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Yensabai Coindotel


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Sorry, thats Yensabai Condotel ....

About 11 pm tonight the alarm bells were ringing in the Yensabai Condo, right here in Pattaya.

Many people evacutated and gathered downstairs with lots of belongings but some had nothing. I walked down as did many people but some took the evelator.

Suprisingly or perhaps not, the staff lost all English language skills ... no action, no police, no fire department. Some residents talked about the Jomtien disaster of a few years ago.

After a lot of pressure a call went in to J*saon, one of the upper management staff, son of *nn, the day-to-day boss. I was handed the phone from the desk staff and he told me that not to worry, that it was a long weekend. I told him this was entirely inadequate. And a bit more. And I ripped off the sign that said not to use the elevators in case of a fire, putting it on the desk.

In the past I butted horns with this fellow and he has threatened me, in Thai, using my gf as a conduit.

I really feel intimidated by the upper managment staff here; perhaps I'll move when my contract is up. If I make it that far.

Edited by NewGuy
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The owner of that place owns lots of other property in that area and is a very rich man indeed ( so coindotel is quite fitting :o )..best not to cause too much trouble face to face....

My Mrs had a run in with Miss Sukunya Youyen ,by all accounts the managemnt there are tyrants :D

Do you live on a high floor ?? :D ( no just kidding )

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Well NewGuy,

hang in there..........Yensabai was my first "home" in Thailand. Planned to stay for 6 months but after 27 days I moved, leaving my deposit behind, but first I had to pay the electric bill and the water usage of course. Unexpected nett profit for the management: 10,000 THB. There was another guy ready to move in right after I left.

My God what a place...............and the management.........yes indeed, the "american" speaking Jason, like an ale and then there is this Mrs. Ann (or was?) what a crap!!!

Yensabai, one of the ripp off joints in Pattaya ad for this kind of money there are a lot of nice places.

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Lived there about 4 months in 2003 ( I think ).

Here was my BAD experience there...

Went out one night in Jomtiem for a meal with a girlfriend, on the way back I managed to crash my Honda motorbike at about 70km/h, coming up the hill out of Jomtien, near soi Theprassit junction. I wrote the bike off and seriously hurt the girlfriend. Two young Thai guys (about my age) in a pickup took me, girl and bike to soi 8 hospital. I was cut up bad down the left side and jeans ripped to shreds etc. The girl was stable and amazingly no broken bones between us. They kept her in hospital overnight. They wanted me to stay also but I hate hospitals, was scared because I had drunk a couple of beers before the crash (stupid I know) and was generally full of adrenalin, so I caught a taxi motorbike back to Yensabai. The idea was to change and shower (clothes hangin off and I am covered in blood!) then head back to hospital.

When I got back, realised that I had not got my room key, it must have come out of my pocket during crash, and was lost. My room was high up (8th floor I remember) so no way to get in.

Please bear in mind that at this point I have NO keys, NO mobile (broke), very little money on me, my door is locked, I am freaked out totally, covered in blood with one shoe on, jeans hanging off, my girlfriend is in hospital and I'm essentially thousands of miles from home. It was around 10pm.

I needed to get in, I considered knocking on next door and climbing around the balcony but it couldn't be done on a good day with no wind, let alone when you've just crashed a bike quite badly!!

So I did what I think most people would do, I went downstairs, explained what had happened to the security and counter staff that the one and only key I had was lost, mobile was broke so I couldn't call the guy I was renting the room off, and asked them if they could help me break in. My Thai is not bad, they understood me. I'm not joking when I say that, of the two security staff, one found it funny and walked off to tell the motorbike taxi guys about the 'stupid falang' (they'd obviously seen me pull up minus my bike and covered in blood beforehand) and the other one flatly refused to help and walked off. The woman on the counter simply shrugged her shoulders and amazingly had managed to forget the English language in one day as well as suddenly becoming unable to understand my Thai!!

At this point a middle-aged German guy came into the reception with his girlfriend. He took one look at me and said '<deleted> happened to you?!'. I explained everything. 'These B*stards wont help you' he said. Anyway, it turned out he lived on same floor. We ended up kicking my door until the lock gave. I never saw him again (thanks man!) but only because of him I got into room. (Thanks to his girlfriend for calming me down with her kind words too).

The best of it is, the next day the Managment actually complained to me (quite vehemently as well!) for MAKING NOISE!!! They did this as I was helping my girlfriend out of a taxi - she was ON CRUTCHES!!!!!!!! I was told that if I made this amount of noise I would be asked to leave the condo for good. I tried to explain but it was to deaf ears.

Couple of things I must say to conclude;

I honestly don't know why I was treated like that, it's beyond me.

I don't care who owns Yensabai or how rich he is, his staff had no morals or professionalism that night, they should have been fired for attitude alone.

I lived in Thailand for 4 years, this was possibly the WORST I was ever treated, 99.9% of the time I have always found Thai people to be very helpful and kind.

I moved out within 10 days, when I didn't hurt enough so that I could lift boxes etc.

The girlfriend was fine after, I'm not with her anymore but spoke to her last year and she is well. We spoke about this night and she still can't believe it either.

Yensabai can kiss my sweet lily *ss.

Thanks, sorry it was so long.....

Nathan S/



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Quite a story. I think I would have called the Tourist Police or as the poster above said you could "have just gone to the hospital". I fault the condo staff for their uncaring attitude but they were strictly enforcing the rules. Did you really expect them to help you "break in" to your unit?

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Quite a story. I think I would have called the Tourist Police or as the poster above said you could "have just gone to the hospital". I fault the condo staff for their uncaring attitude but they were strictly enforcing the rules. Did you really expect them to help you "break in" to your unit?

Surely, the staff could have got a locksmith? Or sent for the police?

Yes, the OP could have gone back to hospital. But he had just been in a serious accident and was not thinking straight.

Do condos employ night time desk staff? Where I live we are on our own from 5pm to 8am except for a guard.

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Quite a story. I think I would have called the Tourist Police or as the poster above said you could "have just gone to the hospital". I fault the condo staff for their uncaring attitude but they were strictly enforcing the rules. Did you really expect them to help you "break in" to your unit?

Surely, the staff could have got a locksmith? Or sent for the police?

Yes, the OP could have gone back to hospital. But he had just been in a serious accident and was not thinking straight.

Do condos employ night time desk staff? Where I live we are on our own from 5pm to 8am except for a guard.

At this condo there are night guards (often sleeping) and a night clerk in the lobby. Finding a locksmith at that late hour (?); calling the cops perhaps a better alternative.

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