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Thai 'Popcorn Gunman' gets 37-year prison sentence


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Yes he shot and killed so he deserves severe punishment.

But the red shooters (that the popcorn guy was there to confront) led by Ko Tee were given full protection by the CAPO-influenced police.There was a long list of incidents, some deadly, in Bangkok & Pathum Thani that Ko Tee and his militia were responsible for.

Yes, the PDRC had no right to try & stop those moving the ballot boxes (why not enough police to stop them?). But once the shooting started it was inevitable that someone would die.

There was a similar incident on Bangna-Trad road where a PDRC leader was shot dead. Once again the CAPO-influenced police protected the real culprits by arresting another PDRC member, accusing him of shooting his mate. It took the army, later, to force the police to release their scapegoat and actually arrest more likely culprits. AFAIK that case is still within the justice system.

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I feel nothing but pity for this man though the sentence is just.Other hired thugs of the PDRC remain free.The feral monks and politicians who backed the popcorn gunmen remain free.The hiso and middle class who praised him on the social media are now silent.He has been "used" by the most repellent forces in Thai society - and this silly ignorant man must pay the price.

That can be considered a terrorist act and the people hiring him considered as a terrorist organization. That's a far cry from claims that the PDRC was a peaceful protest which many junta apologists here repeat like a mantra.

To be fair it was initially peaceful and many who participated were genuinely outraged by the government's umbrella amnesty proposals.But they were very much in the Lenin tradition of useful idiots - exploited by forces that despise electoral democracy.The decent element should have been disgusted by what PDRC developed into.

As you say the Junta apologists tend to lie about the PDRC violence - but again with some it just may be sheer ignorance bolstered by prejudice.

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I feel nothing but pity for this man though the sentence is just.Other hired thugs of the PDRC remain free.The feral monks and politicians who backed the popcorn gunmen remain free.The hiso and middle class who praised him on the social media are now silent.He has been "used" by the most repellent forces in Thai society - and this silly ignorant man must pay the price.

That can be considered a terrorist act and the people hiring him considered as a terrorist organization. That's a far cry from claims that the PDRC was a peaceful protest which many junta apologists here repeat like a mantra.

To be fair it was initially peaceful and many who participated were genuinely outraged by the government's umbrella amnesty proposals.But they were very much in the Lenin tradition of useful idiots - exploited by forces that despise electoral democracy.The decent element should have been disgusted by what PDRC developed into.

As you say the Junta apologists tend to lie about the PDRC violence - but again with some it just may be sheer ignorance bolstered by prejudice.

The peaceful portion that came out in their thousand disgusted with the amnesty bill was the urban educated Bangkokian but left after the bill was dropped. The protest then change the agenda to anti-government after Suthep and 8 Dem resigned from the party. From that onwards, it turn ugly and violent with the arrival of many hired southerners like the pop corn shooter and Navy SEALs. Junta apologists are exposed to all these news but just blind denial due to hatred for Thaksin.

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To be fair it was initially peaceful and many who participated were genuinely outraged by the government's umbrella amnesty proposals.But they were very much in the Lenin tradition of useful idiots - exploited by forces that despise electoral democracy.The decent element should have been disgusted by what PDRC developed into.

There's truth in what you say although it strikes me as funny how when arguments along those same lines above are made with regards other certain protests, which could easily be described in exactly the same sort of terms, you seem to take a completely different stance.

As you say the Junta apologists tend to lie about the PDRC violence - but again with some it just may be sheer ignorance bolstered by prejudice.

As one of the most fervent apologists on this forum yourself - albeit for a different cause - what then is your excuse?

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The demonstrators were carrying "Respect my Vote" placards and were outnumbered by the PDRC supporters. Turned more chaotic and violent after the thugs from the Buddha Issara camp joined in the fray. The police failed badly in maintaining order and Issara for having these armed hooligans in his camp.

if I recall correctly, the "armed hooligans" were navy personnel. whistling.gif

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To be fair it was initially peaceful and many who participated were genuinely outraged by the government's umbrella amnesty proposals.But they were very much in the Lenin tradition of useful idiots - exploited by forces that despise electoral democracy.The decent element should have been disgusted by what PDRC developed into.

There's truth in what you say although it strikes me as funny how when arguments along those same lines above are made with regards other certain protests, which could easily be described in exactly the same sort of terms, you seem to take a completely different stance.

As you say the Junta apologists tend to lie about the PDRC violence - but again with some it just may be sheer ignorance bolstered by prejudice.

As one of the most fervent apologists on this forum yourself - albeit for a different cause - what then is your excuse?

It is probably a challenge for a zealot to comprehend what is the difference between a fervent apologist and someone who makes a reasoned case.A characteristic feature of someone who is intellectually honest is to include in his argument - indeed to draw attention to - any evidence that is at odds with his general sympathies.Fair minded and perspicacious forum members will know exactly who are the crazed ideologues and who are not.

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The demonstrators were carrying "Respect my Vote" placards and were outnumbered by the PDRC supporters. Turned more chaotic and violent after the thugs from the Buddha Issara camp joined in the fray. The police failed badly in maintaining order and Issara for having these armed hooligans in his camp.

if I recall correctly, the "armed hooligans" were navy personnel. whistling.gif

That's another matter never resolved: the heavily armed navy seals arrested , initially claimed to be on a top secret anti-drugs mission ( supported in that assertion by the commanding officer) but eventually forced to admit they were moonlighting as 'guards' ( read paid thugs, goons, bully boys, mercenaries) of the PDRC. They had "war weapons" in their possession. How they acquired them, on whose authority and what has become of the charges they face has never been made clear.

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The demonstrators were carrying "Respect my Vote" placards and were outnumbered by the PDRC supporters. Turned more chaotic and violent after the thugs from the Buddha Issara camp joined in the fray. The police failed badly in maintaining order and Issara for having these armed hooligans in his camp.

if I recall correctly, the "armed hooligans" were navy personnel. whistling.gif

That's another matter never resolved: the heavily armed navy seals arrested , initially claimed to be on a top secret anti-drugs mission ( supported in that assertion by the commanding officer) but eventually forced to admit they were moonlighting as 'guards' ( read paid thugs, goons, bully boys, mercenaries) of the PDRC. They had "war weapons" in their possession. How they acquired them, on whose authority and what has become of the charges they face has never been made clear.

The answer to that mystery is below, some people are better informed than others, even though they are afar from Thailand.


Thaksin tells Al Jazeera 'we saw it coming'
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The elite get really nasty when they fail at winning for 4 times in a row. sad.png

Care to explain this remark. Not sure you understand which side this guy is on.


It seems that you are the one who don't understand.

The guy was on the side of the fake monk aka the elite.

I apologize. I thought you were referring to the fact that he was given 37 years 4 months in prison. How much prison time did anyone else get?


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To be fair it was initially peaceful and many who participated were genuinely outraged by the government's umbrella amnesty proposals.But they were very much in the Lenin tradition of useful idiots - exploited by forces that despise electoral democracy.The decent element should have been disgusted by what PDRC developed into.

There's truth in what you say although it strikes me as funny how when arguments along those same lines above are made with regards other certain protests, which could easily be described in exactly the same sort of terms, you seem to take a completely different stance.

As you say the Junta apologists tend to lie about the PDRC violence - but again with some it just may be sheer ignorance bolstered by prejudice.

As one of the most fervent apologists on this forum yourself - albeit for a different cause - what then is your excuse?

It is probably a challenge for a zealot to comprehend what is the difference between a fervent apologist and someone who makes a reasoned case.A characteristic feature of someone who is intellectually honest is to include in his argument - indeed to draw attention to - any evidence that is at odds with his general sympathies.Fair minded and perspicacious forum members will know exactly who are the crazed ideologues and who are not.

"Making a reasoned case" does not normally include denigrating the intelligence or education of those who hold a different view on an issue. Perhaps instead you could try posting relevant information to support your case instead of insults and vague reference to knowledge you alone allegedly possess.

As with alcoholism, there can be no improvement until you admit that you have a problem.

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To be fair it was initially peaceful and many who participated were genuinely outraged by the government's umbrella amnesty proposals.But they were very much in the Lenin tradition of useful idiots - exploited by forces that despise electoral democracy.The decent element should have been disgusted by what PDRC developed into.

There's truth in what you say although it strikes me as funny how when arguments along those same lines above are made with regards other certain protests, which could easily be described in exactly the same sort of terms, you seem to take a completely different stance.

As you say the Junta apologists tend to lie about the PDRC violence - but again with some it just may be sheer ignorance bolstered by prejudice.
As one of the most fervent apologists on this forum yourself - albeit for a different cause - what then is your excuse?

It is probably a challenge for a zealot to comprehend what is the difference between a fervent apologist and someone who makes a reasoned case.A characteristic feature of someone who is intellectually honest is to include in his argument - indeed to draw attention to - any evidence that is at odds with his general sympathies.Fair minded and perspicacious forum members will know exactly who are the crazed ideologues and who are not.

"Making a reasoned case" does not normally include denigrating the intelligence or education of those who hold a different view on an issue. Perhaps instead you could try posting relevant information to support your case instead of insults and vague reference to knowledge you alone allegedly possess.

As with alcoholism, there can be no improvement until you admit that you have a problem.

Pointing out a few undeniable facts is not the same as denigrating.In any case you are talking nonsense in suggesting I claim any private special knowledge.The details and background are widely available.Of course there are different interpretations.

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I feel nothing but pity for this man though the sentence is just.Other hired thugs of the PDRC remain free.The feral monks and politicians who backed the popcorn gunmen remain free.The hiso and middle class who praised him on the social media are now silent.He has been "used" by the most repellent forces in Thai society - and this silly ignorant man must pay the price.

Do you feel the same pity for the used red shirts who have been allowed to wallow in prison?

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The demonstrators were carrying "Respect my Vote" placards and were outnumbered by the PDRC supporters. Turned more chaotic and violent after the thugs from the Buddha Issara camp joined in the fray. The police failed badly in maintaining order and Issara for having these armed hooligans in his camp.

if I recall correctly, the "armed hooligans" were navy personnel. whistling.gif

That's another matter never resolved: the heavily armed navy seals arrested , initially claimed to be on a top secret anti-drugs mission ( supported in that assertion by the commanding officer) but eventually forced to admit they were moonlighting as 'guards' ( read paid thugs, goons, bully boys, mercenaries) of the PDRC. They had "war weapons" in their possession. How they acquired them, on whose authority and what has become of the charges they face has never been made clear.

It's probably filed along with the case of those caught with grenades and guns but not charged as they were only for self defense; or the lady and man caught when shooting from a car; or the off duty policeman caught shooting from the back of a motor cycle.

As always, very selective law enforcement.

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