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Thai Village Noise, Finally Had Enough.


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Frankly, i don't think 'white noise' is beneficial, in the long run. Sure when the horrid noise keeps you awake at night ear plugs, white noise, industrial ear muffs (my personal choice) may provide some relief. But to be continually surrounded by 'white noise' is merely substituting one intrusive for another.

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Not like me im a early riser to do my cycling

Me too, I cycle till I drop ...... then nothing will keep me awake.

I 2nd this...wife and I cycled the back way all dirt road to the Queens Garden......omg...I slept so good.....that (for us) was tough...but oh so nice too....going back was great...all down hill.:)

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In my case, especially when the local temple (some 500 meters away) has an annual celebration such as a temple fair, the bass pounding can actually be felt vibrating my cement floors and rattling my windows. The noise can be unbearable for hours into the night.

As a solution I stay a night or two at an economical hotel. It's a bit extreme, I know, but it immediately and totally relieves the stress.

Another thing that has eased the frustration (read anger) a bit also is just knowing where the noise is coming from. Driving around the neighborhood, tracking down the source, and seeing what's really going on does help to some extent. At least that's true for me. Surprisingly, it puts a different perspective on things, even though the noise continues.

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Okay ... call to prayer... whether it is lovely or not is personal perception ... I find it grating and intrusive. If only the Mosque was blaring out the noise it might be okay as the Mosque is 1/2 kilometer away. It is just that the Muslims have strung wire and hung loud speakers on power polls that 1/2 K. Distance.. All done without authorization ... just pushing their practices on the non Muslim community

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While it obviously doesn't provide any sort of solution, my theory as to why Thais are so drawn to such extreme behaviour lies in the huge social stratification that exists.

In a country where it is of paramount importance to position each and every individual as either above or below you so as to interact with them in the "correct" way, the unconsciously driven blow-back is inevitably enormous.

Look at the language - the most important tag applied to people is age, allocating status - Not gender, as in most other societies. Even identical twins are split into pee and nong, with their familial roles cast, from birth. The 'rules' on wai-ing visually reinforce the whole charade for all to see.

With this kind of extreme stratification - down to each and every individual, it is no wonder than they sub-consciously want to scream and shout about who they are and how much they have enabling them to project themselves as far and wide as possible.

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anything that occurs in thailand is explained with "up to them" by my gf.

"why do they need to play LOUD music @4am"? "up to them".

"why does the woman across the road keep her chickens in a tiny tin box so they sqwack all day and night"? "up to them"

why do the set fire to the mountainside when they cant grow anything there after unless they use climbing gear to work there?" "up to them" and so on.........

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What gets me about these functions/parties is that they invariably position the speakers so that they are facing out. That means that everyone at the party is behind the speakers. They also tend to mount speakers on poles or the roof of the house. This can only be intentional to make the noise travel as far as possible. If you are at the party and behind the speakers, it is actually quieter than it is for all the neighbours that they are annoying.

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My heart bleeds for you, OP! No, really.... I would go berserk living in a village in Thailand. My advice to you: move to the big city (there's only one in Thailand). Can be very quiet, depending on where you choose to stay.

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My heart bleeds for you, OP! No, really.... I would go berserk living in a village in Thailand. My advice to you: move to the big city (there's only one in Thailand). Can be very quiet, depending on where you choose to stay.

5555555, nothing else to say!

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I live at Nong Khwai and it doesn't bother me at all.

The OP says his tables are literally vibrating at two Ks away and it does not bother you???

I would think a visit to a hearing aid specialist is in order.

Edited by possum1931
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I live at Nongkwai, just off the Samoeng Road. As I type this at 11.45pm I hear the inane drivel of Thai Village Karaoke but this time ( its happened before) the volume is louder than the Woodstock or Isle Of Wight festivals from all those years ago, I mean, really, really loud, so much so that items on tables in my house are literally vibrating with the volume and bass.

I know its a question thats been posed many times before, but I ll pose it again.....why the hell does the noise have to be ramped up to a point where its unbearable for us 2 kilometres away, heaven knows what its like at the venue, its unbelievable, just totally outrageously ridiculous.

Are these people thick, stupid, cloth eared, deaf.......or a combination of all these elements. Stupid, stupid stupid and rude and unthinking and it cant possibly be pleasant for the majority of the people attending.

Now heres the "coup de grace". Do you know what this jolly late night of fun and frolics is for? Its to "celebrate and commemorate" the opening of a new funeral/ crematorium/ burning place for the dead. Kind of sums it all up doesnt it?

You're right, it's all those things you say. I live on the edge of a golf course yet have to close all doors and windows every night to shut out noise from a venue which must be at least 3km away. Even then it's still loud enough to be annoying.

If I ever make a move to another country, fleeing base-heavy noise will be the reason.

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People who like different things than we do are not necessarily stupid - they just like different things... I like quiet. I understand it is upsetting even to have the bass notes vibrate softly in my home - it is an unwanted intrusion into my life - but not that bad and I live with it on rare occasions here. If I were to run out and call everyone stupid for doing what they like - well, then I would be the... well, never mind.

They are stupid, and selfish, have they no thought for the damage they could be doing to babies and young childrens hearing who are living in the house, or nearby?

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Ok, Thanks all for your "helpful and sympathetic" (Not!) responses. Its morning now and gone. I suppose my post last night was borne out of the frustration of just how loud this was. Honestly, it wasnt just the usual village event, I m used to those, I ve been here eleven years, this one last night was ramped up to a noise level where you could hardly hear the telly on full volume, and it was across an open field from me so perhaps I was the nearest "Falang" house to this "evening of entertainment".

If this had been in the UK, the "noise abatement" authority would have gone in and turned it down ( they forced a Bruce Springsteen concert in a stadium to reduce the volume last year!) but of course, no such authority exists here.

So, apologies for my grumpiness last night, but it really was a lot more awful than it normally is !!!!

You have answered your own problem. Move to the UK

that wasn't so hard now was it?

He probably can't afford all the taxes, and the prospect of his family or relations having to convert to Islam in the years ahead.

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if you can't beat them join them...i don't mean wander over to their place but rather invest in some heavy artillery yourself...nothing like a compilation of 'name your poison' played at obscenely loud volumes...very good medicine for my soul

suggested start for your play list..Alan Parsons Project.. I Robot ... i wouldn't want to be like you ....


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Even festival noise is not allowed to go on beyond 11 0'clock. I have stopped a teachers retirement party by calling the police, they actually came and it stopped, of course the police told the host who called them but most people in the village supported me.

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I rent a new condo, 20th floor, there is a Thai Nightclub which I was unaware at the time of moving in next door along with a estate of 20 houses.The music starts around 9 and goes on to after 2. The condo is mostly Thai occupied, I asked the Thai fella in the reception if anyone ever complained about the noise, nope, Thai people don't complain. It wouldnt be so bad if the singer was decent !

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if you can't beat them join them...i don't mean wander over to their place but rather invest in some heavy artillery yourself...nothing like a compilation of 'name your poison' played at obscenely loud volumes...very good medicine for my soul

suggested start for your play list..Alan Parsons Project.. I Robot ... i wouldn't want to be like you ....


doesn't bother them in the least, or if it does they don't say so.

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just hit the piss as I do every day ... burp.gif I start at 8.30am and fall asleep at 8.30pm ..... pissed as !!

If what you say is true Steven, how long has this being going on? Also, and why are you still alive.

The two very heavy drinkers who lived near me when I first came to Thailand are now dead.

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Ok, Thanks all for your "helpful and sympathetic" (Not!) responses. Its morning now and gone. I suppose my post last night was borne out of the frustration of just how loud this was. Honestly, it wasnt just the usual village event, I m used to those, I ve been here eleven years, this one last night was ramped up to a noise level where you could hardly hear the telly on full volume, and it was across an open field from me so perhaps I was the nearest "Falang" house to this "evening of entertainment".

If this had been in the UK, the "noise abatement" authority would have gone in and turned it down ( they forced a Bruce Springsteen concert in a stadium to reduce the volume last year!) but of course, no such authority exists here.

So, apologies for my grumpiness last night, but it really was a lot more awful than it normally is !!!!

You have answered your own problem. Move to the UK

that wasn't so hard now was it?

Ah... He's "attacking"/criticizing Thailand, so he should Go Home To His Own Country. Classic ThaiVisa comment from an angry old man with nothing better to do than rack up his post count with nonsense posts.

Another one of the "if you don't like it go home" brigade.

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