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it is what it is.

I find it useful, you may not.

Please do explain its usefulness. Does it make you breakfast in the morning?

How about bringing you your slippers?

Does it do you taxes?

Maybe it cuddles you when you're sad.

Or is it that you can watch your friends post ridiculous photos of their food or even worse themselves.

Yes, very useful.

It's a social network. People that enjoy being sociable will find it useful. Others, well, not so much.

I enjoy being sociable, although I prefer socialising with people in person, as opposed to being behind a keyboard.

I went through many years without social networks, so I am quite sure I can see the remainder of my years out in a similar fashion.

That is true. In person socialising is much better, but what do you do about the friendships you had in country A, when you move to country B? Simply let them fizzle out?

It's not really feasible to stay in touch with everyone by email and phone, unless you are one of those "I've only got 5 friends" type of people.

As a life long expat, I remember when friends parents would move to another country and you knew you'd probably never see them again.

Now with Facebook, not only can you find those old friends but you can see what they've done with their lives, and show them how things turned out for you.

It's awesome!


Facebook is already old hat to a lot of younger people. They've moved on to stuff like snapchat and instagram - partly because all their parents are on Facebook.

Yes, I use instagram a lot these days.

I have 2 accounts, one personal where I post pictures of how awesome my life is so my friends and anyone following me can see what I'm doing and one for my business.

And now that you can have more than one account on your phone, I don't need to mix my personal instagram with my business instagram, or carry 2 phones to be able to manage 2 accounts.

Of course my Instagram accounts are linked to my Facebook account.

If you are promoting a business that is local and suitable for sharing on social media then Instagram is awesome.

If you have Thai celebrity or model friends then getting them to pose holding your product can mean 10's or even 100's of thousands of people see your product, plus because they are celebs people will share and post the images even further!!


Would you answer a Skype call from a complete stranger? Or accept their friend request on Facebook?

I've never understood why people connect to people on Facebook who they don't actually know. If someone wants to see what I post they can 'Follow' me.

But I'm not adding them as a 'Friend' until they actually are a friend.

Time to get back to the real world and get my face off the screen.....?

But keep on sharing what you do each day in threads like this and keep tabs on what a collection of strangers is up to on Thai Visa??

I don't use FB any more. Rarely check out Twitter. But still, in one form or another, the social media ( if TV can be described as such) has some value if used judiciously.


Facebook was valuable in reconnecting with some old friends but since moving to Thailand, it is admittedly somewhat of a problem. Coming from a country which guarantees TOTAL freedom of speech requires quite an adjustment.


I don't have or want an iPhone, but easy on my PC to open another tab whilst reading TVF. I sign into FB on that tab then go back to the TVF tab, FB shows on it's tab if something has been posted on my FB page, quite cool.

Oh, I do have a third tab open that is connected to youtube so l listen to my music through an amp with big speakers attached.....thumbsup.gif .............giggle.gif

Sign of intelligence not having an iPhone


Facebook is a wonderful tool to distribute important petitions, as well reading news, which are not published by the main stream media. If somebody needs to publish his/her personal bullshit, that is their problem, not mine.


Facebook and Twittter? ... I heard its good to search and find lost friends and relatives... can anyone help me find my uncle... his name is JOHN SMITH... (jing jing)


Funny to see people addicted to a forum criticize social media :)

Personally, I could live without tv, but not without Facebook.

And besides this, I see on my Facebook timeline far far far more positive and enjoyable content than what I can read on this forum.

Both are entertaining in their own way though...

How did you live before Facebook became available ?


I can reiterate my point, FB is for socially inept people, who do not have the social skills to socialise on a face to face basis. A bit like TV.


Funny to see people addicted to a forum criticize social media :)

Personally, I could live without tv, but not without Facebook.

And besides this, I see on my Facebook timeline far far far more positive and enjoyable content than what I can read on this forum.

Both are entertaining in their own way though...

How did you live before Facebook became available ?

I don't remember :)

Must have been horrible :)


Never had it, never wanted it complete waste of time. Congratulations welcome back to the real world where if you want to know what your real friends are doing you can just catch up or even just call them.

Welcome back to the real world of TVF!!!!


I can do without it , but its a good point of contact to friends far away. It's also a good point of contact with my wife who lives an alternative life on faceache.

I could do without seeing what people have for any meal inc. snacks and all the narcissistic b/s that goes with it though.

Anybody that posts food,cats,dogs,gets culled.


Well I just came back from my holiday in Thailand ( lived there for many years )

and I wasn't very happy about smart phones, I got one now because I have been

forced by the phone company to update but never mind about technologies

Why do people have to search on face book, twitter, line or anything else for that

matter for pictures of food or anything else. Had for dinner the last night

on my birthday when we had plenty of food on our table I had 12 guest and 11

were searching on the smart phones for some thing this included my wife

Nobody talked, I sat there nobody said a word to me but they all had to take

a picture of the food and then left ( after posting it on what ever )

Don't wan't to post more or I will get abused by smart phone lovers


These guests are not your friends.Phones are banned from our table.Makes the kids eat their food fast.Same as me when i was a kid.eat fast to get back to TV.


FB should be sued under the trade description act in the UK. It is not even social media, as it is more like social garbage. Full of the worlds hates and prejudices. I only have FB to keep contact with my family. Even they do garbage most of the time. A lot of the time I delete the notifications from my email inbox without opening them. The family is still there if I need them.

Marketeers are are gradually using the natural content of SM sites to tap into your thoughts in a covert way to coerce you into buying things online. A very subtle form of financial manipulation is taking place that people are not aware of.

Marketers were on to neuromarketing well before social media became a thing. It is caveat emptor as aways.

But now they are in your pocket.Not FB,but a few years ago a bloke put on a bet half way through a Chelsea game,1000 pound from a backwater bar in Issan.I was amazed our easy it was.He won and it was drinks all round but what happens when they loose.Maybe this explains the Pattaya balcony flying club.A lot of lonely people gamble and also use FB.


It has its uses, but I've learned to 'skim' read it and find recently I'm getting rather bored of it. I've cut my habit back from 'all consuming' to a minute or two per day unless I find a topic that intrigues, (eg. Nostalgia about a refurbed MK2 Escort from a Lombard-RAC rally that I attended as a teen, or solar energy (esp anything Tesla) etc. The cats/dogs/lunch pictures are a worthless waste of resources to me, and frankly find it quite insulting that people are so self absorbed that they think the world needs to know that they've just bought a new carpet or sofa. One friend had some pics of mountain biking (a previous interest of mine), then noted that he has a selfie stick - I was horrified and seriously lost respect.

I have one friend here in Thailand that has dumped his old mono screen Nokia deciding he didn't need it in his life, and could be contacted by more natural means. Double thumbs up to that guy.

I get the feeling that there is a counter culture developing where it will be seriously uncool to have an FB account.

Apparently the young have already moved on,don't want their parents spying on them.It's an old farts media.


Time to get back to the real world and get my face off the screen.....?

But keep on sharing what you do each day in threads like this and keep tabs on what a collection of strangers is up to on Thai Visa??

I don't use FB any more. Rarely check out Twitter. But still, in one form or another, the social media ( if TV can be described as such) has some value if used judiciously.

Got on Twitter by mistake and all i got was Tony bloody Fernadez pestering me.Twitter is gone now and so is Tony.


Okay..I have a large Facebook net of famous people and execs. I got on it through family ties.

I wondeed about ' being nice' as opposed to brutal honesty of some on Thaivisa, and today heard the answer on the radio..

Social Networking, is a way to spread ideas..building and social advice for Thailand, Thailand forum. Simple.

I've shared some TV comments on Facebook..

Lost one Thai friend..

I just came back online just now after a week or so, and the first place I went is ... Here.



I have a FB account but only use it for contacting large groups of people.

I was shocked a few weeks ago when I heard several students say that they "relied on Facebook for world news".


it is what it is.

I find it useful, you may not.

Please do explain its usefulness. Does it make you breakfast in the morning?

How about bringing you your slippers?

Does it do you taxes?

Maybe it cuddles you when you're sad.

Or is it that you can watch your friends post ridiculous photos of their food or even worse themselves.

Yes, very useful.

He did say he found it useful, you may not...you obviously do not, so there was no real need to say that....

there are literally millions and millions on FB around the world.

maybe the technology is beyond you, and so you put him, and zillions of others down because YOU don't like it. Just say you don't use it, and go for a beer...easy.


it is what it is.

I find it useful, you may not.

Please do explain its usefulness. Does it make you breakfast in the morning?

How about bringing you your slippers?

Does it do you taxes?

Maybe it cuddles you when you're sad.

Or is it that you can watch your friends post ridiculous photos of their food or even worse themselves.

Yes, very useful.

Open your eyes mon ami....

Few weeks back I was thinking about a friend I had half a century back....Looked on FB for his name...Nothing. Searched FB surnames for anyone in the area he may still be....Found a lady in that area with the same name.

Sent a message...."Is this guy your family".....She replied..."Yes it is my dad"..

Wow.....Her dad, my old friend, he does not have an iPhone or PC, so she went to his house and showed him my stuff on her iPhone.....It was my chum, we now talk when she visits.........Brilliant.....thumbsup.gif

I could do the exact same thing utilizing about a million other sites on the internet in about the same amount of time.

Just do it then.....what a stupid thing to say.

read your own post again.

does the sites you utilize bring your slippers? Answer the door? Make breakfast? and its not Facebook...wow, your brilliance astounds me...55555

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