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Father 'stressed' over being ignored by ex-wife allegedly shoots his 4 kids in their sleep

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Horrible event.........RiP the lovely, innocent kids...........

Why is this type of incident becoming so prevalent nowadays here in Thailand.........??

because many thai men are mambsy pambsy , wish wasy , underdeveloped mama's boys . who always were given their " way " by there mom's . they have no social skills , no problem solving techniques and a lack of family values . their father was not there or did not care that his son was a potential mass murderer . have you ever wondered why you only see Thai women working ? it is because the job does not pay enough , the job has bad hours , the job is to hard , the job is not a cool job , it interferes with their x box time . it is no wonder more are not shot .................RIP children

Only see Thai women working ??. I think you need to get out of the bar and have a look at the real Thailand. Every Thai male friend I have has a job, some low paid, some such as engineers, Graphic design, etc.

People kill their kids in every country. I think it is more mental illness than thainess as you are alluding to.

But I do concede that males from bargirl type families can be lazy from her father, to the brother, to the absent father of her child. As is the bargirl herself. It is not a real job is it?

Bargirls like telling farangs customers "Thai man no good". I always find it a bit ironic that the person saying that is, well, a whore.


I don't understand these small minded man, I had marital problems too

and I did not kill my kids for that, unbelievable poor kids,

R.I.P. Little ones


Ok. I will put myself in the firing line and say that whilst this is an enormous tragedy and that the man is entirely to blame for what he did, we should also consider the other side of the coin.

This type of thing is happening in many countries and I believe that there is more to it than meets the eye.

Any man that has ever been involved with a woman will know what can be done by them without remorse whatsoever.

That the guy is an animal goes without saying but the psychology behind the event remains to be seen.

This is a reasonable thought. Women separating fathers from their children can be an act of evil many men cannot stand. I understand it

at least. I have been threatened with it for no good reason than the mother's selfishness. It darkens my mind like few other of life's events.

There may have well been less provocation here, however it is a good point to make, to say it can cloud a man's reason beyond his boundaries.

Here in Thailand where violent repercussions are frequently de rigeur, this result is definitely on the cards.


Ok. I will put myself in the firing line and say that whilst this is an enormous tragedy and that the man is entirely to blame for what he did, we should also consider the other side of the coin.

This type of thing is happening in many countries and I believe that there is more to it than meets the eye.

Any man that has ever been involved with a woman will know what can be done by them without remorse whatsoever.

That the guy is an animal goes without saying but the psychology behind the event remains to be seen.

I find it frustratingly difficult to disagree with anything you said C/720. Sociopathy is frequently not gender-specific, especially in LOS. Plenty to go around. However, if this was a crime of passion, directing it at the kids would be the (forgive me) "mother" of all narcissistic acts. By the same token, prolonged exposure to certain situations and personality types can distort thinking to such a degree that it might have appeared to this father in his moment of despair, that he was doing the only thing he could to ultimately protect the kids and others from a certain fate, having begun to see or imagine similar maternal characteristics in one, or perhaps all of the children. Not an excuse, but maybe a reason.

I realize this is all conjecture given the dearth of background information, and I extrapolate based on personal experience, having found myself confronted with perhaps a similar, seemingly endless quandary. So I put this forth as one of many possibilities. In any event, having dealt with what could only be described as sheer madness for a period of a few years, I came to the only conclusion I could; my own wants and needs from the moment of awareness of my circumstances forward, would have to go on the sacrificial altar. In the interests of doing whatever would be necessary to foment some semblance of stability and safety within my daughter's family/sphere of existence, I would have to focus on everyone but me. Not easily swallowed by someone who himself is not entirely devoid of narcissistic tendencies. For me, this meant walling myself off from pretty much everyone (especially, but not limited to, Thai women) in a very cheap cubicle, scheduling work as close to 7 days a week as possible, and putting all emphasis and focus on my little girl and whatever small gestures I could make within my community.

The true enemy when we find ourselves at the mercy of certain entities, is oftentimes our own thoughts, imaginations and impulses. These must be reined in at all costs. It is important to note that the long-term success of my approach, or any other for that matter, is far from guaranteed; I can't tell you how many times I have considered pulling the plug. So it goes. I have been here long enough to know, and take no small comfort from the knowledge, that I am not alone in this. I have said this from the beginning; Southeast Asia in general, and Thailand in specific, are not for the squeamish. Best of luck, to everyone.


And lo,another Thai family totally destroyed over one mans stupid,selfish behavior. I cannot imagine what was going through his childish mind."Oh! so

you dont want me? Ok i will kill the kids.that will teach you!"My God what sort of people are these?..Oh wait a minute..lest we forget,it must have been a foreigner that got into the house and did it,because 'no Thai could do this.'



Sadly this man may have been mentally ill. Killing your family is just not something that any sane person can do.

take out 'may have been' replace with 'was'



Horrible event.........RiP the lovely, innocent kids...........

Why is this type of incident becoming so prevalent nowadays here in Thailand.........??

I well might be wrong. But on a daily basis i see Thai mothers 'molly coddling' their precious sons, often at the expense of daughters. Many are spoiled rotten and then this is the result.


Horrible event.........RiP the lovely, innocent kids...........

Why is this type of incident becoming so prevalent nowadays here in Thailand.........??

I well might be wrong. But on a daily basis i see Thai mothers 'molly coddling' their precious sons, often at the expense of daughters. Many are spoiled rotten and then this is the result.

I have had this conversation with a couple of Thai, male friends. One couldn't speak about it, the other was very open and honest about it.

The friend that did share his thoughts, echoed what you state here. He said something like, becoming a monk can bring luck to the family and most families think like this (not unique to LOS tho). He also stated that normally the men are more successful, contrary to what you may see at times but definitely true when you consider the status men have above ladies here. Which brings us back to your point about the boys being spoiled.

Something that does ring true more than anything though is it's kind of like a life cycle. Most guys are spoiled as a youngster. They then leave the brood and choose a lady that dotes on them like their mother, takes care of him and the kids and yes, spoils him too.

Again, this probably isn't just the case for Thailand but this is what a friend shared with me so put your knives away please.smile.png


Oh, its true alright. This molly coddled mummy's boy, like most Thai men, wasn't getting what he wanted, in his way, when he wanted it and so did what he seen to be the correct thing to do. Went into a selfish rage and punished his wife for not holding him, coming to him when called and not giving him his way.

I see it everyday with young Thai boys and full grown Thai men. It's scary, it really is. RIP to his dear children.

Quite apart from the tragedy described here in which innocents have died, it's a miracle how perceptive, all-seeing and deeply skilled in diagnosis some can be when the victims bodies are barely cold.

You should be ashamed of your rush to judgment when knowing virtually nothing of the circumstances surrounding the case.

thequietman has nothing to be ashamed of. He is making the same observations that many Thais as well as foreigners make every day. A lot of (especially low class) Thai men are spoilt little mummy's boys who hate not getting their own way and resort to violence. Fact, not opinion.

You should be ashamed of yourself for defending scum like that.


Ok. I will put myself in the firing line and say that whilst this is an enormous tragedy and that the man is entirely to blame for what he did, we should also consider the other side of the coin.

This type of thing is happening in many countries and I believe that there is more to it than meets the eye.

Any man that has ever been involved with a woman will know what can be done by them without remorse whatsoever.

That the guy is an animal goes without saying but the psychology behind the event remains to be seen.

Indeed.... But more common than probably believed.

On the street side, outside the western Australian family court, is a protestors stand, claiming equal rights for men ( along that line anyway) and it's been there for a couple of decades, usually manned.

The swings and roundabouts of gender equality have seen an (perceived) overcompensation to the female, side, and with more "equality" given to women, we will probably see more violent outbursts against women.... I suppose you could call it a backlash.... especially in societies that are more male dominated.

So sad that I this instance, four kids have born the brunt of violence... RIP kids.


I learned in high school that women come and they go. No reason to stress over them and definitely no reason to kill because of them.

That is a good emotion to learn early on. The older culture here never allowed that at early ages, so the kids never learned to lose a crush.

When these idiots lose a wife, gf or argument, they resort to irrational behavior.

Ok. I will put myself in the firing line and say that whilst this is an enormous tragedy and that the man is entirely to blame for what he did, we should also consider the other side of the coin.

This type of thing is happening in many countries and I believe that there is more to it than meets the eye.

Any man that has ever been involved with a woman will know what can be done by them without remorse whatsoever.

That the guy is an animal goes without saying but the psychology behind the event remains to be seen.

This is a reasonable thought. Women separating fathers from their children can be an act of evil many men cannot stand. I understand it

at least. I have been threatened with it for no good reason than the mother's selfishness. It darkens my mind like few other of life's events.

There may have well been less provocation here, however it is a good point to make, to say it can cloud a man's reason beyond his boundaries.

Here in Thailand where violent repercussions are frequently de rigeur, this result is definitely on the cards.

I agree, it's an evil act and the men cannot process it... but take it out on the aggressor, not the innocent kids.

sadly Thai jealousy rears its ugly head again, r.i.p.

I don't think it's jealousy as much as it is the inability to process emotions in a reasonable manner. They go too far and maybe because of the losing face stupidity.


Ok. I will put myself in the firing line and say that whilst this is an enormous tragedy and that the man is entirely to blame for what he did, we should also consider the other side of the coin.

This type of thing is happening in many countries and I believe that there is more to it than meets the eye.

Any man that has ever been involved with a woman will know what can be done by them without remorse whatsoever.

That the guy is an animal goes without saying but the psychology behind the event remains to be seen.

There maybe "excuses" for what he did BUT that is not a reason to do it - particularly to murder children! Absolutely NO reason at all. coffee1.gif

His ex has also paid a high price but not the ultimate price.

Anger management, it seems, is not practiced in Thailand. Perhaps some "attitude adjustment" by better education of the young is desperately called for? Attitude adjustment seems to be easily given for some but not those who kill or mistreat children.


I learned in high school that women come and they go. No reason to stress over them and definitely no reason to kill because of them.

While you might be right there is something you forgot

- there were children and in most cases women behave like they own them (having the force of the law behind them)

and they take away from the man what he loves most

(just to consider - I don't know if this was what happened in this case)

Oh I definitely know about that. Because of the poor job my daughter's mom was doing, the court gave me custody when she was 13. But they both made my life a living hell so I went to the court and gave her back (it was what they both wanted). The judge even warned her mom that she would drop out of school at 16, and that she did. I did not get to see or talk to my daughter for 5 years and now that she is 19 years old she is back in my life. And I am happy to say that although she did not finish school and went through a lot of growing pains, she has become an upstanding and productive citizen. She has her own apartment and 2 jobs and just got a car. I am still proud of her and happy that I get to spend time with her now considering all the years we lost due to her mom's bs.

I learned in high school that women come and they go. No reason to stress over them and definitely no reason to kill because of them.

This is not a fellow that was in high school...sure women can come and go at that time..this is very different. Lots of Thai women are devious and not to be easily trusted. In most cases..they deserve what's coming to them...


Horrible event.........RiP the lovely, innocent kids...........

Why is this type of incident becoming so prevalent nowadays here in Thailand.........??

Why is this sort of behaviour becoming so prevalent ? Because most thai males have the mentality of young children, are spoiled rotten from birth, and think that the world is their oyster. When actual events don,t match their expectations they are incapable of reacting in a mature fashion :(


Oh, its true alright. This molly coddled mummy's boy, like most Thai men, wasn't getting what he wanted, in his way, when he wanted it and so did what he seen to be the correct thing to do. Went into a selfish rage and punished his wife for not holding him, coming to him when called and not giving him his way.

I see it everyday with young Thai boys and full grown Thai men. It's scary, it really is. RIP to his dear children.

Quite apart from the tragedy described here in which innocents have died, it's a miracle how perceptive, all-seeing and deeply skilled in diagnosis some can be when the victims bodies are barely cold.

You should be ashamed of your rush to judgment when knowing virtually nothing of the circumstances surrounding the case.

NO circumstances................NONE sir.......warrant the taking of the lives of four innocent children. I don't care how distressed he was. What kind of person does this kind of thing? Selfish,


Oh, its true alright. This molly coddled mummy's boy, like most Thai men, wasn't getting what he wanted, in his way, when he wanted it and so did what he seen to be the correct thing to do. Went into a selfish rage and punished his wife for not holding him, coming to him when called and not giving him his way.

I have some sympathy for the guy,

Having had the same thing done to me by my British wife.

But I walked away without killing the kids I will never be allowed to see again.

It would have been good to have got back at her in some way, but not like that.


Oh, its true alright. This molly coddled mummy's boy, like most Thai men, wasn't getting what he wanted, in his way, when he wanted it and so did what he seen to be the correct thing to do. Went into a selfish rage and punished his wife for not holding him, coming to him when called and not giving him his way.

I see it everyday with young Thai boys and full grown Thai men. It's scary, it really is. RIP to his dear children.

Just tow days ago,a young Thai stabbed his prrety 21 years old SM uni student to deat because she asked him to quit playing video games all the time and start looking for a job!! he propably felt that she hurt his"manhood" by critisizing him.I come from an under-developped 3rd world country myself,where you find many men,including educated ones,believe that women are created to satisfy their sexual needs.It seems that some Thai,and other Asian,men believe that women should also satisfy their financail needs as well.


Sorry but .22 Magnum is there such a handgun? Sounds like a bit of a contradiction.

I know it not important.

What an evil and selfish thing to do, RIP you poor inoccents.


Ok. I will put myself in the firing line and say that whilst this is an enormous tragedy and that the man is entirely to blame for what he did, we should also consider the other side of the coin.

This type of thing is happening in many countries and I believe that there is more to it than meets the eye.

Any man that has ever been involved with a woman will know what can be done by them without remorse whatsoever.

That the guy is an animal goes without saying but the psychology behind the event remains to be seen.

I'll put myself on the firing line and call you a "khwai".


Oh, its true alright. This molly coddled mummy's boy, like most Thai men, wasn't getting what he wanted, in his way, when he wanted it and so did what he seen to be the correct thing to do. Went into a selfish rage and punished his wife for not holding him, coming to him when called and not giving him his way.

I see it everyday with young Thai boys and full grown Thai men. It's scary, it really is. RIP to his dear children.

and your insightful, studied, unbiased, detached, un-ethnocentric and expert insights into the mass murder shooters...school and otherwise in the U.S please? I just know psychologists from round the world are waiting with baited breath to learn from your analysis

I have recently been reflecting on the countless Thai males I see in the capital who appear to work their <deleted> off EVERY DAY—especially in construction and food preparation. I have seen this over a number of years, and it belies the claims from two Western women made when I first arrived in The Kingdom.


Sadly this man may have been mentally ill. Killing your family is just not something that any sane person can do.

Thank you for not using this for an ignorant tirade about Thai males. Mental health is clearly the underlying issue here.


I have recently been reflecting on the countless Thai males I see in the capital who appear to work their <deleted> off EVERY DAYespecially in construction and food preparation. I have seen this over a number of years, and it belies the claims from two Western women made when I first arrived in The Kingdom.

Usually Burmese or Cambodian.

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