguided policies of Zionism for that.

The forceful expansion of Israeli territory has become a disaster for Jews all over the world.

Jews were persecuted for centuries before Zionism even existed. Zionism is not the cause of antisemitism, it is the response to it.
Edited by Steely Dan
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More evidence of the direct link between rabid Jew hating and the academic BDS cult. I post about this because I'm sure many people with good intentions are attracted to BDS. But the truth is the movement stinks big time of Jew hating and has the outrageous goal of ending the very existence of Israel. Of course if that attracts, GO FOR IT.

The revelations about Prof. Karega’s Facebook posts come amid growing concern that Jewish students at Oberlin are facing a rising wave of anti-Semitism. This January, the frequency of anti-Semitic events on campus spurred 225 alumni and students to form Oberlin Alumni and Students Against Anti-Semitism. In an open letter, the group charged that several student organizations “have assumed the role as the mouthpiece of the BDS movement,” which delegitimizes Israel and has frequently been criticized for giving cover to anti-Semitism. The message that these groups promulgated is “Either forfeit your allegiance to Israel and join us, or we will brand you as an enemy of justice and complicit in the oppression of the Palestinian people.” The group condemned the tactics employed by pro-BDS student groups, whose tactics “intimidate, threaten, and coerce Jewish students.”


See also:


The BDS movement is a non-violent worldwide reaction to the illegal settlements, land grabs, and displacement of so many Palestinian people.

It's recent successes can be judged by the hysterical tone of the propaganda directed against it.

Zionism is Israel's worst enemy - not BDS.

If the violations of international law by radical Zionists were to end, so would the backlash against it.

Many American Jews are beginning to ask the question "What has Zionism done for us?" Jews are [yet again] afraid to appear with symbols of their faith on the streets of Western European cities.

They can thank the misguided policies of Zionism for that.

The forceful expansion of Israeli territory has become a disaster for Jews all over the world.

Jews were persecuted for centuries before Zionism even existed. Zionism is not the cause of antisemitism, it is the response to it.


The historical reasons for anti-Semitism have nothing to do with the present situation.

Zionism is provoking hatred of Jews everywhere.

American Jews are just beginning to wake up to that fact - and hopefully they'll do something about it.

They have an immense amount of power. In reality, America is the homeland of the Jews. Israel is an experiment that didn't work out as planned.

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More evidence of the direct link between rabid Jew hating and the academic BDS cult. I post about this because I'm sure many people with good intentions are attracted to BDS. But the truth is the movement stinks big time of Jew hating and has the outrageous goal of ending the very existence of Israel. Of course if that attracts, GO FOR IT.

The revelations about Prof. Karega’s Facebook posts come amid growing concern that Jewish students at Oberlin are facing a rising wave of anti-Semitism. This January, the frequency of anti-Semitic events on campus spurred 225 alumni and students to form Oberlin Alumni and Students Against Anti-Semitism. In an open letter, the group charged that several student organizations “have assumed the role as the mouthpiece of the BDS movement,” which delegitimizes Israel and has frequently been criticized for giving cover to anti-Semitism. The message that these groups promulgated is “Either forfeit your allegiance to Israel and join us, or we will brand you as an enemy of justice and complicit in the oppression of the Palestinian people.” The group condemned the tactics employed by pro-BDS student groups, whose tactics “intimidate, threaten, and coerce Jewish students.”


See also:


The BDS movement is a non-violent worldwide reaction to the illegal settlements, land grabs, and displacement of so many Palestinian people.

It's recent successes can be judged by the hysterical tone of the propaganda directed against it.

Zionism is Israel's worst enemy - not BDS.

If the violations of international law by radical Zionists were to end, so would the backlash against it.

Many American Jews are beginning to ask the question "What has Zionism done for us?" Jews are [yet again] afraid to appear with symbols of their faith on the streets of Western European cities.

They can thank the misguided policies of Zionism for that.

The forceful expansion of Israeli territory has become a disaster for Jews all over the world.

Jews were persecuted for centuries before Zionism even existed. Zionism is not the cause of antisemitism, it is the response to it.

really? they were living in peace in middle eastern countries before imperialists forces put their noses at that area. dan hope you read my lengthy post on this.

jewish communities enjoyed freedom during Ottoman empire for example and they had more freedom than ottoman turks as it was not required for them to do army duty and they can work on professions muslim cannot work.

when full equality between citizens are announced in Ottoman empire during 19th century, it was greek and Christians complained a lot like how come they can be equal with jews!

and dont forget how ottoman turks send ships to Spain and transported 150 000 jews and welcomed them from there during 15th century from the hands of inquisition as all of them were given two choices, death or conversion to Christianity!

this was the right move for Ottoman empire as Jewish communities contributed to ottomans a great deal for example they were allowed to bring printing to ottoman empire where it was forbidden for muslim. so it was Jewish people first established a printing house there those times. they contributed on science, warfare and some even climbed and work as viziers and did a lot of business and commerce again brought benefits. they pioneered on many things.

please check:




a quote from jewishlibrary.org look at the mentality and tolerance in 15th century and now. World is just going worse over centuries i believe! Ottoman empire during 15th of century is thinking of jewish communities as a richness in his land! :

The most fortunate of the expelled Jews succeeded in escaping to Turkey. Sultan Bajazet welcomed them warmly. "How can you call Ferdinand of Aragon a wise king," he was fond of asking, "the same Ferdinand who impoverished his own land and enriched ours?"

please read some about how Jewish communities in muslim ottoman rule for example, you will be surprised. of course some incidents over and there which are inevitable at those times: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_the_Ottoman_Empire

muslim gave a lot more freedom and tolerance for jewish communities a lot more than christians. jewish communities suffered more in the hands of christians then muslims over the history.

you have to realize, all these problems came after UN inserted clueless jewish communities there 70 years ago and forced them to stay as a grip and spatula on those land for imperialist powers and some started at the end of 19th century by nationalist arabs from christian origin not muslim:) so nationalism (for any side) i can say did not bring any favor to this world, all bs unfortunately:( nationalism is the plague of our times, nothign else.

Israeli brothers, wake up.

Edited by Galactus
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