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Trump retweets quote attributed to fascist leader Mussolini


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World War II to stop and defeat global fascism happened 70+ years ago.

21st century fascism needs to be stopped too, in the USA especially and in particular. It is a rather urgent issue. It starts in the Republican party.

Don't see more than a couple of Republicans around here dealing effectively with stopping it. Quite the opposite. Indeed, they're advancing it. With enthusiasm.

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Trump a fascist? Hardly. I agree with George Will who believes in a general election Trump runs somewhere to the left of Hillary. There's a lot of dirt to uncover on him though, same as Hillary, except he isn't responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths...yet. Hopefully it will be an ugly, ugly campaign so the electorate, whoever they vote for, knows just what they're getting and what that says about themselves.

Edited by lannarebirth
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Let's hope no citizen gets told by Trump to leave Trump's country.

The Republican party is anyway splitting up and shattering about as we read the posts. Something will come out of it after the new year. Whatever the new beast may be, it certainly won't be the long running standard two party system the country has almost always had in one form or another.

The Democratic party is actually older than the Grand Old Party by about 20 years. It continues as a stable political institution of the USA.

GOP = Gone Old Party.


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I don't really care who the quote can be attributed to, it is the quote in itself that matters. And I see nothing wrong with the quote.

Have to agree..

Even Hitler had some quotes no one would have thought might be attributed to him...

But that doesn't mean the quote itself should not be a followed..

For example, how about this Hitler quote:

"No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind"


Does that mean because it was said by Hitler we should not agree with it..

Or how about this one...

"To conquer a Nation, first disarm its citizens"

So since it was Hitler that said the above, does that mean that if those on the left hate all things Hitler, there should be no gun control ?

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The rich get richer through investment.

We probably agree on a lot of things. Yet allow me to expand a bit on the line above. The rich also get richer by......

>>> borrowing money for lower rates than regular people.

>>> avoiding paying back that borrowed money

>>> that borrowed money actually belongs to regular people who keep their meager savings in the bank.

>>> banks can loan the same money out six or more times - most often the do so to .....rich people. Bank execs also get rich in the process.

more ways the rich get richer. . . . ..

>>> by protectionist trade policies, usually enacted by Republican politicians who are buddies with the same rich folks

>>> hiding their money overseas

>>> avoiding taxes.

>>> making frivolous deductions. Every dollar they should pay but don't, is a dollar that doesn't get to the public coffer.

>>> by selling sugary crap to children, and other harmful products - too many to list.

>>> getting bailed out by the feds because their failing businesses are often "too big to fail."

>>> getting people to think they're sick, and selling them harmful pharma drugs.

>>> doctors/hospitals compelling patients to undertake unnecessary medical procedures.

This is just a partial list of the unfair advantages that rich politicians give to their rich buddies - and other advantages that rich people use to get richer at the expense of the poor getting poorer. That's why the US needs Bernie. The insanity has been status quo for too long. Trump won't do a tiny fraction of what needs to be done. If anything, Trump will make things far worse. He'll start by coddling the rich, and he'll continue by cutting out useful programs like EPA.

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Let's hope no citizen gets told by Trump to leave Trump's country.

The Republican party is anyway splitting up and shattering about as we read the posts. Something will come out of it after the new year. Whatever the new beast may be, it certainly won't be the long running standard two party system the country has almost always had in one form or another.

The Democratic party is actually older than the Grand Old Party by about 20 years. It continues as a stable political institution of the USA.

GOP = Gone Old Party.


A bit one eyed as usual. Either way neither party reduces size of government so it's RIP USA unless people open both eyes and something radical is done, but it won't especially under Hillary

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The rich get richer through investment.

We probably agree on a lot of things. Yet allow me to expand a bit on the line above. The rich also get richer by......

>>> borrowing money for lower rates than regular people.

>>> avoiding paying back that borrowed money

>>> that borrowed money actually belongs to regular people who keep their meager savings in the bank.

>>> banks can loan the same money out six or more times - most often the do so to .....rich people. Bank execs also get rich in the process.

more ways the rich get richer. . . . ..

>>> by protectionist trade policies, usually enacted by Republican politicians who are buddies with the same rich folks

>>> hiding their money overseas

>>> avoiding taxes.

>>> making frivolous deductions. Every dollar they should pay but don't, is a dollar that doesn't get to the public coffer.

>>> by selling sugary crap to children, and other harmful products - too many to list.

>>> getting bailed out by the feds because their failing businesses are often "too big to fail."

>>> getting people to think they're sick, and selling them harmful pharma drugs.

>>> doctors/hospitals compelling patients to undertake unnecessary medical procedures.

This is just a partial list of the unfair advantages that rich politicians give to their rich buddies - and other advantages that rich people use to get richer at the expense of the poor getting poorer. That's why the US needs Bernie. The insanity has been status quo for too long. Trump won't do a tiny fraction of what needs to be done. If anything, Trump will make things far worse. He'll start by coddling the rich, and he'll continue by cutting out useful programs like EPA.

I agree with you on Sanders. But Trump I'm not so sure on. The presumption that he will be guilty of cronyism because of his wealth, sounds a bit cliched. Cronyism will be the hallmark of HRC because she will be owned by NY banks, 1 billion $ in fact with this campaign

If you have 11 spare minutes, this is Trump serious, mentioning parts of the country that are broken. even women's health, the poor and African american youth. If he is serious then he does not fit the mold that alarmist and sensationalist posters on this forum so readily jump to.

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I don't really care who the quote can be attributed to, it is the quote in itself that matters. And I see nothing wrong with the quote.

Yeah of course, why not going to the top then :

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer...it is not important who the quote is attributed, right?

And I am quite sure Trump would not deny this quote neither

Hitler, Goebbels, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Lincoln, Attila the Hun, Genghiz Khan, JFK, Marquis De Sade, Cardinal Richlieu, Napoleon Bonaparte, Duke of Wellington, Rommel, Charlie Chaplin, Muhammad Ali, Croucho Marx - to name but a few who made quotes.

Learn from others rather than closing your mind.

Learning from the other and especially dictators is not a good teaching method. I am more inclined to quote Grouch Marx than Goebbels, but maybe I should open my mind to the Aryan theory

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I don't really care who the quote can be attributed to, it is the quote in itself that matters. And I see nothing wrong with the quote.

Have to agree..

Even Hitler had some quotes no one would have thought might be attributed to him...

But that doesn't mean the quote itself should not be a followed..

For example, how about this Hitler quote:

"No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind"


Does that mean because it was said by Hitler we should not agree with it..

Or how about this one...

"To conquer a Nation, first disarm its citizens"

So since it was Hitler that said the above, does that mean that if those on the left hate all things Hitler, there should be no gun control ?

His life could be resumed by his quote then?

"No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind"

I am quite sure a lot of people who witnessed his goodwill would disagree

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"It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep." - nothing can be said better and to the point. This was and is a motto of every freedom fighter in the world. Bravo Trump! Cowards, politicians and money cheaters are in the latter category and they hate lions.

Let wait his tax return before assuming he is neither a cheater, a coward and a freedom fighter.

By the way calling Trump a freedom fighter is quite amusing

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I don't really care who the quote can be attributed to, it is the quote in itself that matters. And I see nothing wrong with the quote.

Yeah of course, why not going to the top then :

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer...it is not important who the quote is attributed, right?

And I am quite sure Trump would not deny this quote neither

Hitler, Goebbels, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Lincoln, Attila the Hun, Genghiz Khan, JFK, Marquis De Sade, Cardinal Richlieu, Napoleon Bonaparte, Duke of Wellington, Rommel, Charlie Chaplin, Muhammad Ali, Croucho Marx - to name but a few who made quotes.

Learn from others rather than closing your mind.

Learning from the other and especially dictators is not a good teaching method. I am more inclined to quote Grouch Marx than Goebbels, but maybe I should open my mind to the Aryan theory

I only see one "Grouch" in this multi-quote, and it's not Marx.

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I don't really care who the quote can be attributed to, it is the quote in itself that matters. And I see nothing wrong with the quote.

Have to agree..

Even Hitler had some quotes no one would have thought might be attributed to him...

But that doesn't mean the quote itself should not be a followed..

For example, how about this Hitler quote:

"No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind"


Does that mean because it was said by Hitler we should not agree with it..

Or how about this one...

"To conquer a Nation, first disarm its citizens"

So since it was Hitler that said the above, does that mean that if those on the left hate all things Hitler, there should be no gun control ?

His life could be resumed by his quote then?

"No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind"

I am quite sure a lot of people who witnessed his goodwill would disagree

I am certainly not saying that Hitler in any way lived up to this quote or was admirable in any way shape or form...

It is just an illustration that what is important is the quote itself ... Either agree or disagree with the content...

Who may have said the same thing previously is a non issue...

So the fact that Trump tweeted something that may have been said by Mussolini or anyone else is not important..

What is important is whether you agree with the substance of the quote or not...

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The rich get richer through investment.

We probably agree on a lot of things. Yet allow me to expand a bit on the line above. The rich also get richer by......

>>> borrowing money for lower rates than regular people.

>>> avoiding paying back that borrowed money

>>> that borrowed money actually belongs to regular people who keep their meager savings in the bank.

>>> banks can loan the same money out six or more times - most often the do so to .....rich people. Bank execs also get rich in the process.

more ways the rich get richer. . . . ..

>>> by protectionist trade policies, usually enacted by Republican politicians who are buddies with the same rich folks

>>> hiding their money overseas

>>> avoiding taxes.

>>> making frivolous deductions. Every dollar they should pay but don't, is a dollar that doesn't get to the public coffer.

>>> by selling sugary crap to children, and other harmful products - too many to list.

>>> getting bailed out by the feds because their failing businesses are often "too big to fail."

>>> getting people to think they're sick, and selling them harmful pharma drugs.

>>> doctors/hospitals compelling patients to undertake unnecessary medical procedures.

This is just a partial list of the unfair advantages that rich politicians give to their rich buddies - and other advantages that rich people use to get richer at the expense of the poor getting poorer. That's why the US needs Bernie. The insanity has been status quo for too long. Trump won't do a tiny fraction of what needs to be done. If anything, Trump will make things far worse. He'll start by coddling the rich, and he'll continue by cutting out useful programs like EPA.

I agree with you on Sanders. But Trump I'm not so sure on. The presumption that he will be guilty of cronyism because of his wealth, sounds a bit cliched. Cronyism will be the hallmark of HRC because she will be owned by NY banks, 1 billion $ in fact with this campaign

If you have 11 spare minutes, this is Trump serious, mentioning parts of the country that are broken. even women's health, the poor and African american youth. If he is serious then he does not fit the mold that alarmist and sensationalist posters on this forum so readily jump to.

Trump has ideas. It doesn't mean his ideas are good. I've looked and listened to his ideas to "make America great again." Most I don't like. In particular, he's anti-science on his gruff dismissal of climate issues. Just as important, to me, are his negative personality traits and propensity to lie. As I've said earlier, he's got more negatives than a 1950's photo shop.

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Democratic party voters support either Clinton or Sanders. Neither has any kind of serious social deficit or personality disorder. They are normal people, which makes each of 'em 'safe.'

Republicans are sharply divided for or against Trump. Since Trump announced it's been Trump Trump Trump. That's because Trump is off the wall. So the GOP is splitting one-third vs two-thirds, broadly speaking. Whether Trump is or isn't nominated the party will not be whole to the election. Democrats do not have the problem as all polling has found D's are pleased to vote for either candidate in November.

Trump has said things even a candidate in Bolivia would not think to say. Trump has said things that would have got him shot in Red Square in broad daylight -- literally. Trump's personality is not Alpha Male, it is egomaniac megalomaniac, strong man dictator of wild ideas and arbitrary means.

The issue is not whether someone fibs or fudges now and then. This issue is whether the person who gets the 3 a.m. call is a normal person or a wildman.

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Democratic party voters support either Clinton or Sanders. Neither has any kind of serious social deficit or personality disorder. They are normal people, which makes each of 'em 'safe.'

Republicans are sharply divided for or against Trump. Since Trump announced it's been Trump Trump Trump. That's because Trump is off the wall. So the GOP is splitting one-third vs two-thirds, broadly speaking. Whether Trump is or isn't nominated the party will not be whole to the election. Democrats do not have the problem as all polling has found D's are pleased to vote for either candidate in November.

Trump has said things even a candidate in Bolivia would not think to say. Trump has said things that would have got him shot in Red Square in broad daylight -- literally. Trump's personality is not Alpha Male, it is egomaniac megalomaniac, strong man dictator of wild ideas and arbitrary means.

The issue is not whether someone fibs or fudges now and then. This issue is whether the person who gets the 3 a.m. call is a normal person or a wildman.

Trying to sanitize the corrupt Clinton by tying her to Sanders is propaganda of the worst kind. What contempt you must have for your readership to think they are so stupid that they'll buy into your false equivalency. She may win but it will be despite her social deficits and felonious tendencies, not because those character flaws don't exist. As with Trump, she is a hit with the voters who have the least amount of education. The people who so often vote against their own interests.

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Democratic party voters support either Clinton or Sanders. Neither has any kind of serious social deficit or personality disorder. They are normal people, which makes each of 'em 'safe.'

Republicans are sharply divided for or against Trump. Since Trump announced it's been Trump Trump Trump. That's because Trump is off the wall. So the GOP is splitting one-third vs two-thirds, broadly speaking. Whether Trump is or isn't nominated the party will not be whole to the election. Democrats do not have the problem as all polling has found D's are pleased to vote for either candidate in November.

Trump has said things even a candidate in Bolivia would not think to say. Trump has said things that would have got him shot in Red Square in broad daylight -- literally. Trump's personality is not Alpha Male, it is egomaniac megalomaniac, strong man dictator of wild ideas and arbitrary means.

The issue is not whether someone fibs or fudges now and then. This issue is whether the person who gets the 3 a.m. call is a normal person or a wildman.

Trying to sanitize the corrupt Clinton by tying her to Sanders is propaganda of the worst kind. What contempt you must have for your readership to think they are so stupid that they'll buy into your false equivalency. She may win but it will be despite her social deficits and felonious tendencies, not because those character flaws don't exist. As with Trump, she is a hit with the voters who have the least amount of education. The people who so often vote against their own interests.

There's a lot of presumptuous moralizing going around to pronounce to other people what their own interests are and must be.

Anyone who knows better than the next guy what the guy should think, believe, do in respect of himself is welcome to continue carrying on about it. He'd not be convincing anyone of anything however while instead only be revealing of himself. So he might expect only negative outcomes each and every time.

An open mind is one thing; repelling diktats is quite another and it is an appropriate reply. It is how a summary statement is received that matters as much as where it originated and how it is discharged.

Carry on.

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Well, then, let's be certain that Hillary gets elected. SHE NEVER LIES. cheesy.gif

There are different degrees of lying. A person can lie about eating the last cookie or can lie about killing the neighbors dog with a claw hammer. They may both be untrue, but one is more grave (pun intended) than the other. Republican Attack Machine is excellent at character assassination. When it found out about Bill Clinton's sex-in-the-closet episode it exploded in glee. In reality, what Republican adult really gives a rat's ass what Bill did for a few minutes in a dark closet. Of if they did really care (in a TV preacher sort of way), why do they not go ballistic when a Republican congressman is caught soliciting gay sex in an airport bathroom, or when another Rep congressman solicits sex from boy pages?

Some of Trump's lies have bigger ramifications than a clandestine blow-job in a closet. Trump has love-hate relations with everyone important. If he's president, he will have his finger on the trigger of the most powerful weapons systems the world has ever known. I don't want a hot-head 'love you one moment, hate you the next moment' with that much power, do you? In contrast, Hillary is cool-headed, seeks the advice of top aides, is more knowledgeable about world affairs, knows many world leaders personally. One example: Trump says he has met Putin, but that's yet another of his lies. He has never met Putin in person. Hillary is also well-liked and respected by many world leaders. Not so with Trump, ....not by a long shot. They see him as the pompous hot-headed braggart he is.

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Well, then, let's be certain that Hillary gets elected. SHE NEVER LIES. cheesy.gif

There are different degrees of lying. A person can lie about eating the last cookie or can lie about killing the neighbors dog with a claw hammer. They may both be untrue, but one is more grave (pun intended) than the other. Republican Attack Machine is excellent at character assassination. When it found out about Bill Clinton's sex-in-the-closet episode it exploded in glee. In reality, what Republican adult really gives a rat's ass what Bill did for a few minutes in a dark closet. Of if they did really care (in a TV preacher sort of way), why do they not go ballistic when a Republican congressman is caught soliciting gay sex in an airport bathroom, or when another Rep congressman solicits sex from boy pages?

Some of Trump's lies have bigger ramifications than a clandestine blow-job in a closet. Trump has love-hate relations with everyone important. If he's president, he will have his finger on the trigger of the most powerful weapons systems the world has ever known. I don't want a hot-head 'love you one moment, hate you the next moment' with that much power, do you? In contrast, Hillary is cool-headed, seeks the advice of top aides, is more knowledgeable about world affairs, knows many world leaders personally. One example: Trump says he has met Putin, but that's yet another of his lies. He has never met Putin in person. Hillary is also well-liked and respected by many world leaders. Not so with Trump, ....not by a long shot. They see him as the pompous hot-headed braggart he is.

Perhaps. But you idolize Hillary too much. She's a career politician damn it so she's answerable to her donor masters and they've got you duped. You really think she's going to be working for you and your best interests or for Goldman Sachs and her own?

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Well, then, let's be certain that Hillary gets elected. SHE NEVER LIES. cheesy.gif

There are different degrees of lying. A person can lie about eating the last cookie or can lie about killing the neighbors dog with a claw hammer. They may both be untrue, but one is more grave (pun intended) than the other. Republican Attack Machine is excellent at character assassination. When it found out about Bill Clinton's sex-in-the-closet episode it exploded in glee. In reality, what Republican adult really gives a rat's ass what Bill did for a few minutes in a dark closet. Of if they did really care (in a TV preacher sort of way), why do they not go ballistic when a Republican congressman is caught soliciting gay sex in an airport bathroom, or when another Rep congressman solicits sex from boy pages?

Some of Trump's lies have bigger ramifications than a clandestine blow-job in a closet. Trump has love-hate relations with everyone important. If he's president, he will have his finger on the trigger of the most powerful weapons systems the world has ever known. I don't want a hot-head 'love you one moment, hate you the next moment' with that much power, do you? In contrast, Hillary is cool-headed, seeks the advice of top aides, is more knowledgeable about world affairs, knows many world leaders personally. One example: Trump says he has met Putin, but that's yet another of his lies. He has never met Putin in person. Hillary is also well-liked and respected by many world leaders. Not so with Trump, ....not by a long shot. They see him as the pompous hot-headed braggart he is.

Perhaps. But you idolize Hillary too much. She's a career politician damn it so she's answerable to her donor masters and they've got you duped. You really think she's going to be working for you and your best interests or for Goldman Sachs and her own?

All this talk about how bad politicians are. Sure, they have grave drawbacks, but at least they know how to maneuver in the halls of power. I you wanted a swimming pool constructed, you would probably hire a swimming pool professional. You wouldn't hire a cello player with no construction experience. That's what Republicans want for the most important job in America: a man with little experience working with others to get bills passed. Trump's opinionated, sure, but he doesn't know how to play the politics game. I doubt Trump would hire a person with no management know-how or hotel experience to manage one of his resorts. The presidency shouldn't be a 'learn-as-you-go' job.

I don't have to idolize anyone. Even if I didn't like Hillary or thought she made a mistake at Bengazi or with emails, I would still vote for her over Trump. Trump's drawbacks, particularly his hot temper and immature bull-headedness, are worse than any of the problems which the Republican Attack Teams try to pin on Hillary.

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There's no pertinent relevance to an association between Trump and Mussolini--even if Trump and his supporters agree with the quote's message.

For those who might disagree, consider that John Lennon sang "All You Need is Love," and then a year later abandoned his first wife and son. The musical integrity of the song remained and remains still. So if I say I agree with the song's message, that doesn't mean I also support adultery and absentee fathers. To argue as much is to commit the ad hominem known as an association fallacy.

An awful trite song. And an awful trite comparison between Lennon and Mussolini.

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There's no pertinent relevance to an association between Trump and Mussolini--even if Trump and his supporters agree with the quote's message.

For those who might disagree, consider that John Lennon sang "All You Need is Love," and then a year later abandoned his first wife and son. The musical integrity of the song remained and remains still. So if I say I agree with the song's message, that doesn't mean I also support adultery and absentee fathers. To argue as much is to commit the ad hominem known as an association fallacy.

An awful trite song. And an awful trite comparison between Lennon and Mussolini.

Thanks for that cause someone had to advise him of what a mindless and pathetic post that wuz.

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There's no pertinent relevance to an association between Trump and Mussolini--even if Trump and his supporters agree with the quote's message.

For those who might disagree, consider that John Lennon sang "All You Need is Love," and then a year later abandoned his first wife and son. The musical integrity of the song remained and remains still. So if I say I agree with the song's message, that doesn't mean I also support adultery and absentee fathers. To argue as much is to commit the ad hominem known as an association fallacy.

An awful trite song. And an awful trite comparison between Lennon and Mussolini.

If you think I compared Lennon to Mussolini, then you don't understand how analogies work. All I did was show another example of an association fallacy; that agreeing with what someone says doesn't automatically align one with that person's values in total.

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Well, then, let's be certain that Hillary gets elected. SHE NEVER LIES. cheesy.gif

There are different degrees of lying. A person can lie about eating the last cookie or can lie about killing the neighbors dog with a claw hammer. They may both be untrue, but one is more grave (pun intended) than the other. Republican Attack Machine is excellent at character assassination. When it found out about Bill Clinton's sex-in-the-closet episode it exploded in glee. In reality, what Republican adult really gives a rat's ass what Bill did for a few minutes in a dark closet. Of if they did really care (in a TV preacher sort of way), why do they not go ballistic when a Republican congressman is caught soliciting gay sex in an airport bathroom, or when another Rep congressman solicits sex from boy pages?

Some of Trump's lies have bigger ramifications than a clandestine blow-job in a closet. Trump has love-hate relations with everyone important. If he's president, he will have his finger on the trigger of the most powerful weapons systems the world has ever known. I don't want a hot-head 'love you one moment, hate you the next moment' with that much power, do you? In contrast, Hillary is cool-headed, seeks the advice of top aides, is more knowledgeable about world affairs, knows many world leaders personally. One example: Trump says he has met Putin, but that's yet another of his lies. He has never met Putin in person. Hillary is also well-liked and respected by many world leaders. Not so with Trump, ....not by a long shot. They see him as the pompous hot-headed braggart he is.

Perhaps. But you idolize Hillary too much. She's a career politician damn it so she's answerable to her donor masters and they've got you duped. You really think she's going to be working for you and your best interests or for Goldman Sachs and her own?

All this talk about how bad politicians are. Sure, they have grave drawbacks, but at least they know how to maneuver in the halls of power. I you wanted a swimming pool constructed, you would probably hire a swimming pool professional. You wouldn't hire a cello player with no construction experience. That's what Republicans want for the most important job in America: a man with little experience working with others to get bills passed. Trump's opinionated, sure, but he doesn't know how to play the politics game. I doubt Trump would hire a person with no management know-how or hotel experience to manage one of his resorts. The presidency shouldn't be a 'learn-as-you-go' job.

I don't have to idolize anyone. Even if I didn't like Hillary or thought she made a mistake at Bengazi or with emails, I would still vote for her over Trump. Trump's drawbacks, particularly his hot temper and immature bull-headedness, are worse than any of the problems which the Republican Attack Teams try to pin on Hillary.

This is exactly where you have it wrong in my view.

I'm SO glad that Trump doesn't know how to run the politics game. That's his appeal. Voters want someone who is NOT a politician to actually change Washington. Who wants politicians to "maneuver in the halls of power"? that's exactly the problem, "maneuvering". Put in Rubio or Hillary and there will be no difference to Obama or Bush. More of the same. I would rather have a businessman run the business of government with experience in management than incompetent career politicians.

The fact that they have to constantly raise taxes proves that they are incompetent to work within a budget. They could never work in the private sector or they would be fired or end up in prison. Up to 70% of government expenditure goes into servicing interest on Obama's most massive deficit in history.not helping the poor in socialist paradise. What has Hillary done about that except use your money to prop up banks and get well rewarded or it? She wont reinstate the Glass-Steagall act to break up banks, of course with her funding she can't because she's bought off which amounts to corruption in my view. This is not democracy. It was her husband who repealed that act in 1999 at the request of big Wall street banks. Hillary gathers in $1 Billion for this campaign alone.

The Republicans Politburo don't want Trump regardless of the people's vote and then pretend it's democracy

So Cruz takes Texas and Oklahoma because people vote for religion, they don't vote for economics. Too many posters on here also devote so much time on so much trivia from Trump's hair to his outspoken opinions, so much waste of time. It's the ECONOMY that matters if America wants to be "great again," because unlike Hillary, Trump is right on one point, it's not.

Nothing to do with professionals and leaky swimming pools, its about the ECONOMY.

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More of the same self-righteous and overbearing intrusions.

Self-serving besides.

Oh dear. Opinions that don't align with your own are self righteous and self serving "INTRUSIONS"? This is a forum !

Somehow that does not sound very democratic for a Democrat biggrin.png

Edited by Linzz
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