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Clinton allies preparing for Trump nomination, fall campaign


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It is remarkably similar to the electoral rout of R Sen Barry Goldwater who in 1964 led the right in its seizure of the Republican party nomination for Potus.

I don't remember an ongoing criminal probe into security violations by the FBI concerning LBJ. It is a VERY different situation.

That's not this poster's recolection either.

Disinformation and lies are the Hallmark of the Democrat Party. Not to forget dead voters.

I don't think they need dead voters any more. They now have illegal immigrants voting. Note how they keep stressing the percentage of "Hispanics" any candidate might win.

Cubans who set foot in Florida are accepted immediately. They are received instantly as VIP's and they get one year of federal (and state) welfare benefits and all kinds of freebees.

Even a Cuban felon who kills a police officer can't be deported because he's Cuban. http://www.sun-senti...get=adv_article.

Conversely, a Hispanic from say Venezuela who arrives in Texas or Arizona without documentation is instead a criminal and he's vile.

Cubans vote Republican while Hispanics vote Democratic party. So the line about Cubans escaping communism on their island is baloney. Cubans vote Republican so Republicans luv 'em and holler against Hispanics as Trump does most recently about Hispanic rapists and murderers etc from Mexico etc.

Double standard by Republicans. A really offensive one with your wall. Youse guyz gonna make the wall AC or DC? Let us know what Trump and the whingenuts are saying privately on the QT about that.

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From what my brother told me yesterday the FBI believes multiple felonies have taken place in Hillaray's State Dept. inner circle by multiple persons. They believe a conspiracy exists to avoid State Dept regulatory policies. They are currently investigating whether or not a conspiracy existed to bypass State Dept regulations in order to benefit outside interests. Specifically the Clinton Foundation.

Of course. Denying that Clinton is being investigated is just hair splitting.

Of course she's being investigated - by the FBI no less

Some people will deny 'til they die? facepalm.gif

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The case against Hillary Clinton: This is the disaster Democrats must avoid
She's not the candidate of economic fairness, peace or a genuine progressive agenda. She's also not more electable



Edited by lannarebirth
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i support Thaksin and vehemently oppose Trump.

OK. The question however is "why" do you do this, when the candidates are exactly the same and the electorate supports them for exactly the same reasons. There is no logic in this position.

By your statement above, you seem to have decided that one of these demagogues is good and the other is bad, because the bad one just happens to belong to the Republican party in the US, which somehow seems to justify this in your mind. If Trump was to run on the Democratic ticket, would he then be a good demagogue and worthy of your support?

Trump is not the problem of the Republican party. Trump is a reaction of the American electorate to the oppression of the American political elite, in the same way that Thaksin was a reaction to the Thai elite. American voters are angry. That is why Trump will easily sweep the election if the Democrats run Hillary.

Thanksin and Trump are the same manifestation of political disenchantment. Perhaps if you truly dislike Trump this is an opportunity for you to look inward and get a deeper understanding of those who dislike Thaksin for the same reasons. Who knows, maybe Trump is the key to reconciliation in Thailand.

In any case, it will be interesting. As an American, I would applaud the US military if they stepped in and stopped this guy after he wins. But like you, I would be surprised if they showed the same courage as the Thai military did.

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i support Thaksin and vehemently oppose Trump.

OK. The question however is "why" do you do this, when the candidates are exactly the same and the electorate supports them for exactly the same reasons. There is no logic in this position.

By your statement above, you seem to have decided that one of these demagogues is good and the other is bad, because the bad one just happens to belong to the Republican party in the US, which somehow seems to justify this in your mind. If Trump was to run on the Democratic ticket, would he then be a good demagogue and worthy of your support?

Trump is not the problem of the Republican party. Trump is a reaction of the American electorate to the oppression of the American political elite, in the same way that Thaksin was a reaction to the Thai elite. American voters are angry. That is why Trump will easily sweep the election if the Democrats run Hillary.

Thanksin and Trump are the same manifestation of political disenchantment. Perhaps if you truly dislike Trump this is an opportunity for you to look inward and get a deeper understanding of those who dislike Thaksin for the same reasons. Who knows, maybe Trump is the key to reconciliation in Thailand.

In any case, it will be interesting. As an American, I would applaud the US military if they stepped in and stopped this guy after he wins. But like you, I would be surprised if they showed the same courage as the Thai military did.


Thx for the advice from out there.

So very far out there.


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From what my brother told me yesterday the FBI believes multiple felonies have taken place in Hillaray's State Dept. inner circle by multiple persons. They believe a conspiracy exists to avoid State Dept regulatory policies. They are currently investigating whether or not a conspiracy existed to bypass State Dept regulations in order to benefit outside interests. Specifically the Clinton Foundation.

Of course. Denying that Clinton is being investigated is just hair splitting.

Of course she's being investigated - by the FBI no less

Some people will deny 'til they die? facepalm.gif

The right over there that is investigating something not someone is the same rightwing superpatriot supersecret and supersensitive incompetent intelligence community lead by their IG's. We do have evidence the IG's have been in contact with Republican party senators, such as Charles Grassley who is a committee chairman. FOIA filings have been made and are in process.

President Hillary Clinton.

Get used to it.

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The case against Hillary Clinton: This is the disaster Democrats must avoid
She's not the candidate of economic fairness, peace or a genuine progressive agenda. She's also not more electable



Cute discussion piece advocating the case Bernie Sanders be nominated because his policies and programs are deemed to be better and that Sanders is in the author's view very electable. One can and does disagree, however, Bernie's on the right general course.

That's it thx but it definitely wasn't worth the read. (Youse guyz need anyway to be checked out and kept on the up and up.)

Not recommended.

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