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Happy & content in Thailand


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Had been coming to Thailand for 10++ years as a tourist, made friends, found love, enjoyed the relaxed way of life, the culture, the weather (well, except march-june), the wonderful places, the food, the cheap cost of living. Heaven on Earth to me.

Then I decided to move and work there (in Bangkok).

That was a different country I lived in: pollution, traffic jams, hard work and low salary, poor and expensive healthcare (I was getting old), very fragile work, unable to afford a nice place to live, unable to save enough money to plan for a retirement so I would basically end up on the streets at 60+, not enough money to take care of my beloved ones as much as I would, my Thai coworkers all being nice, friendly and easy people but an also my everyday's nightmare to get real and consistent work done (I'm in the IT business). Lots of worries then... I decided to go back to my home country after 8 years or so, leaving people I loved behind.

Now I've been back as a tourist for another 10 years. Visiting my beloved ones several times a year. Thailand has changed in all those years, some for good, but not all. I quite often miss the late 80s and 90s, seemed nicer then. Still, I am quite happy when I'm in Thailand, if not content 100% of the time.

Just my experience.

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I'm hanging out here for a few years ... so far so good. Like the previous commentators, I like the weather, the relaxed atmosphere, the food, the generally pleasant people and pretty much anything that I need I can find here.

I don't mind too much the visa requirements and use it as an opportunity to check out - so far - Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia. i'm in Bali next week for a few weeks and then off to Chiang Mai.

I don't have any bad experiences to report but I am aware that Thailand has a dark side ... so I recognise it, and take steps to avoid being caught up in it. I personally don't mind people raising negative aspects ... for a person new to Thailand it can be quite helpful.

Everywhere has a dark side. Especially some places in the country everyone seems to want to go.

I quite agree. And your enjoyment of Thailand will be enhanced if you are aware of them and take steps to avoid them. And that's why i don't mind people bringing up the negatives, some information can be helpful.

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No one in their right mind is going to say Thailand (or anywhere else for that matter) is absolutely perfect, but on balance, it comes out with far more positives than negatives for me. I have a reasonable income to live comfortably, a lovely wife (she's different, you know! facepalm.gif ) a great home, albeit rented and a good circle of friends with varied interests. Add to that the cost of living, climate, food, scenery and the generally friendly people (OK, there some that are a-holes, but everywhere has those), and Thailand comes out far better to retire in than my home area.

Visas? 90 day reports? Far less irritating than an insect bite, IMO.

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Wow, good for you.....one day you will sober up and see the ugly underbelly of LOS....:-(

I have seen it and I know it exists .

I am under no illusion that Thailand is a perfect paradise .

I think that I am prepared for anything, but I may be wrong , so

What is this "ugly underbelly" that I need to be prepared for ?

What is going to happen to me that will make me detest Thailand ?

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The highways are safe, the police and immigration are honest, the 90 day thing is not inconvenient, paying more to enter national parks is a hoot, having IQ 85 teacher for kids,being awoken by soi dogs at 3:00 AM,listening to 200 decibal boom boxes at 7 in the morn., etc.... Yes, it is all so wonderful.

And yet...You still live here? Shut up and go away.

And THERE it is. Agree with us or shut up & go away. 'Gives a pretty clear idea of the insulated, blinkered thinking and investment mentality which drives out facts & objectivity but begs for periodic validation, hence the genesis of this thread. I knew this would rear its ignorant head eventually. Ashame really. It DID get off to a pleasant start, but inevitably anyone who disagrees just had to be slagged, and the delusion collapsed.

Yeah mate, and f you don't like it, you can go with him.

I think I'll just stick around since it seems to annoy you so much. But do continue with your circle-jerk. Mate.

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Love my partner's cooking. Weather is darn good too (except for the occasional 40C).

When it's 40C is when it's the best.

Between Oct and Mar, the pool feels too cold to swim.

Bring on the summer!

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I am happy and content with my lot. Enough pension, and good health. Plus

Wife, gf, good mate, and Guinness. What more does a guy need.

A second GF.

My first went to Korea, my second prefers partying, my third has customers, as does my fourth. I am hoping my fifth, who is older, will be better, but if not there's always another...

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I am happy and content with my lot. Enough pension, and good health. Plus

Wife, gf, good mate, and Guinness. What more does a guy need.

A second GF.

My first went to Korea, my second prefers partying, my third has customers, as does my fourth. I am hoping my fifth, who is older, will be better, but if not there's always another...

Sure -- but how many at the same time?

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