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Inside the world of Luuk Thep: Psychoanalysis of the Thai mind


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If i remember correctly,wasn't there a guy in the states a while ago that made lifelike dolls for the single man? I think the BBC did a program on him.These dolls were life size and they had orifices that felt like the real thing.Apparently,depending on how much you paid was dependent on how many orifices you got.He made thousands of Dollars from them.And this was only a few years back.If you paid the top Dollar version,you got one who actually made appreciative noises.the skin was very life like,and every thing else about them was true to life.I think that these dolls were a very much more serious fad than the luk thep thing's.And this was in a developed,1st world country.The good old USA.

I would like to state,right now...I have never bought,owned,or had anything to do with these doll's as my best friend,Harvey the giant white rabbit will tell you.


did the owners of the sex dolls believe they have souls of children in them? no.

that is the point of this story.

"i would like two fist class tickets to Los Angeles, one for me, and one for Cherry 2000 version 12.2.03 with "lifelike"options. She wants fish for dinner."

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A friend of mine works as an receptionist in a company. Her boss one day brought his gumantong to office. She was sceptical at first, since she has never seen one before.

That night when she fell asleep, she heard a voice calling her. She woke up and saw a small boy (resembling that gumantong in the office) standing next to her bed. He said to her that he followed her home because he likes her. He asked her to play with him and asked for snacks.

My friend was of course scared, but tried very hard to remain composed. She offered him some snacks in return of promising her never to follow her again. She told him he has to follow his papa (her boss), since he owns him.

That gumantong since then never appears in front of her again.

I don't know about Luuk Thep. But I believe the existence of gumantong. What you don't see or never experience before, doesn't mean they don't exist.

Why is it this sort of thing is always reported as happening at night and while the person was sleeping, why can't this spirit go to the cupboard and get the food itself. How does it digest the food, does it go to the toilet later on

It happens at night and when the person is sleeping because it is called a dream, (or nightmare) and sometimes they can seem so real, but it is still just a dream. A spirit dream, as opposed to a wet dream....

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Hmmmm....most of you come from a Courtries, where millions of citizens still believe, that they have a God, who never changes... a god that proclaimed himself as a jealous god and according to your "holy book" killed 10's of thousands of Isrealites (his chosen people), just because they decided to go worship a golden cow... a god, who is all powerful, therefore, in our Countries "Acts of God" are properly named, because why else would an all powerful God let thousands of people get wiped out in Earthquakes, floods, famine or disease? and....on top of that HE LOVES YOU. lol.

Then, according to the Western Fairy Tale, he has a son. Born by a human mother and God's own spirit. This woman of course was married to another guy, who you call Joseph. So that god, who tells you not to commit adultery, fools around with this guys wife and has a son. Time goes on...and 33 years later, "god" lets his son get whipped, stoned and finally nailed to a cross, a (torturous practice of killing criminals at the time), where he dies. Then, three days later, he comes back to life and assends into the heavens. Of course, that Fairly Tale, had been told in a few different versions, way further back in history than 2016 years ago, but that doesn't matter to your Countrymen, because of course, your version is the right one.

To show their devotion, Millions of masochists are running around with replicas of the cross, that killed their God's son, which of course was their God,, too.

...BUT.....you don't have to go all the way to the cruzifiction to see how sick and demented this religion is. How about going back to Abramam, whom God told to sacrifice his son. According to the Bible, Abraham, in the end was willing to do it and was just about to kill his own son, when his "god" stopped him. Now lets looks into this a little more. If you had somebody come along, tell you he is your almighty God and he wants you to kill your son, would you go ahead and do it? I don't know about you, but I would tell him to F off. God or no god. A loving God, who plays sick, psychopathic mind games with you, like that?

That religion might have been fine a few thousand years ago, when people were uneducated, but in todays world, common, give me a break lol.

I challenge any of you, who believe in that particular Fairy Tale, to read the bible from beginning to the end. I'm sure, by the time, you get through the old Testament, you will wonder how you could ever believe such rubbish.

Oh, I almost forgot, according to the bible, he also wiped out amost everyone on Earth, Man, woman children, animals, except for Noah and his family. Hope you all enjoy worshipping the biggest mass murderer in history. I wonder what all those deer, rabbits and other animals did, to deserve that... and...do you honestly believe, that all of humanity, except for one family, were justified to be destroyed by one individual? The Christian God makes Hitler or Bush look like Kindergarten students.

Then again, as long as it makes people happy and doesn't hurt other people, I say let them believe or do what they want. Just don't come knocking on my door, early in the morning, trying to unload your BS on me ;-)

As for the dolls, who cares. If it makes them feel better and they are not hurting anyone, let them believe what they want to believe.

Just think of the thousands of morons on Facebook, who still forward stuff, because they think they will get lucky, or bad fortune, if they don't.

Personally, I rather spend my money on other things than dolls or crosses or giving it to men in drag.


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I have a pet rock , costs me nothing !

brings me luck (huh) good fortune (sure) money (haha) love (kidding) happiness (already happy ) but just in case i will get another pet rock !

So do I,but it has not done a thing for me yet,but I --------well.coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

I took my pet rock to the beach, then had to leave it there so he could be with all his friends.... I was so sad, a doll next time for sure.... hehe.

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They actually have a mind to analyze?

Do all the Christians have a mind to analize??? if the believe in the biggest fiction book ever written, the bible. Believe the world was made in 7 days, yeah right!!

and all the other stuff too.. virgin having a baby, woman was made from mans rib, if can believe all that, then why not believe in these dolls ??

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my Thai girfriend says "you lucky. lucky everything you do."

yes, that because i know about things like gravity and something called the future.

she also says :

"you lucky. lucky you with me." smile.png

haha I think she ment "she lucky, lucky she with you" If she like any Thai girls I know, you will be paying for her, her kid(s) if she has any and most do.

and her family and probably half the village she comes from.. yeah I think she be lucky lucky !!!

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my Thai girfriend says "you lucky. lucky everything you do."

yes, that because i know about things like gravity and something called the future.

she also says :

"you lucky. lucky you with me." smile.png

haha I think she ment "she lucky, lucky she with you" If she like any Thai girls I know, you will be paying for her, her kid(s) if she has any and most do.

and her family and probably half the village she comes from.. yeah I think she be lucky lucky !!!

i know what you are saying can be true, but i don't give my girlfriend any money. i have never met her family, gone to Korat, or anything like that.

and it has been two years. no pleading for cash for anything.

yes her standard of living improved by living with me, but no direct cash money, no way. i made that clear from day one. not interested in giving money to your family.

And she is extremely beautiful, she was Miss Korat. (don't laugh)

as i jokingly say to her with all the rich expats we have in Hua Hin, "Look rich man from Sweden! Get house. get car." she sticks her tongue out and says "cannot. too fat." :)

all the Thai ladies say she is good lady. translation: not a gold digger.

one of the statements i volunteer over and over to Expats and Thais alike: "I don't have any money." its not true, but it is really helpful in deflecting the money zombies.

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my Thai girfriend says "you lucky. lucky everything you do."

yes, that because i know about things like gravity and something called the future.

she also says :

"you lucky. lucky you with me." smile.png

haha I think she ment "she lucky, lucky she with you" If she like any Thai girls I know, you will be paying for her, her kid(s) if she has any and most do.

and her family and probably half the village she comes from.. yeah I think she be lucky lucky !!!

i know what you are saying can be true, but i don't give my girlfriend any money. i have never met her family, gone to Korat, or anything like that.

and it has been two years. no pleading for cash for anything.

yes her standard of living improved by living with me, but no direct cash money, no way. i made that clear from day one. not interested in giving money to your family.

And she is extremely beautiful, she was Miss Korat. (don't laugh)

as i jokingly say to her with all the rich expats we have in Hua Hin, "Look rich man from Sweden! Get house. get car." she sticks her tongue out and says "cannot. too fat." smile.png

all the Thai ladies say she is good lady. translation: not a gold digger.

one of the statements i volunteer over and over to Expats and Thais alike: "I don't have any money." its not true, but it is really helpful in deflecting the money zombies.

Good for you. I think the same, I have about 5 want to marry me but I not getting into that boat ever, would be forever sending money back to their family etc...

And I am not a rich guy either, by their standards I might well be,, just by owning my own condo they think I am rich.. it is a hard life for a lot of them, I know,

but I don't own a money tree... Enjoy your good lady, cheers.

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my Thai girfriend says "you lucky. lucky everything you do."

yes, that because i know about things like gravity and something called the future.

she also says :

"you lucky. lucky you with me." smile.png

haha I think she ment "she lucky, lucky she with you" If she like any Thai girls I know, you will be paying for her, her kid(s) if she has any and most do.

and her family and probably half the village she comes from.. yeah I think she be lucky lucky !!!

i know what you are saying can be true, but i don't give my girlfriend any money. i have never met her family, gone to Korat, or anything like that.

and it has been two years. no pleading for cash for anything.

yes her standard of living improved by living with me, but no direct cash money, no way. i made that clear from day one. not interested in giving money to your family.

And she is extremely beautiful, she was Miss Korat. (don't laugh)

as i jokingly say to her with all the rich expats we have in Hua Hin, "Look rich man from Sweden! Get house. get car." she sticks her tongue out and says "cannot. too fat." smile.png

all the Thai ladies say she is good lady. translation: not a gold digger.

one of the statements i volunteer over and over to Expats and Thais alike: "I don't have any money." its not true, but it is really helpful in deflecting the money zombies.

Mine was Miss Universe.....thumbsup.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's just plain ignorant! And what's up with these monks? They know they are just taking advantage of these deluded people! I asked my wife about this and she said some people are just stupid so it's not all Thai people.

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Balance,are you saying that i am delusional and need medication? and that i really dont own London bridge?.'tis true,all i had to do was give the nice Nigerian man my bank details,and my atm card number(including the security number on the back.He was such a nice man,he even gave me his bank details and asked me to send him 1000 ponds as a deposit. And,and,and,...i haven't heard from for a while now......bugger,scammed again.i suppose I'm not the owner of St Pauls cathedral either?????

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif .

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