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Hello everyone

I am sure that many of you will agree with me that the way the winners for the monthly photo comp is judged,is just not fair.

We need a way to give everyone the same fair chance of winning,from the very first image posted,right up to the very last.

Any thoughts or ideas on how we can achieve this?

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I agree with what you are saying here and there was one post in last months competition that was posted on the 22nd of the month

and could well have walked it in if it had been posted earlier in the month. I know from my own experience that I liked almost every

one that was posted throughout the month and that in itself did not give that post a fair chance.

As far as correcting that situation my first thoughts are to run it along the same or similar lines to polls run on thaivisa which can allow

only one vote or several votes. My choice would be to allow only one vote or maybe three on a 3-2-1 basis. There are still things to

be worked out on such a method things like how long to allow for nominating your image and the length of time for the poll to run.

My thoughts only for what they are worth.


I do not think that the photos should be won on the number of Likes' the reason why I think this is because Likes can be easily manipulated by asking friends or families to join Thaivisa and like their photo -

2 - Photos on the first couple of pages are more likely to get more views.

I think that all of the photos should go to a panel of judges who then decide which Photo/Photos will win.


As wrote rowan1981 ; if it's possible to do by the admin of this forum ,

first stop to post photo(s) the 20 of each month so the latecomers will have , I think, the same chances to win

second and I think it's important, hide the votes of other members as us ;

ex, if I vote for a photo, I can see only my vote and not how many people has already given a vote to this photo;

I'm not a professional in photography , but I shoot photos since more than 50 years and I can recognize a good one from a bad one even it's a remarkable place;

so give the privilege for the good technik ;

Like do our friends Mr Hitchens or Paulp and other members, Jimmy, Dancealot... who know how to use their camera and give us so beautiful shots .

many shots here have not their place in photography and the Arts .

It's not necessary to have the latest Leica or Pentax K1 to know how to shot a beautiful photo;

some professional people like to take a photo with a compact like mine ( Oly TG860 ) and can give us very nices photos.


I agree with what you are saying here and there was one post in last months competition that was posted on the 22nd of the month

and could well have walked it in if it had been posted earlier in the month. I know from my own experience that I liked almost every

one that was posted throughout the month and that in itself did not give that post a fair chance.

As far as correcting that situation my first thoughts are to run it along the same or similar lines to polls run on thaivisa which can allow

only one vote or several votes. My choice would be to allow only one vote or maybe three on a 3-2-1 basis. There are still things to

be worked out on such a method things like how long to allow for nominating your image and the length of time for the poll to run.

My thoughts only for what they are worth.

Maybe have 3 votes and only allow voting to start on the first day of the following month, that way all the photos for the competition have been submitted

and can be viewed. Maybe allow 5 days for voting and then announce the winner


Just send your photos to us each month and we will pick the best 2 to share with the world.

Put all the photos in a gallery, with no names of contributors, and ask the managing director of the sponsoring company to chose the winners.

Totally agree with you on that FracturedRabbit and it will save a lot of time and energy.

Win clap2.gif


Many thanks to each and every one of you.

Really like Fractured Rabbits idea also,although am not too keen on transferring all the images to a separate galley!

I think it is a really good idea to let the people who are sponsoring the competition decide the winners,

Will send a PM to the powers that be and ask them what they think of the idea.

Thanks again..


Lighten up guys. It's just a bit of fun. It's not the Oscars.

U are right ; it's not the Oscars ...

but as u can see since there is an expensive first price there are many new members who arrive, only here ,not on other ligns in the forum , with their photos .


Many thanks to each and every one of you.

Really like Fractured Rabbits idea also,although am not too keen on transferring all the images to a separate galley!

I think it is a really good idea to let the people who are sponsoring the competition decide the winners,

Will send a PM to the powers that be and ask them what they think of the idea.

Thanks again..

Maybe transferring to a separate gallery is an unnecessary step to far. Just let the sponsor pick the winners from the existing gallery.


Maybe have 3 votes and only allow voting to start on the first day of the following month, that way all the photos for the competition have been submitted

and can be viewed. Maybe allow 5 days for voting and then announce the winner

I like this idea! I disagree about having the sponsor to decide who will be the winner. Sponsors usually, have no idea about photography. Why let someone who has not a photographic knowledge to choose the winner?


Maybe have 3 votes and only allow voting to start on the first day of the following month, that way all the photos for the competition have been submitted

and can be viewed. Maybe allow 5 days for voting and then announce the winner

I like this idea! I disagree about having the sponsor to decide who will be the winner. Sponsors usually, have no idea about photography. Why let someone who has not a photographic knowledge to choose the winner?

You don't need to be a photographer to appreciate a good photograph.


A long time ago, I made and managed a website, which had weekly and monthly photo competitions (for Finns).

There was one request, for people. To post their newly taken photos. This was to make people to take their cameras, go outside and see the environment, the way it should be viewed, in details and as the whole.

The price was, nothing. The idea was having fun with others while taking photos.

I'm not too keen of having photo competitions on the web, not the ones which have measurable prices. This engages the people, who are willing to do anything to win. Most of the folks are not those people, but there is always some, who are desperate to win.

I assume the ThaiVisa platform doesn't allow to have a gallery, where people could rate the photos as 1-5 starts?

What we could have, is a weekly competitions. There is a task or tasks to be fulfilled. The tasks could be what our members suggest. Folks could apply to these competitions with their newly taken photos, or some which are not so new. There could even be a relaxation of rules, to allow photos, which are not taken inside of Thailand, to enter the competition. This rule would serve the folks, who don't live here all the time.

These weekly task could be:

- Time is passing by

- Yellow

- Been there, done that

etc. etc.

The problem of selecting the best photo has been, who manages to post the first photo (last month I did that and did not click like to others after the first day, in purpose). This time the selection could be one for the most likes and another with equal price is randomly selected out of all the participants.

Preferably in the way that the prices don't exceed the eagerness to participate.


You don't need to be a photographer to appreciate a good photograph.

Actually you do need to be one. It's a learned skill to appreciate the work behind the photo. It does not come as granted.

You have been doing photography for so long that you don't remember the time before learning to take your own photos, or you were just tuned to the arts from the start.

I come from the engineering background where logic matter, so does many of our Photo forum members.

At the start, you photographers, were just a bunch of nutters, who had a huge ego. That was the time I did not understand what photographers were really doing. Start of the journey for me.

Understanding great photographs, as well as any other forms of art, requires understanding physics, light and the environment. It's not like understanding how the world works, so don't get too snobby. But it's very close to it. :)


You don't need to be a photographer to appreciate a good photograph.

Actually you do need to be one. It's a learned skill to appreciate the work behind the photo. It does not come as granted.

You have been doing photography for so long that you don't remember the time before learning to take your own photos, or you were just tuned to the arts from the start.

I come from the engineering background where logic matter, so does many of our Photo forum members.

At the start, you photographers, were just a bunch of nutters, who had a huge ego. That was the time I did not understand what photographers were really doing. Start of the journey for me.

Understanding great photographs, as well as any other forms of art, requires understanding physics, light and the environment. It's not like understanding how the world works, so don't get too snobby. But it's very close to it. smile.png

I agree you need to have had some photography experience to appreciate the technical skill behind a photo; but you don't need any experience to appreciate one; to enjoy it as an image. To suggest that you need an understanding of physics, light and the environment to enjoy a good photo sounds, to use your word, a little snobby. Millions of people who have no interest in photography, and have a limited understanding of physics, light and the environment, enjoy looking at good photos every day. And I am sure our sponsor is quite capable of selecting an image that please him/her most.

Oh, and I used to be an accountant in a former life, you can't get less arty than that; and I don't recognise myself in the description "you photographers, were just a bunch of nutters, who had a huge ego"; but thanks anyway.


I agree you need to have had some photography experience to appreciate the technical skill behind a photo; but you don't need any experience to appreciate one; to enjoy it as an image. To suggest that you need an understanding of physics, light and the environment to enjoy a good photo sounds, to use your word, a little snobby. Millions of people who have no interest in photogrhy, and have a limited understanding of physics, light and the environment, enjoy looking at good photos every day. And I am sure our sponsor is quite capable of selecting an image that please him/her most.

Oh, and I used to be an accountant in a former life, you can't get less arty than that; and I don't recognise myself in the description "you photographers, were just a bunch of nutters, who had a huge ego"; but thanks anyway

I was explaining the way I thought, the way I felt before I took photography as a hobby. I did not appreciate various arts as I did not understood those. Now I have learned a bit, and I know that I still have a long way to go.

Previously, for me, the folks who made art, were just those, who wished to talk a lot to fool someone else to pay for their work. Now I know better.

Afterwards, when trying to take photos by myself, I understood that it's not just pushing a button. It's much more than that. That's when the physics come to the play. It's not the formulas, but understanding how difficult it is to take a photo of an ant.

I'm not at your accountant level yet, but someday.. someday I'll be there. Someday I'll be able to take the bloody perfect shot of the darn ant. :) Until then I'm here to learn from you.


Let's keep it friendly folks!

The whole idea behind the photo competition was merely to try and bring a bit of life back to the forum,and hopefully along the way,attract some new members.

Both of which, in my opinion have succeeded.I also think that we do not have to make the judging too technical,if we do that then it will discourage people from

entering the competition in the first place.The way it works now it doesn't matter if you are Joe bloggs with disposable camera or the best photographer in the

world using the best equipment that money can buy.If the sponsors have the final say on who wins,then it will be the fairest,most unbiased way of doing it,IMHO!


It is a response to a comment above regarding the status of photographers and their work. I repeat : a monkey and click a button - get lucky and take a decent pic. People here are taking this too seriously.


It is a response to a comment above regarding the status of photographers and their work. I repeat : a monkey and click a button - get lucky and take a decent pic. People here are taking this too seriously.

Am not meaning to be sarcastic,but this is the photography forum!

Many of us here are hobbyists,some are Pro's,but what we all have in common is a passion for photography.So why can't we be serious

about it? I didn't invest the money I have already invested in photography equipment,just to try a monkey around and hope for a lucky shot.

Please try a show a little restraint and respect to the good folk on this forum,and if you do not have any suggestions regarding the judging

of the competition,then maybe it's better if you didn't comment at all.


I have to say I'm sorry. For what I wanted to say, was supposed to be silly and funny, but I found out later on that I was wrong. I did not wish to offend anyone.

I did not, in any way, wish to cause disturbance, nor thought to be annoyance for others. I'm sorry if I did that, it was not my intention.

We have a good community here. Overall, I guess most of us enjoy the company we have?

For me, in personal level, when I find a community, where I feel free to express what I think, it is the ideal place to be. That's also when I say what I think, regardless what others might think about it. I might be wrong, and be fast corrected. That's the way things happen and change in the ideal world.


With my french english , yes nobody is perfect cheesy.gif ,

if a photo is blurred or if the horizon line is not horizontal ,

if some necessary technical informations aren't there ..

I cannot push the button " like " even it's a beautiful old woman or Bangkok from the sky .

I shoot photo with a compact , an Olympus TG 860 ( 250 euros ), not with a Full Frame and interchangeable Lens ;

I would like but my wallet is flat ;

I think, it's not to have a huge ego to write like that, I think I can shoot some or any beautiful photos; I prefer to shoot vehicles and landscape than people ; it's my choices;

as Mr Hitchens prefer scene of life in a big city and B&W photos which are very beautiful because he knows what, where and how to take a photo .

Dancealot also with his original frames and Shaggy, Jimmy and many other members who have the " good eye" at the " good moment" .

not all my photos here on the forum are enough beautiful so I can open a exhibition .. No..! Surely no ..whistling.gif

The camera is a tool , only a tool ;

The photo is made by the eye of the people who has the camera.

And to answer at the question,

Yes, I think the proposition of FractureRabbit is the best one;

ask the sponsor .


I tried posting a response here, twice earlier today and twice my UPS shutdown my main computer before posting blink.pngPerhaps it was telling me something and keep my mouth shut ....? biggrin.pngwhistling.gif

Having given this a bit of thought, (and I hope this comes out as intended, originally! )

Perhaps we should pick out say the top five posts in the competition, using the most liked method and submit those to the sponsors to pick the winner...?

I think it would be obvious if an image receives too many likes and has been manipulated by getting friends to add likes... no one here would do that ..... would they? wink.png

Most of the contributions in the competition have been of a very high caliber making it very difficult to decide, but I think we need to go through all postings more than once (which I do try to do) ....

On another note, regarding the photo forum, in general, it has come a long way since I started here, I cannot even remember when that was, but there have been a number of great contributions by many people ... some people have been carrying on since the early days when this forum started to become more popular than it used to be .... It's not just for professionals but for those wishing to try and improve their skills and perhaps learning .... some of us have, I think! (some were good to begin with!!) thumbsup.gif

I notice that some topics are not getting as many "likes" which makes me wonder if they are not creating much interest and maybe over done, with shall I dare say mediocre images.... I include some of mine, by saying that... Perhaps it's time to try to "up our game" and be a little more discriminating about what we post....?

Shaggy has managed to get a few new members to join lately and with some very positive results, in the images they are uploading... Great to see new members and their contributions! thumbsup.gif

On a personal note, I am still suffering with Sciatica, which even after numerous hospital and doctor visits is taking its time to heal....it really curtails my ability to get out and about much these dayssad.png But thanks to those who have sent well wishes! thumbsup.gif

Should I run for the hills? oops can't do that right now! tongue.png


One topic for discussion is whether Photoshop or any mediation software should be allowed. I think not. Or have it a separate skill set and category. Either way it seems wrong to me that a skilled photographer who captures a a rising sun dawn shot can be deemed the same a somebody who just puts an ordinary photo through a 'Dawn Cast' filter and gets a similar or better result.


One topic for discussion is whether Photoshop or any mediation software should be allowed. I think not. Or have it a separate skill set and category. Either way it seems wrong to me that a skilled photographer who captures a a rising sun dawn shot can be deemed the same a somebody who just puts an ordinary photo through a 'Dawn Cast' filter and gets a similar or better result.

Interesting point - but post processing can also be a skilled part of the creative input. And what about in-camera processing - anyone shooting jpeg will have this applied automatically, and some cameras have a 'vivid' or similar setting. I've also seen some nice photos ruined by post processing - lurid HDR for example.

For deciding the winner - could we only have voting using the 'Likes' after the closing date for the competition? Have a week where we can all vote for our favorites?

I think the main problem with the current system is that the photos posted in the first few days of competition will have an advantage - so delaying the voting could help.

And I agree that the rules should ask for new photos taken after the theme is announced.


When I was a Mod (not in Red by the way) we ran Comps all the time, however, the ThaiVisaDotCom software we have today does not have the capability to use a simple voting platform for every photo which was pinned as a new thread for voting like we used to have, with stars below if I remember correctly and the photo that won had the most stars. Alas, took part and never won one, will Win one of these days, one never knows.

My Vote still stands, let the Sponsors choose thumbsup.gif

Win, that did win one, but on Depreview. passifier.gif a very hot pepper. bah.gif


Remove any image with any technical error!

Poor Composition

Out Of Focus

Poor Photography and processing

Same old image posted every month

Have the Staff (Moderators) pic the 5 best images

Get the Sponsor to pick the the winners!

Get some kinda Theme to the Contest as It seems far to random!

Thats my take on it, take it or leave it!

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