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Thai Cop Caught Red-Handed Filming Up Student's Skirt


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I guess those perverts are going to invent an new procedure called "surreptitious cavity check" so they don't get called on every time someone notices something like this from ever happening and getting unwanted media attention.

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From the original article: "The commander said the woman seen in the clip did not file a complaint with police"

A school student is expected to bring a complaint against a Thai police officer. Give me a break! So it makes it okay that a frightened school girl didn't make a complaint?? Most probably the girl is concerned what they would do to her if she complained. Then again if it was a so called "low life" falang we would never hear the end of it ... the fine would be significantly more than 500 baht.

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Seems to be acceptable, no reprimand necessary but foreigners playing cards for no money in their 70's are hurled into a police station at 3am - Nice society.

Thailand police no like you farlangs..

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Someone enlighten me why this went, guessing social media (referring to "online") and not directly to the police station instead? The way I'm reading the article, it would indicate that and no mentioning of "went to the police first, nothing has happened and went online afterwards to get it's due punishment".

It does, however, read that it isn't his first out of the line action and just adding a pathetic 500B fine on that seems too low to call it even.

Also, why didn't the student file a complain with the police? By the video footage she may not have been aware of it, but since she will have been shown the footage afterwards....why not? This just feeds right into the hands of those that can and will blow things out of proportion...I'm looking at you feminism and your obsession for the patriarchy.

This makes for extremely tedious reading. Try to rewrite this in a more educated manner.

You got that right. It reads like those amateur film reviews on imdb.com.

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Someone enlighten me why this went, guessing social media (referring to "online") and not directly to the police station instead? The way I'm reading the article, it would indicate that and no mentioning of "went to the police first, nothing has happened and went online afterwards to get it's due punishment".

It does, however, read that it isn't his first out of the line action and just adding a pathetic 500B fine on that seems too low to call it even.

Also, why didn't the student file a complain with the police? By the video footage she may not have been aware of it, but since she will have been shown the footage afterwards....why not? This just feeds right into the hands of those that can and will blow things out of proportion...I'm looking at you feminism and your obsession for the patriarchy.

This makes for extremely tedious reading. Try to rewrite this in a more educated manner.

...but not as tedious as your forum rule-breaking criticism.

I disagree. The OP may well have had something interesting and useful to say. Therefore it's silly to obscure it with prose that's so badly written that it becomes an annoying puzzle to piece together. It's self-indulgent, careless and totally thoughtless of the audience. If you want to share thoughts two paragraphs long, make them readable.

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So the pervert is back on the job?? Imagine being a young female and being pulled over by this scum for some made up charge. There is no way this was his first offence. This country is so <deleted> up!!

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How does he not get fired for doing this to a minor? He is a cop and did not understand the consequences of what he did? What else has he done that he thought was ok? So when he rapes a child next, what is the fine, $1,00 baht? Of course he gets to keep his job either way because he confesses and say he is sorry. When will Thailand stop being a third world country and get its act together? Decent tourists are not coming back because of the rapes and murders, and they let this slide. I don't want this guy with a gun saying he is here to protect me or especially children.

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How many times did he do this before ? Did they check his phone to see if he had other photos ? Did they check his home computer to see if he is posting this stuff or collecting photos ? You can bet if a farang did this they would be all over his home checking everything and would be in jail and having to post bail and face a judge.

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Disgusting Thai establishment that think this is acceptable behaviour for a police officer.

Allowing this dirty pervert to keep a position of responsibility shows they are not civilized and shouldn't be trusted. Yet again, we have evidence that the best thing for tourists is to stay away from Thailand where its lawmakers and law keepers keep sexual deviants within their ranks.

Apologists for Thailand should also be ashamed of yourselves. This is why stories of rape, murder and corruption should rightly be used to judge the country until it cleans itself up.

Junta, you are not a part of the solution.

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I actually feel sorry for the sod who got a copy of the CCTV and posted it online. He has to live and work in that city and NOW he has to look over his shoulder always wondering if the policeman or a friend or coworker will come and make a problem with him.

It makes me wonder that if the police will twist this into a charge for using the internet to make the police look bad in the world's eyes.

Edited by thesetat2013
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