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Jeb Bush calls Donald Trump a 'loser'


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The only shot we have left is putting Trump in the White House. Stop with the "politically correct" and evangelical ideology and get on with running this country as a business first and formost. He will do just that.

Trump's "$&ck you if you can't take a joke" attitude is just the grease the US needs to get it's gears spinning again. He is the only man with the balls to fire wholesale lots of Capitol Hill cronies and organize govt into a profitable business model. All the while giving the American people back their rights and self worth long taken away by the past self serving idiots running this country.

GO TRUMP - yer da man!

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The only shot we have left is putting Trump in the White House. Stop with the "politically correct" and evangelical ideology and get on with running this country as a business first and formost. He will do just that.

Trump's "$&ck you if you can't take a joke" attitude is just the grease the US needs to get it's gears spinning again. He is the only man with the balls to fire wholesale lots of Capitol Hill cronies and organize govt into a profitable business model. All the while giving the American people back their rights and self worth long taken away by the past self serving idiots running this country.

GO TRUMP - yer da man!

You do know how many times he's filed Chapter 11 and got out of it by basically giving away or selling stuff right?

Not bad for a man who basically started with nothing (more than a million bucks which was worth a lot more back then).


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Trump has never filed for personal bankruptcy. He's a shrewd businessman who has bought companies that were losers, taken those companies through chapter 11 to clear the books and then made them profitable. It takes a lot of acumen to know how to make a loser profitable even with a legal 11.

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Trump has never filed for personal bankruptcy. He's a shrewd businessman who has bought companies that were losers, taken those companies through chapter 11 to clear the books and then made them profitable. It takes a lot of acumen to know how to make a loser profitable even with a legal 11.

This is largely true, and reorganization bankruptcies are a fact of life for even the largest companies, especially airlines and auto companies. Even if he had suffered a few failures, that is normal for successful entrepreneurs and businessmen and signals they had the balls to try and fail, and hopefully they learned how to succeed from that.

I've met Trump, and I still think he's a dick, but as a successful businessman myself, I think I can see the appeal. I still don't think that qualifies him to lead a country, but then, as people have said on here, why not give it a shot? The current system seems broken and the candidates terribly lacking on both sides.

For the GOP, I'd rather see him than the sellout boy wonder parrot Rubio. Bush is the safe choice, but seems unlikely now. For the Dems, anybody but the female Darth Vader Hilary, and that means Sanders.

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Funny how many confuse the amount of money one has, or where they stand in the polls, with the quality of the man. No doubt Trump is a loser, at life. Sure, he has made alot of money. But, at what cost to others? And the way he mouths off, shows such a basic lack of respect, and decency. In my book, those are some of the qualities that define a winner. Not cash. Not leading in the polls. He is a nitwit, racist, misogynist, and xenophobe, who has alot of people fooled into thinking he would do right by the country. He would utterly devastate and destroy the US. He would diminish any standing the country has remaining. He would be utterly disregarded by his contemporaries all around the world. I am no fan of Bush, nor his family. But, he speaks the truth when he calls this man a loser.

How many wars has this coward fought in? Insulting veterans is a new low for this insect of a man. He does not discriminate when it comes to insults. Insult everyone, no matter what. That is his M.O. He went too far when it comes to insulting former prisoners of war, handicapped, and women who have monthly periods. The man possesses such an extraordinarily lack of grace and decency.

Politicians at the national level are famous for being disingenuous and lying, thieving fools. But, this guy would take it to another level.

Edited by spidermike007
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No doubt Trump is a loser, at life.

Nonsense. I am not a Trump fan, but he is anything but. He has thriving businesses all over the planet, more money than God and a beautiful family. We get it that you don't like his politics, but he defines the word success.

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Trump has never filed for personal bankruptcy. He's a shrewd businessman who has bought companies that were losers, taken those companies through chapter 11 to clear the books and then made them profitable. It takes a lot of acumen to know how to make a loser profitable even with a legal 11.

Please tell me who your dealer is, he's obviously got some great stuff!


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No doubt Trump is a loser, at life.

Nonsense. I am not a Trump fan, but he is anything but. He has thriving businesses all over the planet, more money than God and a beautiful family. We get it that you don't like his politics, but he defines the word success.

Not so. He has had two failed marriages. He has suffered four bankruptcies, walking away from over $US 4.7 billion in debt. He has left many investors crippled by these acts. There are countless lawsuits against this man for fraud. He is not an honest man. He is not an ethical man. He failed at nearly every undertaking he took on, in Atlantic City. His business acumen is not nearly what he portrays it to be. He has a multitude of business failures. Just a few are Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trumpo Casinos, Trump magazine, Trump steaks, etc. I could go on, and on, and on.

Here is a synopsis of his many failures as a businessman. The US is already on the verge of becoming a second rate nation. This man has what it takes to push it over that edge.


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No doubt Trump is a loser, at life.

Nonsense. I am not a Trump fan, but he is anything but. He has thriving businesses all over the planet, more money than God and a beautiful family. We get it that you don't like his politics, but he defines the word success.

Not so. He has had two failed marriages. He has suffered four bankruptcies, walking away from over $US 4.7 billion in debt. He has left many investors crippled by these acts. There are countless lawsuits against this man for fraud. He is not an honest man. He is not an ethical man. He failed at nearly every undertaking he took on, in Atlantic City. His business acumen is not nearly what he portrays it to be. He has a multitude of business failures. Just a few are Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trumpo Casinos, Trump magazine, Trump steaks, etc. I could go on, and on, and on.

Here is a synopsis of his many failures as a businessman. The US is already on the verge of becoming a second rate nation. This man has what it takes to push it over that edge.


It's been his modus operandus from day one. Leverage companies with other peoples debt and screw money out of them until they fail, then walk away as if it isn't his problem.

And yet some people want him to do that to the USA.

Beggars belief.

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No doubt Trump is a loser, at life.

Nonsense. I am not a Trump fan, but he is anything but. He has thriving businesses all over the planet, more money than God and a beautiful family. We get it that you don't like his politics, but he defines the word success.

Not so. He has had two failed marriages. He has suffered four bankruptcies, walking away from over $US 4.7 billion in debt. He has left many investors crippled by these acts. There are countless lawsuits against this man for fraud. He is not an honest man. He is not an ethical man. He failed at nearly every undertaking he took on, in Atlantic City. His business acumen is not nearly what he portrays it to be. He has a multitude of business failures. Just a few are Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trumpo Casinos, Trump magazine, Trump steaks, etc. I could go on, and on, and on.

Here is a synopsis of his many failures as a businessman. The US is already on the verge of becoming a second rate nation. This man has what it takes to push it over that edge.


It's been his modus operandus from day one. Leverage companies with other peoples debt and screw money out of them until they fail, then walk away as if it isn't his problem.

And yet some people want him to do that to the USA.

Beggars belief.

No doubt he would rack up tremendous debt as president. He does not care. He is very casual about debt. It is someone elses problem. Nobody knows the problems he could cause. A world war is a real possibility with his arrogant, cavalier, and self righteous attitude. You don't like what we are doing, you don't agree with us, and we will start dropping bombs on your nation. Why? Because we can. He is already a megalomaniac monster. Imagine him with the power of the office of the presidency? He would be insufferably smug, as the most powerful man in the world. Now, he only thinks he is the most important man in the world, but at least that is only in his very limited imagination. Best to keep ignorant men away from that degree of power.

Edited by spidermike007
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OK...NeverSure ..you got me.........my only excuse is that I am a retarded Aussie ...... so I have been patiently waiting for some one to tell me what 352 means....however as the days go on &--no one else asked----- as they all seem to know........

I've got to be the dummy from down under & say.....what's it all mean ...........coffee1.gif

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OK...NeverSure ..you got me.........my only excuse is that I am a retarded Aussie ...... so I have been patiently waiting for some one to tell me what 352 means....however as the days go on &--no one else asked----- as they all seem to know........

I've got to be the dummy from down under & say.....what's it all mean ...........coffee1.gif

I've got dual nationality and at one time had 3 different passports. I can't figure it out either, so you aren't the only dummy on the forum!

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The only shot we have left is putting Trump in the White House. Stop with the "politically correct" and evangelical ideology and get on with running this country as a business first and formost. He will do just that.

Trump's "$&ck you if you can't take a joke" attitude is just the grease the US needs to get it's gears spinning again. He is the only man with the balls to fire wholesale lots of Capitol Hill cronies and organize govt into a profitable business model. All the while giving the American people back their rights and self worth long taken away by the past self serving idiots running this country.

GO TRUMP - yer da man!

Business and government are polar opposites.

Multi-millionaires of business go into government while losers in government join a business.

Business people in government rarely get the fundamental point that government is for the public interest and the common good, while business serves the demand of goods and services for profit.

Even the most extreme rightwhingers fully well recognize and accept the best government is the one that governs least but most importantly has a balanced budget. Nobody I know went into business to celebrate a small budget that breaks even.

Trump as a potus would spend and borrow as if he were Ronnie Reagan and GW on steroids backed up by a Chapter 11 at the Fed. Jeb is pathetic but would have to be more fiscally cautious than The Donald, Ronnie Red Ink or Jebbie's big bro.

Edited by Publicus
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OK...NeverSure ..you got me.........my only excuse is that I am a retarded Aussie ...... so I have been patiently waiting for some one to tell me what 352 means....however as the days go on &--no one else asked----- as they all seem to know........

I've got to be the dummy from down under & say.....what's it all mean ...........coffee1.gif


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OK...NeverSure ..you got me.........my only excuse is that I am a retarded Aussie ...... so I have been patiently waiting for some one to tell me what 352 means....however as the days go on &--no one else asked----- as they all seem to know........

I've got to be the dummy from down under & say.....what's it all mean ...........coffee1.gif

I've got dual nationality and at one time had 3 different passports. I can't figure it out either, so you aren't the only dummy on the forum!

351. The number of days left until we inaugurate a new POTUS.

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The Reps are really showing themselves as a tired bunch of old horses. Kasich is the best of the bunch still standing, and that's not saying much.

Of the many things that can be said about Trump's drawbacks, there hasn't been much mention of what a flip-flopper he can be. If you follow the things he's said, you'll see he changes direction more often than a cat chasing a bouncing red rubber ball across a rocky stream bed. He loves a certain someone, then he hates her. He's all for a particular policy, then, when he's asked an in-depth question about it, he will declare the opposite. Just two of many examples: He says Chinese are much smarter than Americans re; business. Then he'll say Americans are the smartest people in the world. Similar with Mexicans. One minute he says they're much smarter than Americans, the next minute he says their rapists and murderers are coming across the border illegally.

Re; the 'loser' label: Trump lost 4 years ago: Remember Romney won that nomination?

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At this point Jeb must realize it just isn't in the cards. He's just so consumed with animus toward Trump that he hangs around to do whatever damage he can.

At this point Donald must realize it just isn't in the cards. He's just so consumed with animus toward

Bush that he hangs around to do whatever damage he can.

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Trump's not really a 'front runner.' He'll likely win NH, but there are a whole lot more delegates needed. It's Rubio who's the scariest. Did you notice how, in the most recent debate, when he was pestered by Christie, how Rubio not only didn't answer the challenges tossed at him, but he repeated an off-topic memorization THREE TIMES: "Obama knows what he's doing......." Christie even shook his head on the 3rd time, and said, 'oh dear, here he goes again.' Rubio was like an automaton who was only programmed to repeat his stump speech. If he'd been asked what he had for lunch, he would have started by saying, "Obama knows what he's doing......"

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Jeb still has money to spend. He'll be around for awhile, hoping for that brokered convention miracle nomination.

I think Trump has about 60 days left. He'll declare victory and go back to the reality TV gig. He's running on vanity fumes at this point. He doesn't want to be President. He's way out of his league but continues to say that crap uneducated, prejudiced people want to hear.

Cruz is a far too unlikeable and a maniac. Rubio has shown himself to be robotic and shallow.

I don't see any Republican candidate left standing. They're all badly flawed, right wing lunatics and unelectable.

There is Kasich. I see him as the last hope for the Republicans. A respectable finish in New Hampshire and he's running with the big dogs. He may not be right wing enough for the base, though.

Who is the favorite here? I've lost the plot on the Republican nomination. Whoever wins NH, I guess is the front runner. Who cares? They're going to lose.

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You guys are a laugh. There are big rumors of a shakeup in the Hillary campaign this morning. She must sense that she's losing. I have a suggestion for her campaign. Get rid of Hillary.

Would you rather vote for a sack of rusty nails, or an old woman who hides emails and has collected more than $21 million from Wall street for speeches in the last two years? Who do you think owns her? Link At that same link, Bill was paid another $26 million by Wall Street. They are bought and paid for.

We're going to find out who the "loser" is, now aren't we? It ain't Trump.


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Americans are sick of these phony 1%ers who sell themselves to Wall Street and other big donors and then never do what they promised they'd do. Insiders are out this year. Bush the loser is still in the campaign only because he has so much money from big contributors. They thought they could buy the election but they were wrong.

So just check off all of the insiders and cross them off your list because they are toast. Clintons and Bushes are big time insiders and aren't on anyone's Christmas card list this year.

Jeb Bush is a loser because WE are sick of the Bushes and their ilk. We are sick of big campaign contributions because anyone who doesn't believe there are strings attached is an idiot. This is the year of the outsider.


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Did you notice how, in the most recent debate, when he was pestered by Christie, how Rubio not only didn't answer the challenges tossed at him, but he repeated an off-topic memorization THREE TIMES: "Obama knows what he's doing......."

That shows how much you know. Rubio WAS answering the question and he was NOT off topic. The problem was that he kept using the exact same (memorized) phrase to answer it.

The question was about Rubio's youth and inexperience and comparing him to Obama, but Rubio said that youth and inexperience were not Obama's problem. It was his ideology. Obama might not have had much political experience, but he got the stimulus through; he got ObamaCare through; he made a dubious deal with Iran and proclaimed a dubious mass amnesty via executive action. These are all bad things from the Republican point of view, but his youth and inexperience did not stop Obama from changing America, as he claimed that he would do in 2008: "Obama knows what he is doing".

Edited by Ulysses G.
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