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Early death.. Good luck?!


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My Thai female friend mentioned to me that she will live short life and die soon. Cheery girl, I know. She is only 42 years old and believes that her good previous life (how she knows?) means you will die young in this life. A bad previous life means a long drawn out awful life and live until your 90.

Her comments were all around sad and amazing to hear. Is this sort of thinking common in Thailand?

Fortunately she never mentioned an early demise, for me, by hanging around her!

Edited by 1happykamper
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Pure random luck, genetic dispositions, lifetime habits, environment, personality, risk tolerance. All these factors combined assures no one knows when their last day may be. Tomorrow or 50 years from tomorrow.

Edited by jerojero
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I have a Gf who became a Christian in High School and hasnt been back to Church since. Fine with me. My last wife of way to long was a nutter for Buddha and all the phony fanfare. I hope to never ever have anymore houses , cars or businesses blessed. Or fortunes told. .........

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It is a very common Buddhist perception and belief. It's not meant as a downer but quite optimistic to your friend as she anticipates a better rebirth or a complete break from Samsara (cycle of rebirth) and the achievement of Nirvana.

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Thais believe in about a million things

Don't kid yourself on that one

Do you really think all those spirit houses are for the benefit of the actual Ghosts? - or are they really there simply for the benefit of the living Thais - to facilitate an arcane, self-fulfilled prophesy based in Animism?sad.pngthumbsup.gifwai2.gifwhistling.gif

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It is a very common Buddhist perception and belief. It's not meant as a downer but quite optimistic to your friend as she anticipates a better rebirth or a complete break from Samsara (cycle of rebirth) and the achievement of Nirvana.

Some people try to put a positive spin on anything. Well for me it is morbid. I am pretty sure that even Buddhist principles advocate a long and fruitful life as possible. I still feel it is a negative belief no matter how you try and 'fluff' it up. I would avoid her like the plague as a negative, energy drainer.

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I have a Gf who became a Christian in High School and hasnt been back to Church since. Fine with me. My last wife of way to long was a nutter for Buddha and all the phony fanfare. I hope to never ever have anymore houses , cars or businesses blessed. Or fortunes told. .........

Not sure there is a point to going to church as the non-existant "God" seem to care so much about you, yes YOU. Only the Milky way alone have like 200 billion stars (not counting planets) and Milky way is a infinitely puny galaxy in the universe.... but remember... "God" monitors your masturbation.

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It's a terrible thing - I've got loads of characteristics that should increase longevity (very low cholesterol and blood pressure, low resting heart...the lot) and yet I'm bored shitless already, and I'm only 50. People want to live forever, and yet they struggle to fill a Sunday afternoon. biggrin.png

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I never talk to Thais about life or death or anything in-between. They dont have a clue and are completely disconnected from reality.

Strange, ignorant or racist - take your pick.
why racist?

His not talking about all Asian race only Thai;). May be his Asia race people.

Haha. But if his be Thai people and say this is his be who?;)

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In Buddhism, "Death ends all suffering."

I think some people interpret and extrapolate into other meanings and conclusions. As with most religions, there are those who commercialize for their personal advantage.

Please any religion its be already interpretion some think.
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Many Thai females feel there is not much point doing anything past 50. I have heard this from a range of social classes but not really from seriously middle class and upwards.

I don't know if it is related to

1) A general lack of ambition and enthusiasm for life

2) The Thai focus on women's power is related to their beauty only.

3) Buddhist teaching regarding the status of women.

4) Laziness and fatalistic thinking.

5) The reality of Thai society that women past 50 are not empowered unless holding senior positions in management or the govt. bureacracy.

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I have a Gf who became a Christian in High School and hasnt been back to Church since. Fine with me. My last wife of way to long was a nutter for Buddha and all the phony fanfare. I hope to never ever have anymore houses , cars or businesses blessed. Or fortunes told. .........

Not sure there is a point to going to church as the non-existant "God" seem to care so much about you, yes YOU. Only the Milky way alone have like 200 billion stars (not counting planets) and Milky way is a infinitely puny galaxy in the universe.... but remember... "God" monitors your masturbation.

Hes got shares in Kleenex.[emoji547]️
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