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Dual Pricing again


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OK Einstein when you start to insinuate that you were in some way trying to set humour as an excuse for your lack of any sensible comments, in answering point for point statements in my posts, you are scraping the barrel and attempting a smoke screen away, from the fact that your point of view, doesn't really cut any ice in the real world where I exist

But go on, I will go with the flow on this one and let you off the hook for not answering my post in a chronological and meaningful manner.

You realised that you were on a loser with this one and ignored all my reasons for justifying my point of view that dual pricing is very much a Racist action!

Whatever the reason for it and I perfectly accept that economics could be one of them, opportunism is another, greed is another, maybe there are many more.

The fact is that for whatever reason stimulates dual pricing it is only aimed a one specific group and this is the foreigner, ergo Racism Einstein

Elementary my dear Einstein

Question: What comes before dual pricing

Answer: The Farang for without him there would be no dual pricing

Still raging away, are we? Frothing over the keyboard?

Question: Are the Chinese coming here on the tour buses subject to dual pricing? The Japanese and Koreans?

Answer: I don't know; however, I would be very surprised if they weren't.

Given that Thais, Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are all Asian, the only way you can say dual pricing is racist is if these nationalities are excluded from dual pricing. Otherwise, it's just straight economics - visitors have more money than Thais.

If you can't understand this, I won't be surprised.

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OK Einstein when you start to insinuate that you were in some way trying to set humour as an excuse for your lack of any sensible comments, in answering point for point statements in my posts, you are scraping the barrel and attempting a smoke screen away, from the fact that your point of view, doesn't really cut any ice in the real world where I exist

But go on, I will go with the flow on this one and let you off the hook for not answering my post in a chronological and meaningful manner.

You realised that you were on a loser with this one and ignored all my reasons for justifying my point of view that dual pricing is very much a Racist action!

Whatever the reason for it and I perfectly accept that economics could be one of them, opportunism is another, greed is another, maybe there are many more.

The fact is that for whatever reason stimulates dual pricing it is only aimed a one specific group and this is the foreigner, ergo Racism Einstein

Elementary my dear Einstein

Question: What comes before dual pricing

Answer: The Farang for without him there would be no dual pricing

Still raging away, are we? Frothing over the keyboard?

Question: Are the Chinese coming here on the tour buses subject to dual pricing? The Japanese and Koreans?

Answer: I don't know; however, I would be very surprised if they weren't.

Given that Thais, Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are all Asian, the only way you can say dual pricing is racist is if these nationalities are excluded from dual pricing. Otherwise, it's just straight economics - visitors have more money than Thais.

If you can't understand this, I won't be surprised.

The answer is yes, they certainly are, but that doesn't make it any less racist. It's possible to be racist if you're Thai and your targets are other Asians, yes it most certainly is. I think you don't understand the definition of racist.

When non-Thai Asian tourists come as individuals, appearing to be Thai, driving say Thai rental cars and not speaking their own languages, they may be mistaken for Thais and given the local price. This makes it even more infuriating, but I know it happens.

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I can understand people noticing dual pricing. What I can't understand is why they get their knickers in such a twist about it.

If you go to just about any golf club in the world, the price for visitors is always more than for members. That's because members pay annual subscriptions.

So if you are a falang in Thailand, how much tax have you paid compared to a Thai national?

When it comes to the crunch, if you think the green fees for a visitor at a golf club are too steep or poor value, you walk away.

It baffles me why the pissers and moaners on TV can't grasp the same principle applies to dual pricing in Thailand.

It's also somewhat pathetic when it's 100 baht versus 200 baht - if that signals impending bankruptcy, you shouldn't be here.

Rant over.

Some pissers and moaners just dont like pure chuffin racism

Some pissers actually in the end can make a difference but then again this pisser is possibly wasting his time on trying to convince those with a paucity of any understanding of the issues involved in dual pricing that not only is it blatantly unfair it is actual bigoted and pure RACISM

Ah, the racism card. Odd how it's usually played when the dealer has run out of any other form of rational argument. Of course, you are not racist yourself, are you?

Well now Einstein what else is the dual charging then if not pure RACISM?

It's not racism, it's opportunism

If it was racism, they wouldn't apply dual charging to other Asians too, would they?

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OK Einstein when you start to insinuate that you were in some way trying to set humour as an excuse for your lack of any sensible comments, in answering point for point statements in my posts, you are scraping the barrel and attempting a smoke screen away, from the fact that your point of view, doesn't really cut any ice in the real world where I exist

But go on, I will go with the flow on this one and let you off the hook for not answering my post in a chronological and meaningful manner.

You realised that you were on a loser with this one and ignored all my reasons for justifying my point of view that dual pricing is very much a Racist action!

Whatever the reason for it and I perfectly accept that economics could be one of them, opportunism is another, greed is another, maybe there are many more.

The fact is that for whatever reason stimulates dual pricing it is only aimed a one specific group and this is the foreigner, ergo Racism Einstein

Elementary my dear Einstein

Question: What comes before dual pricing

Answer: The Farang for without him there would be no dual pricing

Still raging away, are we? Frothing over the keyboard?

Question: Are the Chinese coming here on the tour buses subject to dual pricing? The Japanese and Koreans?

Answer: I don't know; however, I would be very surprised if they weren't.

Given that Thais, Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are all Asian, the only way you can say dual pricing is racist is if these nationalities are excluded from dual pricing. Otherwise, it's just straight economics - visitors have more money than Thais.

If you can't understand this, I won't be surprised.

Hello Einstein

I am very surprised that you still writing complete hogwash and not responding to the salient points that I and others have made in this thread.

I am not surprised by your impression of me that I am raging, seemingly anyone who may have a different opinion to you is raging, or off his head. (I scratch my head in disbelief at this silly charge)

Where , in what word, paragraph or innuendo from my posts do you get the idea that I am raging?

One final piece from me and that is Racism doesn't need to be malicious, greedy, or even hateful to work, it just needs people like you to defend it and allow it to gather speed and became something very hateful and evil

If you do decide to answer please keep to the point and no making of unjustified or subjective silly statements about my state of mind again, it is destroying the little credibility that your arguments have left

If you cannot answer without half witted sarcasm then again please dont bother. I accept intelligent and witty sarcasm 100% and with an open mind, the personality slagging, type of sarcasm that you have to offer, is just is not my style and it tells more about you then it does about me


Oh sorry Einstein whilst I was raging about your latest response to my post forgot to answer your point about the Chinese tourist!

Mainly the Chinese come over to Thailand on a full package tour that usually includes entrance charges to all the Parks, shops, amenities, restaurants Etc. Etc. surely you knew that?

Edited by n210mp
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And yes I did pay the asking price but only cos the missus insisted she wanted to see the exhibit, but it totally ruined my day as I was fuming

Yes it's always a difficult one that, do you roll over against your better judgement and thus avoid any bad feeling even though deep down you really want to do an about turn. I think many of us have to make that choice.

I would do the about turn, but let anyone else go in if they want. Except for maybe Wat Prat Gaow (?) too important to not go see that...zoos can go do one, i will never pay over the odds for a zoo.

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