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What is the most "Non Smoking" country other than USA?

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As part of a lifelong struggle against smoking I would like to visit a country where smoking is most effectively banned in all public spaces.

Just to increase awareness of what is feasible and possible.

All public pavements and buildings. No driving hanging arm out the window with a lit cigarette foisting smoke on all and sundry. No smoking

inside apartments and on balconies so smoke wafts up to your neighbors like California, no walking on public pavements without risking on the spot fines


BTW, for the amount of smoking going and the bar/ restaurant situation Japan has actually made huge progress since the late 1980s

as people are considerate and willing to follow the rules.

The cigarette industry has paid for many smoking cabins in public parks and other spaces.

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you can be fined and nearly executed for thinking about smoking within 70 kilometres of a public building.

fined for lighting a dart in a car with children.

fined and sacked if caught smoking in a company vehicle.

fined for smoking in some outdoor shopping malls.

basically fined and branded a pariah if you even consider thinking about maybe just wishing you could smoke !



Perhaps the OP needs a country where planes can't land, diesel cars are banned, arrested for having a barby, fast food is banned.....rolleyes.gif

...and decapitation is the mandatory sentence for smoking in a one-way street on a sunday morning.


Bhutan is definitely a country, but where the hell is Straya?

On the udder side of the Creak from Nuzeand...not far from wakitinya.


Bhutan is definitely a country, but where the hell is Straya?

On the udder side of the Creak from Nuzeand...not far from wakitinya.

Nuzeand ok, get that. But Wakitinya?

Pls put me out of my misery.


USA is a non smoking country? Are you kidding me? Some South American economies would collapse if it were not for the USA. whistling.gif

Or are you referring to tobacco?


Australia, smoking banned pretty well everywhere public, only your own home or back yard but don't smoke near food or the kids or you may have trouble from the DO GOODERS.


Perhaps the OP needs a country where planes can't land, diesel cars are banned, arrested for having a barby, fast food is banned.....rolleyes.gif

Maybe he is like the Seinfeld show, The Bubble Boy !


Certainly, yes Australia, and each state regulates it own rules. In Perth, in the outside malls (old traffic streets) signs are up they are now non smoking and fines apply. All sporting events, ie outside are smoke free. As previously mentioned, smoking in your own car with a child is illegal. Best to smoke outside the maritime limit to be safe if you go to Oz.


Bhutan is definitely a country, but where the hell is Straya?

On the udder side of the Creak from Nuzeand...not far from wakitinya.

Nuzeand ok, get that. But Wakitinya?

Pls put me out of my misery.

And here's me thinking illiterates couldn't possibly post on TV - how wrong can I be...


Bhutan is definitely a country, but where the hell is Straya?

On the udder side of the Creak from Nuzeand...not far from wakitinya.

Nuzeand ok, get that. But Wakitinya?

Pls put me out of my misery.

And here's me thinking illiterates couldn't possibly post on TV - how wrong can I be...

I even googled it but....... no real answer. Some hot springs somewhere...........???

I'll try google.com.au and report back.


Second Bhutan. You cannot buy cigarettes there legally and if you bring cigs in they are heavily taxed. Some people do smoke but usually not in public. I would say more non-smoking than USA.


I am sick and tired of all people screaming about smoking. I stopped smoking 6 months ago, however am vaping instead. I can't stand hearing about squeaks about smoking. We have GMO foods, CAFO meats, animals injected with hormones and antibiotics, the GMO foods require herbicides and pesticides that are sprayed in abandon and then sold over the counter in our super markets.

We have polluted waters, we have lead and fluoride in our tap water, we have arsenic riddled chickens, we have pesticides on all fruits and veggies that we eat daily. We have smog in cities, we have petroleum fumes, and yet complain about the occasional whiff of tobacco smoke, get real.

we go to doctors and ingest tons of antibiotics. We use pain killers that are opioids, we get poisoned with vaccines, and yet there is the rabid squeak against tobacco. Well, if you don't smoke and get a whiff now and then from someone smoking, I doubt it will kill you. However the above mentioned items certainly will. Those are my sixpence thoughts on this subject. Smoking has been around since ancient times. I understand, not good for you, but please put it in some perspective instead of behaving like a rabid dog.


Bhutan: In 2004, Bhutan became the first nation in the world to ban the sale of tobacco and to outlaw smoking in all public places.

Costa Rica: In 2012, Costa Rica passed one of the strictest smoking regulations in the world.

Colombia: In 2009, Colombia extended its anti-smoking regulation to include indoor workplaces and public places.

Uruguay: Uruguay became the first Latin American country to prohibit smoking in public places, including restaurants, bars and the workplace in March 2004.

Malaysia: Malaysia has banned smoking in several public spaces, including hospitals, airports, public toilets, government premises, Internet cafes and government premises.

Canada: In Canada, smoking is banned in almost all enclosed public and indoor workplaces across the country. In 2007, Nova Scotia became the first province in the country to pass legislation banning smoking in cars with children and teenagers. Shortly after, similar legislations came into effect in Manitoba, Ontario, and British Columbia.


I am sick and tired of all people screaming about smoking. I stopped smoking 6 months ago, however am vaping instead. I can't stand hearing about squeaks about smoking. We have GMO foods, CAFO meats, animals injected with hormones and antibiotics, the GMO foods require herbicides and pesticides that are sprayed in abandon and then sold over the counter in our super markets.

We have polluted waters, we have lead and fluoride in our tap water, we have arsenic riddled chickens, we have pesticides on all fruits and veggies that we eat daily. We have smog in cities, we have petroleum fumes, and yet complain about the occasional whiff of tobacco smoke, get real.

we go to doctors and ingest tons of antibiotics. We use pain killers that are opioids, we get poisoned with vaccines, and yet there is the rabid squeak against tobacco. Well, if you don't smoke and get a whiff now and then from someone smoking, I doubt it will kill you. However the above mentioned items certainly will. Those are my sixpence thoughts on this subject. Smoking has been around since ancient times. I understand, not good for you, but please put it in some perspective instead of behaving like a rabid dog.

Weeeeeeeell chum, many are easily influenced by scaremongering...When I was a kid mum and dad smoked, we had coal fires where above the grate a black stain appeared on the wall....Coal smoke....In the winter we had a couple of paraffin heaters to warm the place up, diesel oil, set the wick flame wrong and the room was full of black smoke, breathed that in for years...Mum and dad breathed in spent munitions stuff during WW2. Mum and dad expired in their late eighties, I am late sixties, I still have a ciggy, go to the gym and lift weights cos l like it.. Had a business near a main road with constant traffic, breathing in that stuff ever day for 25 years............And folk worry about smelling the odd fag.......Bwaaaaaaaaaah.........Gawd........ rolleyes.gif



The government has not banned the drug nicotine but have attacked smoking by banning it in:

Public places, hotels and bars, throughout restaurants, inc outside all fresco, places of work, public places and parks, sporting events, in cars where there are children. Etc, etc, etc.

Banned all tobacco advertisements. Introduced antismoking advertisements. Made cigarette packets plain with health warnings. Etc, etc.

Introduced anti smoking/pro health education in schools. This not only educates the growing student, but is also subtly aimed to embarass smoking parents when their children question them on it. This campaign has been so extremely successful that it has reduced the number of smokers, and the hospital impatient due to smoke related disease remarkedly.

The government didn't make the drug illegal, but they did make the places to use of the drug illegal.


Yes, I know that Australia and many other countries ban tobacco smoking from public areas. However the same countries allow GMO foods which are sprayed with poisonous pesticides and herbicides that we all innocently end up eating, unless we are smart enough to chose organic foods. We end up eating our meat from supermarkets which are full of hormones and antibiotics that farmers inject in their livestock. I'm not going to get lengthy on this, but it is rediculous to say that a whiff of tobacco smoke is so harmful, when your government allows you to ingest all other poisons.

I can't help but laugh when people sit on a side walk cafe and inhale all fumes from traffic, but get rabid if they happen to sniff a few single fumes from tobacco. Enough said.


Bhutan is definitely a country, but where the hell is Straya?

On the udder side of the Creak from Nuzeand...not far from wakitinya.

Nuzeand ok, get that. But Wakitinya?

Pls put me out of my misery.

And here's me thinking illiterates couldn't possibly post on TV - how wrong can I be...

I even googled it but....... no real answer. Some hot springs somewhere...........???

I'll try google.com.au and report back.



As for the Googler, just say the word to your gf/bf tonight. Struth, no wukin furries, she'll be sweet.

I can't help but laugh when people sit on a side walk cafe and inhale all fumes from traffic, but get rabid if they happen to sniff a few single fumes of my flatulence. Enough said.

....any action against any of the harmful activities discussed in these posts is to be welcomed and commended....to the gentleman whose parents survived into their 80's against the odds , I say that under healthier conditions they'd have made it to at least 100....

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